Courtesan Ch. 29


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"They wanted to do something nice for you and what happened yesterday is what they do." I smiled at him. "Brace yourself buddy, they're not done. Yesterday morning they really did order three latex suits. Next week they plan to act out your secret fantasy with you."

"Timmy this is all really embarrassing."

I shook my head. "It shouldn't be. Sex fantasies are their passion. They aren't judging you. They don't judge, in fact they might be the four least judgmental people that I've ever met. Kirby the night before last Mandy led me into our living room on a dog leash so that I could watch my wife do a strip tease for another man."

"Weren't you embarrassed?"

"Damn right I was. I was humiliated, but you know me. I get off on that stuff." I looked at my friend. "Kirby are you judging me right now?"

Kirby was quiet. After a moment he said, "When you first told me about it; you know, how your wife sleeps with other guys and you're her slave and being embarrassed gets you excited. Well, I do have to admit that I did think it was pretty weird. But then I talked to Ellie about it and I've talked more about it with you. I guess I understand it a little better now or at least I'm used to the idea."

He shook his head. "It actually doesn't hurt anybody and what gets you off is really nobody else's business." And then he quietly added, "And your fantasies aren't really all that different than some of mine."

That last statement piqued my curiosity. I looked at Kirby and waited, but he didn't elaborate.

After moment I decided that my friend needed more time to come to grips with all of this so I quickly moved back to the original topic. "All right Kirby, now put yourself in the place of these four women. Their business is the fulfillment of erotic fantasies. They regularly encounter sexual kinks like yours or mine. Nothing shocks them anymore, nothing fazes them anymore and they stopped judging people a long time ago. They just take pleasure in helping people enjoy the wide variety of spicy scenes that excite them."

Kirby grinned at me. "That's a nice way to think about it."

"That's how they view it."

"Do you really think they're going to do it? You know, the rubber suits and whips and everything."

"They not only want to do it, they're excited about it."

"But you said that only three of them are going to dress up in latex."

"That's right, Mandy won't be wearing rubber."

"She must think this is too kinky."

I chuckled. "No Kirby, that's not it at all. First of all, in your fantasy the women are very well endowed like Kelly, Tonya and Keisha. Mandy has small breasts. She's also a submissive. Wielding a whip isn't her thing. She'll be there acting as Kelly, Tonya and Keisha's slave. Her job will be to tie you up and suspend you from the hooks on the ceiling. Then they'll order her to keep you excited by sucking and play with your cock while they take turns whipping you and teasing you with their breasts. Ellie is going to be there too."

He smiled. "That's good, I'd like her to be there. What do you think her job will be?"

"I think she'll probably be helping Mandy."

"Ellie's not a submissive."

"No, I'm pretty sure you're right about that, but she does love you. I think she wants to do anything she can to make this more exciting for you."

Kirby thought about this for a moment and then he said, "I love her too."

I nodded. "I know that Kirby. The first time I saw the two of you together it was obvious to me."

"I'd ask her to marry me, but I don't think she'd say yes. She has a pretty big thing for Wolfgang."

I shook my head. "Wolfgang's not the problem. It's the difference in your ages."

"But that doesn't matter to me. She's old, but I still think she's beautiful."

"I agree, she is beautiful. I also think that she's right. She's taking this position because she loves you."

"I don't understand."

"Kirby, right now Ellie is still healthy and vibrant; but as we age our bodies begin to wear out. When we get older that process starts to accelerate. How old are you?"


"And Ellie is seventy-two. Ten years from now you'll be sixty-two and she'll be eighty-two. At that age, she may still be healthy and vibrant; but she may not be. She doesn't want to take the risk of becoming a burden on you.'

"She could never be a burden!"

"No, but you could end up having to spend all of your time caring for her. Her health issues might consume a very important part of your life."

"I don't care! I trust her! I love her!"

"Yes, but she cares. She loves you too. She loves you enough to want to protect you from the burden of taking care of her as she gets older. Kirby, she wants a man her own age. She wants a man that she can take care of while he cares for her. A good marriage should be a constant process of give and take. Sometimes it doesn't happen that way. Sometimes catastrophe strikes and we step up and do what we need to do, but ideally all of us want to care and be cared for equally."

"That's not what you and Kelly are doing. You're her slave."

"Kirby that's just a game. I trust my wife implicitly. If something happened to me. If I were suddenly taken ill or I was in a serious accident, there isn't any doubt in my mind that Kelly would be there for me."

"I just want to be there for Ellie."

"Yes, and she wants to be there for you too, but she's worried that you're going to have to be there for her a whole lot more than she's going to have to be there for you. What's worse is that she's worried that when you do need her she may not be healthy enough to be able to help you. Kirby, you love her and she loves you, but you have to let her go. You have to allow her to find a man who can share the last stages of life with her."

"I don't understand."

"Kirby she needs a man who's going to be encountering the challenges of old age at the same time that she's facing them. That way they can weather them together."

Kirby closed his eyes and thought about this for a moment. Finally he sighed and said; "Yes, you're right. I know you're right. That's exactly what Ellie thinks. She's said those exact same words to me. I just didn't want to hear them."

"You can still be her friend." I smiled at him. "If you want, you can still be friends with benefits. I think you may have to make that very clear to her. She's very worried that she's old, wrinkled and ugly/"

Kirby shook his head. "Ellie is beautiful."

I nodded. "I agree with you, she is."

We both stared at the floor. After a moment I said; "Kirby, Ellie desperately wants you to find a woman your own age."

He slowly nodded. "Yes, I know she does."

"What did you tell Tonya?"

"I told her that I'd come to dinner, but Timmy I'm scared. Why is she doing this? Why does she want me? I'm an overweight, retired navy cook. She dates big time business tycoons. She dates classy men in hand tailored suits. I can't compete with guys like that."

"Kirby, she doesn't date them, they buy her."

"Doesn't she work with your wife at that investment company?"

"Yes, and both Kelly and Tonya entertain clients for the company."

"So those men aren't buying her, the company is paying her."

"Yes, but they're paying her to have sex with those men. Kirby; Tonya, Mandy, Keisha and my wife are all prostitutes. They don't like to use that word. I don't like to use that word either, but right now it's important that you understand that that's what they do."

Kirby sighed, "Yes I know that." Then he looked at me and said, "Why are you telling me this? Are you trying to talk me out of having dinner with Tonya?"

"No, not at all; in fact I'm hoping that you and Tonya do start dating."

"Then why are we having this discussion?"

"Kirby, Tonya told me that she started stripping when she was eighteen. She began working as an escort when she was twenty. By the time she was twenty-two she was charging five hundred dollars for an hour of her time and she had to have a full time appointment secretary to keep track of her schedule."

Shaking his head, Kirby said; "That was twenty years ago Timmy. Five hundred dollars was a lot of money. She was pretty high class." He laughed. "She sure as hell wasn't one of those hookers hanging around in the bars outside a navy base."

I smiled. "No Kirby, she certainly wasn't."

"She must have been making a ton of money. Why did she go to work for JTandR?"

"She was lonely Kirby. She was having sex with lots of men, but she didn't have any friends. She didn't have anybody to talk to. JTandR gave her life structure and provided working companions."

"But she's still basically an escort."

"Yes, and I think it's important for you to understand that she likes her job. She enjoys working for JTandR and she's not planning to quit anytime in the near future."

I smiled. "Kirby, Tonya and Kelly are very similar women. They both love sex. Having a job where they get paid for doing it is an ideal situation for them."

Kirby nodded.

"Last night my wife went to a dinner party put on by the firm. They were entertaining a group of investors from Chicago. Kelly was assigned to be the date for one of the men in that group. These dinners are actually sex parties. My wife called me just before the party started. She described the dress she was going to wear. She said that it was so low cut that you could see the tops of her nipples. She also told me that she wasn't going to wear any panties and that her dress was so short that when she was standing up, it barely covered her most intimate parts. Kirby, last night, any time my wife bent over or sat down she gave every man in the room a very good look at her naked pussy and ass."

Kirby shook his head in amazement.

I continued. "During the dinner, I'm certain that my wife flirted with her date and encouraged him to freely touch and fondle her to his hearts content. I'm equally certain that Kelly played with him during the entire time they were eating dinner."

"You mean she rubbed his cock while they were sitting at the table with the other guests?" Kirby was now even more amazed.

Nodding my head, I said; "Yes I'm sure she did. After dinner Kelly undoubtedly did a strip tease dance for the entire group and later I am sure that she and her date retired to a private room where she spent the rest of the evening sucking his cock and letting him fuck her."

I paused for a moment to let that sink in and then I added, "Tonya was also at that party and I'm certain that she had a similar assignment."

Kirby took a long slow breath and said, "So if I start dating Tonya, I'm going to have to accept the fact that while she's at work she'll be playing around with other men."

"That's right, it's her job. It will be a certainty."

He thought about that. After a moment he looked at me and said, "Doesn't the fact that Kelly was with another man last night upset you?"

"No it doesn't. I did miss her, but the fact that she let another man fuck her last night doesn't bother me at all."

"I know you've told me that before, but I really don't understand how you can feel that way."

"Kirby, to some people love and sex are synonymous. For Kelly and Tonya they're totally separate entities. There isn't any doubt in my mind that my wife loves me. She fell in love with me during our Sophomore year in college and she has loved me unceasingly ever since. Even during the difficulties that we encountered over the past year, I don't believe that her love for me faltered for even one second."

Kirby nodded. "Yesterday, when she was in the store I watched her. It was obvious from the way that she looked at you that she loves you. I wish I had a woman who looked at me that way. Maybe Elvira does."

"It is wonderful. Kelly loves me with all her heart, but over the past five years she's also slept with a large number of other men."

"And that doesn't bother you?"

"Why should it? To Kelly sex is just a game or an activity like golf or bike riding. Some women like to play bridge, my wife likes to fuck. I have no more reason to be jealous of a man who's enjoying sex with her than I would her bridge partner."

"And you think Tonya feels the same way."

"Yes I do."

Kirby thought about that for a moment and then he said, "It's going to take me a little time, but I think I can learn to accept that idea."

We were both quiet. It was obvious that Kirby needed a moment to consider everything that had just been said. Suddenly he looked at me. "Timmy you said that Tonya was lonely."

"That's right."

"If she's so lonely, why hasn't she tried to find a boyfriend before now?"

"Partly it's her schedule. They do most of their entertaining in the evenings, but that's not the biggest problem."

Suddenly Kirby smiled. "I just got it. Now I understand. It's because guys back away as soon as they find out what she does for a living." He shook his head. "Before I met you and Ellie, I know that's what I would have done."

He paused for a moment and then he said; "That's why she's interested in me, isn't it Timmy? I already know about her job and she's hoping that I might be able to accept it."

"That's certainly part of it. but it's not the only reason. She was very impressed with what you did for Elvira. She also recognizes how hard you're working to keep this store open. Tonya believes that you're a very kind and gentle man, but she also sees the strength and determination in your heart. Kirby my friend, like it or not, you have managed to captivate this woman and I think that she's already decided that she wants to spend the rest her life with you."

Sighing, Kirby said; "Timmy I've never been in a serious relationship with anyone. I never even had a girlfriend while when I was in high school." He laughed. "Hell I've only been out on six dates in my entire life."

Suddenly I began to understand just how shy my big friend really was. I looked at him and asked, "Kirby are you a virgin?"

He stared at me. I think my question surprised him. After a moment he shook his head. "No, Timmy I'm not. I spent thirty years in the navy. I've been with hundreds of prostitutes." Then he smiled at me. "But maybe I am a virgin. I've never been with a woman because we loved each other."

"Cookie, that is about to change. As soon as I get my coat off I'm going to take you upstairs and give you the first of your daily blow jobs and when I do it I promise you that it's going to be an act filled with love."

Kirby and I both turned. Elvira was walking over to the storage closet. As she took off her coat she said, "I apparently walked in on a serious conversation. Who wants to bring me up to speed."

Kirby and I both smiled. When Elvira entered a room it was hard to avoid smiling.

"Tonya invited Kirby to dinner tonight." I just blurted it out.

Kirby glared at me.

Elvira stared at us for a moment and then she started to smile. "Really? That's wonderful news. Yesterday I could tell that she wanted to do it, but I was afraid that she might be too apprehensive to go through with it.'

Kirby looked at Elvira. "Ellie, I don't want to go to Tonya's tonight. I want to have dinner with you. Ellie, I think I love you."

Elvira smiled. "I know you do Cookie and I love you too, but it just wouldn't be right between us. I'm too old for you and you're too young for me."

She walked around behind the counter, put her arms around her good friend's waist and hugged him. "Baby if we got together I'd spend all my time worrying about who was going to take care of you after I'm gone. The pain I endured when Max died was unbearable. You know that, you were there. You were the one who rescued me."

She shook her head. "But now that I've survived it, I realize that the pain was worth it because Max and I had fifty wonderful years together. Kirby I will love your forever and I know that you will always love me too, but if you commit your life to me you're going to get cheated. You won't get your monies worth. No Cookie, if Tonya wants you, grab her. The two of you could have thirty wonderful years together. The most you'll get out of me is another ten followed by frailty, illness and death."

"Ellie you could be healthy for a very long..."

"Maybe, but the odds are against it. No Kirby, you need to find a woman your own age and I need to find a man my age. I think it's best for a couple to go through the stages of life together."

Kirby closed his eyes and sighed.

Elvira hugged him. "Don't be sad Cookie. You and I will be best friends forever." She grinned up at him. "And if you do get together with Tonya I'm fairly certain that she'll be willing to let me continue to give you an occasional blow job."

Kirby and I both laughed.

Elvira winked at me. "Would you like me to ask Kelly if I can give one to you too?"

"Ellie, how could I possibly turn down an offer like that."

"You'd be a fool if you did. My tits might sag a little, but I have some major league experience."

Turning back to Kirby, Elvira said; "All right, enough fooling around. We have some serious business to attend to. What time are you supposed to arrive at Tonya's apartment.'

"Six o'clock."

"Do you have some decent clothes to wear? I am not going to let you go to Tonya's looking like you just came directly from the store."

Kirby nodded. "Yes, I have a pair of gray flannel slacks, a pair of black wing tip shoes and a white dress shirt that I bought when I got out of the navy."

"Lets go up to your apartment and take a look at them. The white dress shirt doesn't sound too jazzy, but I suppose that it will have to do."

"Ellie before we do that please listen to me."

"What is it Cookie?"

"Ellie I'm terrified. Tonya is the most beautiful woman I've ever met. I cannot imagine why she'd even want to talk to a yokel like me?"

Elvira shook her head. "Oh Cookie, how can one person be so smart and so naive? Sweetheart you are a catch. Tonya has had her fill of slick, handsome wheeler dealers. She's looking for a man who is kind, considerate and reliable. Cookie that's you. Look at how hard you work at making this store a success."

Suddenly Kirby through his arms in the air. "But that's just it, it's not a success. The store is losing money. If I didn't have my navy pension I wouldn't be able to buy food."

He stared at the floor and quietly said, "I'm sorry that it came out like this, but I don't think I'm going to be able to keep the store open very much longer. I'm up to my neck in unpaid bills. My suppliers are telling me that they don't want to make deliveries any more."

Elvira looked at him. "Kirby, why didn't you tell me earlier? I have money, I could have helped you. Let's go see your suppliers tomorrow. Maybe we can still salvage the store."

"Thank you Ellie, but I think this store is a losing proposition. We just don't have enough customers. There's too much competition from the big chain stores and with the economy the way it is people aren't stopping for a cup of coffee and a doughnut on the way to work anymore."

He shook his head. "It took me a long time to admit it, but it's time for me to cut my losses and close the store."

Kirby laughed. "I wonder how eager Tonya's going to be to date me once she finds out that I'm homeless."

Elvira stared at him for a moment and then she said, "You will not be homeless. You will never be homeless. If you lose this place you can move in with me. My house is little, but there's still plenty of space for the two of us. The house was paid for a long time ago, so you can live there rent free. That will give us some time to figure out what to do about your debts."

I smiled. "Kirby, you have friends, good friends. We can help you."

Elvira nodded. "Cookie, you pulled me through that horrible time after Max died. Now I can return the favor. Sweetheart, we're going to get you through this."