Cousin Kaitlyn the Flight Attendant


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Kaitlyn and I had discussed the wonderful time we had had together in the last few days, and both were sorry that it had come to a close.

"It definitely won't be 2024 before we see each other again this time," said Kaitlyn. "It's pretty easy to keep in touch nowadays with the internet. And Melbourne and Adelaide aren't that far away, only an hour by plane."

"Plus with your job you'll be back sooner rather than later," I observed.

"Yes, this afternoon as a matter of fact."

"This afternoon? How's that."

Kaitlyn laughed. "My flight roster today is Melbourne to Adelaide, Adelaide to Sydney, Sydney to Melbourne, and then finally Melbourne back to Adelaide again. So I'll be here again mid-afternoon."

"Wow, that would be really strange," I said. "Do you ever get de ja vu when that happens?"

"Yes sometimes, even though I'm used to it by now," she said. "Actually, I'm in Melbourne for two days in a couple of weeks' time for safety training. It's pretty intense so I can't promise that we'll be able to catch up, but I'll try and see you."

"That would be really great," I said, looking forward to it already.

"Or swell as I used to say when I was a little girl," giggled Kaitlyn. "I still can't believe I used to say that in the 1980s."

We had now arrived at Tullamarine Airport, and I pulled into the drop off zone for the domestic terminal.

"Well, this is me, I'd better check in for my shift," said Kaitlyn. "Thank you so much for everything these last few days Darren, it's been amazing."

"I've had a great time, it's been so good getting to know you again," I said.

We looked at each other, then around to make sure nobody was watching, then did the 'kissing cousins' thing again, exchanging a French kiss that was inappropriate for a guy and girl who shared as much DNA as Kaitlyn and I to do.

Kaitlyn then took off her seatbelt and opened the car door, me seeing up her skirt and her white knickers with pink waist and leg elastic as she got out of the car. Taking her bag out of back of the car and putting her purse over her shoulder, Kaitlyn made her way into the terminal, the two of us exchanging a wave as she did so, before Kaitlyn vanished from my sight, the image of her cute bum accentuated by her flight attendant skirt and her long legs clad in the sheer black fabric of her stockings a wonderful sight to behold.

I drove back to Preston with the sun now rising over the Dandenong Ranges, and donned my work clothes, heading back to the office in South Melbourne for the first time in close to three weeks. It was a bit hard to get back into things given my great holiday in Brisbane and the Gold Coast and the wonderful time I had spent with my long lost cousin Kaitlyn after returning to Melbourne.

Mid-afternoon I took a short break and went outside to stretch my legs, seeing a plane from Kaitlyn's airline flying overhead on its way to Tullamarine. Was this the flight from Sydney and was Kaitlyn part of its cabin crew? I could only speculate, but hoped it was.


Over the next few weeks Kaitlyn and I kept in touch by phone, text and online. I had to be careful given Kaitlyn worked shifts not to call her during the daytime when she was working nights and trying to sleep, and didn't mess up in this regard.

I looked forward to catching up with Kaitlyn when the days of her training course arrived, but she was obviously very busy with the intense refresher training and apologized that she couldn't get away. These training days took place on a Tuesday and Wednesday, and on Wednesday I had to go to the Geelong office for work for the day.

It was quite a pleasant but cool, cloudy and windy day, and at lunchtime I walked through the busy Geelong shopping precinct down to the pier, walking along the Geelong waterfront and admiring the bollard statues. However, Victoria being Victoria the weather turned foul very quickly in the mid-afternoon, and on the train back to Melbourne in the late afternoon the journey was in freezing temperatures and driving rain.

Getting back home and out of the rain, I texted Kaitlyn but didn't hear anything and I assumed she was busy, until I heard my doorbell ring. Answering it, I was stunned to see the tall attractive figure of Kaitlyn standing there, wearing jeans and a jacket, holding an umbrella to keep the rain off her head.

"Kaitlyn!" I exclaimed delightedly, getting my cousin into my house and out of the cold, wet evening. "You made it."

"The course has been full on, so sorry I couldn't get away until now," said Kaitlyn as we exchanged a kiss.

"How was your training?" I asked.

"Absolutely freezing, we had to do the water evacuation drills today. In the sea."

"The sea?" I was surprised. "I thought you'd use a pool."

"No, we always go into the sea to make it real as possible," said Kaitlyn. "If we have to ditch into the ocean, conditions in Botany Bay, Bass Straight or the Great Australian Bight aren't exactly like a pool. I mean, if it happened off the Northern Territory or Queensland it would be warmer, but there's a trade-off - more sharks, crocodiles and box jellyfish. I think I'd rather have the cold water."

"Which beach did you go to?" I asked.

"Down to Geelong, in Corio Bay."

I was surprised. "I was in Geelong today for work."

Kaitlyn laughed. "Yeah, and enjoying a warm office and a nice lunch no doubt while your cousin was freezing her arse off in the sea during safety drills?"

"Maybe," I said guiltily. "So do you always do those drills at Geelong?"

Kaitlyn shook her head. "No, different places. Once we went to Sandringham, another time we went to Brighton and it was freezing cold. I could see the bathing boxes on the beach and thought, 'Please, let me go into one of those instead and out of this wind.' Worse was Williamstown in mid-July, I felt more like I was a stewardess on the Titanic or Estonia. But you know what these water training sessions, the course today and when we did this in initial training all had in common?"

I shook my head. "No."

"That I had my period."

"Oh no, that would make it worse," I said.

"Yeah, tell me about it, I'm cursed, pun fully intended," Kaitlyn laughed. "I'm crampy, bloated and hormonal from lingering PMS, and I have to get into freezing water? Um, no thanks. Although it does give Luke and Andy a break from me back in Adelaide. Even gay guys don't get spared a menstruating girl's wrath when they leave the toilet seat up, don't leave enough toilet paper for her when she needs to take a shit or commit some other terrible crime like opening the milk carton the wrong way."

"Are you feeling okay now?" I asked.

"Yeah, got a few period cramps but I took some tablets so I'll just suck it up," said Kaitlyn. "Today for obvious reasons I was worried about a close encounter with a shark. I mean, obviously I had a tampon inserted, but I've heard sharks can pick up tiny traces of blood in vast quantities of water. So unless one of the other flight attendants had her period too, I'm the first one to go."

We laughed together. "So sharks are your main phobia then?"

"Only every four weeks," joked Kaitlyn. "Lucky I don't have too many fears. I remember one time being on a flight and these kids are playing with toy lizards and snakes. I mean, you can see they're toys, but this lady in the row across from them is so scared of reptiles that she passes out."

"Lucky she didn't see a certain movie a few years ago then," I laughed, Kaitlyn rolling her eyes.

"On those Bali flights, sometimes the bogans used to ask if we'd checked the plane for snakes before we took off. The joke got old very quickly, believe me."

"So no more cold water tomorrow then?" I asked.

"I hope not, because then it would be for real," said Kaitlyn. She looked at me, a teasing look in her eyes. "But before I fly back to Adelaide, I came up here to have some fun with my favorite cousin."

I was a bit surprised. "But Kaitlyn, you have your period."

Kaitlyn laughed. "You're not getting into my pants, believe me. You don't want to get into my panties, unless you want to see something that looks like a crime scene. But being on my period doesn't stop me doing this." Kaitlyn put a sexy look on her face and inserted two fingers into her mouth, simulating oral sex and my penis immediately went into erection mode.

"Now stand up Darren, and let me blow your fucking cock off," Kaitlyn said firmly.

Who was I to argue? I stood up as I was told, and Kaitlyn got down on her knees before my groin, before unzipping my jeans and freeing my erection from my undies.

I watched as Kaitlyn went down on me with vigor, and while she had obviously given me fellatio before, she was extra passionate tonight, sucking me off to the point of being aggressive. Well, she was menstruating, I reminded myself and probably it was her hormones. My cousin's intense blow job and that she was playing with my balls at the same time brought me to a climax in five minutes, and I ejaculated everywhere in her mouth, Kaitlyn drinking the semen in a big gulp.

"So did you like that," Kaitlyn asked, after she had used her tongue to lick away any residual semen from my dick.

"I sure did," I said as I pulled up my pants, and Kaitlyn got off her knees.

"You'd be too scared to say no anyway, wouldn't you?" Kaitlyn laughed.

"Um, probably," I agreed. "But I do feel kind of bad."

"Why's that?"

"Because you did all the work, I got all the pleasure and you didn't get anything out of it. I feel kind of selfish."

"Don't feel like that," Kaitlyn assured me. "I got plenty of pleasure and believe me I'd have very sticky knickers if I'd done that when it wasn't my time of the month."

I watched as Kaitlyn adjusted her period pad through her jeans, then stopped. "Actually, I really need to use your loo, I really need to change my pad after doing that. Sanitary pads can only take so much, I'm sure you really wanted to know about that."

Kaitlyn headed for the toilet, and I waited for the next five minutes until I heard her flush it, wash her hands and return, me letting her outside to the back patio to dispose of her sanitary bag containing her used feminine protection in the wheelie bin.

"How about I drive you back to your hotel?" I suggested, when Kaitlyn said she needed to head back.

"Thanks Darren that would be great," she said. "It's the same one where we had all that fun a few weeks back."

I drove Kaitlyn back to the hotel, rain steadily falling throughout Melbourne. With Kaitlyn back in her accommodation, I returned home but was so absorbed in thinking about the great head job my cousin had given me that when on Collins Street I failed to notice that the light had turned green. And when one does not proceed quickly enough on Melbourne's busiest street, one quickly receives the wrath of other motorists behind one's car, by loud beeping and shouting terms of endearment, which is exactly what happened to me.


The weeks passed, and Kaitlyn and I both turned 30 days apart. We couldn't see each other due to work, but did do something sexy on both days, masturbating together online using a web camera. Watching my cousin taking down her panties, inserting her fingers up her hairy pussy and jilling off while I jerked myself off in her full view on the screen was out of this world sexy and a great birthday treat for both of us.

However, just as sexy was the aftermath, where Kaitlyn both times after reaching orgasm took a big handful of tissues from the box, scrunched them up and put them between her legs, using them to dry her vagina before she pulled her knickers up. These were lucky tissues, they probably thought they were going to be used to blow Kaitlyn's nose or wipe away her make-up, but instead they got to explore a more interesting part of my cousin's body. Fuck, how I wished I could have jumped through the computer screen into my cousin's bedroom in Adelaide to smell those tissues!


Kaitlyn and I may not have been able to see each other in person on our birthdays, but our wait to see each other again was not long. Again at work they wanted me to clear a few days of excess leave. Kaitlyn also had some leave to clear in her job.

So what did we do? I took an extra day off each side of the Queen's Birthday Long Weekend on the second weekend in June, and I flew to Adelaide to spend the long weekend with Kaitlyn, who had Friday to Monday off. And we had the house to ourselves, as Kaitlyn's housemates Luke and Andy were themselves off enjoying a romantic long weekend, going to a bed and breakfast in Victor Harbor on the Fleurieu they liked. So they would never know that Kaitlyn and I were both cousin fuckers.

The early morning flight to South Australia on Friday morning was a short one, and having a window seat I could see the great views during descent into Adelaide. The early morning sun shone over the Lofty Ranges, and the plane flew in low over the River Torrens and surrounding parklands, the historic Adelaide Oval also in view.

Across the Torrens was the Adelaide CBD and while it didn't have as many tall skyscrapers as the other large Australian cities, it was still a great sight, the large brown trapezoid shape State Banking Centre building the largest on the skyline. The plane descended lower over the West Torrens area, and landed at Adelaide Airport.

Feeling as excited as a kid the night before Christmas, I disembarked and soon found my beautiful cousin waiting for me in arrivals, Kaitlyn dressed in a stylish orange knitted jumper and black leggings. She greeted me with an excited wave, a big smile and huge hug.

"Welcome to Adelaide, Darren!" she exclaimed excitedly, before we went to her car. As she opened the driver's door, Kaitlyn dropped her key on the ground and bent over to pick it up, me seeing her panty lines and the shape of her vagina in the tight fabric. My mouth watered at what lay ahead this long weekend.

Kaitlyn drove back to Woodville, where I got to meet her housemates before they departed on their romantic break. They were such nice guys, but their relationship dynamic was a little different from what I expected. Luke, the flight attendant who worked with Kaitlyn was very much the 'straight' gay man, while Andy the accountant was the campy, fun, over-the-top gay. And Kaitlyn's fag hag (her words, not mine) dynamic with them was so cute. We had breakfast together, before the boys headed off, Luke joking as he pulled his boyfriend away from a discussion about accounting standards we were having that there was to be no accounting this weekend.

Luke and Andy drove away headed for Victor Harbor, and this left Kaitlyn and I in the house. Kaitlyn had made a point of setting me up in the spare room, but of course we were alone now and the place I would be sleeping this weekend would be in my cousin's bed beside her. To be exact we would not be alone, they had a number of pets - two dogs, one cat, a rabbit and a guinea pig - but as none of them spoke English Luke and Andy would be none the wiser.

And how did two cousin lovers who hadn't enjoyed sexual intercourse together for a number of weeks spend their first hour together? By the male cousin getting into the female cousin's knickers and fucking her silly of course, which was exactly what Kaitlyn and I did. We were locked together in the missionary position making love on Kaitlyn's bed for over half an hour, before we showered together after our orgasm and went out to enjoy Adelaide.

As was the case with Kaitlyn's long weekend in Melbourne in April, we fit a lot into the short time we had, and Adelaide was great. It was winter so a bit cool, but apart from a drizzly Saturday afternoon and evening the weather was great. We cycled and jogged around the River Torrens Parklands, went to the Adelaide Zoo, Botanic Gardens and Museum, and enjoyed the trendy inner suburbs of North Adelaide, Norwood and Unley.

In the city itself there was the Rundle Mall with its famed and iconic pig statues and 'Malls Balls' spheres, as well as the beautiful and historic shopping arcades. Although Kaitlyn joked that going shopping with gay guys was much more fun than shopping with straight guys like me. We went to the Adelaide Markets and Chinatown located near the dining strip of Gouger Street.

For trips further afield, Kaitlyn and I caught the tram from King William Street to Glenelg, and enjoyed an afternoon in the historic beachside suburb with its old buildings mixed with high rises, the palms and Norfolk Island pines that grew in abundance adding much to the beauty. We walked along the beach and the jetty, wishing we could hold hands but given we were cousins and there was that chance Kaitlyn might run into somebody she knew, it was better not to take the risk.

Historic Port Adelaide was another great trip, and we enjoyed a river cruise, and on Monday Kaitlyn took me on a drive down to the Southern Beaches and then into the hills, both of us enjoying the views of the Adelaide skyline from Mount Lofty and were lucky enough to see an eagle soaring over the summits and a koala up a nearby eucalyptus tree.

The only down part was when Kaitlyn and I met her mother for coffee in the city on Saturday morning. Aunty Mary was even more pious and God-fearing than I remembered her, and she didn't seem that interested that she was seeing her nephew for the first time in over 15 years. All through the awkward encounter she made passive-aggressive comments and snipes at her daughter, Kaitlyn forced to bite her tongue on several occasions.

Kaitlyn did moot a quick visit to her father, but a call to the nursing home confirmed that this would not be a good idea. It seemed her dad was having a bad day and up to his old tricks again, this time by pretending to be a bull and chasing old ladies, his fingers against his forehead to emulate horns and mooing, the shock of this sending one 88-year-old lady to hospital with heart palpitations. And while her father was now no longer pretending to be a bull, he was now shouting at the staff about Jesus. Obviously the planned visit did not go ahead, not that my uncle would probably have known me anyway, given most of the time he did not know his own wife and daughter.

When not out having fun, Kaitlyn and I had plenty of private fun inside her house. I don't think Kaitlyn had ever dropped her knickers so much in her life and her fanny got a good workout, as did my dick. With Luke and Andy due back late on Monday afternoon and us obviously not having a chance to sleep together that night, Kaitlyn again donned her flight attendant uniform and we went into the toilet together to act out our 'mile high' fantasies. Like in Melbourne I pulled my cousin's panties down and hitched up her skirt, before inserting my condom covered cock up her vagina.

On Tuesday I had to fly back to Melbourne, and was sad when I had leave Adelaide and Kaitlyn behind, but vowed to be back sooner rather than later. Although technically I wasn't leaving her behind at this moment; she was on the flight but working as part of the cabin crew. Luke was also rostered on and looked smart in his uniform, and also in the cabin crew was Melinda, the pretty blonde flight attendant who I had met on the flight back from Brisbane when I was reunited with Kaitlyn. However, when we landed in Melbourne and I would disembark, the others would continue on the next flight to the Gold Coast, with Luke and Kaitlyn returning to Adelaide on a late afternoon flight.

I watched my cousin as she went about her business, and my love for Kaitlyn went through every cell in my body. We had two challenges in front of us, maintaining a long distance relationship and keeping the fact that we were cousin lovers secret from everyone else.

But these weren't insurmountable challenges. With Kaitlyn being a flight attendant she was often in Melbourne so there would be opportunities to catch up when she was on a layover or there for training, and Melbourne and Adelaide weren't a world away, so I could head to Adelaide or Kaitlyn could take a short break in Melbourne when time permitted.
