Crash Landing

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A rescue with strings attached.
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~As always, thank you for all your feedback and comments! It really makes this writing thing so much more fun when I hear from the people reading! This story holds some supernatural secrets, orgasm denial, hairy beasts, and contains themes of reluctant and non consensual sex. Thanks, and enjoy the show! Xoxo ~


I had never been in a helicopter before and I wasn't loving the experience so far. The machine was older than the gray haired man piloting it and I could see more duct tape on the interior than made me comfortable.

The studio I was working for was making a budget film in the wilderness of Yellowstone. I wasn't usually on set for these kinds of shoots, but they were trying to save as much money as they could, meaning they were short staffed. There were rumors that one of the studio's largest stakeholders was humoring their privileged son's dreams of being a filmmaker without wasting too many resources. So now a studio manager was being shipped out alongside the two interns to be spare hands for a half baked directorial debut.

I clung to the harness keeping me attached to my seat as the helicopter shuttered for the hundredth time, making my stomach drop as we lost 40 feet before gaining back 20.

I looked back to the 20 year old interns who looked like they might throw up at any minute. In any other circumstance I would have enjoyed getting out of the office and spending some time getting to know the interns, who weren't much younger than myself. But currently, I couldn't think about anything but wanting to be on solid ground again. I leaned over to the pilot and shouted over the roar of the engine, "Are we close?!"

"We'll be there in 10 minutes!" He shouted back.

As he said it, a loud boom made us all jump. Looking around frantically I spotted fire coming from the back engine.

"SHIT! SHIT! SHIT!" the pilot yelled as the body of the copter shook and started a swift descent. He tried to keep control, but we quickly hit the tree line, the tops of ancient trees dragging the machine down. A large branch caught onto the landing gear and sent us spinning. My harness broke under the pressure, the duct tape that was keeping it attached to the chair tearing off. I tried my best to hold on, but lost my grip and was thrown from the copter as it made its spiraling descent into the wilderness. I screamed as branches cut my arms, face, and legs. The last thing I saw was a body of water before hitting it hard and everything went black.


I felt like I had been hit by a truck. Correction, I felt like I had been thrown from a helicopter. I struggled to open my eyes and bright light seared my retinas, making my head pound. Slowly taking in my surroundings, I felt my heart pick up its pace. I was in a room I didn't recognize, in a strange bed. My concussed head picked up details that my brain was struggling to process, and when I went to sit up, I couldn't help crying out. My ribs felt like they were on fire and my leg sent sharp pains throughout my whole body.

"Woh wohhh there.. Take it easy."

I spun my head toward the deep voice, causing me to cry again as my body protested the movement.

"Who, who are you?! Where am I?!" My voice was very hoarse and I only managed a frantic whisper.

"It's ok, I won't hurt you."

The man approached me with his hands up, like he was trying not to spook a scared animal. When he felt confident I wasn't going to fight him right away, he placed his hands under my arms and helped me sit up in the bed, my back against pillows and a large headboard. I bit back another cry as my body protested being moved.

My eyes finally started to focus, taking in the tall man beside me. He had short dark hair, a red beard, and piercing blue eyes.

He reached beside me and picked up a glass of water that he held to my lips. I drank it gratefully, realizing I was parched, lifting my hands to take the cup. As I drank, I looked back up at him, assessing the stranger whose bed I was in.

A tight shirt showed off a deceivingly well toned body and lots of half hidden tattoos. I thought I might recognize one as Army Special Forces.

"Where am I?" I tried again, the water helping clear my voice. "What happened?"

The man laughed, a very attractive smile spreading across his face. "I was hoping you could answer that for me. One moment I'm fishing, 100 miles from anywhere, and the next, a woman falls through the branches and lands in my lake, scaring off my catch. I think there was a helicopter in the ball of flames you came out of?"

I gasped, then hugged my sides as the sharp intake of breath sent pain radiating out from my ribs. "The others," I managed, "Did you find the others? Are they ok?"

The smile slowly left the man's face as he prepared to answer me, and he placed one of his large hands on my good knee. "If your friends were in there, there's no way anyone survived the impact, or the explosion. I'm sorry."

Tears blurred my vision. The poor interns.

"Listen," the man said, looking a little uncomfortable with the tears now falling down my cheeks, "Why don't you drink another glass of that water there, and I'll make us something to eat..."

He reached over to a bedside table and picked up a pitcher, refilling the glass still clutched in my hands. He then picked a blanket off the floor, folding it over the back of a chair that sat beside the bed.

"Drink," He insisted, pointing to the glass of water and breaking me out of my trance.

"What's your name?" I asked the stranger.

"Crew." He said, nodding his head, before giving me another pointed look toward the water.

"I'm Olivia. Thank you, Crew." I lifted the glass to my lips, taking a small sip. He grunted, nodding again and left the room.

Alone, I took stock of my situation. I wasn't sure I should really be thanking this stranger yet, not sure of his intentions or how I ended up here, but I decided it would be better to start off on a good foot. It was entirely possible he was a good samaritan, helping someone in obvious need. It was also just as possible that he was a serial killer taking advantage of the woman who literally fell into his arms. I shuddered, deciding not to make any snap judgements, but to remain vigilant.

Moving the blanket to assess the damage, I saw that I was covered in bandages. My pants were gone, leaving me in only my underwear and t-shirt. Bandages were wrapped around my arms, hands, legs, torso, and even my neck. I could feel the cuts and bruises that lay underneath, but what was really bothering me were my ribs and left leg, which were both the most heavily bandaged. Every time I took a breath, sharp pains radiated from multiple points on my left side. I couldn't move my left leg at all.

Sounds from a kitchen outside the open door made me quickly cover myself again, not wanting to be seen half naked by a strange man. But he must have had a good look while I was out in order to apply all these bandages. And remove my pants...

I groaned, holding my head in one hand as I took another sip of the water. My head was pounding. I didn't like anything about this situation. Part of my job was making sure everything was under control, and that's the way I liked my whole life to be, under my control, but all of this? This was not in my control at all, and it made me uneasy.

The room was small and appeared to be part of a log cabin. An open window let in a cool breeze, making sheer curtains flutter. I could see the tops of trees out the window, but not much else from this angle. Framed pictures on the walls showed a father and son on fishing and hunting trips, holding up prized catches. A couple showed the same man with a woman and another couple. The man who was now rattling away in the kitchen looked nothing like the father in the pictures, and the pictures looked too recent for him to be the little boy all grown up.

I jumped when I heard the door creek, and I caught the smirk of amusement on the face of the man filling the doorway. I hadn't heard him walk back in from the kitchen.

"Your knee was dislocated," He said when he saw my hand stroking it over the blanket. "It didn't look like the muscles had torn too much or like there were any broken bones. There may be a hairline fracture, but dislocations are usually just painful for a few weeks and heal on their own."

I watched as he approached with a small plate with green beans and some kind of meat. It smelled incredible and triggered a rubble in my stomach. "How long have I been here?"

"About a day and a half. You hit your head pretty good."

I took the plate offered to me, but hesitated with the food halfway to my mouth. Glancing beside me, I saw Crew watching me. He raised one eyebrow when we met eyes, and he chuckled when he saw my brows knit.

"It's from a can, and the only poison in them is the preservatives they came with. I don't mean you any harm, really. If I didn't want to help you, you would already be dead."

It was both reassuring and unsettling at the same time, but I figured he was right. If I had been here this long unconscious and he hadn't hurt me, why would he have waited to drug me?

I took a small bite. Maybe it was just that I was so hungry, but it tasted incredible and soon my plate was empty.

"Are you an army medic?" I asked, my mouth half full.

His eyes widened slightly in surprise. "No, but I've had the training. I haven't been in the army for some time. You recognize the insignia?" He motioned to his arm, guessing that's where I must have gotten military from.

"Yah, my dad had one like that. So what do you do now that you aren't in the military?"

"This and that," he shrugged, taking my empty plate and leaving the room. He was back a moment later and placed two pills in my hand.

When I gave him a questioning look he said, "For the pain." I kept staring at him, wondering if he seriously expected me to just trust a stranger handing me drugs.

He rolled his eyes and sat back in the chair, topping off my water glass.

"You have a recently dislocated knee, probably some broken ribs, and cuts and bruises all over your body. You don't need to tough it out, I know you're in pain. Besides, drugged and unconscious isn't really my type." He gave me an earnest smile, passing me the water, and I felt like I could trust him. And I thought I recognized the over-the-counter pain pills as one's I had taken before.

Letting out a deep breath, I took the pills, and when even swallowing seemed to hurt, I was glad I did.

"Why..." I started, wondering how to best ask my next question.

"Why what?" Crew asked, when I didn't continue. He leaned forward, placing his elbows on his knees and clasping his hands in front of him, giving me his full attention.

"Why am I here, and not at a hospital?" I said it quickly.

He was quiet for a moment, and I turned my head to look at him. He was a large man, and he made the chair he was sitting in look comically small. His clasped hands matched his large stature and I looked at them nervously as he thought about his answer.

"It was impractical to take you into the woods. There is no road access for at least ten miles and I didn't feel like carrying the dead weight. I also would have had to cut my trip short and I didn't want to miss my hunting window."

I wasn't sure what to say. It made sense that we were far from the road, but the last part threw me off.

"And I don't mind the company," He added, with a grin.

That grin had an entirely unexpected and inappropriate effect on me and I had to look away, hoping my face wasn't as red as it felt. There was no reason I should be letting my body react this way to a stranger. He could be anyone!

When I managed to look back in his direction he was still staring.

"What?" I asked self consciously.

"Your hair," he said softly. My hand flew to my hair. It was probably a mess after all this!

"I've never seen a color like it, and when the light hits it like that..." He cleared his throat and stood abruptly. "Get some rest. I'll be in the other room if you need anything."

He left, closing the door, leaving it open a crack.

I knew I was blushing now. Heat rose to my face and down my neck. This whole situation was making me uncomfortable. As nice as this man seemed, I could not let myself be blinded by a compliment and warm meal. It was weird that he hadn't called for help. And I didn't feel like I was being conceited when I told myself that finding an injured woman and witnessing a helicopter crash was something most people would cut a vacation short for.

What was his plan now that I was awake? Would he insist on keeping me here until I could walk? Who knew how long that could be!

I sat in the bed swimming in my thoughts for a while, starting to drift into sleep again despite everything. I woke up sometime later and saw that the sun was low outside my window. Realizing I was in desperate need of a toilet, I moved the blanket and swung my legs over the side of the bed. The left leg stuck straight out, totally imobile in the intense bandages that wrapped around it. My whole body protested the movement and I barely stifled a moan.

Rocking off the bed and using the chair in front of me to steady myself, I managed to hobble to the door and peek into the small living room and kitchen. It was empty.

There were two other doors in the tiny cabin, one open bathroom door and a closed door that must lead outside. Weighing my options, the pressure on my bladder won out and the toilet was closer than the front door. I used the wall to steady myself as I made my way to the bathroom.

I went quickly, washing my hands after and catching my reflection in the small mirror. I looked like shit. Small scrapes covered my cheeks and black and blue splotches covered half my forehead and chin. My hair, however, was strangely neat. I ran my fingers through it and wasn't caught in a single tangle. On the counter, alongside a toothbrush, toothpaste, and a bar of soap, sat a hairbrush.

The front door opened, old sagging hinges squeaking and letting the bottom scrape against the floor. I froze.

Heavy boots thudded into the cabin, past the bathroom and into the bedroom.

I opened the door as quietly as possible before quickly hopping to the front door. I made it nearly there before I got tripped up. My foot caught on a loose floorboard and I fell hard. My elbows took a majority of the impact but breath still left me in a soft "oof."

I lifted up on my elbows to regain my footing when a pair of boots invaded my eyeline. I looked up to meet the confused gaze of the large man.

"What are you doing?"

"I was using the restroom..." His eyebrow lifted at the half-truth but he didn't comment on it. Instead, he effortlessly lifted me off the floor and deposited me on a small couch.

"Thank you." The gratitude was earnest as I wasn't confident that I would have been able to get back up on my own. He gently lifted my injured leg, arranging me so that I sat sideways and it rested on the opposite armrest. A thin pillow cushioned my back so I was sitting up. My face heated again as I tried to adjust my shirt to cover my panties. Goosebumps rose on my bare legs.

"You're welcome," he rumbled. "You should be more careful."

He rounded the couch to the kitchen, then reappeared with a glass of lukewarm water.

"Thanks," I said again, taking the glass and sipping at the water. "Look, I really appreciate everything you've done for me, but I really need to get to a hospital-"

"Your leg is healing well," he interrupted, moving back into the kitchen.

"Yah, I mean it doesn't hurt that much and you did a good job wrapping it but there might be-"

"The swelling is down and everything bends the way it's supposed to. You'll be better in a few weeks. Walking on your own in a few days."

"How do you..." How did he know all that about my leg? He could have checked on it while I was asleep but I'm not usually a light sleeper... "What time is it?"

Crew checked his wristwatch. It was black and tactical. In fact, his whole outfit was black and it looked like he had recently tried to wipe dirt off his face.

"6," he said as he pulled out a pan and food out of the fridge.

"In the morning?"


Something felt off, like he was evading an unspoken question. I'd slept longer than I thought I had... HAD he drugged me? After a few minutes of sitting in silence with Crew preparing food in the kitchen I tried again.

"I'm really sorry for inconveniencing you, but I need to get to-"

"Here's how this is going to go," Crew interrupted, plating what looked to be green beans and another mystery meat. "I'm going to enjoy my last few days here and you are going to keep me company. When it's time for me to leave, I'll make sure you make it back to wherever you want to go."

He passed me a plate and I took it, mouth open in shock. "You really won't help me?" I asked.

"You don't think I've helped you?" He asked, offended now. "If it wasn't for me you would be dead and drowned. Despite suspicion I brought you to safety, tended to your wounds, fed you. I think I deserve a little company for all my effort."

"What do you mean by company?" Asking the question felt like I was being intentionally obtuse but I was done making assumptions.

He smirked at me and shrugged, "Guess."

"You can't be serious!" I stood up, putting the plate on the little coffee table. "I'm not going to just do whatever you want because you were kind to me! Thank you for all your help but I need to go."

I hobbled to the door, taking the blanket with me. Even without pants or shoes, I had to get out of here. Fear made me irrational, it was a problem for another time. I turned the handle and the front door swung open, a cool breeze making the hair on my legs stand on end.

Just as the door opened wide enough for me to step through, Crew caught me from behind, gently pressing the door closed. Even as I fought to pull it back open, he easily closed the door until the latch softly caught. My heart was pounding fast and I felt the warmth of his body directly behind me. Facing the door, I tried to think of a way out of this.

It was stupid to try and walk out, I knew that, but what other options were there?!

"Olivia," he said quietly. My name on his lips made my back straighten. His breath rustled the hair on the back of my head.

"At the moment, you have two choices. One, you could willingly thank me for saving your life and caring for you. You can allow yourself a few days of careless pleasure."

As he spoke, he caressed my side with one hand, the other still on the door as he leaned over me. My skin prickled at his touch.

"Second option, you fight me, and I do what I want anyway. I don't mind this option, but you might not enjoy what I do to get my way."

I knew it! I knew I should have trusted my instincts. Unease filled my stomach as I considered.

There was no way I was walking ten miles through the wilderness on this leg. I didn't even have pants or shoes! And there was no doubt he would chase me down before I even reached the tree line. I couldn't run.

I couldn't fight him. He had already demonstrated his strength, shut the door with ease even as I struggled to pull it back open.

He wasn't bad looking, and I already knew, physically, I was attracted to him. What harm could a couple days do? I could keep him happy long enough to get to safety, or to get a weapon, or a phone.

I made my decision.


"Really? Just like that?" He sounded surprised, suspicious. "I expected some kind of fight."

I turned to face the giant, but he stayed where he was so that his face was inches from mine. His body hovered so close I could feel his heat.

"I'm not an idiot, Crew. I know I don't stand a chance against you. You're stronger, larger. I'm injured. If you're going to insist on this, then I may as well make the most of it."