Cream This Thick Ch. 08

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A glimpse into Michelle's life as Eloise's hucow.
7.6k words

Part 8 of the 8 part series

Updated 02/25/2024
Created 11/21/2021
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Cream This Thick Epilogue

By Trixie Adara

Michelle's watch vibrated, and she paused from dusting the mantle and checked the alarm. "Coffee," it said. She quickly finished the mantle — Eloise would not forgive her for missing a spot — and put all of the Wasserman family photos back in their place. Only one of them had her in it — the Wasserman vacation to the Hamptons last week. Vicki had wanted Michelle to wear her maid outfit — it was white with black spots so guests knew she was their personal cow — but Eloise wouldn't stand for a family photo with a curvy, huge-titted woman in a cow maid outfit. So instead, Michelle wore a tiny cow spotted bikini that barely covered her nipples while the Wasserman's wore classy one pieces.

But Eloise's hand was around Michelle's waist. She may have looked ridiculous — though she was coming to find her appearance and all the cow clothing less and less ridiculous each day — but she was owned. Eloise would never forget her.

Michelle moved through the penthouse silently. Eloise had started working from home as often as she could, and Michelle would certainly get a spanking if she disrupted Eloise on a call or someone on Zoom overheard the cow moving through the apartment. Working from home had started to "keep an eye on" Michelle, but Vicki suspected that it was allowed because Eloise was being phased out of Thatcher Dynamics after the incident with Bella. But that didn't matter. All three of them were focusing more and more of their energies on the Farm and Vicki's serum. They had phased out Hank by moving him to their new Farm in New York (Eloise was thrilled to have him gone), and Michelle played his role of being the cow handler at night.

That meant she got plenty of time with Tatiana.

And Rosa the rude and aggressive Latina that always got her way. She loved bullying Michelle, but Neon — the purple haired twin — protected Michelle whenever she was woman enough to admit that Rosa was making her uncomfortable. Though normally she just meekly agreed to go to Rosa's room and let the curvy Latina fuck her stupid.

To be fair, she also liked Neon and Hally — Halogen, the blue-haired twin — to take her to their room and fuck her stupid. Really any of the girls were great, but having sisters was almost as good as having the Wassermans. Brigitte — the blonde with curls to die for — and Shirley — the secretary that worked there to keep an eye on her sister — were great in bed. Shirley didn't have the aggression that most cows could show when they wanted Michelle's milk, but she had a lot of pent-up anger and a riding crop she loved that she called Vengeance.

All of the girls knew that Michelle wasn't some boss bitch, and they took care of her in turn, whether that was relieving Milk pressure or dropping her into subspace with a rough fucking. But none of them tried to take advantage of her. They knew she was the Wasserman's maid, and that Eloise especially protected her. No one dared cross Vicki's lines. And besides, Michelle was kinder, gentler, and hotter than Hank. And she had Milk. She prioritized the girls over the customers, and always organized their schedules around Milk flow and breaks to pump. Under her care, productivity was up now that the cows were happy, horny, and healthy. They had enough supply to start exporting Milk to most major cities in America, and they hoped soon each city would see a need for a Farm to control their budding cow population.

In short, Michelle's life was good. She had more autonomy than she thought she would thanks to Eloise. In the early months, Vicki was always trying to convince Michelle that life would be better in the Barn, but Eloise would never permit that. Michelle had her own income and bank account. She could leave whenever she wanted to or stay as long as she desired and kept the Wasserman's happy. And it wasn't like Vicki was complaining about Michelle as a cow handler or as a maid. She loved Michelle's cooking almost as much as she loved having something to take her anger out on when she came home.

But there was still pressure to perform. Michelle still made mistakes. She was still a stupid cow that needed to be controlled. Like coffee. Eloise liked it at precise times and temperatures. Michelle couldn't make it early or late — hence all the alarms. It took her a few weeks to get used to the impressive and expensive espresso machine the Wasserman's had, but she had come to appreciate the stronger and finer taste — even if she drowned her own coffee in Milk.

Michelle worked the expensive and needlessly complicated espresso machine cautiously. Eloise had frequently accused her of burning and scalding the espresso, though she couldn't imagine how that was possible. She prepared four shots — two for Eloise and two for herself — and waited outside the door to Eloise's office. She pressed a button that would turn on a light on the other side, letting Eloise know that Michelle was waiting and ready for her. Silent lights were Eloise's preference to communicate with her maids so that there was no possibility of her being interrupted while she worked. It was bad enough that she was working so much from home — her fellow executives were starting to spread rumors that she was in seclusion due to being pregnant. Eloise wasn't going to worry about the rumors, but she wanted to maintain professionalism. As best as possible, she wanted everyone who interacted with her to feel she was still in her corner office and on the way to being CEO in the next ten years. And maintaining that illusion was Michelle's job.

The light on Michelle's side turned green, and she twisted the doorknob slowly and silently, letting herself in. Eloise was sitting at her desk that had three different monitors and a pro webcam set up (including a ring-light) as Michelle stood in front of the open door. The cow silently kicked off her shoes and stepped into the carpeted apartment, moving slowly but making sure the coffee didn't cool too much despite her lack of speed. She placed the tray on Michelle's desk and delicately placed Eloise's coffee on a cloth coaster. She slid it across Eloise's mahogany desk, and her lover grabbed it effortlessly and brought it to her lips while someone on the other side was talking about cost-benefit analysis of an aggressive low-to-the-ground marketing campaign.

Michelle grabbed a pad of sticky notes she kept in the pocket of her cow maid outfit, peeled off one, and scribbled down a note. She placed it on the desk near Eloise's coffee. It read, "May I have some Milk, Mistress?"

Eloise didn't look at the note for three minutes. She gave a lengthy reply to her co-worker, aptly making him sound like an idiot without outright insulting him, before she glanced down at her cow's message. She grabbed a pen and wrote her response in elegant script, "Moo for it."

Michelle blushed. She stood on her tiptoes and tried to get a look at Eloise's screen to see if her mic was unmuted. It shouldn't be — Eloise thought that a muted mic showed she had something to hide — but Michelle dared to hope.

Eloise's lips twitched up into a risky smirk considering all the eyes watching her. Eloise made a hand gesture — her pointer finger tapping her left wrist. The two had created a kind of sign language for the purpose of communicating most things while Eloise was in meetings. That gesture meant, "Now."

Michelle's eyes darted to the peek of Eloise's screen she could see. Would her Mistress mute herself? Eloise kept her eyes on the screen, feigning attention to whatever meeting was going on — Michelle had long accepted that she was too stupid to understand it — but Michelle knew that Eloise's focus was on her. She would do it; they both knew Michelle would obey. The question was how long would she fight it? How much dignity did she have left?

Michelle sank to her knees. She knew better than to moo while standing on two feet. Eloise shifted in her seat, making sure she could still see Michelle on the other side of her monitors. Michelle freed both of her breasts — the custom top had clasps that mimicked the clasps on Michelle's nursing bra. She didn't get to wear much lingerie or look like a sex-bomb, but the Wasserman's didn't seem to care. Half the time she didn't think either of them were attracted to Michelle's body — only her shame. Sometimes Eloise let her wear cow-printed lingerie for their one-on-one moments. But not today. Not at work.

Michelle's heavy breasts came free, and she sighed with relief.

"Excuse me?" asked a male voice from Eloise's computer.

"Hm?" Eloise said, feigning confusion while staring at Michelle.

"Did you say something?" asked her co-worker.

"No. Go on, Michael." Eloise didn't take her eyes off Eloise's breasts. She wasn't a milk addict, but sometimes she looked at her cow's tits like she was. They didn't hang low — and that was another miracle of Vicki's serum. They were up to 34G in cup size at this point, and most people assumed they were implants from how perky but heavy they were. But it didn't matter if they thought she was a bimbo Milf going through a midlife crisis and filling her chest with silicon. Michelle knew the truth, and so did Eloise. Michelle's body type and huge tits were Eloise's preference. But Eloise was too careful to ever get Milk in her mouth when she played with her cow. It was the one way Michelle could hurt the Wassermans, and she'd never allow herself to do that to them. She didn't want to work with cows. She had sisters back at the Barn to fuck. A cow was useless without her owner, and she would probably work there full time before harming a hair on Vicki's head.

Michelle lowered her swollen tits over her tiny cup of coffee. If she spilled a drop, she knew she'd be cleaning the office floor with her tongue. But her aim was reliable after over a year of lactating.

"Now," signed Eloise again, and Michelle flinched knowing she'd get a punishment later for making her better ask her twice.

Michelle took a deep breath. She lowered her stomach and thrust her tits down as low as they could go. She spread her legs and popped her ass. The Wassermans liked to fuck her in this position, and her body warmed as it recognized its favorite pose.

The moo started as a moan and built from there. Michelle would swear that it didn't start in her throat or even her lungs. It started at the core of her being — between her legs. Her body knew the sound better than breathing. It was more than a prayer; it was an orgasm in its own right, one made of sound and not skin. Her voice dropped several octaves, passing something human, going deep into the primal part of her brain. The same part of her that moaned wildly when the Wassermans fucked her — the part that can't help the sounds you make from the pleasure — released a throaty moo that filled Eloise's office.

As she mooed, milk flowed from her tit and one hand grabbed it to direct the flow to her tiny coffee cup. She squeezed her tits and filled the cup with the hot and buttery goodness as her moo turned to a very distinct moan. Her breath went from deep to high, almost cracking as what sounded like a cow in Eloise's office quickly became the obvious sound of a woman close to cumming.

Eloise's meeting went silent.

"What the fuck was that?" said a woman on the other side.

Eloise filled the room with laughter. "Oh my gosh, you heard that?" she said.

"Was that a fucking cow?" Michael said in the meeting.

Eloise bit her lip and nodded. More laughter erupted from Eloise's speakers. "The building next door has an urban farm on the roof," she said. "So yeah, that's our goddamn fucking cow."

Eloise doubled over with laughter, and her colleagues joined her. The meeting was derailed with questions about the urban farm and how Eloise could stand it.

"That cow must be fucking huge," one man said. "It sounded like your mic was in her mouth."

Michelle blushed as she realized they weren't just laughing. They were laughing at her. She wondered if Eloise would reveal it was really her maid and former secretary, if Eloise would drag her cow-ass in front of the camera with her tits out so they could keep laughing at her.

Most of her wished Eloise would.

Eloise perked up as an idea struck her and quickly made another signal to Michelle. Michelle's mouth watered as she recognized it. She crawled over her coffee, easily ignoring it as she went to obey her latest command: "Eat out Mistress."

Eloise spread her legs under her desk as her cow crawled on all four. Michelle approached easily. The human part of her brain was gone. There was no reasoning with a cow. Just luring it. Guiding it. And even then, they were often too stupid. Cattle. Herd-minded. Simple. Yes. Everything was simple as Michelle moved aside Eloise's bright red panties and slid her head underneath her owner's skirt. There was no build up or hesitation. If Eloise wanted to cum, she wanted to cum now. Tardiness was disobedience.

"Uhhn," Eloise moaned and gripped the side of her desk. She quickly bit her lip and forced herself into a fake laugh.

"Eloise?" someone said from her computer.

Eloise forced herself to let go of the desk with one hand and held up a finger, asking those in her meeting to wait while she kept laughing. It was obviously forced, but she was letting it build up into something. Michelle glanced up and slid her head out of her owner's skirt to see what was happening in the meeting, but Eloise quickly reached down and grabbed Michelle's long ponytail. With a sharp twist, she had it balled in her hand and pulled tightly on Michelle's scalp. She pulled Michelle back to her pussy, and her maid got back to work, dutifully licking her lover's pussy.

"Sorry," Eloise said while laughing. "It's just that stupid fucking cow. Can you hear it?"

Eloise yanked tighter on Michelle's hair, and Michelle mooed dutifully. Eloise's pussy muffled it, but it was deeper, stronger this time. She let it rumble through her throat and hummed the 'm' through her lips as long as she could, letting the vibrations tease Eloise's wet lips. Eloise gasped and turned that into laughter, and then the meeting joined her.

They all joined her.

The laughter melted Michelle's mind. At first it was the high, sharp, and cruel laughter of Eloise. It was that laughter that started all of this. Even more so than the Milk, it was Eloise's laughter — it was the way Michelle's body responded to Eloise's cruel laughter — that led to Michelle's downfall. The Milk was addictive and lowered Michelle's inhibitions, helping her release her foolish life and embrace her true calling. But it was the laughter that made Michelle know where she belonged — on her knees, begging, serving, taking blow after blow, abuse after abuse, and getting wetter with each strike.

Michelle had spent her whole life trying to avoid the moment when a beautiful and intelligent woman with success and power mocked her — all the way from middle school to PTA meetings. But she shouldn't have fought it for so long. She wouldn't have if she had known how it made her body tingle, how it turned off her mind, how it made all the terrible things go away as only the truth was laid bare — she was pathetic and worthless. The only value she could possibly have was to be of service, and even then, she was often too stupid or inept to help anyone. No. She couldn't take care of her husband or her family. She was just a stupid cow. She could be used for amusement, and that was it.

And as the room filled with laughter — as more of Eloise's co-workers unmuted their mics to laugh at "that stupid fucking cow" — Michelle let go of everything. Even the pleasure of serving Eloise's pussy was gone. She was nothing. She was absolutely nothing but something for her betters to laugh at. And as they did, she mooed deeper and deeper into Eloise's pussy. And they laughed. And she mooed. And Eloise twisted her hair and pulled her deeper. And she mooed. And Eloise laughed. And she mooed.

And oh, how her Milk flowed.

"Eloise, can you mute yourself?" said another man through fits of laughter. "We can't have our meeting in a fucking barn."

"Sure, Earl," Eloise said. "I just thought you'd like a little something to laugh at in the middle of the day."

"Of course. Now, back to these numbers from the third quarter ..."

Michelle couldn't leave until the meeting was over, but it didn't matter. There was no time except for Eloise's time. Michelle would stay up late or wake up early to clean the other parts of the apartment. Even the coffee and her precious Milk were far from her mind. There was only her Mistress and serving her. Eloise only wanted the best, and though Michelle was certainly not that, she would have to try her best. Maybe one day the Wassermans would find a smarter cow to clean their apartment and lick their pussies. Then they would throw Michelle on the street like she deserved, and she'd finally go live in the Barn with the other worthless cows.

She lost track of how many times Eloise came. She did it noiselessly, but her thighs would clench tight around Michelle's face, and she'd pull on Michelle's hair until the cow almost screamed. Then with a shudder, Eloise would unclench and make the sign to eat pussy again. So Michelle obeyed.

On and on, Michelle obeyed.

When the meeting was over, Eloise stood up and walked around her desk. "You made a fucking mess, cow," she said.

Michelle blushed and mooed softly.

"I'm going to clean up. You lick this milk up, then drink your coffee, tonight you'll deep clean the floor."

"Yes, Mistress." Michelle looked down. She was the maid. She was supposed to clean up messes, not make them.

She was such a stupid fucking cow.

Eloise smiled sadistically and bent down. Michelle thought at first it was going to be a quick peck — she was covered in Eloise's juices after all — but Eloise gave a heavy kiss to her cow, letting her tongue slip casually past Michelle's lips. Michelle's lips parted as she released a soft moo, but Eloise pulled her cow up by the collar. Michelle rose to her feet as Eloise's tongue roamed, licking Michelle's face, tasting herself on her cow. Eloise purred as she did it, and Michelle struggled to stay on her feet as pleasure spread through her.

Eloise let go of Michelle's collar, and the cow crumpled to the floor. Eloise let out a callous laugh as she walked out of the office. "Don't clean your face today, cow. I taste too good on you."


Michelle floated through the rest of the day. She savored her Milk on the floor of Eloise's office with long licks but rushed through her coffee to give her a boost as quickly as possible. Managing a brothel and being a maid during the day meant Michelle only got four or six hours of sleep a day. She needed coffee more than ever, and the Wassermans knew that it was her fuel almost as much as Milk.

Eloise was also in a flirty mood throughout the day. More than once she called Michelle into her office to lick her face some more. Something must have wound her up, because she sat on a conference call and ordered Michelle to sit on the couch on the far side of the office, away from Eloise's desk. Michelle was ordered to Milk herself and drink, and Eloise touched herself while ignoring whatever the conference call was about. When Eloise hung up, she marched over to Michelle and rubbed her soaked pussy over Michelle's face, making sure she was still covered in Eloise's juices for the rest of the day. She licked Michelle's face and sent the cow out of the office without cumming, making her understand that she was not permitted to touch herself that day without Eloise watching.

It was moments like that — those tiny flirtations — that helped Michelle know she'd made the right choice. James would have never done that. The customers at the Barn certainly weren't playful and teasing with their cows. And Vicki? No. Vicki would have been a nightmare. Even if it was a beautiful wasteland to visit, Michelle would never want to live in Vicki's world forever.