Crime and Punishment


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Jan and Erin, knelt on the richly carpeted floor of the large bedroom, sitting on their heals awaiting the arrival of the woman they were to serve that evening. Before long, Erin heard muffled sounds from the adjoining room where they had entered when they had exited the lift. As her dread began to rise, the door to the bedroom opened and she heard April say, "Excellent! A surprise and a wedding night gift for you, Lisa dear; two prized slaves await your pleasure."

Lisa, entering the room and seeing Erin and Jan, squealed her approval and said, "Oh, April! This is a surprise. I was wondering what had become of them. Can we really enjoy them tonight?"

"Yes," said April, "they await our pleasure."

Erin had blushed a deep red in embarrassment at seeing April and Lisa, no less on their wedding night. She had not seen either woman since the auction, and the thought of serving April, little lone, Lisa, had never really occurred to her. But worse than anything that had occurred up to this point, was seeing Lisa, so giddy and happily married to April. How could she do this? How could Lisa have married the woman who had framed her and brought her and Jan to this awful existence?

However before Erin could ponder that matter further, Lisa, noticing her embarrassment said "Look, they blush!"

"That's because they are virgins," said April, smiling. "Tonight they shall see how real women make love, but alas I am afraid, they are destined to remain as such."

Lisa laughed saying, "How rich! April you are so elegantly cruel! I can see I have much to learn still."

April smiled at the compliment and said, "Well, shall we start the lesson?"

"Most definitely," replied Lisa gaily.

April approached Lisa and kissed her, running her hands down the back of her feathered dress, parting the garment so that it came open. As they parted, Lisa's dress fell to the floor revealing her naked body underneath. Lisa had worn no underwear, except for a garter belt and white silk stockings. April smiled at her naked form and Lisa said, "a little surprise of my own for you."

"And a good thing too," said April, "I would have been wild if I had known you were naked under that gown the whole evening. Lisa helped April undress and soon both women were naked and stood kissing before the slaves. April picked Lisa up and laid her on the bed with her legs hanging over the side. Lying down besides her and spreading her legs apart she said, "pleasure us" to the awaiting slaves.

At the sight of the naked women, Erin had tried to start urinating in her diaper as she had been trained, but she was too overcome with the surprise of seeing both April and Lisa together. However her surprise slowly gave way to shock and shame, the latter which, despite herself, stirred her own sexual excitement. Here she was on what probably should have been her and Lisa's wedding night, about to pleasure the woman that should have been her spouse. As she approached April and Lisa, April pointed to Lisa and said to her, "pleasure your Mistress, slut."

The word 'slut' struck Erin like a slap in the face, causing her to hesitate. "Move slut!" barked April "or I'll have Alex flog you senseless." Then turning to Lisa she said "You would like that my dear, but we don't want you getting too excited too quickly."

Erin recovered and moved and knelt between Lisa's open legs. Her trimmed pussy was open, loose and wet with excitement, hair matted against her lips. Oh god! Thought Erin, she's enjoying this! How can she? Erin bent her head and kissed Lisa's vulva, as she had been trained to do. Lisa moaned in pleasure and reached down and grabbed Erin by her short hair and held her face over her pussy. "Fuck me with your tongue, slut!" she commanded. Erin blushed, but stuck her tongue in Lisa's vagina, licking the outer lips and her clitoris. Lisa moaned in pleasure and she said, "Yes! Yes!"

Lisa's cries of pleasure were soon joined by April's as Jan serviced her in the same manner. Within a few minutes, both newlyweds came almost simultaneously, moaning and exclaiming, "Yes! Oh, yes!" When they were finished, Lisa pushed Erin away and laid or a moment breathing hard from her recent exertions. Sitting up, April took Lisa on her lap, caressing her breasts as they recovered from their climaxes. Lisa examined the diapers Erin and Jan wore and pointing at Jan said, "Look, she wet herself!"

"Why, of course, my dear," said April, "that's what they have been trained to do."

Lisa put her hand to her mouth and giggled as April continued, "The one who wets herself the most or does the better job at pleasuring her Mistress is rewarded by being allowed to masturbate, and perhaps come."

Lisa, smiled in surprise and said, "Can I choose who is to be rewarded?"

"Of course, my dear," said April, stroking her hair and breasts.

"Then I choose her," said Lisa pointing to Jan. "Pleasure yourself, slave!"

Jan reached into her diaper and began masturbating as the three women watched, her face blushing in embarrassment. Seeing this, Lisa said, "Look, she's blushing!" This caused April and Lisa to both laugh as Jan continued to rub herself.

Soon she was moaning and said, "Mistress, please do I have permission to come?"

Lisa giggled again and looked at April saying, "What do you think?"

"Well it is our wedding night and she did do a good job. Let's not be selfish."

Lisa laughed and said, "OK you have permission to come now, slave."

With that, Jan climaxed and the tattoos on her face darkened with her orgasm revealing her pleasure to all in the room. When she finished, Jan sat back panting and blushing in shame at what she had just done. Lisa pointed at Erin, who knelt with eyes downcast, and said, "Look she can't bear to watch. No wonder she's still a virgin."

"Then lets give her another lesson," said April who stood holding a double strap-on dildo. Lisa giggled again as April inserted one of the dildos into her vagina and secured the device into place. "Prepare to be ravished," she said as she pushed Lisa backwards on the bed and spread her legs. Lisa moaned with pleasure as April inserted the other dildo into her vagina and began thrusting. Both women moaned in pleasure as Erin and Jan sat blushing in embarrassment, unwilling witnesses to the most intimate event of the wedding night.

April and Lisa both climaxed several times before each was satisfied. April removed the strap-on and fell on the bed burying her head between Lisa's legs and sucking hard on her clitoris. Lisa, moaning in pleasure, grabbed April's waist, pulling her pussy into her face and burying her tongue in her vagina. Both women came several more times before their sexual energy was spent and each lay tangled in sweaty sheets. Exhausted, April raised her head and said, "Out!" to the slaves, before falling back and joining Lisa in a relaxed sleep.

Erin and Jan quietly got up and left the room. The lift door was open when they entered the adjoining room, so both women entered the car, which descended to the dungeon and stopped. Laura greeted them saying, "Have a nice time?" Erin and Jan did not reply, but followed Laura who took them too their cells. Erin collapsed on her bed as the cell door shut, crying. "Oh god! Oh god!" she moaned out loud to herself. What had happened? This was worse than any of her dreams. God that this was all a nightmare! But Erin knew it wasn't. Continuing to cry, Erin eventually fell to sleep tears rolling down her tattooed cheeks.


The next day Ellen awoke in the early afternoon with a headache. Hearing some noise on the other side of their connecting door, Ellen knocked softly and was rewarded with a "come in" from Cassandra on the other side. "You look like I feel," said the counselor.

"I have a headache. I guess I'm getting too old for these late night bashes. Too mush to drink also," said Ellen.

"Me too," agreed Cassandra. "Well, what do we do now?"

"I'm not sure," said Ellen. Both women had been too tired the night before to discuss strategy and they had each went straight to bed after the party. "We could continue the tour and see the dungeon, but I doubt this will provide us with any information."

"I agree," said Cassandra. "I'm sure that Erin is probably confined to a portion of the dungeon that's not on the tour. I was talking to one of the servants last night, and she told me that the lower portion of the castle is a real labyrinth. You could wander for weeks down there and not get anywhere."

Ellen nodded glumly in agreement. "Perhaps we should talk to someone who spends a lot of time there."

"You mean one of the slaves," said Cassandra.

"Precisely. I didn't see any diapered slaves at the party last night, not that I expected to. However, there were plenty of regular slaves around. Let's wander around and see if we run into one. My guess is that a few of them are probably about, mingling with the guests," said Ellen.

Cassandra agreed and both women showered and dressed. Ellen and Cassandra saw no signs of the younger women from their office as they left the cottages. Probably still sleeping or already up and about, thought Ellen. After a brief discussion, they decided to tour the gardens and the outside of the castle, since they had not seen this portion of the grounds yesterday.

The wedding reception had lasted till dawn and most of the guests were just beginning to wake up as Ellen and Cassandra started to explore the castle grounds. For the professional staff this was known as 'daylight wasting time' since most of the guests slept during the day and then idled or wasted the rest of the day away waiting for the evening hours and the celebrations and activities that occurred after dark. This was typical of almost all events hosted at the castle, and April's wedding was no exception. Ellen and Cassandra thus found the castle grounds almost deserted with only a few other guests about and an occasional servant hurrying to fulfill some request.

It was thus sheer chance that they ran into a tunic clad slave returning to the castle after spending the night entertaining one of the guests. The garden where Cassandra and Ellen had been walking adjoined the castle at the servant's entrance, the very same door where Erin and Jan had entered the castle upon their arrival.

"Excuse me," said Ellen to the slave girl.

"Yes Mistress," said the slave, bowing.

"I wish to ask you some questions," began Ellen.

"Yes Mistress," said the slave girl.

"First, please stop calling me Mistress," said Ellen. "My name is Ellen and this is Cassandra. Do you have a name?"

"Yes, Mistress Ellen," answered the girl nervously.

"What is your name?" asked Ellen, exasperated at being addressed as 'Mistress' and having to explicitly ask the girl her name.

"Cindy," replied the slave girl.

Ellen looked at Cassandra, realizing that talking to a slave was not going to be as straight forward as she had thought. The girl was obviously trained to be submissive and only speak when spoken to. Worse, she kept her answers short and did not volunteer information.

"Cindy," said Cassandra, "do you live with the other slaves in the dungeon?"

"Yes, Mistress Cassandra," said Cindy.

"How many other slaves are there?" asked Cassandra.

"I'm not sure, exactly Mistress"

"About," said Cassandra.

"Maybe sixty or so and four diapered slaves, Mistress," replied Cindy.

"Do you know any of the diapered slaves?"

"Yes Mistress."

"Do you know the slave named Erin?" continued Cassandra.

"Yes, Mistress Cassandra," said Cindy.

"Could you take us to see her?" asked Ellen.

A look of concern came over Cindy's face and she answered, "Not really, Mistress Ellen."

"Explain," said Ellen.

"All the slaves are kept in a separate portion of the dungeon," said Cindy. "Headmistress Alexandra or one of her staff would have to let you in. Do you want me to bring you to Headmistress Alexandra?"

"No, that's OK," said Ellen. "What can you tell us about Erin?"

Cindy looked confused, since she had never been questioned by a guest Mistress before about a particular slave. She had seen Erin off and on during rest periods since their first meeting and they usually chatted briefly. More importantly Cindy was a good friend of Pam and one of her sources of information about the goings on in the castle, and beyond. Pam had spared Cindy punishment once when she had accidentally spilled a drink on a guest during a party. Since then both women had been good friends. Cindy also knew Pam was looking for two of Erin's friends who were supposed to be at the wedding. Perhaps these were the two. Deciding to take a chance, she therefore said, "She is fine Mistress. Would you like me to take a message to Pam for her?"

Ellen and Cassandra looked at each other, hardly believing their luck. Ellen said, "Who is this Pam?"

"Pam is the senior diapered slave and a good friend of Erin. She talks to all the slaves, including me. She said that some of Erin's friends would be at the wedding and that she had a message for them," said Cindy.

Ellen grabbed Cindy by the shoulders and squeezed her, overjoyed with their luck at finding the slave girl. "Yes," said Ellen, "I most definitely want you to take a message to Pam. Tell her that Ellen and Cassandra are here, and we would like to talk to her and Erin. Do you think she can get a message back to us?"

"I think so, Mistress Ellen," said Cindy. "Several of us will be entertaining the guests in their cottages. If you let me know where you are staying, perhaps one of them can drop off a message on the way to their engagement."

"Great!" said Ellen, enthusiastically. She explained to Cindy where their cottage was and told her they would be there till eight that evening when they had to go to another party. "Thank you Cindy," said Ellen to the slave girl.

"Yes, Mistress Ellen," she replied as she turned to leave.


Cindy had spent the night entertaining one of the wedding guests. April had paired them up at the reception when she was handing out flowers. She had left with the woman shortly after April and Lisa had left at three. The woman was into the lighter S&M activities and had spent the night spanking Cindy before she finally took her to bed. Cindy had been returning to the castle from the woman's quarters when she ran into Ellen and Cassandra. She knew Pam would be excited to receive the information she was bringing. After reporting in with Laura, Cindy was officially on her rest period so she would sleep in preparation for the evening's activities.

Cindy entered the rest and recreation area of the dungeon reserved for the slaves, looking for Pam. Pam was sitting with Kelly in a corner of the room talking quietly, as was her habit. She had also had a busy night. Cindy approached the diapered women and said, "Pam, Erin's friends are here. They wish to talk to her."

Pam had asked most of the slaves she knew to try and find and contact these women, and was pleased to get Cindy's news. So far all the others had been unsuccessful in finding Erin's friends. "Where and when?" asked Pam.

"A few minutes ago as I was returning to the castle they were in the garden," answered Cindy.

"What did they say?" said Pam.

"They asked how Erin was and said they wanted to talk to her. I told them that you would try and send a message via one of the girls to their cottage. They said they would return there shortly and wait for your answer," said Cindy.

"Excellent, Cindy," said Pam. "See if you can find someone who has an assignment in the cottages in the next few hours, and bring her here. And thanks, you did well! Turning to Kelly she said, "I have to figure out how I can talk with one of them, any ideas?"

"Well, I'm supposed to entertain at the party Mistress April is having for the group from Erin's office. Maybe you can take my place. Surely these women will be there or at least invited," said Kelly.

"Yes," said Pam, "Excellent idea. Assuming we can trade places somehow, we need to figure out a way of having April agree to giving me an assignment with one of them."

"That shouldn't be too hard," said Kelly. "The word is that, April was planning on letting two of the women in the group use us after the party. Maybe, Erin's friends could arrange among themselves who is chosen."

"Yes, good idea," said Pam. "That leaves us with the problem of trading places. Is Sandra doing the detail tonight?"

"Yes, I believe so," said Kelly.

"Good. Then she can make a 'mistake' and switch us. She may need to take a few lashes, but that should get me in," said Pam.

As the women talked over their plan, a slave approached Pam and said, "Cindy said you wanted to see me, something about delivering a message."

"Yes," said Pam. "Listen carefully." Pam told the slave, whose name was Jennifer, where to find Cassandra and Ellen and gave her a message to deliver. When she was done she said, "Got all that?"

"Yes," said Jennifer.

"Good. Get going," said Pam.


Cassandra and Ellen had wandered about the garden after Cindy left. They returned to their cottage an hour or so later, to await news from Pam and Erin. The women rested till about six. Refreshed from their nap, they sat talking in Ellen's room when they heard a soft knock at the door. Ellen rose and slowly opened the door, to find a slave girl standing at the entrance.

"Mistress Ellen?" she asked timidly.

"Yes," said Ellen, "come in."

The slave girl entered the room and Ellen shut the door behind her. "I have a message from Pam for you Mistress," said Jennifer.

"Good!" said Ellen, "what is it?"

"Pam said to tell you that she and Erin will be at the party Mistress April is hosting for you tonight. After the party, Mistress April is going to allow two in your group to use them for the evening. She requests that you arrange it among yourselves so that you and Mistress Cassandra are the ones chosen," said Jennifer.

Cassandra and Ellen looked at each other, but neither said anything. Ellen turned to the girl and said, "Thank you. Is there any thing you require?"

"No, Mistress," said the slave.

"OK. Thanks," said Ellen, opening the door for the girl.

When the slave had left, Ellen said, "How typical of April to further humiliate Erin. It's just as we suspected."

"Yes, but we can't complain either," said Cassandra. "After all, this is the opportunity we've been looking for. However, we need to figure out a way to make sure we end up with this slave Pam and Erin."

Ellen smiled slyly and said, "Leave that to me. As the old saying goes, 'rank has its privileges'."


When Erin awoke in her cell it was already late in the day. Getting out of bed, she knelt on the floor for what had become a routine task of self humiliation: messing and wetting herself. When she was finished, Erin stood waiting for Laura. A wave of depression fed by her sexual frustration from the night before, swept over Erin as she pondered the events of the previous evening and her life as a slave at Zax. Being a slave was both worse and better than she had thought. It was worse because the constant degradation and humiliation surpassed anything she could have imagined prior to coming to the dungeon on Zax Island. It was better however than she might have expected, since (at least up to now) when she wasn't being 'used' or trained, she had significant free time to herself. In addition the other slaves she had met were, for the most part, friendly and helpful. She also had hope, however slim, that Cassandra might find a way to get her out of the dungeon and away from Zax.

Erin pondered her situation. Last night had been both shocking and surprising. Although Erin had not really thought about having to serve April, doing so was not particularly surprising. April was the head of Zax and, for the most part, could do anything she wanted on Zax Island. The fact that she was obviously happy about Erin's situation or wished to take advantage of it was hardly a revelation either. After all, she had engineered everything. What had surprised Erin was Lisa. How could she have married April and why? Especially so soon after Erin had been convicted and sent to Zax; this made far less sense. But then Lisa's behavior had been surprising throughout the whole affair. Erin remembered her almost carefree and casual attitude as she stood watching as Susan went about her awful work. They had been separated by only a few feet, yet Lisa had never attempted to express any sympathy or sorrow about Erin's ordeal. To the contrary, she seemed to have enjoyed watching the humiliating scene, standing next to April and talking to her, as if they were at the park or zoo. Memories flashed through Erin's mind, fragments of events to terrible to recall in their entirety: Susan poking and touching her; cramps, pain and embarrassment; April smiling; Ellen and Cassandra standing solemnly and quietly talking to each other; the escort chatting with Lisa and Cindy; the fingers of Lisa's left hand touching April's fingers...
