Cucked in the Tropics Ch. 05

Story Info
Callie acts strangely after a night of dancing with Andre.
12.1k words

Part 5 of the 12 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 07/18/2021
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*** Disclaimer ***

The following story is a work of fiction. It contains themes of cheating, cuckoldry, voyeurism, exhibitionism and NTR. If this isn't the fetish for you, don't waste your time flooding my inbox with hate mail-- it'll only make me want to write and post MORE cuck stuff (unless, of course, that's your goal...)

Otherwise, I love hearing from fans, and welcome any suggestions, thoughts, criticisms, or fantasy ideas. Enjoy!




Jake wasn't just worried. He was beginning to feel sick.

He rolled over and looked at the bedside clock. The numbers 3:34 stared back at him, mocking him. That was 3:34 in the morning. 3:34 in the morning on one of Jake's first handful of nights as a married man, and he was in bed... alone.

Callie wasn't back yet. She had left to go dancing around six o'clock, promising to not be out late. Well... now it was late, and now Jake was worried. Dancing. Only dancing. But Jake had seen the way she dressed and styled herself before she left.

Callie had packed her tasty curves into a little white designer dress that showcased her in ways that Callie would never showcase herself back home. Her dress inched dangerously high on her smooth thighs, narrowed considerably at the waist, and hugged her large full chest. Something about the way the material accented her already busty physique, she looked like she was hiding a pair of cantaloupes in her dress, even with no cleavage visible. The back was open, and stopped dangerously short of her curving ass.

Callie had stood in front of the mirror, fussing with her hair for what felt like hours. She had styled her long blonde hair in vertical curls that reminded Jake of Goldilocks. In years, she had never done anything adventurous with her hair. Why now?

She'd put on makeup-- pink lipstick and blush on her cheeks, obsessively plucked her eyebrows and curled her lashes, and carefully applied just the right amount of perfume.

She had even take the time to carefully run lotion up and down her legs, giving them a smooth alluring sheen.

Callie most certainly didn't look like the Callie that Jake had known since grade school. She looked sexy. Like a celebrity attending a red carpet event. She certainly wasn't dressed like a wife on vacation, and definitely didn't look like the small town farm girl he'd known for most of his life.

Jake couldn't shake the feeling that he was watching his own wife prepare herself for a date. A date with another man. Because Andre would be there. Andre... who Callie had 'let slip' that he'd taken her shopping. Andre who had bought her these clothes. Even right now, Callie was sitting in one of the plush hotel suite chairs, strapping on a pair of heels that added at least four inches to her height, so focused that she wasn't looking at Jake at all.

Andre... who stood at 6'8" with huge powerful muscles and a firm commanding presence. Andre who Jake had seen outside of the hotel, trading money with a shady looking man, and completely dominating him with his stare alone.

When Callie had finished putting on her shoes, she stood and made an effort to not look in Jake's direction. He, again, had this unshakable feeling that she was mad at him, and he couldn't figure out why. She was being ice cold and silent the way she sometimes behaved when he did something to upset her.

"You look really gorgeous," Jake said softly.

"Do I?" she asked, staring at herself in the mirror as she put on earrings that twinkled in the light and must have cost a fortune. Her voice sounded distracted-- a million miles away. She draped a necklace over her chest, and took an extra few moments to adjust her boobs. They seemed to stand out even more prominently than usual-- which was a feat in itself, because Callie's boobs definitely grabbed attention with their size.

When she turned back from the mirror, she again averted her eyes, moving back and forth from one destination to the next with a purpose. Her mouth held in a thin line.

"Did you want to get a drink with me before you go?" Jake offered up a tiny liquor bottle from the mini-fridge.

Callie almost seemed to ignore the offer completely. She glanced at the time and cursed softly. "Crap, I'm late for meeting them. I gotta go," she hurried for the door.

"Okay baby," Jake felt slightly defeated. "Have fun tonight."

"You too," she said, in that same distracted tone. Her heels clacking off the floor as she made for the door. Her curls bouncing down her back as she walked. "I won't be out too late," she promised.

"No worries. I love you," he called after her, but then the door shut behind her. The gunshot sound of finality was his only reply.

Jake had gotten dinner and drinks with June while the girls had their night. June was fun, and interesting, but the conversation did little to distract Jake from his mounting concerns that he had committed some infraction and his wife was angry with him. And if she was while she was out dancing-- looking like a glamour model-- should he be worried?

He must have glanced at his phone countless times throughout drinks with June.

And when he returned to his room shortly after ten o'clock, he found the silence and solitude to be absolutely panic inducing. He'd managed to control his worries until eleven o'clock, before he decided to try Callie's number.

The phone rang about five times before it picked up. Jake could hear the blare of rhythmic pounding music in the background. Like tribal drum beats set to club music.

"Hello?" Callie sounded unsure, annoyed, and out of breath all at once. He could hear her breathing heavily.

"Hey baby, I'm just checking in. Are you having fun?"

There was a pause. He knew the call hadn't dropped, because the music was continual. "Yeah, I'm having a great time." There was a tremble to her voice. She was definitely out of breath.

"Wow, it sounds like a real party. Is everything alright?"

"Yeah, why wouldn't it be?" Suddenly defensive and annoyed.

"I was just checking. You sound--"

"I'm just out of breath from dancing," she said quickly.

"Okay... well I'll let you get back to your fun," Jake said meekly. "What time do you think you'll get back? If you want, I can have room service bring a midnight snack--"

"I don't know," she said the last with some degree of hesitation. "I'll let you know when we're on our way back."

A second later, a new voice in the background. A woman's. Mei sounded very drunk and very jovial. "Caaaaaallieeeeeee. Get off your phone. Andre's waiting."

"I gotta go," Callie said quickly.

"Okay," this time Jake wanted to say it while she could hear him. "I love you."

There was a pause-- long enough that Jake knew she heard him, and long enough that she knew she couldn't play it off. "I love you too," she said finally. Callie sounded like her thoughts were very jumbled and she was sorting out some unseen insecurity with herself.

Before Jake could question it further, the line clicked, and her voice was gone.

Jake sat in silence. That final "I love you too," echoing in his head for hours and hours.

He had waited for two more hours, checking his phone obsessively for a call or text message. Any indication that things were normal. All the while, he was battling this ever growing feeling of dread that something was very wrong and he had no idea why or how he could fix it.

The TV did very little to pacify him. His concerns made his stomach feel like it was tied in knots. He found himself pacing the room, trading glances between the door, the clock, and his phone.

Finally, he took a deep breath and decided that he needed to try to sleep. It might prove to be a futile effort, given how not-tired he felt, but he had to try. This whole evening had taken on a surreal quality that felt vaguely reminiscent of a nightmare, and Jake needed to try to escape it.

When he turned out the bedside lamp, Jake stared at the digital clock with wide open eyes. The minutes crawled along until they eventually read 3:34, and still Callie was not back yet. Jake's emotions were churning in a mixture of fear, self loathing, worry, guilt, and a touch of anger. Callie was never normally this aloof, irresponsible, or... dare he say-- selfish. Just what in the hell was going on with her?

In his head, he began to practice the things he would say to her when she finally got back. The questions that he'd ask.

It would be another half an hour before he heard the hotel room door open and shut behind her. And the reassuring sound of her feet pattering toward the bathroom was such an instant comfort, that almost every one of Jake's questions and talking points vanished. He heard a drunken clumsiness to her staggering walk.

Jake rolled slightly over, and saw the bathroom light on. He heard the sound of her shedding her clothes-- probably eager to get out of her dress. Then, to his surprise, the shower started. He rolled back onto his side, facing away from the bathroom door and only listened.

Callie was in the shower for a surprisingly long time, it seemed. The clock on the wall read another thirty minutes before Callie emerged from the bathroom. She seemed to pause at the side of the bed. Jake could sense her staring at him. He felt his heart pounding, but for reasons he couldn't explain, he squeezed his eyelids shut, and pretended to sleep. He didn't move or stir.

After an eternity, Callie slipped into bed beside him, facing away from, and went to sleep without so much as a goodnight kiss or the slightest hint of any bodily contact.

Jake tried to tell himself that she was just tired and didn't want to wake him. And those thoughts quieted his inner anxiety enough that he could begin to drift off to sleep. But just before he did, while he was in that momentary transition between awake and asleep, when his body felt as though he was free falling, a bizarre and fleeting thought entered his brain.

She's not Callie anymore.

Then like a ghostly fog passing in the night, the thought floated away and was gone. Jake slept.


Nearly 9 hours earlier...

"Damn girl, look at you!" Mei squealed in delight. The second she saw Callie, her face lit up and her jaw dropped.

Callie giggled nervously and swept her hair back behind her ears. She was blushing as she did so, and Mei immediately picked up on it.

"It's because we're meeting Andre, isn't it?" Mei teased.

"N-no," Callie stammered. "I just felt like looking nice."

"Girl, you want him."

"I do not. I'm already taken."

But Mei didn't look convinced. "Uh huh. I know what this is all about. You want to look foxy as fuck in front of him, in the hope that he-- how did you describe your fantasy-- gets so worked up that he just has to have you, and he takes you."

Callie's blush only deepened, but she said nothing.

"I'm gonna make this happen for you, baby," Mei grabbed Callie by the hand and nearly dragged her to the hotel bar where they were meeting Andre.

"Mei, please don't do anything crazy," Callie pled.

"Oh now I have to. I might have had a spontaneous fling with him, but this..." Mei waved her hand to encompass Callie's whole look-- the dress, the hair, the jewelry, the shoes. "...This is all premeditation. It's written all over this outfit. This is the outfit of someone who wants to get fucked... and fucked hard."

"Mei!" Callie gasped, looking around. "That's not true. I just wanted to feel sexy and show off a little. Besides, Andre picked this out and bought it for me, so I thought the right thing to do would be to let him see me enjoying his gift."

Mei's eyes sparkled. "He bought that for you? Wait wait. Back up. He picked that out and bought it for you?"

Callie hunched her head slightly in a guilty posture.

"Damn, if only I'd have come along, I could have scored some free clothes," Mei tugged at her own dress. Mei had packed her body into the classic 'little black dress'. It was tight and body hugging up top-- sexy and showy-- and it flared out by her hips, becoming playful and bouncy around her legs. Callie was positive, that if Mei twirled fast enough, everyone at the club would get a flash of Mei's perky ass.

"It was probably best that you didn't," Callie said, and her posture only grew more hunched. Her cheeks redder.

"Why?" Then Mei's expression grew suspicious. "You know something! Did something happen?"

Callie begged Mei to lower her voice, but then she confided. "I may have... let Andre watch me try everything on." Her face was burning bright red after this admission.

"You slut," Mei smacked her playfully with the back of her hand.

"It's not really that terrible, is it?" Callie asked, her eyes were pleading, seeking some reassurance from her guilt.

"No no... it's not like you blew him or anything."

"I may have... let him jerk off in front of me," Callie continued.

"Oh my god," Mei gasped and started to giggle. She looked genuinely pleased with Callie over this revelation.

Callie's expression resembled a guilty dog that had piddled on the floor. "I guess I got a little carried away. And I feel kinda bad. The whole time I was getting ready for tonight, I couldn't even look at Jake. God, I'm terrible."

"Psh. Don't beat yourself up," Mei waved dismissively. "You're on vacation. You wanted to see the sights. And if all you did was see them, nobody can fault you for that. And Andre is definitely an anomaly. You have to sneak a peek. That's like driving past the Grand Canyon and not looking." Mei lowered her voice conspiratorially. "So did he cum like a crazy amount? Like buckets?" She said knowingly.

"Mei!" Callie gasped again, then lowered her voice. "Yes. It was crazy. I've never seen anything like it. There was *so* much."

"That guy is certainly built for something specific. I think God had one thing in mind, and one thing only when he made Andre."

"I guess," Callie shrugged, but her eyes had become unfocused, lost in the memory.

Mei only smiled. "It sounds like Andre wants to fuck you... and badly. Why don't we just make that happen?"

"Mei, absolutely not. I just got carried away by everything that happened."

"Everything that happened? You mean there's more?"

"C'mon... I'll tell you on the way. But don't you dare try anything. I'm not here for that. I'm just hoping to loosen up and have fun tonight, and hopefully not feel so bad once I go back to Jake. And if Andre expects me to cheat on Jake, well then I'm just going to put my foot down, thank him for everything, but tell him we need to distance ourselves for the rest of the vacation. Understand?"

Mei smiled and held up her hand like a scout taking an oath. Still, there was something in her expression that betrayed her sincerity. She looked far less innocent. "I understand. I won't pull anything. Let's go have fun. I'll fix you right up."

"Mei, I'm serious. Don't do anything that'll jeopardize my marriage," Callie cautioned.

"I'm serious too. The only one who can jeopardize your marriage is you. You do whatever you want to do, and I won't push it."

But somewhere behind Mei's almond eyes, the gears were turning.


When they met Andre at the bar, he was in a white suit with a casual button down. He eyed the two approaching ladies. Particularly the blonde in the figure hugging white dress.

"Hey stud," Mei sang out playfully as she threw her arms around Andre and gave him a smooch on the cheek. "Doesn't Callie look sexy in the clothes you picked out for her?"

Right away. Callie blushed humbly but offered Andre a smile. "Hi," she said nervously.

Andre made no effort to hide his wandering eyes. He bit his lip and without a word, twirled his finger. He wanted her to spin around.

Despite the situation, Callie did, showing off the way the dress hugged her figure and displayed her curves-- particularly her breasts, ass, and legs.

"Mmm, very sexy," Andre said, and gestured for them to sit down.

"I shouldn't get too drunk tonight," Callie warned, trying to already establish some boundaries. Regardless, she instinctively took a seat beside Andre.

"Why not, Callie?" Mei said in a teasing voice. "Afraid you might not be able to control yourself?"

Callie shot her a look. Mei seized on it. She came around to Andre's opposite side, cupped her hand over his ear and began to whisper something. The two of them glancing at Callie while she did.

Callie glanced away, flustered, then turned back. "Are you in junior high? What are you guys talking about?"

"Nothing," Mei replied innocently.

"I'm beginning to feel like the third wheel," Callie said, and without realizing it, there was some level of jealousy at Mei just making herself comfortable with Andre right in front of her.

"Actually, that's what we were discussing. I volunteered to be the third wheel," Mei said, then quickly added, "So you two can dance."

Callie reddened.

"Actually, I already took care of that," Andre snapped his fingers and gestured. A man emerged from the crowd in a stylish gray-blue suit. His skin was midnight black, but he had a youthful face and a big smile. It took Callie a moment recognize Darren-- the masseuse from the spa who'd given Mei her rubdown. Callie had been so wrapped up in Andre's touch that she'd completely forgotten about Mei's professional.

"Hey there, pretty lady," he greeted Mei with a pair of drinks and slid beside her on the stools.

"Hi," she perked up a bit, giving Andre a coy 'thank you' grin. Darren slid his arm around Mei's slender frame. He must have been younger by at least five years-- barely twenty-- but the way he dressed and carried himself in this environment, he looked wiser beyond his years. And not at all shy to be putting his arm around the waist of a married woman.

"There, now nobody is left out," Andre said. Callie was wondering what was happening. This was shaping up to look and feel like a double date. But neither man were their husbands.

"What's good?" Callie asked, browsing the drink list, more so to break the tense energy than out of actual interest.

"Don't worry about that, I already ordered for you," Andre winked and placed a big reassuring hand on Callie's knee. She nearly jumped out of her skin.

Andre leaned over. "That dress fits you perfectly, by the way," his voice was a deep resonant whisper, that again reminded Callie of distant thunder on a summer day.

"Thanks. I thought you might like this one more," the words reflexively falling out of her mouth. What was wrong with her, she wondered. It was like she was under a spell or something. Always at a complete loss when Andre was around. The authority he commanded seemed to make her naturally want to please him, and to receive his approval.

"It's very sexy. Don't think I'll be able to take my eyes off of you."

She reddened. "Oh... umm... thanks," she had to look away.

Thankfully the bartender brought over her drink, and she was grateful for the distraction. Andre sat back, but his hand still rested on her leg, as though he wanted everyone in the bar to see who she was with.

Callie's drink might have been strong, but it was so fruity and delicious, that she didn't much care, just glad to have something to hide her face behind when things got too... adult.

Once everyone had their drinks, Andre led them across the resort. Along the way, Callie gave a brief nervous glance around, wondering if they'd encounter Jake and June, and hoping they wouldn't. This was just a friendly night of dancing. Why worry either of them for no reason?

The resort had its own nightclub. It was a large flat terrace that over looked the ocean and the beach below. Half of it was open to the night, and the other half was in an open air but covered room-- in Mexican Villa style architecture. The club wasn't complete without a small swimming pool, fountains, a DJ booth, and multiple tiki bars.