Cuckolding the Wyvern

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A dragon takes a wyvern couple...
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Xigfeldo knew just who and what he was hunting as he stalked through the forest, letting the vines drape over him and down the length of his back as he made like a hydra, hunkered down with his belly close to the ground. In the gloom of the deep undergrowth, his scales took on a darker hue, although he was traditionally of the silver and black dragon varieties, embodying the best from both types of dragon. His crest of fur rose between his horns in the same shade as his scales, a similar line of fur flattening down his neck as he exercised stealth, letting his tail hang only high enough so that it would not drag and give away his position. Stealth was not usually his forte but he had a very special kind of prey in mind and it was not one that he was at all apt to sink his teeth into.

No... Their scent called him on, climbing higher and higher, the ground sloping up beneath him, the humid climate sending clinging drops of moisture to drip down his scales. In the midst of it, he was a part of the land itself, draped in moss and letting it stay there, as the croon and clack of his prey called him on, letting him know without even knowing what they were doing that they were there for the taking.

Xigfeldo smirked, lips quirking up. She would be perfect...

The wyverns he'd set his sights on when he'd first infiltrated the area were cocooned up in their nest, the height of breeding season upon them and, well, they were doing just what any pair of lusty and eager wyverns would have done at that time. The nest was thick and almost could have been mistaken for undergrowth if he had not already known that they were in there, the pink wyvern with hard scales laying down, her head a little narrower and more feminine than the azure drake wyvern behind her, the blue of his scales mingling with the lighter green of his wings, struck through with a spiralling line that denoted his age and maturity.

She was called Rymal and the pink in her viciously hard scales was underrated, a lighter shade that highlighted a greyer, rougher edge to her being. It was hard to see the femininity in her but Xigfeldo, truly, had been lost to her wiles and passion the first time he had laid eyes on the softness of her vent, flushed with heat and aching for her mate. Rymal's thick tail lifted over that very vent as he watched her with her mate, his cock powering into her, but there was something lacking in the muscled wrath of the blue wyvern, who he knew from his careful study in pursuit of the hunt went by the name of Zondes. He could have been a mouthful in the kinky way but he must have been a younger wyvern who didn't know how to use the tool that had been given to him, leaving his mate wanting and crooning, seed spilling from her vent while her own needs, ultimately, went unfulfilled.

But that was what he was there for, Xigfeldo zeroing in on her, drooling slavering from his massive jaws, a larger drake than the wyverns and a force to be reckoned with, growling softly under his breath. Hidden within the brush, he stiffened on the precipice of the lunge, waiting for the opportune moment.

"Yesss..." He hissed, eyes narrowing with deadly intent. "Now... Now, you will be mine."

He spoke solely in such a manner that he succeeded in exciting himself further, forcing himself against all odds to keep his tail still, so as not to give his position away. The pink wyvern lay down on her stomach, passively allowing her mate to hump her, that curved wyvern-cock teasing into her, but there was an element of boredom in how he thrust, how she accepted him, that cock not so easily catching in her vent and driving halfway in.

Xigfeldo snorted. Not even halfway. Well, there was no way that he should deny her any longer.

The wyverns scattered in a screech and flurry of wings, clambering on their two legs and the wings that they used in lieu of forelegs, as mobile as any four-legged creature. But Rymal and Zondes were simply not quick enough as the male whirled to face Xigfeldo, snarling brutally, but all Xigfeldo had to do was call on his magic, the thing that set him apart from the wyverns, although they were far, far from a dull species. No, they were just a different type of reptile, but one that he longed to feel for himself too.

Zondes yelped, thrashing helplessly as water encased him, swirling and wrapping around his limbs as if it was formed of something far more substantial. It hefted him up into the air with just his head and tail sticking out, all other limbs neatly tucked within, the churning, frothing flow of water encasing him easily. As much as he snarled and thrashed, Zondes couldn't do anything at all to break free against magic to which he was helpless against, fear showing in the white rim around his eyes, whipping his head back and forth, his mate crying out for him.

It would have been less amusing to Xigfeldo if Zondes' cock had not still been out, kept hard and throbbing by the tantalising flow of water, which he made sure would hold in his absence, for he had better things to think about than holding him entrapped. No, Zondes would have to wait with the liquid teasing and caressing his cock, turning his fear to confused arousal, the end of his tail twitching back and forth outside the sphere as if that would help him, in some small way, to break free.

Spoiler alert: it didn't.

Rymal was all set to run -- but she couldn't leave her mate! Torn in indecision, she keened again and darted back and forth but Xigfeldo was considerably larger than her, his wings adding more bulk and height to him too. She couldn't take him! And yet there was something in the stance of his body that told her that he wasn't in the attack, a subtle predatory note ringing through him, head snaking out along with his tongue to flicker and taste the air, scenting her. Hesitating, Rymal licked her nose in turn, mimicking him and moistening her nostrils as she snuffled, taking in his scent and aroma as her mate squalled and thrashed, words blurring into cries that she could not discern words from in the slightest.

"Now..." He hissed, the female wyvern eyeing him cautiously, interest raised. "Now, for you, my dear. I've been watching you for such a long time that our introduction, truly, is overdue."

Rymal should have pulled back and away from him as he approached but there was something tartly sweet on the air, the cloying scent of sweetness almost so thick that it became something palatable, tangible. Her lips parted and she sucked in greedy gulp after gulp of breath, lungs working furiously, tail tucking down even as a part of her yearned to lift it. She'd been ready, after all, to fuck her mate! Even though he was not the best lay and even she was not going to deny it, to be caught up in some strange dragon's game was not exactly her idea of how to spend an afternoon. A relaxing flight, however, may well have been higher on the agenda.

"Leave her alone!" Zondes snarled, teeth showing as he viciously drew them back from his teeth, although he was lacking severely in the intimidation factor. "She'd done nothing to you! What do you want from us?"

But Xigfeldo completely ignored just how his hoarse, gravelly tone rasped out, choosing to focus on the wyvern who was already well on her way to falling under his spell. Her lower jaw fell slack as she took in his musk and pheromones over and over again, unable to move a single muscle as, slowly, so slowly, her tail twitched up and up, falling over her back in a soft, sensual arc, displaying her flushed and swollen vent, ready to be bred.


And yet there wasn't anything that her mate could scream at her to call halt to proceedings. Fear fell away from her, a shroud that she no longer had any such use for, wanting something that her mind could not put words to, jaw working as she sought to find it, to claim it for herself. Little did she know (and, if she had known, her heart would have leapt for the raw thrill of it) that it was her to be claimed that day and not Xigfeldo to fall under her claws.

Still, she could not stop herself from sucking in breath after breath, a low moan of a purr rising from her trembling lips. There may have been a growl locked in there at some point but the dragon dominating her, towering over her, was a force to be reckoned with, that aroma growing in intensity. Of course, she could not know that Xigfeldo was to blame for that, the scent gland within his cloaca, that delightful cocktail of eroticism, secreting more and more musk, flooding the area with it, making it so that she would never have wanted to refuse him even if that had been an option to begin with. He knew, however, that the wyvern female was the perfect victim to target, someone in need of his sexual prowess and, well, if he was lucky, Zondes would pick up a trick or two from him over time also. If not, that wasn't going to bother Xigfeldo in the slightest either.

"Is there something you like here, my dear?" He crooned, running a claw under her chin as she gasped and swooned, leaning into him as her heart pounded, seeming too close to the not so fragile barrier between hardened scales and weak flesh. "It's yours for the taking... That's if you've finally decided that your weak-willed mate is not wyvern enough for you. Why not try a dragon?"

And it seemed that she had already made up her mind on that matter, whimpering and bowing her head respectfully to him, submitting to one who, truly, could have overpowered her anyway. But it was the scent of his pheromones, that sweet musk and tartness, flooding the air that did it for her, clouding her vision and making her nostrils flare and pucker greedily, sucking in his scent over and over again.


She exhaled in a rush of breath as she bowed her chest down to the ground, soil grinding lightly into her scales, soiling her like the dirty breeder she needed to be for him. It didn't cross Rymal's mind that she was in the middle of her season, raging with heat, but every last fibre of her being craved the feel of him, slamming in, that hard length that he surely had driving in viciously, the brutal breeding strokes that she'd do desired hers to claim at last... One thought rolled into the next and she groaned, unable to separate one from the other as she whimpered for him, the drake's scent only intensifying as his aching dick slipped out, pushing aside the folds of his cloaca as he showed what he had that the cuckolded wyvern male simply did not have to boast.

Zondes sucked in a breath. Just where had he been hiding that beast? He stared, jaws hanging open, barely able to believe that there was no snarling battle to be had between them and, on the other claw, he had been bested so quickly that he had not taken any manner of wounds at all. The water bubble closed in around him, flowing as if he had settled himself down in the middle of a stream, cooling his scales on a hot summer's day, but it held him unsettling, churning over his stomach and his still-hard cock, the constant stimulation not allowing him to grow soft.

He grunted, head swimming, eyes fixed on his mate, watching her, her head tipping back in a moan that she had never made for him. Rymal squealed and clawed at the ground, ravaged beautifully, and he could not help but be mesmerised, breathing harshly through an open mouth as he grunted and groaned, trying to make sense of something that he just couldn't understand. A part of him knew that he should have been snarling, snapping, lunging in to save her, but he couldn't do anything at all, rendered helpless and useless where he should have been her biggest fan and greatest defender after all the time that they had spent together, growing close and hunting in sync, predators at their best in the realm of monsters.

And, still, he watched that cock disappear into his mate over and over again, the fat length more than even he could boast. Of course, he was a respectable size as far as things went for wyverns but the dragon was a larger beast overall and stretched her out like he'd never been able to do -- and that should not have at all been shameful for him to admit by any means! And yet he quailed, shrinking back and chattering lightly under his breath, a mumbling croon, cock throbbing and drooling pre-cum that dissipated instantly into the water as if it had never existed to begin with.

Xigfeldo knew that something was going on with the wyvern that he had shunted off to the side into his neat little bubble of cuckolding but he was truly more wrapped up in the female he was breeding. Oh, how could Rymal have been so sweet to him, heated passage wrapped around his cock? Her passage massaged him thoroughly with each and every stroke and the drake could not have stopped even if he'd wanted to. He fucked her harder and faster, hindquarters working furiously to seal away every last inch of his rampant breeding rod inside her, right where it belonged.

But there was something more to how she undulated and moved against him, Rymal whimpering, seeming to take on a breathless air. That was interesting. That was very interesting, in fact. The wyvern female whined and rocked against him and he followed her lead, letting her body and how she responded to him lead the way, showing him what she liked.

And what she liked... Oh. That was interesting. He'd watched Zondes taking her before and it had been crude and rough, short-lived at best. She'd begged him for more and even grown angry with him, lashing out with claws and teeth when he was not able to satisfy her, although the love between them was there. The match-up of their sexuality, however, was not and that became increasingly obvious as he followed them, learning and studying for his own perverted curiosity. He'd thought that she'd wanted a coarse and rough pounding that would make her the breeding female she truly was but, oh... Hm. Maybe even Xigfeldo, the stud dragon extraordinaire, had to rethink how he went about things from time to time.

But he was nothing if not flexible and he was in the business of delivering sexual pleasure, not taking without due cause. As she pushed back against him, he growled, leaning over her, although he no longer had to hold her in place. No, she was there and she wanted him, the angle of his hips better able to pop his ridges in and out of her, dragging over what had to be a throbbing nub of a clit. His brow furrowed curiously, jaws hanging open with his tongue flickering within. That was what he had to use!

For females did not just need to be pounded and, perhaps, that was just where Zondes had gone wrong with her. He could thrust and roll his hips with loving sensuality, drawing a gasp to her lips, but Rymal needed something more, a little stimulation that her mate, clearly, was yet to uncover. Snaking his tail around under his body and between them, the dextrous, sensitive tip sought out that tantalising nub, stroking and grinding so very lightly, delivering everything that she needed and more.

Zondes jerked and heaved, panting and snarling, although not even he knew what sounds he was making as Rymal drowned him out, her shrill croon defying anything that he had ever known. Why couldn't he make her cry out like that? What was wrong with that? He huffed and grunted, a part of him adoring playing the voyeur, even though he was not at all thinking of throwing Xigfeldo off his mate anymore. Why would he when he was making his mate cry out like that?

For, even to Rymal, there could not have been any question whatsoever as to whether or not she liked it, her jaws open in a continuous moan, wings digging into the dirt to brace herself. Oh, how she needed him, that cock rolling up and down as it sank into her, teasing the sensitive tightness of her entrance and then pressing up against the most sensitive part inside her, what made stars leap and dance behind her lowered eyelids.

She moaned, casting her eyes over, desperately, to her mate, but it was not Zondes that she was thinking of. Just what could he do for her? He was not hurt and he was not undergoing harm... Why, his cock was still out! And, so, she put on a show for him, lips parting in a half-smile, although it was difficult for her to actively think about doing anything as pleasure rolled over her, something tightening inside her. Her head rolled, horns and jagged scales grinding into the dirt, passion heating up as she eyed up her mate, how his body twitched and shuddered within that bubble of water, creamy pulse after pulse of cum flooding his entrapment. Or maybe that was her imagination...

"Yesss..." Xigfeldo hissed, head rolling back as he nearly climaxed already, lust building bit by bit. "Feel it..."

And she did, oh, she did. She had no choice to and her mate moaned her name from his bondage as he thrashed his tail, head whipping back and forth as he did indeed fill the bubble with his cum, clear shades obscured where the cloud of his seed erupted. It was not enough to complete cloud the bubble, considering his size, but he flushed heavily to imagine it teasing against his scales, panting and gasping, wanting to know why he felt as he did but not caring on the other claw. What did it matter? He was hot, he was horny, he wanted his mate more than ever...

It was strange. Very strange. But he didn't need to explain everything to himself in the moment of lust.

But something was happening, the tension rising pleasantly within Rymal's gut, curling through her in seductively warm tendrils, reaching every last part of her being. What was that? She could not say, could not breathe, a mindless beast that needed something from her unexpected dragon mate above all else. And all she could do was cry out for him over and over again as her very first orgasm washed over her, sweeping her up in a flood of emotion, a storm of which's downpour could not be called halt to, washed away and used up, broken and shattered in the very best of ways.

Her passage rippled and clenched around her dragon partner rhythmically, everything seeming to slow down. Orgasm pulsed and lifted her up, but if she due to crash down again she was not going to care one bit about anything to come. All that mattered was the moment she was living in, grunting and shuddering, a heaving mess of a wyvern who no longer knew where she was or what she was doing. Every muscle in her body quivered and went weak, no longer able to support herself as Xigfeldo was forced to heft up her haunches as her mate looked out, lust searing through his gaze even as, at the crux of it, he tried to turn away from the penultimate moment.

And Xigfeldo smirked.

The weaker male did not have another orgasm to give but it was not for him as the dragon swallowed up his chilly breath in a roar, blasting it out to declare his pride and triumph to all who cared to hear it, to bear witness to the splendour of his breeding. The dragon poured out everything he had to her, his gentle strokes drawing spurt after patient spurt from him, the flow of cum seedily sensual. Going slow too had its perks, or so he found, drawing out his orgasm more and more as if he was engaged in the act of milking himself or perhaps even edging, although that was only something that he had before performed on his partners, whether they were fortunate or unfortunate in that.

On and on, his orgasm claimed him, each pulsing thrust of his hips seeding her full, cum drooling out around the length of his cock. But he could not forget to stake the ultimate breeding claim as he released his oily perfume too, the same kind of thing that had made her whimper and beg for him to begin with, staining and marking her vent and the slit of her sex with his claim and his mark. There was nothing, nothing at all, that would be able to get that stain off and the reek of him was quick to flood the nest with a fresh, heady dose of his scent all over again, musky cum splattered as the thickness of his oily aphrodisiac made her whimper and moan all the more for him.