Cuckolds Anonymous Ch. 03


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"I can't stress to you enough, how important open and honest dialogue is to the process. I can tell you right now that I may ask questions that will make one or both of you uncomfortable at times, but rest assured if I ask, I'm only doing so to uncover information that I feel is important for our joint success. And you should feel confident your privacy is paramount at Cuckolds Anonymous. Any responses you provide will be between only the two of you and myself." Tanya lied. "Any and all recommendations I make will be based on the information and/or opinions you express in our time together. Does that make sense?"

The Sims' looked anxiously at one another before nodding.

"Okay, so from my meeting with Josh last week, I had a chance to hear from him about his cuckold fetish and resulting desires. He also shared with me the details of a couple of recent experiences you had which triggered him to reach out to us here at Cuckolds Anonymous."

Tanya watched as the couple looked at one another—she could see anxiety written all over Taylor's face.

In a comforting voice, Tanya continued, "So today, I'd like to hear from you Taylor. I'd like to understand exactly how you feel about Josh's fetish desires and about his decision to contact Cuckolds Anonymous. Also Josh said that the two of you have spoken very little about what happened since your trip to Jamaica..." The psych director could see the young wife stiffen, "...So I'd like to explore that further—to have you open up to me and to each other about your thoughts and feelings at the time and how those may have evolved since you returned from your trip. Can we agree to do this?"

Josh reached for Taylor's hand with expression filled eyes. "I think we should Tay, if Tanya is going to help us, we need to let her know exactly how we felt that night and how we feel now."

The hot wife nodded hesitantly.

Brown rubbed his cock in anticipation. His clinical director deserved an A+ for her performance so far.

"So Taylor, let's take a step backwards. I'm sure it came as a big surprise when Josh first told you of his desire to see you with a more endowed man? How did that make you feel when he told you that and how did you respond?"

The young wife hesitated, suddenly wishing they had never agreed to this alternative program which included her involvement. Nevertheless she answered, "Yeah well, of course it did. I assumed he was joking at first, but the longer it persisted, the more concerned I became. We eventually learned that his condition was called cuckoldry and while I had no intention of contributing to his disturbing fetish, I was slightly relieved when we learned that there are a lot of men out there who have similar desires."

"Yes Taylor, our research shows that as many as 26% of the male population show at least some cuckold tendencies. Of those, at least 90% desire their wives' lovers to be larger than them. So let me ask you, and please be honest, had you ever been with a well-endowed man prior to meeting Josh? He shared that he is not exactly robust in that department."

Brown laughed to himself. "That's sugar coating the little thing Tanya!"

They both watched as the beautiful blonde's expression-filled eyes swelled before she looked over at her husband incredulously and thought to herself. "Oh my god, Josh shared that with her?"

Her husband nodded slowly as if to validate Tanya's statement and to encourage Taylor to answer.

The blonde wife took a deep breath before speaking quietly. "Um...well...I was with this guy my freshman year in the dorms who than Josh...but I wouldn't call him huge or anything."

"Okay, this is good Taylor, thank you for your honesty. This next question may be uncomfortable, but remember we are in our circle of trust here. After being with Josh, did you ever yearn for something more?"

Taylor gasped. "Tanya, this is very personal!"

"I know it is honey," Tanya assured "but it's also very critical to our data building. Discovering our ultimate path can only be accomplished by understanding the possible detours along the way."

Josh squeezed her hand. "Honey, this isn't anything we haven't talked about before, we need to share these thoughts with Tanya."

"Um...okay babe." Taylor answered before she peered back to the other couch. "No, I...uh...really didn't. Josh had always been a very considerate lover who prioritized my feelings. And while I know he is probably a little smaller than average, he has always made me feel good. I've never desired anything more."

"Oh that's a bunch of fuckin' bullshit!" Brown laughed to himself.

"Again, thank you for your honesty Taylor, this is exactly the kind of feedback I need to assist you guys. Do either of you need another bottled water or anything?"

They both shook their heads.

"So Taylor, Josh shared that as a means of piquing your interest in endowed men he convinced you to allow him to play pornographic movies when you were in bed together. He told me that not long after that is when he began to see a subtle change in your arousal level in the bedroom. Is that fair to say?"

Taylor's eyes grew large again. Josh had told her about his previous conversation with Tanya, but he hadn't shared the level of detail that she was now being asked to validate. "Uh...yeah...I think that's fair to say. I wasn't crazy about the porn idea at first, but I did find that I eventually began to enjoy watching it when we made love."

"Did the size of the men's penises begin to have any additional impact on you?"

Taylor didn't look in Josh's direction this time. Instead she closed her eyes and gulped before looking back at Tanya and answering nervously. "Yes...I guess you could say over time, that I looked forward to seeing the larger ones. Josh could tell you that my excitement know...were stronger when bigger actors pleasured the actresses."

"Your orgasms?"

The blonde wife nodded sheepishly.

Brown rubbed his big cock.

Tanya's psyche was now fully charged—Taylor Sims was becoming putty in her hands. "Taylor, I'm proud of you for being completely honest in validating many of the thoughts and feelings that Josh shared in our previous meeting. I can tell you, you are not alone in your acknowledgement that large penis size is a source of arousal for you. We hear all the time that size doesn't matter, but I've seen several studies suggesting that up to 80% of married women fantasize about sex with more endowed men."

Another subtle nodding of Taylor Sims' head confirmed her agreement.

"So I guess that brings us to the experiences the two of you encountered recently." Tanya turned the page of her notebook as if to refresh herself with the notes, but she had already memorized the details and knew exactly what she was going to say. "The first was with the ex-marine Tate, but I think we can bypass that as I'm more interested in what took place on your vacation to Jamaica." Tanya looked up over her reader glasses to see Taylor stiffen like before at the mention of Jamaica.

"Again, I want to reiterate that while discussing this may cause some level of anxiety or embarrassment, I assure you both, there isn't anything you might say that I haven't heard before. I am not here to judge or criticize you for your actions. We are all people with human frailties and desires that sometimes manifest themselves in ways we don't expect or anticipate. And because the two of you have not discussed this much since it took place, I want you both to express your truthful feelings and raw emotions from the moment that it happened and how you feel about it now. Can we proceed?"

Josh agreed quickly, Taylor hesitated for a moment before doing the same.

"Well like the earlier dialogue, Josh shared many details and expressed his thoughts and emotions in our previous meeting. I hope you don't feel like I'm putting you on the spot Taylor, but since I haven't heard from you, I'd like to start there. Obviously, due to the sexual nature of this discussion, I apologize in advance for any naughty terms I may use and I certainly don't want you to hold back in doing the same if it helps convey the feelings or desires you experienced when this connection took place. So if it's okay with you I'll get started."

Taylor bit down hard on her back teeth before answering demurely, "...yes."

"Well I know the trip had been a great one for both of you and Josh acknowledged your joint decision to "let your hair down" after his business colleagues had departed. He also told me about all the partying the two of you did the night of the reggae concert. Why is it rum goes down so easily when you're down in the Caribbean?" She asked rhetorically with a laugh to add some levity and break up the anxiety. The Sims' chuckled, Taylor far more nervously than her husband.

"Josh told me about the concert and about the couple you met from Wisconsin. He also shared the nicknames he and Scott had made up for you and Bailey." Taylor rolled her eyes nervously before Tanya continued. "He shared how the reggae singer...uh..." she checked her notes for effect "...Damian invited you guys to the party at the bungalow.

Taylor cringed again slightly at the mention of his name.

"...more partying took place including smoking some marijuana before you guys ultimately ended up in the hot tub. As time went by, everyone vacated until it was just the two of you, your friends, and the two black men from the band. Is that right?"

Taylor nodded her head subtly without saying a word as she fiddled nervously with her long braid.

"So Taylor, Josh also mentioned the conversation you and Bailey had earlier when she'd asked if you'd ever been with a black man. He told me that she voiced, 'you didn't know what you've been missing', when you told her you hadn't. According to Josh, she then informed you that she and her husband go down to the Caribbean or Jamaica each year for their anniversary so she can have sex with black studs. Do I have that about right?"

"Um...yeah I think so."

Tanya had no intention of letting her remain mute by asking only close-ended questions. "So Taylor, how did that make you feel when Bailey said to you, 'You don't know what you're missing?' "

The young wife glanced at her husband who also waited anxiously for her response. "I...uh...didn't really know what to think. I was still trying to digest what she'd told me about her and Scott know, their infidelity experiences."

"Yeah, I can't imagine how surprised you must have been. But let me ask you Taylor, you already acknowledged how seeing larger penises excited you when you and Josh watched porn, did the two of you ever watch interracial?"

The question caught Taylor by surprise. "I...I don't think so." She looked over at Josh, "Do you remember us ever watching any babe?"

"No honey, I had never shown it because I didn't know how you would feel about it. I guess I didn't really know know...Jamaica..."

"So Taylor, you had obviously heard the rumors about black men—after your infatuation with large penises developed, did you ever fantasize about sex with a black man before that night in Jamaica?"

This time a full deer in headlights gaze appeared on her beautiful face. She looked over at Josh before she responded, "I...I...don't know if I would call it an infatuation in regards to my interest in larger ones." She answered unconvincingly. "As for black men...god...I don't know...I guess I would say yes. There is this guy at the gym I have checked out a few times. He is older, maybe late thirties or so, he helps spot me sometimes."

"Wow honey, I had no idea..." Josh gushed excitedly. "Has he ever made a pass at you?"

"No...we talk sometimes but I do know he looks at me in my gym outfit and stuff..."

"And you do too?" Tanya asked.

"I...I guess...sometimes, he's pretty muscular and...well kinda handsome."

Tanya snapped off a quick text from her iPad to Ced. "Can you believe this shit...perfect!"

Before Josh could say anything else Tanya interjected. "So clearly you had some attraction to black men before the night in Jamaica Taylor. We'll obviously discuss those feelings in our upcoming sessions, but I want to focus on that night at this point. Tell me if you would, how things evolved with Damian. Obviously, Josh knows the details as he was there with you, but I'd like to hear about the experience in your words."

Tanya went on, "What I really want to learn and want each of you to express to one another are the emotions, feelings, and desires you felt while it was happening. Again, I'll probably ask you questions that may make you feel uncomfortable, but I assure you, each has a purpose. Does that make sense?"

Again, the Sims' confirmed with nods of their heads.

"Taylor, why don't you start off from the point when Damian put his hand on your thigh under the water."

Tanya and Ced watched as Taylor nervously reached for her water bottle and took a slow drink. "Oh...okay yeah. Well, we were talking pretty closely together when I suddenly felt his hand on my thigh. It obviously surprised me, but for whatever reason I didn't push him away or say anything. I wasn't sure if he really meant anything by it. Maybe it was the alcohol or the pot...I don't know. Anyway, a few minutes passed before I felt his fingers slide from my thigh to between my legs. This time I did push him away, but a few minutes later he did it again. I pushed his hand away again and gave him a scolding scowl and whispered to him that my husband was right next to us." She glanced in Josh's direction as if to validate what she'd already told him about this.

"But he persisted?" Tanya asked.

"Yes...and I don't remember now whether it was that time or the next before I...uh..." her eyes dropped shamefully "...didn't push him away."

"So there you were in the hot tub with Josh only a few feet away while Damian's fingers were rubbing between your legs underwater. What was going through your mind Taylor?"

"Jeez, so many things. I was obviously feeling guilty for letting him do it in the first place, but my mind was jumbled. I was thinking about all the times Josh had told me about his desire to see me with an endowed man while remembering what Bailey had said to me in the house. And I was obviously under the influence of the rum, marijuana, and the billowing steam from the tub—I kind of felt like I was in a dream. And on top of all uh.." her eyes dropped again " really good."

"Is that when you reached out to touch him too?"

Again Taylor made eye contact with her husband before continuing. "It was like I wasn't even in control of my hands as I suddenly found myself reaching out for him. I know I gasped out loud when I felt him that first time. I actually turned back towards Josh wondering if he heard me."

Josh interjected. "As I told you before Tay, I didn't have any idea what was happening between the two of you. It was about that time that I heard Bailey moan across the tub. And when I looked up and saw what was happening between her and Shug, I got so distracted. The thought of you and Damian doing anything was the furthest thing from my mind. Moments later, I pulled you next to me, but my focus was still totally on what they were doing on the other side."

"What about you Taylor, where was your focus?"

"I...uh...was watching Bailey and Shug too, but my mind was obviously more on Damian's fingers which were now inside my bikini bottoms. I felt unfaithful to Josh whose own hand was on my leg, but everything was so surreal and I couldn't get the thought out of my mind that this is what he would have wanted anyway."

"Josh, hearing this now, how does it make you feel?"

"It's weird Tanya, but it still makes me feel like it did when Taylor admitted it that next day. I was amazed that it actually happened, but at the same time, it aroused me to no end that my faithful wife had actually done it. Had I known at the time that Damian's fingers were inside her bikini frigging her pussy right next to mine, I think I would have been even more turned on."

Taylor peered at Josh with a look of shock; she couldn't believe her husband had used such dirty phrasing to describe his feelings to Tanya.

"Taylor, I can see your husband's descriptive words may have discomforted you, but I want us all to speak in the terms that best describe our true thoughts and feelings. I remind you, there isn't anything I haven't heard before and nothing you might say will come across as offensive to me. What about your hands Taylor, they weren't idle either were they? At what point did you reach for his cock?"

Taylor now realized she would be called out for prudish responses. "Well um...I don't remember exactly, but it wasn't I did I mean. My one hand was outside of my bikini on top of his. I think I put it there originally with the intent of pushing his away, but eventually it stayed, I guess I was...kind of helping. Before long, I reached out with my other in search of him. It didn't take long...I remember I gasped out loud when I felt him. He wasn't even hard and I couldn't believe how big he know...his uh...cock!"

Tanya smiled inside, she knew her boss would want to hear Taylor's responses in the sluttiest language possible. While it was clear this stunning woman had been sexually conservative to this point in her life, Tanya's years of practice taught her that an incident like the one Taylor Sims experienced in Jamaica had a way of changing people—breaking down walls and allowing them to explore their true sexuality.

"It wasn't long after that, that we heard Bailey and Shug." Taylor shared.

"What was going through your mind when you saw what they were doing? She was giving the bass singer a blowjob right?" Tanya asked, obviously already knowing the answer but wanting to get more dirty words out in the open and wanting Taylor to refocus on the mental image of what she had witnessed.

"Yes...yes she was sucking on him...on his...cock. I don't remember exactly what was going through my mind. What he...uh...Damian was doing between my legs felt really good and I could feel him beginning to grow in my hand. I remember it was then that Josh slid even closer to me and moved his hand further up my thigh."

"Did you and Damian stop when Josh moved closer?"

"I let go, but Damian two fingers inside me...he didn't pull them out." Taylor answered sheepishly.

"Oh wow honey, you hadn't told me about his fingers..." Josh gushed. "He actually had them inside you?"

Kacey nodded apologetically. "Yeah, I guess I left that part out, I'm sorry sweetheart."

"It's okay babe, it's why we're here right? So we can talk about all this stuff honestly and openly."

"Yes, I'm glad you are both recognizing that," Tanya interjected. "So Taylor at what point did you reach for Damian's cock again?"

"We watched Bailey and Shug for a minute or so, before I got the urge to hold him some more. My hand wrapped around his cock...right then, but now he felt even bigger and harder."

"So it wasn't long before the bass player went into the house with Bailey and her husband. After that according to Josh, Damian climbed out of the hot tub similarly to what Shug had done. What went through your mind at that point Taylor?"

"I um...well at that point I could obviously see him through his tight wet shorts. His cock was right in front of me. I stared at it for the longest time, not really believing how big it looked, but validating what I'd felt with my hand. At that point, I wouldn't say I was scared, but I guess I was nervous. I'd never seen or touched anything like it. But eventually, since I had already held it beneath the water, I couldn't really help it...I reached for it again. I felt a kind of jolt of excitement when my fingers wrapped around it a second time. I remember looking over at Josh at that point..." She acknowledged while doing the same thing now and addressing him. "But you had a look on your face that suggested you weren't mad or anything. Right honey?"