Cuddling with Mom


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"Yes, ma'am," Keiko said—and got to work.

So that's how it was. We had another session with Keiko—in the bed this time—about a week or so later, although of course this wasn't her regular time for housecleaning. Mom said she planned on having Keiko come by every so often for some nice lesbian action. She told me she'd always wanted to do stuff like that, but didn't have the courage to ask anyone. Keiko seems like the ideal woman for the job.

I really hated to go back to college for the spring semester.


Now here's the funny thing. Much as she enjoyed cuddling with me, I got the feeling that she really missed Dad. I mean, she wouldn't be so angry with him if she had no feelings for him, right? Okay, some of her anger came from wounded pride: what woman likes being tossed aside for someone younger, and maybe more beautiful? I had no idea what Dad's new girlfriend looked like, but knowing him, he was sure to have picked a looker.

Anyway, I decided to act as some kind of peacemaker. Maybe I could bring my parents back together again.

I started almost as soon as I came home for summer vacation. That would give me three months to work on the job. Of course, I now looked forward to coming back home. Almost as soon as I did so, I jumped into Mom's bed, and we fucked like rabbits the first week or so I was there. Keiko was still coming over—both to clean and to do other stuff—pretty regularly, and I got it on with her too. I hadn't gotten laid at all during the semester, so I was primed!

But I was thinking about how to reconcile Mom and Dad. He worked at an insurance office, and I moseyed on over there one afternoon. He was of course happy to see me, but you could tell me was also a little nervous. There was this really cute secretary—I saw from the nameplate on her desk that her name was Marcy—who gave me a wide-eyed stare as soon as I told her who I was. Was this Dad's new squeeze?

She was pretty, but not a raving beauty. She struck me as really mousy—shy and meek and timid. Her straight brown hair was even the color of a mouse. But even from her seated position I could tell she had pretty nice boobs and a nice figure overall. Dad was a butt man, so I was confident her posterior was also something to look at.

Anyway, Dad greeted me eagerly but also with a kind of apprehension. He wasn't even sure why I was there, even though it would have made sense for me to look up my Dad if I was spending all summer at home.

So we got to talking. Dad confirmed that Marcy was his live-in lover, and that he loved her a lot, and all that stuff. He was diplomatic about it, saying he that he still loved Mom but needed a fresh start with "someone new."

So I blurted out, "Well, Mom still loves you."

That took him aback. "I think she must hate me for what I've done to her." He had the good grace to look a bit ashamed.

"Oh, Dad," I said, "you and Mom were together for—what?—twenty years or more. They were mostly good years, weren't they?"

"Yes, I guess so," he muttered.

"So people don't just go their separate ways and forget all about each other after all that time, do they?"

He shook his head.

I went on from there. After a lot of back and forth, I finally got Dad to agree to meet Mom. The only problem was—Mom.

You gotta understand that I'd done all this without letting Mom know. She would have hit the ceiling if she knew what I was planning. In fact, she did hit the ceiling when I told her Dad wanted to see her again. I won't give you a verbatim report of what she said; let's just say that the mildest thing she said was, "I'm never going to talk to that lying, cheating son-of-a-bitch again."

And yet, incredibly, I persuaded her to at least meet Dad at some neutral place—say, a coffee shop—and see what happened. So, a couple days later, that did happen. Mom came back from the meeting with a weird smile on her face. When I asked what happened, she said:

"I got your father to agree to let me meet Marcy."

"What!" I exploded. "You gotta be kidding me!"

"That's pretty much what he said," she said, chuckling. "His exact words were: 'No way! You'll just eat her up.'"

If you haven't gotten the idea by now, Mom could be a bit of a ballbreaker. What she would do with a helpless, submissive female like Marcy I could only imagine.

"Why do you even want to talk to her?" I asked.

"Well, she says she loves your father, and he loves her. So shouldn't we all get to know each other?"

I had no idea what Mom was planning—well, actually I kind of did—but I really didn't think anything good would come of it.

Anyway, a few days later Marcy trudged on over to our house. I couldn't believe she'd agreed to come here into the, er, lioness's den, but she did. And sure enough, she seemed like a rabbit that was going to serve as that lioness's appetizer. Mom greeted her with a big hug, which I thought was meant kind of satirically, but who knows? When I got a good look at Marcy—I was skulking at the top of the stairs, looking down into the living room like a kid spying on his parents—I saw that she really was quite a nice piece. She was wearing a thin sweater (with only a bra underneath, I was certain) that showed off her protuberent boobs, and a skirt that clung to her round, firm bottom.

Mom eyed her in an interesting way. Knowing what I did about how much Mom enjoyed her sessions with Keiko, I didn't think the look she gave her was entirely hostile.

They got to talking. Mom was acting as a kind of FBI interrogator, asking where she had met Dad, how they'd started "fooling around," stuff like that. Marcy was real reluctant to talk at first. And who wouldn't be? I mean, here she was, facing the woman whose husband she had stolen. (Actually, it was probably more that Dad went after Marcy: I couldn't imagine this scaredy-cat preying upon anyone, married or otherwise.) But gradually she opened up, somehow forgetting that Mom had been Dad's wife.

But you could also tell that Marcy was getting more and more flustered by the intimate details she was being forced to cough up. I mean, Mom actually asked her how often they "did" it, what positions, stuff like that! So it didn't surprise me that, after about twenty minutes of this, Marcy burst into tears.

I think Mom was somehow predicting that might happen; maybe she even wanted it to happen. Don't get me wrong; Mom wasn't trying to be deliberately cruel. When Marcy lost it, Mom wrapped her in her arms (they were both sitting on the couch) and comforted her, as if she were Marcy's Mom and Marcy was a little girl who had skinned her knee or something. Mom just stroked Marcy's head and cooed little meaningless words into her ear; meanwhile, Marcy clung to Mom as if she was a life preserver on the open sea. Between her tears she was going on about how she didn't intend to be a homewrecker, how much she loved my dad, how sorry she was for hurting Mom, stuff like that.

Well, I could have guessed what would happen.

Mom let Marcy cry for a while. Then she raised up her tear-stained face and fastened a kiss right on Marcy's mouth.

That kiss lasted quite a long time—thirty seconds, I'd say. When Mom finally pulled back, the look on Marcy's face was something to behold. Her eyes were real wide and her jaw dropped, as if she had just seen Martians land in the front yard. I took it that Marcy had never done anything with a woman before.

After that first kiss, Mom kissed her again—on her mouth, her cheeks, her nose, her forehead, her neck, and so on. Pretty soon she was raising up Marcy's sweater and squeezing one of her breasts over her bra. Marcy just sat there taking all this, not really knowing what to do. Then Mom just whipped the sweater off Marcy, tossed it aside, and quickly unclasped her bra from behind. The breasts that she exposed were as beautiful as I'd predicted! Medium-sized, but really firm and shapely, with nipples already protruding. Even if Marcy had never had any lesbian action, she was getting fired up!

But again, she just sat there. Mom slid down onto her back on the couch and draped Marcy over herself. Then she seized the hem of her knee-length skirt and lifted it up, allowing me to see these luscious white cotton panties that Marcy was wearing. Mom peeled those panties down to Marcy's knees, revealing that gorgeous butt of hers. After stroking it a couple of times (and by this time Marcy had her face buried in Mom's neck, making strange little moaning sounds), Mom slipped a hand between their two bodies and found Marcy's cleft. I got a real good view of it from my vantage point, as Marcy unconsciously parted her legs to expose a sopping wet pussy. Mom fingered that pussy all over, stroking the labia, inserting two fingers deep into her vagina, and then rubbing her clit gently.

By now Marcy was moaning pretty loudly, and I could tell what was going to happen. All of a sudden she let out a loud, sharp cry that she managed to suppress by clamping her mouth onto Mom's shoulder. But Mom kept stroking her tenderly, knowing (as I've come to learn too) that you can extend a woman's orgasm almost indefinitely if you just keep on with a light touch.

Afterwards, Marcy just gazed at Mom, wide-eyed and open-mouthed, as if she were some kind of supernatural entity.

Mom just said, "Was that nice, dear?"

"Yes," Marcy said, then blushed furiously.

Mom got up, took Marcy by the hand, and led her upstairs.

I had to skedaddle back to my room so they wouldn't see me—and I cursed the thought that this lovely lesbian show would go on behind the closed door of Mom's bedroom without my being able to see it. But, incredibly, Mom didn't close the door all the way, so I was able to sneak back and watch the proceedings.

Mom casually and efficiently undressed in front of Marcy, staring at her the whole time. For a while Marcy didn't do anything; but when Mom was completely naked, Marcy sheepishly began taking her clothes off, one piece at a time—although the only things that were left to take off were her skirt and panties. The image she revealed was just as scumptious as I'd guessed: nice, sloping shoulders, those nice firm breasts (just a bit smaller than Mom's), flaring hips, strong thighs, and just about the cutest butt you could have asked for.

Then they got to it.

At first it was just a lot of kissing and snuggling and fondling. But after a while things got more serious. Marcy must have felt that Mom deserved an orgasm of her own for the one she'd received; so, after paying a lot of attention to Mom's breasts, squeezing them against her face and sucking on the nipples, she headed south and fastened her lips on Mom's pussy. Mom wrapped her legs around Marcy's shoulders to keep her in place, but the young woman didn't need anything like that: she seemed to find in Mom's sex a kind of ambrosia of the gods, and she licked that pussy and all the juices flowing out of it with relish. She also grabbed Mom's butt and gave it some good squeezes. Pretty soon Mom was having a pretty powerful climax, crying out and tapping her heels on Marcy's back.

After that, they rested a bit, but then, without even saying anything, they instinctively got into sixty-nine position—Mom on top, of course. Marcy's legs were facing the door, so I could see her sopping-wet pussy, which Mom latched onto it with her lips and tongue. Every now and then she stuck a finger or two into Marcy's anus. Marcy didn't make any protests about that; I could see that that anus had gotten a fair amount of use lately (from Dad, no doubt), and Marcy did the same to Mom's posterior. They were having a ball, and all the moaning and groaning told me that they were having a bunch of mini-climaxes all along the way.

Then something interesting happened. Dad came in.

I didn't even know he still had a key to the house, but obviously he did. He had apparently gotten worried about this potentially traumatic encounter between his lover and his ex-wife, so he had come to the rescue. I could hear him say, almost to himself, "What the—?" as he saw that no one was downstairs. Maybe he also noticed a few items of Marcy's clothing scattered around the living room. But he couldn't have failed to hear the commotion upstairs, and so he came up—a bit apprehensively, so far as I could tell. Again, I had to dash back into my room so he wouldn't see me, but I kept my door open fractionally so I could see his response. And it was a doozy.

He stopped dead at the door of Mom's bedroom and cried, "Jesus, Flora! What the hell's going on?"

Mom took her time looking up from licking Marcy's pussy. Her mouth and cheeks covered with Marcy's juices, she said in an irritated sort of way, "What the hell does it look like, you dumbbell?"

Dad let out a kind of guffaw that combined outrage, bafflement, and delight. I swear to you: he got undressed in, like, under a minute. It wasn't at all clear that the two women really wanted him to join in their fun, but I guess he felt he was the icing on the cake of this whole bizarre scene. I mean, think about it: here's his wife of twenty-odd years and his new girlfriend eating each other out like it's going out of style. You can imagine why he wanted to insert himself into the festivities.

At first he wasn't sure which woman he wanted to poke first. After much thought he decided to do Mom. Maybe that was easier—or maybe it was because he hadn't done her in a while. He clambered up onto the bed (he was already pretty hard, as you can imagine), positioned himself behind Mom, and—plunged into her butt. No lube, but Marcy's finger-pokings had loosened up Mom's ass enough so that Dad could go in reasonably well. Even so, Mom let out a kind of girlish squeal of protest. Since her lips were still glued to Marcy's sex, that squeal must have gone right up her vagina.

Well, this was a bit too much for me.

Don't get me wrong: I love being a voyeur. But I like being a participant much better. Now I undressed in under a minute, and you can believe I was rock-hard from watching all the stuff I'd already seen. I just sauntered into the bedroom where the three older folks were thrashing around like crazy, assessed the overall situation, and decided that Marcy would be my first victim.

I kind of sat or squatted in front of her legs, which were still splayed as Mom was enthusiastically licking her. It almost seemed as if Mom didn't want me to take possession of that girl's pussy, so I thought, Okay, there's another hole I can probe. As I said, Mom had loosened Marcy's anus well enough, so I managed to stick my cock into it without too much trouble.

It's a wonderful thing to invade the anus of a woman to whom you've not been formally introduced. Marcy, in fact, couldn't even see what was going on, since Mom was shoving her pussy into her face, and Dad was looming over her with his cock in Mom's bottom. She may not even have known there was another guy in the house—but when she felt that cock in her posterior, she sure knew it then! A kind of choked gargle came out of her mouth, mostly muffled by Mom's sex.

Meanwhile, Dad was staring at me as if I was some kind of apparition. It was one thing for him to be servicing these two women; it was an altogether different thing for his son to (a) see his mom naked, (b) see his dad naked, and (c) stuff his cock into his dad's girlfriend's ass. But Dad was so preoccupied with poking Mom that he kind of got over his surprise. Mom, incidentally, noticing that I was poking Marcy right below where her face was, took the occasion to lick my cock every time I pulled it back from Marcy's butt.

And so the inevitable happened. Dad came first, and somehow that made me come also: God knows I'd been primed for it from what I'd seen before. And somehow, our male climaxes induced the two ladies to have bone-shaking climaxes of their own.

We all sprawled untidily on the king-size bed, but I for one knew this was only a kind of prelude to the main event. Dad was still giving me the once-over, and I think he felt he should express some kind of disapproval of my very presence in this obscene orgy, but somehow he couldn't bring himself to do it.

But his tongue got loosened when I revived myself, turned Mom over onto her back, and got in position to mount her.

"Omigod, son," he blurted out, "what do you think you're doing?"

"What does it look like?" I said tartly. I wanted to add "you dumbbell," but out of respect I didn't.

"Brian, this—this is your mother!" he cried.

"Yeah, I know," I said blandly.

And with that, I plunged into her.

Marcy was lying next to us, and I could see that she was a bit startled at this new development. Now at least she knew who I was, and the fact that I had come out of the birth canal of the woman I was now fucking struck her as a bit on the risqué side. But she seemed to take it in stride. What she did was to rise up, lean backwards so that her fabulous tits were thrusting up above her chest, and push her wet pussy into my face. I have to say, that pussy was pretty sweet—very different-tasting than my mom's. Somehow I wasn't expecting that. And the way Marcy was positioned, the wad of come that Dad had shoved into Marcy's butt was now leaking out—and falling directly onto Mom's face. Mom casually opened her mouth and took it in.

This was pretty wild, but it soon got wilder yet. First I felt someone grab my hips—and then I felt a long, stiff, warm object probing my own anus. Craning my neck around, I saw it was Dad.

I don't know if he was trying to punish me for my Oedipus act or if he was just so inflamed by the whole scene that he just had to poke someone's—anyone's—butt again. But pretty soon he had thrust his cock deep into my rectum.

Yeah, it hurt a bit—but I accepted it philosophically. I mean, we guys expect our girls to take our cocks into their butts, so it's only fair that we get the same treatment every once in a while. It was, in fact, a pretty interesting experience, and I recommend it to all the guys out there. Because Dad hadn't used lube, there was a sort of burning sensation at first; but pretty soon it got better, not only because Dad had some residual moisture on his cock from his orgasm but because my butt produced a bit of natural lubricant on its own. So he got into a pretty good rhythm, sodomizing his own son while that son was fucking his mom and licking the vagina of his dad's girlfriend. That was a foursome to remember!

Anyway, we all came—not exactly all at once, but close enough for government work. I kind of liked the feeling of Dad sending his discharge into my butt at almost the same moment that I sent mine into Mom. Once again, we all sprawled onto the bed in exhaustion. But in the course of time we revived again.

There were some good sessions of double penetration, where each of the females served as a sandwich between Dad and me. They seemed to like that a lot. Then there was the time when I lay on my back, with Marcy riding my cock and Mom sitting on my face. They did the same to Dad, except with Mom doing the riding and Marcy doing the sitting.

So you can see it was all one big happy family. We were all pretty tuckered out by the end of the afternoon, but somehow the women managed to drag themselves up from the bed and join in making a succulent dinner for us. They prepared it naked, and we all ate it naked. You could now see that Mom and Marcy were the best of friends, and Mom had managed to forgive Dad for cheating on her.

As for me, I was looking forward to an entertaining summer. What a shame I had to go back to college in the fall! But it was only nine months, and after that—well, you know what they say:

There's no place like home.

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PanelholesPanelholesover 1 year ago

Raucous little romp!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

After nearly 15 years in Asia, I can say with certainty that a B cup on an Asian woman was huge, as well as rare, even rarer was a C cup.

I learned to prefer A cups-- they are so sensitive, and cute as hell.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

5 stars well done and well written

Sex4lf57Sex4lf57about 3 years ago

I loved it all except for the dad/son stuff. Not my thing. Sorry. Five stars and a favorite point!

adentroadentroover 3 years ago
Arousing Stories

I very much like your writing. You have a very appealing style, and a lovely imagination. Thank you for your stories.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Nine Months?

Unless he's really far away and airfare is really expensive, I would think what would be awaiting him at home would be incentive for visiting them for the semester break.

UAlbanyGirl518UAlbanyGirl518over 4 years ago

I did see the dad/son scene coming, but it was hot!

brasspucksbrasspucksover 4 years ago
Chapter Two

Kathryn … There's no way that this chapter doesn't deserve at least a second chapter. It has all the ear marks of a cliff hanger and needs more … I'm pretty certain that all who read had this thought cross their minds. If you have it in you, please think out and pen a second chapter and … don't be afraid to introduce your characters to full on debauchery and kink … they deserve only the best.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Butts don’t produce lube.


BornInvincibleBornInvincibleover 4 years ago

It felt rushed. The story made great leaps to get to the sex but I guess that's all that matters...

ROCKY70ROCKY70over 4 years ago
I liked it. ^*!^*!^*!

He sounded like a young fool, why bring dad back.

He could have mom, and the house keeper all too,

himself. Was a good read, I liked the idea.


DuPageMaleDuPageMaleover 4 years ago

This was hot!!! Seeing which direction this story takes will be unbelievable.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

I like the storie, it can only get nastier

JerryfbsJerryfbsover 4 years ago
Hot dude!

Super Hot, reminds me of the good

Ole days lol My dad was actually still around tho and they had ravenous sex often! Their room was right next to mine so I heard everything! I would even hear dad telling her stuff like yea bitch suck yo daddy’s dick! That was funny and I could even hear the slurping sounds! A couple times I seen mom come

Out naked after being fucked a few times and looking damp and well fucked. She would use the hall bathroom while dad used theres and she thought I wasn’t home. Anyway what I saw made me wanna fuck her big time no matter what so I devised a plan and made it happen! Any u guys relate? mastevens001 yahoo

dispatcher59dispatcher59over 4 years ago

What a carnival!! It would be funny if mom and Marcy both got knocked up-more so if Brian got them both pregnant!!

Five for you.

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