Curiosity Kills Pt. 01

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Two friends get more than they bargained for at a party.
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Chloe tugged down at the crotch of her bodysuit with her free hand, continuing to balance the tray of drinks on her other with practiced ease. Though she had waited tables on weekends while studying for her master's degree, she had gone out of her way to purchase a serving tray and practice walking it back and forth across her studio apartment, stacking it high with books and weaving between furniture, making sure that by this time tonight, her movements would be flawless.

She looked at the digital display of the elevator. 28th floor. Halfway to the penthouse, where Eric Mead, the recently anointed heir to the Northeastern Electronics fortune, was holding one of his private parties. The parties were where Mead, a largely private and secluded individual, conducted most of his business. However, due to the secretive nature of these parties, the rumors had made them out to be something of legend.

Among her fellows from Greene Industries, Northeastern's top competitor, rumors ran rampant of human sacrifice, devilish cults, billionaire orgies, and even a few adamant believers in the legend of a fight club. Her? She had a much simpler theory that regarded insider trading along with a laundry list of other felonious business practices - which was the exact reason that she, along with her coworker and close friend from work, Darren, were here.

Darren was the one that had come to her with what he called his "insider scoop". According to him, someone from within the Northeastern had reached out to him with rumors that he said "had a solid foundation" that Mead was participating in illegal business practices, the nature of which could almost undoubtedly spell ruin for Northeastern and Greene's greatest victory to date. The only stipulation to this was that it couldn't be known that such information had been nabbed by two members of a rival company who had illegally entered the party in order to commit industrial espionage. As such, Darren had worked tirelessly with this whistleblower in order to slip them seamlessly into the evening - forging a server's I.D. for her and an invitation with V.I.P. Clearance for him, both of which were nothing short of flawless counterfeits. After getting to the Northeastern Building, crowned by Mead's lavish penthouse, all they had to do was go where the insider had told them to, speak to who he had mentioned, and take the elevator up to the top. That, and there was the matter of attire.

Darren, who was standing next to her and adjusting his tie in the elevator's mirrored back wall, was wearing an all black suit. His jacket, the tie he was having a little too much trouble fidgeting with, even the shirt he wore under it, were all black. The whistleblower had said that this was the most run-of-the-mill attire to these parties and would make him stand out the least. The suit was tailored to fit slim against his broad frame. Chloe couldn't help but admit that he looked sharp at the very least, but perhaps something closer to outstandingly handsome was where her mind actually dwelled. As he pushed around and fixed his normally free-flowing(but for this occasion, neatly trimmed) dark hair he glanced over at her.

"You look good," Chloe said, finally breaking the anxious silence that had hung between them since they had arrived.

"Likewise," Darren said, flashing a grin at her before turning back to the doors.

"Some dress code though. If this is actually how his servers are dressing for him and not the world's most humiliating prank, then this guy is as much of a perv as people say." Chloe turned now to look at herself in the mirrored elevator wall.

She was dressed head-to-toe in a playboy bunny suit, all black like Darren's suit except for the white cuffs of the black satin gloves she wore and the faux white shirt collar around her neck, adorned with an equally fake black bow tie. The tight black bodysuit that their inside source had sent her gently cupped Chloe's breasts and wrapped around, dipping down and ending at her mid back. On it, directly above her ass, a white puffball tail was attached. Underneath it was a set of nearly completely transparent tights, which had embarrassed her not because she was basically going to be walking around bare-legged and with most of her ass in plain view in front of dozens, if not hundreds of strangers, but because Darren would no doubt end up seeing the subpar butterfly tattoo on her hip that she had prayed she would never have to show anyone.

On her feet were a pair of black high heels. To finish the entire ensemble, propped on her head were a pair of black bunny ears, which she now adjusted on her head with her free hand while looking in the mirror.

"You know," Darren said, rubbing his palm against his jaw, "you've done that probably six times now. The ears aren't going anywhere."

"Do you think it's convincing enough?" Chloe ran her hand anxiously through her blonde hair. "You don't think they'll see through it?"

"Only if you keep fidgeting."

She elbowed him softly and he pinched her back, both of them smiling. Their eyes locked, his hazel ones on her green ones, and the elevator chimed as the doors opened on the penthouse.


Darren's first thought as the elevator doors opened were "I'm not going to make it."

Everywhere he looked throughout the vast and luxurious penthouse stood men and women of all ages, dressed in black suits just as he was or in tight black dresses, introducing themselves to each other, conversing, laughing, drinking, and moving to and fro. They were not what caught his attention, however. What caught his attention was the small and thinly spread army of servers, carrying trays of drinks, whisking away empties, standing at the fringes, speaking with the attendees - each and every one a woman of exceeding beauty dressed in the same playboy bunny attire as Chloe was.

On a couch occupied by a trio of men and one woman, one of these servers, a light skinned black woman with ringlets of coiling hair down to her mid-back, had taken a seat across the lap of a man no older than thirty. She conversed with and laughed with the small group, all the while running her gloved hand along his chest. Near the bar to the far right of the room's center, a slender server with a pixie cut of dyed pink hair was dancing, suspended above the floor, in a stripper cage. It was enough to make him forget, if only for a moment, why it was that they were there. Luckily, he hadn't come alone, and his evening's accountability was signaled by a pair of fingers jabbing into his rib cage, causing him to snap back to reality.

"Focus," hissed Chloe, tugging at and adjusting the breast of the bunny suit around her own sizable boobs with her free hand. "People are going to know something is up if you just stand in the corner drooling all night."

"Mhm. You're still fidgeting."

Chloe had started to read for the bunny ears on her head to adjust them once again, only to let her hand drop to her side with a sigh.

"Tell me again why I couldn't have just worn a dress here? There are just as many guests that are women as men."

"Because you know who can go wherever they want to without being barraged by questions?" Darren planted a hand on the small of her back and ushered her out of the elevator and into the vast penthouse. "The beautiful girl carrying the drinks." He gave her a playful smack on her ass, to which Chloe responded with an exaggerated glare back at him that barely masked her smile and a gloved middle finger. He grinned back at her, and the two of them paid each other a nod of silent good luck before Chloe turned back around and walked into the fray.

Darren watched her closely as she went. He watched the way her soft blond hair, styled in loose waves and topped with those black bunny ears, fell on her shoulders and down her back. He watched her exposed back and arms, which were lean but clearly possessing the slightest bit of muscle. He watched her hips swing with every step she took away, maintaining a flawless gait in her high heels. Funny, he realized had never seen her wear heels before now. More than that, however, he watched her perfect thighs and round, flawless ass, topped with the little white puffball tail and barely concealed by those tights. He could even see a little tattoo on her hip that she had conveniently not mentioned when the topic had come up in the past.

When he had come to pick her up for the evening, she had come out of her apartment building's lobby wearing a massive khaki trench coat down to her ankles and, despite how good looking she may have been, he couldn't help but laugh. When they had gotten to the Northeastern Building, however, and the coat came off and the bunny ears went on, his awe at her was probably barely masked.

What they were doing here was important and the outcome for everyone involved would be massive. But he would be lying if he hadn't privately hoped for the two of them to have been found out and turned away at the door, only for himself to save the evening with the suggestion of going out for drinks instead. Drinks, and if he played his card's right, his place.

But alas, here they stood, without so much as a suspicious glance being thrown their way. If all went well, he didn't see the harm in asking her out to coffee sometime. They had always been close and had flirted notoriously, but it had always been little more than good humor between close work friends. Maybe, however, there could have been something more.

Just as she slipped out of sight, another server came up to him, similar enough in height and hair color to Chloe that for a split second he thought she had doubled back around to him. This server, also carrying a tray of drinks, offered one to him, which he gladly took. She regarded him with a smile, running a gloved hand across his clean-shaven jawline flirtatiously before continuing on.

I'm not going to make it.

Clenching his jaw and taking a sip of his drink, he gathered his thoughts and pressed on into the party. Time to look the part.


Chloe began to waltz carefully between the pods of conversing party attendees and making sure to space herself out as carefully as she could from any of the other servers. Not only would she run the risk of one of them seeing her and realizing that she did not recognize Chloe, but she had also figured that the further she manages to space herself out from the other servers, the more she would look like she was where she should be. Linger too close to them and she'd look like she was slacking, which would only further arouse suspicion.

As she made her way through the crowd, the drinks on her tray gradually dwindled down. It didn't take long for her to settle into the part, physically engaging guests as they came and went. When a drink was handed off, she would smile and touch the individual's hand or chest or face, offering the occasional "have a wonderful night" in a soft and ever-so-slightly sultry voice. The goal here was to charm enough to lower the guard, but to be forgettable enough in contrast with everything else to not arouse suspicion. So far, she seemed to be doing a fine enough job.

As she moved through the groups, she listened, just attempting to overhear anything she could. She lingered near the more important looking of the guests and attendees, doing what she could to overhear conversations or catch something on the wire she had taped beneath her breasts. Something, anything. And yet...nothing. All of the talk was of whatever lavish, obnoxious vacations the guests had recently taken or would be taking soon, home renovation, the latest petty gossip. She could never have imagined that a top secret, incredibly private, high society party could be so boring.

"Chloe? Can you hear me?"

Chloe, with a polite smile, turned from the group she had taken the drinks to.

"I'm here," she whispered into her earpiece.

"You find anything yet?"

"No, not yet. If there's anything shady going on here, it isn't happening out here. What about you?"

"Nothing. Man, these guys really love to talk about a whole lot of nothing though. They're gonna put me to sleep here."

"Tell me about it. I'm gonna snoop through some of the employees only spots, I'll let you know if I find anything of interest."

Just as she had stopped speaking with Darren, Chloe felt a large hand settle gently on her shoulder. Jumping, she spun around and tilted the drink tray which, had it not been empty by this point, would have sent glasses careening across the floor. A tall man with a neatly trimmed beard, sandy hair, and deep blue eyes met her gaze with a grin before extending his hand to her. Clasped between his fingers was a shot glass filled with amber liquor.

"My friends and I bought a round of shots and they gave us one for good luck," the man explained, sliding his hand to Chloe's back. "We wanted you to be our good luck charm. Join us for a toast, please."

"Oh," Chloe breathed, regaining her composure and returning a sly smile. "I appreciate the - "

"Please, don't be polite," the man chided, the warm grin never leaving his face. "I insist. You're too beautiful to not drink with."


What felt like another half hour had passed and Darren's feet were beginning to hurt, as was his head. He wasn't sure how much more dreadfully boring conversations with the attendees he could handle in an effort to blend in and possibly glean some information about just what was happening behind the closed doors here, but it seemed like every conversation was a dead end. He reached into his pocket and depressed the button on the tiny remote in his pocket that unmuted the imperceptibly small earpiece he was wearing.

"Chloe, we need a new approach. Can you meet me near the bar?"

No response.

"You there? If you can't talk, just meet me there when you can." Darren placed his empty glass on a side table and began making his way there. About halfway there, the same blonde server that had greeted him out of the elevator stepped into his path, planting a satin-gloved hand softly against his chest.

"You're a V.I.P., aren't you? I saw your wristband."

"Oh," Darren blurted, pulling back the cuff of his jacket to expose the maroon wristband that was put on him when he came in. "Yeah, this. Yep, sure am." The server laughed.

"You're cute, it's a shame you haven't taken any time in the V.I.P. section yet. Follow me. My name is Alice, by the way."

Before the next thought could even process in his head, Darren was being gently pulled along by his tie, the end clasped firmly in the hand of the server. He wasn't a small man - he stood a head taller than the server and probably outweighed her by a hundred pounds. Yet lead him along she did, with him attempting to inconspicuously hide his rising boner all the while.

They eventually reached the far wall, opposite where the bar was, where a thick mahogany door stood, bisected with a velvet rope divider with a bald man standing in front of it that made Darren look small by comparison. Before he could say anything, Alice grabbed him by the wrist, lifting his hand and sliding his sleeve back so that his wristband was once again visible. The bald man leaned forward to get a better look before reaching behind him, unclasping the divider rope, and stepping aside with it.

"Enjoy your evening, sir."

"Thanks," Darren blurted out as Alice gave him a light pay on the ass, not unlike the one he had given Chloe, as she ushered him in. The short, dimly lit hallway that greeted them housed another smaller door, just at the end. From here, he thought he could hear something on the other side of it. Holding his breath without even realizing it, he reached for the knob and opened it.


Darren had never been to an orgy or a sex party. He never even planned on it. And yet, he knew in that moment that if he went to a hundred more every year for the rest of his life, none would be so large, elaborate, or extravagant as the one that he saw before him now.

The moans of dozens of female servers in and out of their uniforms and just as many attendees mixed with the music coming from unseen speakers. Couches, chairs, chaise lounges, conversation pits, padded tables, and other furniture adorned the room as far as the eye could see, all of which were occupied by naked, sweating bodies, writhing in pleasure. Directly on Darren's left was a businessman with his pants around his ankles and his cock in the mouth of a server with her dark hair tied into a tight bun under her bunny ears. Meanwhile, the man engaged in a heated conversation with the fellow on his left, who was sipping on his drink and nodding. To Darren's right, a man was lying down on a table with one server seated on his face and the other riding his dick. The two servers were locked deep in a passionate kiss as the man gripped the hips of the one on his face hard, burying his face further into her ass. The handfuls of servers that weren't in some way pleasuring or being pleasured by an attendee were carrying trays no different from the ones that were hosting the evening's drinks, only that these ones held a wide variety of sex toys. One of these nearby trays was lowered enough by the server carrying it so that one of the female attendees, seated on the couch and with the face of another server between her thighs, could pluck a vibrator from it and hand it to the attendee on her knees in front of her. This attendee flicked it on and pressed it against her clitoris before burying her face back into her unshaven pussy. The female attendee's back arched with pleasure as she gripped feebly at the couch with her free hand, grabbing yet another server next to her by the hair and pulling her into a kiss. All throughout the vast room, lit by dim red light and thick with the sounds of pleasure and the smell of sex, scenes like this played out.

"So, what do you think, big guy?"

"I don't know when the last time I saw a conversation pit was." His mouth was dry. How was this even real? He supposed some of those rumors and horror stories about Eric Mead were true after all.

"Gosh, you gotta loosen up," laughed Alice. "Here, let me introduce you to someone."

A server with red hair approached them, her large freckles breasts swinging freely over the top of her pulled-down bunny suit. She was tall enough to stand nearly eye to eye with Darren.

"This is Sarah," Alice said, pulling Darren closer to this new girl by his tie. "She's going to keep you company and help you get settled in. I have something I need to check on, and then we can...get started." She gave him a quick glance up and down as she added this last part, and then turned on her heel and walked off into the crowd. Now, it was just him and Sarah.

"Ah," Darren stumbled over exactly what to say to this woman, this total and complete stranger before him now, whose tits were hanging fully out of her bodysuit for him to see. "Hi, I'm Darren. I, uh, didn't get the chance to tell Alice my name which is probably"

"Do I make you nervous?" She had a soft British accent.

"No, it's not, well, I're very beautiful, and - "

"Let me help you relax." She lifted her gloved hand, revealing in it a shot of some kind of dark liquor and holding it out to him.

"Oh, I think I've had my fill for the night, thank you th -"

Sarah tossed her head back and poured the shot into her mouth, placing a hand over her bunny ears to keep them from slipping from her head.

"Er," was all Darren managed to vocalize of his own confusion before she grabbed him surprisingly roughly by the collar of his shirt and pulled him in, planting her mouth over his own in a passionate kiss. Then, without warning, she transferred the contents of the shot glass from her own mouth to his and held him there, still kissing him.