Curtis Woodman Ch. 01


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His hand came out and we shook on it. Just as I was about to release his hand he said. "I know I'm dumping a lot on you and your team, Curtis, but you're the only people he will break cover for."

I watched my boss get in his car and leave through the gate. Only then did I get in my vehicle and join my team. We taxied to the end of the runway and minutes later the engines roared to full life. We sure had leg room on this flight; my team and the flight crew were the only people on it. Once the plane left the ground and the seatbelt sign went out I pulled the team together. All but JoJo had known Rick. Hell, three of us were at his wedding.

The feelings around my team as I told them what I knew, and also emphasized that it wasn't much, ranged from anger that one of our own was under attack to some very vocal ideas about what they wanted to do once we had found Rick and joined in the fight. I was pleased to be the leader of this group right at that moment.

There is a saying, watch out for the quiet ones. JoJo had said little all through our add-hock meeting. When we were done I followed her to her seat and sat right next to her; she looked around at all those empty seats and had one of those light bulb moments.

"What's up?" I asked.

It took her a moment or two but I was ok with waiting her out.

"I could give you the exact date but you already know it." Her eyes wandered to the seat in front of us, she held the headrest so tightly that her knuckles turned white.

"When I was at 12th intelligence unit, we were listening to the radio chatter on a raid into a village being run by our cousins. It was down to me to detail how a single sniper of British origin kept an American medic alive for a full day against intensely insane odds and was also given an order from the Commanding General of the area that he is to sacrifice his own life to keep said medic alive."

My own thoughts raced back to that time and I smiled. That was Halo, more so when he told said General to piss off out of his life.

JoJo was clearly thinking back to that day and those conversations with her friends in her old unit when she spoke again. "No sooner had I handed in my findings, then said file was sent to Whitehall to brief other ranking individuals. Out of habit the file of that day was dismissed from my thoughts. Some months later, you and the boss come into my life and I'm forced to see with my own eyes that superman does exist."

I knew she had come as close as she dared in discussing parts of her life with the 12th Intel unit. They answered to only the very top brass in our army, and yet she was sitting here with me talking about that very day and her own passive participation.

"Now I'm sitting in on that briefing you just gave and I'm told that Halo Two-Five is real, and we have to track him down before he could possibly drag our country into an internal war between our cousins and us."

She paused, it was clear to see that she was conflicted about something. I had seen this look on her a few times when her old job clashed with this one. It had happened to a couple of my team and over time they manage to resolve the issue; however, JoJo was still struggling with it.

"He was right you know."

I looked at her, more confused than ever.

"I was one of the personnel writing those files remember. The insurgents were monitoring some of the same radio chatter. They caught the conversation Halo had with the man he called shithead. When shithead ordered him to protect the medic at all costs, we started to observe heavy movement of men and vehicles towards the town."

JoJo quickly looked out of the aircraft window and took a deep breath; when she once again looked at me, her eyes were holding back a tear or two.

"If Halo hadn't got that medic out of there that night, over thirty of the leader of the insurgents' own bodyguards would have taken her back behind their own lines by first light."

One of the flight crew announced that food was going to be served. Since we had been traveling on nothing more than coffee, water, and candy bars all day, we got fed first before allowing my team to bed down and rest for the remainder of the flight. My own thoughts were truly torn. In the end I was the boss here and I had to nail down this one problem on this flight.

We both took a coffee each and JoJo and I walked to the end of the plane to talk. Since my people were fully fed now, it was nap time for them; but in the back of my mind I still couldn't make peace with the opinion JoJo had of my friend. To her Rick was someone she had heard bits of on a radio, backed up by pieces of paper. We were being sent to find and bring him back from going nuclear. The knowledge in that man's head could well be his undoing.

"You may not have figured this out yet, but I've got a whole team of Halo's. As individuals you are all awesome; but, as a team, you're a destructive force that I would pitch against anyone."

Figuring that JoJo knew some of what I was saying, I still said it anyway. She listened and I'm sure took mental notes. In a street fight or a bar brawl I would match Rick against anyone; but the day he found out his wife was dead, a part of him died right then and nothing we or his two little angels could do seemed to bring back that life in him. His two daughters kept him breathing, but it was his job that stopped him from stagnating.

Then Kitten came into his life, or should I say blundered into it. Brooke Madison Armstrong was her own force to be reckoned with and when they gelled, that bond became unbreakable. The love they have for each other and the children in their lives is as real as anything I've ever seen.

The mission that forced Rick into retirement also brought Brooke to his side and she's never left. When we knew that Rick was cut off and was preparing to die rather than be captured, I gave each of my people the chance to stay back and wait in our forward position.

"I actually stood in front of each of them and ordered them all to stand down. I was going to get my friend and bring him back and that was against orders. As an officer I could be court martialed for this and I wasn't taking my team with me. To a man, they all refused and I was proud of my people that day; their silence was their bond."

When they each started to strip off any non-essential items so they could travel lighter and faster meant that we couldn't afford an all-out battle. We moved in an explosive pocket at a speed that would get us to Rick but in no condition to do much more than drag him away while each of us held a defensive position. Although my boss suspected but never put it into words, the day we went to get Rick back, we had just about enough ammunition on us for personal protection. If anything had survived the rolling barrage when we got to Rick's position, then it would have been hand to hand.

We walked and ran into fire that day, not because we were asked to, actually we were told not to, but one of our own was out there and bleeding. Every person in my team had the same thought as the shells exploded in front of us and we crawled forward. 'Not on our watch.'

It would also have taken a person braver than any of my team to keep Brooke away from Rick when we got him back and in medical care, that was for sure. Although I touched on the wedding with JoJo, I'm sure she had figured out the mindset of Rick by now. Two loves in his life were stolen from him and out there somewhere, it was down to us to assist in any way we could, just don't try to slow him down when it came to getting Brooke and his little girl back.


I did see JoJo talking to one of the flight crew when I opened my eyes. They both looked at their watches and then smiled as JoJo handed over an empty coffee cup. It was as she turned to return to her own seat, JoJo noticed me awake, then changed her direction, and sat beside me.

"We are due to land in an hour; we're scaring the flight crew as well." I looked at her; the confused look didn't go amiss either. "One moment they were all feet-up and doing standby duty, and the next they get a cargo load and just seven people to take to the states."

We both watched the same flight attendant reappear, only this time another person stood next to her; and, judging by what weighed his shoulders down, I would say he was the driver of this bird.

The way he looked at me sure made me feel he wanted to talk. JoJo moved out of the seat and I joined the captain halfway down the aisle.

"We make land in less than an hour. Please inform your people not to freak out; I've been informed that we will have two fighters escort us to our final destination."

I thanked the man. Judging by his years and rank, he's seen and done most of it. To him this was just another one of those flights that his wife would never get to know about over the breakfast table. We both knew this would also be our first and last conversation, I shook his hand and thanked him. He just nodded his head, then turned and left me standing in the aisle.

The two fighter jets ripped past us twenty minutes later. They must have done an impressive hard braking turn somewhere behind us, since it only took them a moment or two to turn around and position themselves on either side of our plane. They held my team's interest for all of twenty seconds before they sat back down and proceeded to ignore them. Once the plane touched tarmac the two fighters picked up speed again and disappeared into the sun. When we came to a halt the nice coffee lady opened the door and some mean looking suit walked onto the plane, took his sunglasses off and I joined him by the exit.

"You Curtis?"

I nodded.

"You're making a lot of people nervous around here; but, orders are orders, so welcome to the states." This time he smiled. "We have a truck down by the cargo doors, so if your adjutant can get down there now, my people will help unload the plane."

Freddy must have been listening to the suit because he was instantly onto his feet and past him. I looked over at Chad, tilted my head towards the door; and, other than a nod from him, we didn't say a thing to each other as he followed Freddy down the steps.

The suit left the door and walked down the flight of steps. I followed and my people thought it best to tag along. It was only when he got to the bottom that he turned to me again.

"I'm sorry, it's that manners thing. My names Cooper." We shook on it. "Once we have your stuff out of the plane, we have a three-hour drive."

When I asked where we were going he just looked at me. To help him along I did point out the obvious; that we were still all in combats and we may just stick out a little if he was going to park us in the middle of civilians. This time he smiled and told me that we were going to be based at a semi-retired airfield.

It was then I had my own light bulb moment, and a quick look at his hand to see if he was married just confirmed that this would work. "Say, Cooper. Look it's kinda personal, but as you can see one of my people is female and we were dragged out here rather sudden. So on the way to where we are going, can you arrange for one of your people to take her shopping when we get there?"

He just stood there wearing a really confused look, until I took a step closer and whispered. "We left so quickly that she left her feminine products behind."

His cheeks went a shade of red and his head nodded in understanding. Yep, he clearly was married.

"I will phone ahead and one of the female security team will take her into town to get what she needs once she's changed into civilian clothes."

Nodding and thanking Cooper before detaching myself and standing away from him while my team pulled our kit out of the aircraft hold. When JoJo noticed me watching and then gently tilt my head to one side, she broke from the group and came to stand by me.

I kept my voice low. "We left in such a hurry that you left your feminine products behind." She continued to watch the team, the slight nod of her head was only noticeable because I was looking for it. Our kit was almost packed into a truck before she said. "But the real reason?"

"We all know you're like a savant when it comes to languages. I'm hoping that carries over to accents as well. They are going to send you into town with a female security guard. Take as long as you need but work on the accent, the priority of course is that I want you to make sure she doesn't catch on to what you're doing. I may need you walking and talking like an American before this mission is over."

This time she looked directly at me. What I was asking of her slotted nicely into her last job, she smiled and said. "You got it boss."

We were divided into the vehicles; the suits weren't happy that we carried our weapons with us. But they kept their mouths shut and it always seemed to be Cooper that did the talking for these guys.


Cooper was right, exactly three hours later we pulled up against the gate to a very ram shackle airfield. A woman stepped out from the gatehouse and introduced herself as Carla. Her accent sat squarely from New York and inwardly I smiled. That would do nicely I thought.

She followed us to a row of buildings. When JoJo got out of her vehicle, Carla got out of hers and the two talked for a moment before JoJo pulled a bag out of the truck and ran inside the first building. The rest of us set about moving our kit into the second building while all the suits stood around and watched.

I heard the wolf whistle. It was Cooper telling the owner of the whistle to keep his opinion to himself that finally made me stop and look and almost drop the box I was carrying. JoJo walked up to me and I sure thought it best to put the box down. I followed her naked legs as I stood once again. Thank goodness for the cycling shorts she had on, the belly-button piercing threw me for a moment; at least the t-shirt she had on kept her modest.

The shade of her cheeks forewarned me. "I'm going to need local clothes and well as 'feminine products' for what you're asking of me."

Inwardly I smiled and was relieved that she was still one step ahead of me on what I was planning for her. I pulled out my card and gave her the number, then told her I would take it out of her pay if she went too far. Her eyes went as wide as I have ever seen them, she then snatched my card and whispered, "thank you, daddy." Before she ran to the car and both women got in, I glared at everyone that was within earshot, the fact my hand was clutching my sidearm may have had a lot to do with the silence I got in return.

It still took us another two hours to get things sorted to how we wanted them in one building and make the second livable. Cooper hung around but he sent his people away. I figured they would be close by, just not too close.

When Cooper got a call on his cell he let me know I had a visitor. A few minutes later a black sedan pulled up and two people I hadn't seen in a while got out. Cooper held the door for the woman and then stood away from the couple. I suspect that he had been told that what was said between us wasn't his business.

She held out her hand and I grasped it before shaking her hand. "It's been awhile Curtis."

I nodded in agreement. "It sure has ma'am."

A flash of annoyance crossed her face before she reminded me that it would be best to call her Constance.

They both started to walk away from the buildings we were using, I got the hint and followed along.

It still took Constance some time to talk, but I was sure going to give her as much time as she needed. "My husband and I have had to go over so many heads to get you and your team here Curtis. When Rick went missing I had to pull the one card I had left and involved the President."

Both stopped and I turned to look directly at them.

Constance took a deep breath and then let it out so she could continue. "When Rick disappeared from the ranch I didn't know who I could trust any longer. It's why I've gotten you involved. Get changed Curtis I will explain everything in detail on the drive back to the ranch."

I nodded, it was pointless asking anything else, she had obviously set out what she needed to do, so for now I had to adjust my planning to her. My walk back to my team was done at a quicker pace than Constance and her husband. I waved Freddy into the building and held a quick brief while I changed. It was also Freddy that handed me a shoulder holster for my Sig. He agreed that we needed to keep half the team in combats until we got a proper handle on this.

"Check our ammo, make sure it's up to combat level. If it isn't, then talk to Cooper; he's been told to help in any way he can, let's see if it comes to put up or shut up."

Once changed, I joined Constance and her husband who were waiting in the sedan. The car moved seconds after I had the door closed. I also figured out why we were located at this ramshackle air base; it was twenty minutes from the ranch.

The place was just how I remembered it when some of the boys and I came for the wedding. The fact that we were here now for a much different reason saddened me greatly. The sedan stopped at the gatehouse, Constance and her husband got out and I followed them. Constance stuck her head into the gatehouse and said something to one of the guards. I watched him nod his head but that was all he did. It was when Constance closed the door that my jaw dropped.

The word 'Judas' was written by hand, although I would probably say two fingers dipped in something red judging by the trail of red that seeped from each letter.

"He killed a rabbit and used its blood to smear that across the door." She turned and stared at me before continuing. "They didn't see or hear anything Curtis. There is nothing on any of the surveillance tapes either."

"No, there won't be Constance. He's Halo now. You know he's blamed one of the guards for this don't you?"

Constance turned and opened the gatehouse door once again.

"Charley? Has any of the security team not come in today?"

"Franklin Ma'am. I sent one of the team over to his apartment but no one has answered."

She stared at me. I tilted my head towards her car and she nodded before thanking the guards once again and walked to her car. I followed her as she got in and her husband once again drove us; this time to the ranch. I pulled a notebook from my pocket and wrote 'Get Cooper and his people to check if your house and cars are bugged', before turning it towards her. She read it and turned a real bad case of red from the neck up.

The wheels of the sedan had barely stopped when Constance got out, her cell phone already in hand. Judging by the pacing and her spare arm waving around. I didn't need to lip read the conversation. My thoughts that Cooper would be saying an awful lot of 'yes ma'am's' into this conversation may have amused me a little.

Cooper and his people turned up two hours later. By four o'clock that afternoon seven listening devises and two GPS trackers now sat on the dining room table. As two more came into the room from the stable, no one, not even her husband, wanted to go near Constance. That woman had murder in her eyes and just wanted someone to inflict it on. We watched her stand at the window that looked out across the back lawn. For a full five minutes she didn't move. In the end she took in a deep breath and turned to join us once again at the table.

She turned to Cooper and said. "I'm sorry to ask this of you and your people, since you have been here so long already, but please ask them to do another sweep of the house and paddocks."

Cooper just said "yes ma'am." Turned and left the room.

Her glare rested on Charley now. "You and everyone of your team, apart from Franklin that is, have been with me for nearly ten years. Go back to the gatehouse. You all have an hour to decide. Get the next ten years right and do the job I pay you for or get the fuck off my property."