Daddy's Girl Ch. 05

Story Info
With the holiday over can they find happiness?
8.9k words

Part 5 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 06/03/2022
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I would strongly suggest that you read the previous 4 parts, if you haven't already, so that the story and characters make a lot more sense.

Constructive comments and criticism are welcome. It's always nice to know what's good and what's not so good about your work.

However, trolling hateful comments will be deleted.

Remember it is just a story.




Chapter 13 -- What now

Gazing out of the aircraft window Lucy stared at the rather drab overcast England they had returned to, the weather matching her mood, as the plane taxied towards the terminal building.

A few rows in front of her, Danny was doing something very similar sitting next to his daughter as she watched carefully everything that was happening outside.

"When do we get off Daddy?"

"Soon sweetheart."

"Will Lucy be getting off to?" She asked yet another question about the brunette who seemed to have captivated her.

"Yes munchkin, she will be."

Disembarking from the aircraft Danny had been tempted to make the break quick and clean by simply walking away without waiting for Lucy, but he had quickly realised there was no way that Jessica would let that happen. Also, it would be very difficult to explain if she then caught up with them at baggage reclaim,

"Let's wait for her." He suggested, stepping to the side once they were out of the aircraft door.

A dozen or more passengers passed them by before she finally appeared.

"Oh, you waited." Lucy said with surprise as she got off the plane, mentally kicking herself for making it sound like she had expected them to just go.

"Well Jess wants to say goodbye properly." Danny gave her a sad smile.

The three-year-old happily took both their hands, skipping between them, clearly unaware of the air of despondency that had descended over the two adults.

With an inevitability hovering over them the pair almost silently guided Jessica through immigration before going on to collect their cases from the carousel.

As she had on the journey out Jessica took a great deal of interest in the numerous bags going around on the belt, eagerly looking out for hers.

"It's here daddy... it's here." She shouted with excitement when her bag came into view, making both Jess and Danny smile despite their unhappiness.

It took a few minutes before they had retrieved everything and made their way through customs and out into the terminal.

"Well, I guess that's the holiday finished." Danny gloomily stated as the three of them stood in the arrival's hall with their bags, "Back to normality now."

Lucy gazed at him wanting to throw herself into his arms and tell him that she loved him. However, her mind was filled with thoughts about his statement that he wasn't looking to expose his daughter to a string of girls, his only concern was Jessica.

'Couldn't he make an exception for just one girl. Her?'

The trouble was that it was her concern to. She understood his reasons perfectly but why couldn't he see that she had fallen in love with the little girl as well as him.

"I suppose so." Instead, she unhappily agreed with him, her heart breaking apart as she spoke.

She had her new job to look forward to and her life to get on with but now, all she wanted was to be with the man standing in front of her and his adorable daughter.

"How are you getting home?" Danny asked prolonging their goodbye's a little longer.

"Oh, my friend.... she's collecting me."

"Fair enough, otherwise we could have shared a taxi....."

They went silent again.

Resisting the urge to reveal how he felt Danny picked up his daughter and swallowed hard. Lucy had been adamant when she told him she had only been looking for a holiday fling with no strings and he had been it.

The only problem was that somewhere along the way he had fallen in love with her and so had Jessica.

"Maybe I'll see you around." He stated flippantly not knowing what else to say.

"Yeah maybe... or...."

"Bye Luce I....."

"Oh yeah, bye Danny." Not giving him a chance to finish she kissed him on the cheek.

"Be a good girl Jess." Kneeling down she drew the little girl against her in a hug, "I'm sure you're going to enjoy school."

"No. Don't go Lucy." The three-year-old started to plead as soon as she realised what was happening.

Lucy tried to smile as she blinked back the tears she knew were coming.

"I have to sweetheart. I'll... I'll miss you." Choking off a sob she stood and turned, immediately starting to walk away.


She had barely gone two steps when she started to cry as her heart shattered into a million pieces, the tears streaming down her cheeks at the sound of Jessica's pitiful wail.

"Luccceeeeeeeeeeeeeeee don't go.... come back. I love you."

It took every ounce of her willpower but she didn't turn around, she knew that if she did, she would end up running back and telling him how she felt about him and his daughter.

Continuing to hurry away she could hardly see in front of her as her tears clouded her vision while she tried desperately to block out the sound of the little girl's voice.

"Mummmeeeeeeeeee!" Thankfully, the sound of Jessica crying eventually faded into the background and stopped wrenching on her heartstrings.

The tears coursed freely down her cheeks as, ignoring the inquisitive stares from strangers, she made her way through the crowds and out of the airport building to where Annabelle would be waiting to give her a ride home.

"Lucy, over here." Her friend waved and moved towards her, "How was your...."

"Take me home please... I want to go home." Sobbing she left her case and slid into the passenger seat crying almost hysterically.

"What's up Lucy. What's happened?" Annabelle clambered in after her once the case was stored in the boot.

"Just take me home.... Please. I just want to go home." Lucy looked out of the window, trying not to think of the pain in her chest, unable to stop crying.

Annabelle stared at her friend for a moment but didn't press her on what was wrong. Keeping quiet she drove them back to Lucy's flat, the silence only punctuated by the desperate sobbing coming from the passenger seat.

Once they were inside, Annabelle left Lucy to cry as she made tea for them both before resuming her inquisition.

"Ok Luce, are you going to tell me what's up?" Placing two mugs on the table she sat down and asked.

Lucy looked at her with black rimmed eyes where her mascara had run.

"I... I love him." She whispered softly.

Annabelle sat back open-mouthed in shock, "For fuck's sake, I said have a fling not fall for some Greek gigolo."

"He's not Greek and he's not a gig-a-whatsit." She sniffled taking a sip of her tea, "I love him and I love his little girl."

"Oh shit no, you've not gone and fallen for a married man Luce, surely?"

Lucy shook her head, "No, he's... he's divorced and... and his ex was killed recently in a car smash."

"But all the same. A guy with a kid."

"You don't understand. He lives round here. I saw him before.... before I went away."

Her friend looked at her clearly puzzled.

"What? Where?"

"Do you remember when we went shopping? I was buying those bikinis?" Lucy continued, sniffing back the tears.

"Err.... yeah, sort of."

"The guy who was there with his little girl?"

"What the really cute one? You mean he was at the same resort as you?"

"Same resort, same apartments." She clarified, wiping her eyes.

"And you....?"

Lucy nodded, "Yes, I slept with him."

Annabelle grinned, "Well at least you got laid."

"What am I going to do Anna?"

"Well how does he feel about you?"

"He... he said his daughter was his only priority. He... he...."

She dissolved into another flood of tears.

"You need to tell him hon. At least then you'll know one way or the other if he wants you."

Her response only started Lucy crying even harder.

"I can't. We didn't even exchange numbers, he thought I only wanted a holiday fling and he... he didn't want to get involved with anyone because of Jessica."

"Who's Jessica?"

"His little girl. You should see her Anna she's absolutely adorable and cute and...."

She stopped and buried her face in her hands.

Not knowing what else to do Annabelle went across to her and wrapped her arms around her, letting her sob out her despair on her shoulder.

"Hey come on babe, it's not that bad."

"It is... it's awful and... and I want him so much."

"I know you won't want the hear this now hon but I saw Jason the other day."

Lucy sniffled and lifted her head to look at her friend, "What did that arsehole want?"

" actually, He was asking about you and if you were seeing anyone?"

Distracted from her misery Lucy stared disbelievingly at Annabelle, "He what? The creep."

"He's not with Georgina anymore apparently."

"I'm not interested in him. I love Danny." She declared firmly, "And if that piece of shit comes anywhere near me, I swear I'll... I'll swing for him."

"That's more like the girl I know." Annabelle grinned.


Watching Lucy walk away from them Danny held on to his daughter as she cried, calling out to the slim brunette who rapidly disappeared into the crowd.

"It's ok baby. Don't cry please." He had to swallow hard to stop his own tears from starting.

"I... I.... w.... want Lu... Lucy." The three-year-old sobbed, "I want her.... my m... m.... mummy."

Listening to his daughter ripped apart the remaining fragments of his shattered heart and for the next few minutes he held her tightly, trying hard to get his own emotions under control. He knew it would take him a lifetime to get over the girl who had just walked away from them, if he ever could.

"I want her too sweetheart but she has her own life and we... we aren't part of it."

Just saying it tore his heart apart again.

Finally, managing to calm Jess down a little, he started off towards the taxi rank for the last leg of their journey home.

It took nearly half-an-hour to reach his mother's house but before they had even got out of the cab Christine Wells was on the doorstep eagerly waiting to greet her son and granddaughter.

"Nanny." Jessica dashed across to her grandmother and was instantly swept up in her arms.

"Oh, it's so good to have you home." She hugged the little girl, "Did you have a nice time."

"Hi mum." Danny leant in and kissed her on the cheek before lugging the cases in through the front door.

"How was it? Did you have a good time?" Still carrying her granddaughter Christine followed him into the house, closing the door behind her.

"Err... yeah it was.... ok."

"Tea?" She knew immediately something was wrong with her son.

"Yeah, that would be great thanks."

Taking Jessica with her she disappeared into the kitchen leaving him to take the suitcases upstairs.

By the time he returned there were two mugs of tea on the table while Jessica was sitting with a glass of juice and a chocolate biscuit. Dropping into a chair he picked up his drink and, not looking at his mother, waited for the expected inquisition.

"So, who's Lucy?" His mother looked at him curiously over the top of her mug.

"Ok. What did Jessica tell you?" He sighed; he had hoped to get through his first evening home before his daughter spilled the beans.

"Not a lot except she hasn't stopped talking about her since the two of you walked through the front door."

"She's just a girl we met while we were away. We had a couple of meals together. That's all." He swallowed back the emotions that just talking about her raised in him.

"First of all, you're my son and I know when you're not telling me the truth." She raised an eyebrow questioningly, "And secondly your daughter has already told me you had two sleepovers."

"Is nothing sacred mum?"

"I'm concerned is all Danny. The pair of you are all I have and I worry about you."

"I know you do mum and I really appreciate it and everything you do for Jessica."

"So, who is this mysterious Lucy and what has she done to you and my granddaughter.

He took a sip of his tea avoiding answering for the moment as he tried to collect his thoughts. The last thing he wanted was an interrogation on the girl who had broken his heart.

"She's just a girl. No one special."

"Don't tell me fibs Daniel Wells. I'm your mother."

Sighing he took another mouthful of tea. He knew she wouldn't give up until she knew the truth.

"She was staying in our apartments and Jess really took to her."

"And the rest?"

He sighed, knowing he would have to tell her everything.

"Ok. I'm in love with her mum. I've never felt this way about anyone, not even Steph."

Christine Wells smiled, "Well that much is clearly obvious. So, who is she and, more importantly, how does she feel about you?"

"We met, once, in the department store before we went away. Then she was staying at the same apartments as us and she has the biggest, prettiest, brown eyes and she was so good with Jess..."

"You don't need to tell me that." His mother laughed, "All I've heard from her is Lucy this and Lucy that."

He grinned across at his daughter who was sitting watching the pair of them, "Yeah she is rather taken with her."

"And have you told her how you feel about her?"

Shaking his head, he stared down at the carpet again.

"No. She had a bad experience with her ex and she told me she wasn't looking for a boyfriend or a relationship. She just wanted a holiday fling."

"Oh Danny." Recognising the problem she hugged her son, "What are you going to do?"

"I... I don't know." The look he gave her was one of utter desolation, "I really have no idea."

She sat back and studied him for a moment, "You have to tell her."

"That's just it I don't even have a phone number for her."

"Why ever not?"

"I kind of told her I didn't want a string of girlfriends coming and going in Jess's life. So, we just sort of hooked up for the holiday and then before I knew it, I'd fallen for her."

"Oh Danny."

"I know. I should have said something."

"You need to find her somehow and tell her how you feel. If she doesn't want you then at least you'll know but I suspect you'll find out she feels the same."

He looked up at his mother in surprise, "You think so?"

"Trust me. She didn't spend her holiday with a three-year-old just for fun. Judging by what Jess has told me she's as smitten with you two as you are with her."

"She's going to be my new mummy one day." Jessica suddenly piped up making the pair of them laugh, "I told her and she didn't say she wasn't."

"I'll say no more." With that Christine scooped up her granddaughter, tickling her and making her giggle, "Come on munchkin, let's go and get some dinner ready.

Sitting alone Danny thought about what his mother had just said.

'Had he really made that much of a mess of things?'

'Could Lucy feel the same way he did?'

'Had he lost the first girl he had really been in love with?'

His mother was right, somehow, he had to find her and tell her and to hell with the consequences.

Chapter 14 -- Moving forwards

Lucy had only known Danny and Jessica for the week of her holiday but she missed them both, terribly, and it wasn't getting any easier for her, in fact it was worse. Everything she did reminded her of them and how she felt.

All she had done for the last two weeks was go out shopping or for walks by herself. Then, at the end of the day, she would spend her evenings alone watching tv and feeling utterly miserable.

Which was exactly what she was doing when there was a loud knock on her front door on the Thursday night.

Sighing with resignation, she got up.

She didn't need to wonder who it was.

"Hi Annabelle." Standing aside she let her friend come in.

Trying to explain how she felt to Annabelle had been impossible; how do you tell your best friend that you're in love with a man you've only known for a few days. As a result, she had even shied away from spending time with her.

"I thought I'd come to see the recluse. I brought wine." She told her with a grin and holding up a bottle, "Maybe we can be friend's again?"

"Fair enough. You can stay then." Lucy informed her making them both smile and breaking the tension that had started to build up between them over the last couple of weeks.

Once they were both comfortably settled on the sofa, a glass of white wine in hand, Lucy waited for the conversation to begin. Knowing it would be the same discussion they had had every time Annabelle had come round to see her since she had returned from her holiday.

"So, when are you going to stop being miserable and come out and have some fun?"

Lucy sighed unhappily, "Probably never."

"Come on Luce you can't stay in here feeling sorry for yourself forever."

Taking a sip of her wine the brunette paused, "Why not? There's nothing to come out for."

"We've done this before. You need to have some fun, find yourself a man to take your mind off what's his name."

"I don't want to take my mind off Danny." Lucy stated miserably, "I love him."

"And he's not here."

She didn't answer. Instead, she let her mind wander back to her holiday and the time she had spent with Jessica and her father.

"I saw Jason again the other day."

"Like I care." Lucy stated curtly.

"He asked after you." Annabelle added cautiously, knowing how her friend thought about her ex.

"I'm not interested."

"He said he misses you and he'd like to see you."

"Jason can go fuck himself." Lucy's tone was more than just angry.

Annabelle laughed, tossing her hair back, "I think he'd rather fuck you babe."

"That's never going to happen. He should have stuck with Georgina."

"More wine?" Anna took their glasses out to the kitchen returning a few minutes later with them topped up.

"Listen to me hon and don't jump down my throat." She handed Lucy her drink.

Rolling her eyes, she sat back and waited.

"You don't want Jason I know that and I really don't blame you. The guy's always been an arsehole and he cheated on you."

"So, what's your point?" Lucy asked succinctly.

Annabelle grinned, "Well you go on a date with Jason and fuck him...."

"You must be out of your fucking mind."

"Just listen to me." The other girl continued, "You fuck him. First it helps you get over what's his name and second you put two fingers up to Jason afterwards and tell him that was to show him what he lost."

She didn't answer immediately, focusing her thoughts on what her friend had just suggested. While hating the idea she also felt it had its merits, certainly in potentially taking Jason down a peg or two. She had never really had her revenge for what he did and Annabelle's plan had some merit to it.

"I don't know." She finally said uncertainly, "It seems like I'd be betraying Danny."

"You aren't with him hon. He told you he didn't want his little girl meeting a procession of girlfriends."

Lucy snorted indignantly, "I'm not a procession and I'm in love with him and her."

"Ok but this is about you babe and getting back on the horse."

Giggling Lucy took a swig of her wine, "What is it with you and horses?"

The pair of them finished the bottle before opening another and continuing to discuss Annabelle's suggestion.

"All I'm saying is think about it. Meeting him doesn't commit you to anything."

"Ok I'll meet him. That's all though. I'm not going to promise to sleep with him." Lucy capitulated and eventually agreed.

"Then just think about the rest of it." Her friend persisted, "You need sex after all."

"Sex is overrated, especially with him."

"Just think about it, please."

Lucy sighed, "Ok, I'll think about it but that's all."