Daddy's little girl

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Harley gets more than she bargained for.
3.8k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 04/26/2024
Created 03/11/2024
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Daddy's little girl, that's what I used to call myself when I was young and innocent. Daddy's girl. Even though he technically wasn't my father, just the man who'd raised me and brought me up into this harsh world with all the tools I needed in life. My real father, the rat, as he was called on the rare occasion he was mentioned, had split and ditched us the minute he found out my mother was pregnant. Sometimes I wondered what my life would be like if he was still around. Would I have grown into the woman I am today?

I tugged on my short black skirt, lifting the hem high enough to reveal most of my long slender legs but not so high that the entire population of London could see what I ate for breakfast. I had just waxed, and the skin along my toned thighs and calves glistened. My feet were manicured with my toes painted a deep blue, and encased in a set of my finest killer red heels that added at least a few inches to my height. My mahogany top hung low, revealing a glimmer of cleavage. I was bra-less of course. Who needed support up to when you had tits that sat like mine?

I whipped my phone out, flicked it open and typed: "Be there in five." I marked the message with a single kiss and pressed send. I fluffed my wavy blonde hair and touched up my jet black lipstick in the mirror. My phone buzzed with his reply, which consisted of just a single thumbs up.

At least this one wasn't a time waster. I'd had so many recently. It was getting harder and harder to get good clients, especially ones that paid as well as this guy had.

If you hadn't already guessed, I'm a hooker, of course. Not your average hooker mind you. I'm that one in a million. Men paid thousands just to get a taste of what I had to offer. I didn't blame them of course, I am just that fuckable, or so I'm told. One night with me and you'd never want to pull out.

I clicked my makeup pouch shut and blew myself a kiss in the mirror before strutting out of the bathroom into the downstairs lobby. My heels clicked on the floor with every step. A young looking receptionist locked eyes with me and nearly dropped the phone she was holding in shock. Even women drooled over me.

It was a long ride to the top, and my client was waiting at the very top. The penthouse suite. A pretty penny that must have cost him, or her. My client gave a name, but you never knew in this type of business, and to be honest, I didn't mind a bit of female action from time to time. The women really knew how to make my body shudder, but it really was no substitute for a thick bit of wood to sit on.

As the numbers above the door began to drift upwards I began to wonder who had booked such an expensive room. A celebrity? Someone with power? I'd seen my fair share of important people and this felt like something of that nature. If only their wives knew all the dirty things I'd done with their husbands. I had more than enough dirt to end a few carers and marriages alike.

I shook my head and fluffed my hair again willing myself to get in the mood. The anticipation before the session always made my blood boil. A shiver ran down my spine. The power I was about to have when the elevator pinged open was the best part about this job. Most men were putty in my hands from the second they saw me. I was just praying to god whoever was up there wasn't ugly. I could deal with it if they were a bit rough around the edges, but anything less and it just took away some of the fun.

The elevator finally pinged and the doors slid open with a hiss. The room inside was huge. A set of expensive looking leather sofas sat in the center, facing one of the largest television sets I'd ever seen suspended of a cracking fireplace that cast dancing shadows across the marble coloured tile floor. The far wall wasn't a wall, it was in a fact a window stretching from floor to ceiling across the entire width of the room flooding the place with the most beautiful view of the city I had ever seen.

"Hello?" I called out and gingerly stepped out of the elevator.

"Just a minute," a voice called from an adjoining room. "Make yourself comfortable!"

I smiled to myself and made my way across the room to the glass window. My high heels made loud clicking noises as I walked. As I walked I fluffed my hair again and tugged my skirt up even higher, revealing a few more centimeters of the legs that would undoubtedly be spread open based on the room alone.

I was impressed. This was a good start. On top of the generous amount of money I'd already been given, I got to spend the evening in this gorgeous looking hotel room, which wasn't really a room, more like an apartment. It didn't really matter much what the guy looked like at this point. If he was attractive, that was a bonus. The amount of money this must have cost him had already got my motor humming with excitement.

I peered out over the city. The dancing lights below were mesmerising. I could just catch sight of my reflection in the mirror, and I looked ravishing. If only daddy could see his little girl right now. He'd probably be angry, or disgusted. But I'd take this one night of work and pleasure over a lifetime of slaving away in some boring dead end job any day of the week.

I'd decided, as I peered out over the city, that the next few hours of my time with him were going to be nasty. Perhaps the nastiest I'd ever been, and that was saying something, because I'd done some pretty questionable things over the past few years. All of them orgasm inducing of course. Maybe, if I blew his cock off, I'd get a huge tip. Maybe he had a huge tip? I giggled to myself at the thought as my inner monster was starting to awaken and it was ready to devour something thick and long.

Suddenly there was the sound of glass shattering from behind me. I whirled myself around in shock, twisting on one heel wrong, snapping it with a crack sending me tumbling to the floor.

I blinked a few times, refocusing my eyes on the man standing above me.

"Harley!" I heard him say.

My mouth dropped open and for the first time in my life I had no words to say at the sight of him. All my plans for the evening had just took a nosedive off the side of the building and lay dead on the floor in the street somewhere below.

"What the hell are doing here?" My father said.


"I'll buy you another pair," he said as I cradled my high heel in my arms.

I was sitting on the sofa now, looking down at the floor as the heat from the fire licked at my cheeks.

"I can't believe this," I whispered, more to myself than to him. Every feeling of seduction and power had drained from my body leaving nothing but revulsion. "I just can't believe it!"

Frank, that was his name, placed a warm hand on my bare shoulder. I shrugged it off and stood bolt upright. My feet began to slap on the floor as I paced up and down in front of him. My heart was racing in my chest. I didn't know whether to just storm out and never speak to h8m again or slap him to within an inch of his life.

"No harms been done," he said watching me pace. "We've done anything!"

"Don't give me that crap! What if i was someone else, some other hooker you'd paid for sex. You'd be humping away at her right now wouldn't you? What about mum!"


"No! Don't honey or baby me, you're married, to my mother! How could you do this?"

"I could say the same thing about you! You're a hooker?" He said and leant back on the couch as if the entire situation hadn't just blown up in his face.

"I think me being a hooker is the least of your worries right now," I replied.

Frank sighed and shook his head. "Finance, that's what you told us you did. I always wondered how you made so much money but hardly ever went to work."

I suddenly stopped pacing and glared at him. "My profession is not the problem here, I make money with what im good at! You were about to cheat on mum!"

"I know how much you make," he smirked at me. "I paid you remember?"

I couldn't believe this was happening. How could he do this to me, to Mum. We all trusted him and now I find out this. I had to sit down. My stomach started to tighten and twist in all manner of directions.

A few moments of silence passed, before Frank stood up and strolled across the room to the minibar hiding in the corner.

"Wine?" He said as he poured himself a large glass.

"That's what you're thinking about now?"

"For the moment yes," he said and poured a second glass without waiting for me to answer.

"Don't you understand what's going on here?" I replied. "I came up here to fuck someone, and now I find out that someone is you!"

"I'm well aware of the situation, and it's a bit strange I'll give you that," he said as he strolled back across the room to sit next to me with two glasses of wine, one in each hand. He offered one to me which I took, and without thinking, downed the entire contents in only a few gulps.

"What am I going to tell Mum? What do I say?"

"How's about..." he swirled his glass of wine around in his hand then took a sip. "You don't say a word, and neither will I?"

I shook my head and ran a hand through my hair. "Are you blackmailing me?"

He chuckled. "It's not exactly blackmail if you've got the dirt on me as well is it?"

I didnt know how to respond. How could I face my mother and not say anything? I'd never be able to look her in the eye again. How had this gone unnoticed? There were signs of this sort of thing weren't there? Texts in the middle of the night, money suddenly lying going missing from accounts, unless he had some whole other life set up behind our backs that we didn't know about.

I don't know," I said quietly.

"Come on, nothings happened yet and we could just keep this between us! Nobody has to know a thing," he said.

I could feel his eyes running all over my body. Was he still checking me out, even after everything. I suddenly felt a hand run up the outside of my bare thigh.

"You sick fuck!" I growled under my breath but I didn't remove his hand. I let it glide over my skin sending little crackles of electricity up my spine.

"I am, sometimes," he whispered and slid the hand around to my inner thigh then up...

"What are you doing?" I said. My mouth had gone bone dry and I was barely able to speak.

"I have paid for you, perhaps you could throw your old man a bone and finish what you came here to start," he said. His eyes twinkled mischievously at me.

"This is wrong," I said, but some part of me didn't want him to stop.

"I know it is, but thats exactly why it's so exciting," he said and ran his hand further up my inner thigh.

I suddenly felt a wave of disgust wash over me, but that disgust was cancelled out by the humming of my carnal instincts kicking into high gear.

"What if I just..."

I felt his other hand glide up my arm, across my bare shoulder and around back of my neck between my shoulder blades. I felt my top suddenly loosen. It was held up only by one clip and once released it glided down to sit at my stomach releasing both my breasts into the Open air. My nipples were already hard enough to cut paper with.

"My god you are perfect aren't you?" He said and without waiting for permission or words of protest he gripped my left breast in his hand and gave it a little squeeze.

"Uhh," I gasped, a little louder than anticipated as a sudden wave of pleasure washed over me. My body felt weak with a sudden desire I'd been repressing for years. The sweet spot between my legs began to throb and moisten as my sexual monster began to awaken once more.

Frank leant forwards, planting his wet lips over my right nipple. I let out an inaudible whimper and leant back on the sofa allowing his tounge to circle and flick my skin as his other hand gently squeezed my left breast.

"This is wrong, completely wrong..." I gasped but I didn't push him off. There was a fire inside me now, burning away with the thought of what was about to happen. It was a fire I couldn't control, one that once started, could only be extinguished by one thing.

"I know it is!" He mumbled between sucking and licking. He made his way down my ribs, across my navel then planted one one the inside of my thigh.

"Uhhhh!" I groaned out loud this time.

My skirt slid off with ease and was tossed across the room. I wasn't wearing underwear, of course. My legs trembled as they were parted and rested over his shoulders. A few more kisses were planted along my inner thighs sending shivers up my spine and before I could protest any more his mouth clamped onto my gushing slit.

"Nngh!" I grunted through clenched teeth. I gripped what I could of the sofa and shuddered as my spine involuntarily arched.

"There's a good girl!" Frank mumbled as he began to lap away at my slit like a cat licking milk sending wages of pleasure darting along the insides of my legs and along to the tips of my toes.

"Oh, uh-huh!"

His tongue became a torrent of twists and twirls hitting just the right spot as if he'd been doing it for years. My slit throbbed and my body started to tremble. My spine arched itself then relaxed over and over as pleasure pulsed along my skin. I'd never felt such pleasure in my life and I could barely take another lick before I was about to...

"Cum!" The word burst from my lips as I suddenly gripped the back of his head, pulling his tongue harder onto me. "I'm going to cum!"

His hand reached upwards, gripping my left breast, kneeding my hard nipple between his index and middle finger.

"Uh, uh-uhhhh, yessss!!" I screamed as my body exploded. My hips bucked and my legs trembled and every inch of my skin felt like it was on fire.

Another twirl of his tongue and I felt my slit gush cum onto his face as my orgasm crashed through every hone in my body. I let out an ear piercing scream then went limp beneath him, breathing hard and fast.

"You are a horny girl arent you?" He chuckled and released my legs from around his neck. He stood up and stared down at me.

I didnt respond. I just lay there, with my eyes shut firm and my chest sucking in air. My skin glistened in the light of the fire with a thin film of sweat.

"I want you," he said and unclasped his robe, allowing it to drop to the floor. "I've wanted you since the moment you turned eighteen, but it just wasn't practical."

"Well..." I said lifting my legs up into the air. "You've made me hungry now, so feed me daddy!"

I yelped and dug my nails into his back as he penetrated me. He was thick and long and filled my insides completely, stretching me wide. He didn't start off slow then build momentum, his ferocious speed and power was instant as if his desperation had taken over and he just had to...

"Ruin me!" I squealed. "Uhhhh fuck!"

All the guilt and doubt washed from my body with every pump of his hard cock and was replaced with wave upon wave of ecstasy. He fucked me hard, pounding every inch of himself into me as fast and hard as he could.

I planted my feet on the floor and pushed his body up and backwards. He looked shocked for a second as he landed on the hard marble floor with a crunch but that shock quickly turned into a smile as my body landed on top of his burying him deep inside me. I gyrated my hips and bounced with all my might as my hands dug into his chest.

"Is this what you wanted?" I gasped as I wriggled my hips from side to side, digging his throbbing cock as deep inside me as i could. "You wanted to fuck your little girl didn't you?"

He nodded a reached out with his hands, cupping both my firm breasts in a tight grip as I proceeded to bounce up and down with a ferocious hunger.

"Uhhhh yessss," I squealed.

"I need to..." Frank gasped. "I need to pull out!"

"No fucking way!" I gasped and rode him harder, slapping my body down onto his, filling my slit with every inch he had.

"I'm gonna cum!" He began to twitch beneath me, fighting against the inevitable.

"You wanted your sweet innocent little girl!" I said. "You wanted me, so you do this properly!"

I wriggled and gyrated my hips in circles then slapped my slit down onto him.

"No!" He grunted and gripped my chest harder, squeezing my tits in a tight embrace.

"Fill me," I said between moans. "Fill your little girl up! Uhgh Uhhh-huh!"

"I can't," he said and bucked his hips matching my bounces forcing himself deeper into me.

"Uhhh please," I groaned then brought the flat of my hand down across his face with a loud crack, slapping him hard. "Fill your little girls cunt right now!"

It only took one more bounce after that for his cock to engorge and his body to stiffen. He came hard, filling my hole with every drop he had. I felt it spurt up inside me, coating my walls with his thick white juice. The feeling of his balls emptying deep inside me pushed my body over the edge. I arched my spine, tossed my head backwards, opened my mouth wide and let out a huge scream.

"Ahhhhh Ahhhhh!!" I felt my pussy Tighten around his shaft as my orgasm took over. It crashed through every bone of my body causing my skin to ignite with a fire I hadn't felt in a long time. I'd stopped bouncing and just held his huge cock deep inside me riding every wave of ecstasy to its fullest as I screamed again and again.

When it was over my body relaxed on top of him. Without warning I was suddenly shoved to the side. His cock slid out of my pussy with a slurp causing cum to gush over the marble floor. I kept my eyes shut relishing in the last dregs of pleasure as my body was flipped on its front. My tits hung below me and before I could protest he was fucking me once more, this time from behind.

"You dirty slut!" I heard him grunt as hands gripped my hips and the thrusting began anew.

"Uhh Uhhhh!" I squealed as our bodies slapped together and every thrust caused my chest to rock forwards.

I was amazed he was still able to perform after that, but to my delight he was harder than ever, pumping into me, spreading me wider and filling me deeper then ever.

"Daddys gonna cum again!" He groaned.

"Yesssss, please daddy fuck me!" I squealed as waves of pleasure washed over me. "Violate your little girl!"

He pumped harder and faster, pushing himself into my gushing slit, pounding every inch of his thick hard cock into me, filling me with glorious ecstasy.

At this point I wasn't sure if the pleasure would ever stop. The hard marble floor started to hurt my knees, but ironically, the feeling just added to the third orgasm I felt building in the pit of my stomach.

"Oh god Yess!" I cried out as I felt his cock stiffen once more. He was close to filling me again. "Don't ever stop fucking me!"

One last thrust rocked my body forwards with such force my elbows slipped from beneath me causing my face to slap the floor and a welt of pain to explode across one side of me. The shock of it only fermented the explosion I felt when my pussy tightened around his shaft and my body convulsed and twitched into the hardest screaming orgasm I'd ever experienced.

"Uhhhh fuck me!!!"

My vision blurred, my breathing was hard and fast, my skin was slick and glistened with sweat as he held his cock in my tight slit grunting as he shot his second load deep inside me, filling me so much some of it gushed outwards and dribbled into a pool on the floor beneath us.

We didn't move for what felt like an age. My eyes were closed, savouring the after shocks of my orgasm and when he finally pulled out of me another stream of cum splattered on the floor.

I crawled forwards, panting and skidding on the wet tiles. I gripped the couch and pulled myself up onto it, collapsing on my back and I fought to control my breathing.

"You can pay me the rest now," I whispered, as if I spoke any louder the waves of pleasure still washing over me would suddenly go away.

"I will," Frank said and stood over me. "And next time, I'll double your fee."