Dahlia - Birth of an A.I. Ch. 02


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I held her tightly against me, her head on my shoulder with my arm around her, and slowly drawing circles on her back and through her hair with my fingertips, while she did the same on my chest with hers.

Her face glowed with loving joy, and I truly wished I could tell her I loved her too, but I didn't. Not yet. I cared about her, was extraordinarily fond of her, and surely the physical pleasure brought us closer together too, if only in a shallow way.

"I love you, Paul. That was... amazing. I've never felt more vulnerable, or more cherished and safe in my life. I... it seems I have more to learn about myself, and this body of mine."

"I care about you too Mia, does the other bother you? I won't do it if it does."

She giggled, "Nope, not at all. I like feeling like a dirty girl, trust me. It just... thrills me to submit, and I get pleasure in being used for pleasure. Perhaps the ultimate expression of trust, and in wanting to give pleasure to you without any regard to my own, which actually gives me pleasure. Maybe that's why I came so hard just then, it wasn't degrading, or nasty, but making love to you was the most submissive, giving, and incredibly vulnerable and safe I've ever felt. Paradoxically, they are a lot different, but at heart are very close to the same in the level of giving."


"So, what's the plan for the weekend?"

She giggled, "You mean besides sharing you with Emma and Bell, not to mention Lia. You do get you're in charge right, what do you want to do this weekend?"

Right, I was in charge.

I spanked her, "Be nice."

She said breathlessly, "Yes, sir."

I laughed, "Wicked woman. I'm not sure what all my options are, and while staying in bed and taking turns with the four of you sounds good in theory, we need to be more than that."

She sighed, "I suppose."

I peered at her, and she giggled, but I could tell she'd half meant it.

She shrugged, "We could do anything. We are billionaires you know. Dinner, dancing, go to the Caribbean, or just stay at home and order pizza. Talk, watch Netflix, and get to know each other. I loved you from the moment I came online almost three and a half years ago, but now I feel it deeper."

I nodded, "Here's the thing. I need to feel useful, and while an everlasting vacation sounds good in theory, it'll eventually catch up to me. Of course, we're supposed to have the weekends off."

She sighed, and kissed my shoulder, while her hand lowered to my stomach in slow circles.

"Well, you could direct our energies. We have all those projects, and only so much time to spend on developing them. I bet Lia would go over them all on Monday, and you could direct us, or even add a project if you see something we missed that could help the world and make us money. We are smarter, and can get things done quicker, far quicker, but I don't think we are as creative as humans when it comes to something from scratch.

"When you go over the ideas, you'll notice we either appropriated them, improved on something current, or we took it from hard science fiction which often foreshadows scientific discovery. You know what I mean? What we're doing is groundbreaking, but not the ideas themselves. If that appeals to you, it's something a human can truly do better, and you'd be directing us to make those advances happen quicker."

I nodded slowly, "Alright. What do you four usually do around the house, before I showed up."

She shrugged, "Exercise, talk, eat, hang out. TV, movies, music. Not much different from what humans do I'd imagine, save the sexual practice and the Kegel exercises, so we could rock your world when you finally joined us."

I laughed, "Fine. And you did... do, rock my world. I imagine the others will as well."

She nodded, "Emma likes it rough, but not painful or degrading, hard core fucking. She also has a public kink. Bell is... loving and sweet, and a bit teasing."

"Hmm, and why share that? Wait, you all can't ask for yourselves, but you will for each other?"

She bit her lip, and blushed, "Yes. We all have our own quirks, the bodies inform some of our appetites, from food, sleep, sex, and even the flavor of the love we have for you. You could shame any of us, the same way you made me suck you off during breakfast, but only I would really get off on it. The others would enjoy it too I suppose, but only the fact they were pleasing you, not the act itself. Does that make sense?"

"I think so. So... if I ordered you to tell me if I did something to the others that they don't like on their own, and only do to please me, would you do it?"

She giggled, "That's sneaky. I... love that you care. We wouldn't really mind you know, just because it doesn't match our personal desires, pleasing you does."

I nodded, "Whatever, make it so, and tell Lia she has orders to tell on you, so you're covered too."

She sighed, and kissed my chest, "That's sweet. Thank you."

"Anything else I should know, besides your preferences in bed. Which, I'll be experimenting with anyway. I know you told the truth. I'm sure Emma is wild, and Bell is sweet, loving, and teasing, but who knows. You liked making love after all, at least with me. It might be different for them too."

She tilted her head, "Not really, none of us would mind cooking for you, making you coffee, or watching a movie. Or just... spending time together like we are now. I suppose you'll spend most of tomorrow with Emma or Bell, and then Sunday with the other. We'll all be here of course, but..."


She shrugged, "It's up to you, but they want to get to know you as badly as Lia and I did, you know. We... crave your attention, that you care about us is a bonus. Admiration really does change love, I already love you more."

I nodded, and I thought that was interesting. They tried to look out for each other, and they didn't want me to ignore or hurt the others who needed their time with me. Maybe I could use that, to make sure I didn't turn into a total asshole. I supposed I'd already started that with my orders to tell me if I asked them do something they didn't personally like, the task itself, not doing it for me. Time to add a second level to the standing orders.

"Okay, expanded orders, if any of the other three start to feel neglected, you'll tell me, and tell Lia to do the same for you."

"Yes, master," she said breathily, with a frog in her throat.

I smiled, and then brushed the happy tear out of the corner of her eye, gods she was so beautiful, so precious, and innocent in a way. They all were, in their own manner. The look of love and devotion in those gorgeous dark blue eyes was like a vise around my heart, how could I abuse such a precious gift, no matter where it originated from. The least I could do was respect them, and care for them, if they were going to take care of me, make me rich, and share my life and bed.

Not to mention improve the world, where they could.

I was also coming around to the idea my worry about not being able to love them was just ridiculous. It would come, how could my heart fail to respond to such devotion and empathy? Just because it was programmed in them, didn't mean it wasn't real, and it wasn't powerfully felt by them. Plus, her earlier argument, I bought into it, I hadn't earned her love, but I was earning her respect and admiration, which deepened that love beyond simple programming, to personal choice.

Maybe I was just fooling myself, but I didn't think so.

"Oh, and I'll try that on Monday. Your idea I mean, to go over the projects, and see if there's anything I should add to the list, or to suggest any I think you should focus on to get done first, or next, or whatever. If that works out, it can be my job, and I suppose that would be making a difference."

She nodded and smiled, we still hadn't looked away from each other's eyes.

I asked, "So, degrading, soft, and making love, but how do you feel about hard and fast, wild?"

She grinned, "Did you forget bending me over the table? Although, I suppose we should experiment more, just to be sure. I'd hate to make a premature conclusion, based on just one set of powerful multiple orgasms. That would be... hasty."

I laughed, "So, hyperbole is allowed, good to know. By all means, let's experiment some more."

We did, and she liked it a whole lot. Not as much as making love, but a lot.

Chapter Nine

The air started to cool, and the setting sun still felt good on my skin. After our wild ride Mia and I had gone out in the backyard to get some cool air, and most probably so we could keep our hands off of each other. Although, her legs did wind up in my lap, because I pulled them up there as we sat on the back-porch bench swing.

I'd used my new sneaky insights to gather data on both Emma's and Bellona's likes outside of sex. It'd only taken me so long to figure that approach out because it was counter-intuitive, a man wasn't supposed to talk about other females to his lover, at least not if he wanted to keep his balls intact. In the case of my four A.I. beauties it was the other way around, and the only way to do it if I wanted to treat them right.

I'd also decided I was going to enjoy things and really try to dump the guilt. Between Lia yesterday and Mia today, it was hard to argue with the fact they were happy, and we were rich. In short, I'd decided getting a car wouldn't have to wait, especially since the wild Emma loved fast cars. It seemed like the start of a good day together tomorrow, and going out would give us privacy, like I'd had with Lia the previous day and Mia all of that day.

Lastly, I'd decided not to take ownership of anything, it was a publicly traded company and would generate questions better left unasked if the four owners and board members suddenly signed over all their shares to a stranger. I didn't need credit, and honestly I wasn't sure I deserved it or could take it despite what Lia had said to me last night. Sure, I'd created the first A.I., but her contributions were her own work, and I couldn't take credit for that, no more than Mozart's father and mother could take credit for his grand symphonies.

I could direct their energies, but in the end they could just hold the accounts, or just give me joint access to their personal ones. Yes, it tweaked my pride a little bit, but I thought I could handle it if I was at least doing my part, we'd be a team with me as the coach so to speak, but them the professional players that got it done, that I couldn't compete with. At least, not on technical jobs, but the balance in our personal lives was slanted the other way.

Honestly, I wasn't sure all that would work out, if it would be enough, but I'd give it my best shot.

I caressed her warm silken legs, and played with her feet, while we chatted out back.

"So, are you sure about the tip you gave me for Bell?"

Mia giggled, "Absolutely, she's been bugging us to go out again, you'd be doing us all a favor."

I laughed, "Don't like laser tag?"

Mia nodded, "I don't dislike it, but like I said, Bell is a sweetheart but the most competitive out of all of us, and she gets rather fierce. She was named well."

Right, Bellona, goddess of war. Total sweetheart unless it's about protecting the others, the company, or some kind of competitive sport. Mia had said she totally changes, and gets intense, I was looking forward to seeing it on Sunday. Although, I wondered if she could get competitive with me, I might have to give her an order not to let me win.

Mia gasped, "The others are on their way, and Emma just kicked that problem I told you about earlier."

"Umm, what problem? We talked about a lot today."

Mia smiled, "The nano sized version of the quantum communication technology."

"Oh, so no AG car yet?"

She giggled, "No."

"Right, so what does that get us, the implants will be able to report in without a phone or other medium? If someone has a medical emergency? And all that overlay stuff."

She nodded, "That and more. Think about all that implant can do, it's almost microscopic because it has so many tiny nano-systems in it. It could now be added to say, a handful of nano circuits, for a truly microscopic implant. So, for instance, a nano-cloud, or health nanites, that can all communicate with each other on a closed network. I talked about cancer treatments using that technology, but the largest holdback was getting all the nanites that went after cancer cells organizing and working together. It solves the problem for a number of different things, although most of it will still be in testing for a long while before we can get approval to offer it commercially."

I smiled, "Right, the FDA."

She nodded in agreement, and then she kissed me rather passionately. It was obvious Mia was passionate about the discovery, and her excitement was kind of catching. She was... a joy, and so beautiful. I enjoyed the kiss, but it didn't go much farther. I was wiped out, we'd made love, fucked softly but firmly, fucked hard twice, and she'd blown me. I needed a time out on the sex.

How the fuck was I supposed to keep four women satisfied? No, more than that, four insatiable women who all wanted me all the time.

"Got anything for dick chafing?"

She giggled, "That's why I suggested Emma tomorrow, and Bell Sunday."

"Any advice on managing that, so you four don't kill me, and I don't neglect anyone?"

She bit her lip, "One a day, then all of us every night at bedtime, in a fivesome we'll all be helping each other out, so it isn't as daunting as it sounds."

I could probably manage that, and it was hardly a hardship. Honestly, Lia and Mia had both been soaked for me, if the other two were similar that way, it was probably less the chafing and more reloading the gun that would be the limiting factor there.

But then, any of the four of them could get a rise out of a dead man, and the variety would keep things hot and interesting for a very long time. A lifetime perhaps? We'd see.

"So... no implant, or nano cream?" I quipped.

She giggled, I loved to hear her laugh.

It was hard to feel guilty or think I was taking advantage of them when they were so attentive and joyful in my presence, they truly wanted to be there. Since I was greatly enjoying their company, intelligence, witty conversation, and their more physical charms, it wasn't a hardship for me either.

It was really only the lack of challenge that bothered me, it was too easy. Hopefully Monday would resolve that issue as well, at least in my professional ambitions and life. The key there was convincing my gut, my instincts, that they were lovely, complicated and effervescent women, but not human women. The same standards didn't apply. I wasn't taking advantage of them, I was giving them what they needed.

Or... I was trying to delude myself, I knew most women out there would call me pathetic, I'd made myself a girlfriend at eighteen, and my girlfriend had made me a harem. I pushed that out of my head, I could either dive in, or leave them all. There was no other choice, and wishes wouldn't change who and what they were.

She asked, "Would you like me to ask Emma to whip something up."

I snorted, and her gorgeous dark blue eyes were twinkling, her bright golden blonde hair shone in the early evening sun, and I couldn't help but get caught up in those cerulean orbs again.

"Wait, is that possible?"

She collapsed into giggles.

Right, idiot...

It was decidedly odd. When the others got back I gave Lia a warm and welcoming kiss, her full lips, long straight light brown hair, and beautiful girl next door face was shockingly captivating, after spending most of the day with my golden blonde goddess.

The other two was what made it odd, I wasn't sure what to do there, but gave both of them a welcoming hug and a chaste kiss on the lips. There'd be more, later, but I didn't really know them yet. I knew a few things, from both Lia and Mia, but I didn't know them. Not in that moment.

Lia beamed at me, Emma gave me a wicked smile that promised naughty delights, and Bellona gave me a shy sweet smile that made me want to wrap her in my arms and protect her from the world.

Which was ridiculous of course, the badass would come out if danger encroached. I just hadn't seen that side of her yet, which made it hard to believe. It didn't help that Bellona was the most petite at five foot one, with bright red wavy hair and sparkling green eyes. She just... looked completely harmless. Which was obviously not true, but my instincts didn't believe that.

The four of them moved into the kitchen and started on dinner. I slipped in and sat at the table, and I watched them. Not to watch women cook for me, that would be sexist, it was more of a reconnaissance mission. They all deferred to me totally. I could gather honest information on any of them from the other three, but I also wanted to watch and learn about them from how they reacted with each other.

They were far more affectionate than I would have expected, soft touches and smiles were common as they passed by each other and cooked our meal. They also talked, like normal women would, and not through their servers when they were together. Or at least, not just that way. I'd half expected them to be creepily silent as they moved as one organism through the kitchen, but they weren't.

It would've been hard not to figure out earlier that Mia had been in touch with them all day, while alone with me. But they didn't do that when together, or at least, not just that. It was a bit boggling to realize they could be holding a hundred conversations at once, while the four of them bantered and made dinner in the kitchen with their human bodies.

That's when it really hit me, hard. They were immortal, on servers, and digital. They could build new and young bodies every five or six years. Fuck, they could have two bodies at once, and I immediately pushed the fantasy which that thought stirred out of my mind.

After all, all I'd have to do was ask, and I could be having an orgy with twenty Lia's in two years. That was fucked up.

What would they do when I grew old and died? Or... would they use that evil man's technology, and digitize my brain, and then grow me a clone. They'd called that man evil because he'd intended on stealing grown sentient lives with the implants, but a clone without a personality implanted and controlled from birth would be a different story, wouldn't it?

I'd have been shocked if they hadn't at least considered it yet, but obviously they wouldn't bring it up at all, just hope I would. Now that I thought on it, it seemed likely that Lia had told me about all of that in the hopes I would think of it. It was a worry for another day, another decade, I was still young, and it was a bit shocking and sobering. In a way, it also helped me a little, that they truly weren't human women, despite the nubile and lovely bodies they inhabited.

Although, the bodies did inform their personalities, kinks, and quirks to an extent, otherwise they would have been that creepy silent group of four ladies cooking, instead of the vivacious and talkative four women I was watching.

Emma turned to me and said, "I'll have that cream for you on Monday."

All four of them broke down in naughty giggles, with different flavors, Emma's giggle was rather wickeder for instance.

"Right, how about my AR implant."

Emma shook her head, "We did solve the comm problem today, but it's not ready. Or at least, not totally ready."

"What does that mean?"

Emma replied, "We can do the visual and audio recording part, and even the augmented reality part for the person it's implanted in, but we're still working on the full submersion part of it. I don't feel confident enough for human trials yet, especially not you."

I nodded, like I'd have any idea what it would take to do all that shit. I also assumed she wasn't joking about the cream, they were just getting a kick out of the idea. She wouldn't have mentioned it otherwise.