Dan and the Bottle Ch. 21


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John and Jim both grabbed M-16s; but Mike had a different idea of 'firepower'.

An aging, poorly kept old Chevy pick up pulled up, five men in the back. The driver jumped out, an Uzi machine pistol in his hands.

"Well, well.... lookie here, boys... these fine gentlemen done brought us two new trucks and a couple of guns!"

John stepped forward, replying coldly, "I don't think so... you'd best get on down the road, before you get hurt."

The leader of the bandits, for that's what they were, sneered. "I guess you can't count, boy.... we done got you outnumbered... and outgunned."

Big Mike stepped around the back of the Hummer, revealing the .223 personal minigun strapped to his left side. "Let me assure you.... you'll die first."

The bandit leader took one look at the minigun and froze. One of his people, though, raised his old pistol, taking a bead on Big Mike, who immediately shifted his aim, squeezing the trigger for the big machine gun, nearly cutting the man in half.

"Anyone else?" he asked, in a calm voice.

The bandit leader looked on in horror.... one of his best men had just had his midsection chopped into bite sized chunks, and the three traders hadn't so much as flinched. His own people, on the other hand, had dropped to knees or flat on the ground, covering their ears at the hellish noise made by the big gun.

John reached to his belt, plucking away a grenade and pulled the pin, saying, "I'll give you one thing... catch!"

Flipping away the spoon, he tossed the fragmentation grenade to the bandit leader, who reached up and caught it instinctively. He was just bringing it down to eye level, not sure what he'd caught, when it exploded, turning his hand, forearm, and part of his face into something resembling cat food. At this point the rest of his crew jumped up and ran like hell. Three of them dropped their weapons, not stopping to grab them before taking to their heels.

John chuckled as he and Jim walked over, picking up two rifles, an old shotgun, and an equally old revolver, and walked over to check out the old pick up. It sat low on one corner, and the odometer rested at a reading of just under a hundred thousand miles.... it wasn't worth wasting the fuel to get it back to the Cave; still, leaving it as it was, so the bandits could come back and reclaim it, wasn't really an option, either. The two of them looked at each other, nodding in silent agreement, and Jim reached into an outside pocket of his backpack, while John pulled off the gas cap, then stuffed the small packet into the mouth of the fuel filler pipe.

They were a bit over six hundred feet away when two of the bandits came out of the woods, and they'd nearly reached the old truck when Jim pushed the button on the old remote.

The detonator worked perfectly, and the ancient military grade C-4 did what it was supposed to do, turning most of the truck into shrapnel.

Jim looked over at John... "See? I told you two ounce packets would be big enough."

John grinned back, nodding sheepishly. He was man enough to admit when he was wrong. He'd thought it would require at least twice that amount.

They went due north from there, crossing into Michigan right around nine o'clock that night, making camp about thirty miles into the state, in a cabin in an old state park.

John shook the other two awake, holding a finger to his lips, and silently pointed outside, where the growl of what sounded like a big engine idling could be heard. Jim waddled to the window in a crouch, peeking out past the edge carefully.

A young man was looking over their two Hummers, then looked towards the old log cabin, apparently taking note of the smoke coming from the chimney. He wore a pistol at his hip, but didn't appear to be aggressive; what's more, he was clean cut and clean shaven. and his big Ford pick up was obviously well cared for. He stepped around in between the Hummers and the cabin, shouting 'Hello, the house!"

Mike stepped to the door, opening it a crack. "What do you want?"

"Well, if you're friendly, I'd trade with you."

Jim nodded at Mike, who swung the door open. "In that case, c'mon in."

They stood, looking each other over, until Jerry stuck his hand out. "Jerry Duncan."

John took the proferred hand, shaking it once. "John Davidson... Jim Fulton and big Mike." he replied, with nods of his head to his two companions.

"Where are you fellas from?"

"We came from west o' here.... just doing a bit of scavenging and exploring, finding out who-all's still alive out this way. Tangled with some bandits yesterday, but other than that, it's been mostly farming communities. We barter a lot."

"Same here. There's a lot of small towns around the state that still have people in them. Mostly farming communities, although there's a few that are back into manufacturing. I ran across one old man, a few days ago, who's doing a fair bit of chemistry... antibiotics and such."

"Cool.... what have you got to trade?"

Jerry nodded towards the door and headed outside, opening up the tailgate and the upswinging door to the cap on his old truck.

In the bed were a dozen old toolboxes, several dozen smaller cardboard boxes marked as different types of alternators, and ten more, filled with replacement fuel injection units. Several milk crates and storage tubs were full of jars and silver foil packets full of preserved foods. Four gun cases and three ammo cans rounded out the load.

Davidson eyed the guncases for a moment. "What kind of guns?"

Jerry smiled... guns were always the first things to go. "Two Springfields, an M1 Carbine, and an old .460 Weatherby.... that one isn't for sale, by the way."

John nodded. He could well understand that... the Weatherby was a fine weapon. The man had good taste.

"Well.... we could use a few of those alternators. I'll trade you.... an M-16, ten spare thirty round magazines, and two hundred rounds of regular ball ammunition for four of them."

"Done. Hey, have you guys found any coffee, by any chance?"

John smiled and nodded. Reaching into the old truck, he pulled four of the alternator boxes to the edge of the tailgate, picking up one in each hand, nodding towards the other two, and replied ''Follow me."

They walked over to one of the Hummer pick ups, and Jim was there ahead of them, swinging down the tailgate. He pulled one of the gun crates back, opening it to reveal three of the promised automatic rifles. Opening another, he pulled out another, still in it's protective plastic bag, and transferred it into the half empty crate at his feet, then reached for an ammo can.

Jerry was startled to see that the rifles were equipped with grenade launchers.

Jim brought out another can, counting out twenty of the ten round stripper clips, and then looked at the rifles again, and pulled out a bandolier of twenty grenade rounds. Holding up the long belt, he caught Jerry's eye.

"One of those fuel injector units?"

Jerry just nodded, not quite trusting his voice. He'd never had access to this kind of firepower before.

Jim looked over to Big Mike and nodded.

Mike nodded back, going to the Ford and grabbing out one of the fuel injection units, opening the box briefly to confirm the contents.

Jim reached back into the Hummer, pulling a smaller, square wooden crate towards him, and pulled out two big coffee cans, the labels long since ripped away. Peeling back the lids, he checked to see that they were both full.

Jerry could smell the strong aroma of the coffee from five feet away.

"Wow.... smells pretty strong... what kind is that?"

"Hawaiian.... we've been growing it at our base since before the war."

"Damn.... sounds like your ancestors were somethin' like mine."

At Jim's lifted eyebrow, he spoke one word. "Preppers."

Jim grinned and nodded, thinking 'If you only knew.' "Yeah.... I grew up in a bunker. Our founders kinda went all-out on it."

Jerry grinned back. "Sounds like my great grandpa. Our place was just big enough for about fifty people... just enough to keep the inbreeding to a minimum."

Jim nodded. Holding out the two cans, he said "Here.... one prepper to another."

"Dude! I can't let you do that!"

"Oh, hell, don't worry about it.... we've got a dozen more cans back there. "

Jerry nodded but walked to his truck, reaching inside and pulling out a wooden box with a hinged lid. Lifting the lid, he revealed the contents to be several dozen eggs, in individual compartments. "Then at least let me provide breakfast."

Jim grinned and nodded with his head towards the small cabin.

"I never turned down free food... and I ain't about to start now. C'mon in.... we'll get the fire going. Hang on, let me grab a skillet and spatula out've the truck."

Big Mike, hearing this, walked back to the front porch, grabbing a few sticks and small logs from the rack of firewood by the door, and was busily stacking them in the firebox of the old woodstove, pouring a bit of whiskey on them from his pocket flask. Tossing in a match, he watched for a minute as the alcohol-soaked wood went up with a whoosh! and waited to see if it would go out. The dry tinder caught well, though, and he leaned the door almost shut, nodding to Jim as he sat down on the old couch.

After breakfast, Jerry dug out his old road map, pointing out the areas around the state that weren't safe, of which there were many.

"Detroit is still too hot, in most areas, although the rad count is way down from what it used to be... Ann Arbor's pretty much clean... I don't think it took more than one 'r two nukes, and small ones, at that. Flint got hit pretty hard... it was a major manufacturing area. Avoid it, if you can. There were rumors, there, about some kind of 'mutants', but I've never seen any.... here, here, and... about here are small towns to avoid.... if you pull into town, they'll try to rob you. Buncha damned deadbeats, want something for nothing. Dearborn, well.... it's overrun by Muslims, and those assholes are trying to impose their ridiculous 'Sharia law'. Women can't drive, or get educations, stonings, beheadings, honor killings, the works. Christians are killed if they refuse to convert. Bastards will rape any woman they want... claim it isn't really rape, because the women are 'non-believers'."

Jim nodded as he studied the map. "Have you heard much from the south, or out west?"

"Just rumors, mostly... something about an 'American Militia' giving the Chinese fits. Down south, it's Cubans and Mexicans and whatnot, although I hear there's a few groups fighting them. Not real big, or organized, but from the sound of things, they're workin' at it. I catch 'em on the shortwave, every once in a while."

Big Mike smiled from behind them, where Jerry couldn't see him.

Jim grinned... "We know about the militia group out west... they've taken half a dozen states back from the Chinese. Good people.... they're doing a lot of good. Heard about a bunch of Kentucky moonshiners who are trying to set up a militia of their own... we were thinking of heading that way next. You'd be welcome to join us."

Jerry shook his head. "I've a woman waiting for me, at home, and I'm already overdue. Would've been home yesterday, but I heard of the old chemist and wanted to check it out before I headed for home. My girl's dad is a doctor... a few jars of antibiotic ointment would have him jumpin' for joy."

They talked for a while longer as they let the food settle, then said their goodbyes, and the militia traders got another few hours sleep, and headed south.... it didn't sound like the Detroit area held much promise at the moment.

And they wanted to meet these 'Kentucky moonshiners' for themselves.

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disableddandisableddanalmost 9 years agoAuthor
A few other details....

I realize the M2 Browning was originally designed as an anti-tank weapon, though by the start of WW2, tank armor had advanced to the point that a .50 cal was basically useless against one... however, the Ma Deuce has been used for decades as an anti personnel weapon, mostly to protect encampments. My dad told me that when he was in Viet Nam, he and his squadmates weren't really comfortable at a new firebase until the .50s were set up... and they hated relying on the M60s, because they just weren't reliable enough. I know several collectors who don't trust ANY machine gun that wasn't invented by John Moses Browning, and to be honest, I can't say as I blame them.

As for the sex being 'distracting'.... you DO realize this is an erotic website, right?

disableddandisableddanalmost 9 years agoAuthor
Old army....

Yeah, I know, there are some inaccuracies, but remember too.... this is a work of fiction. The machine cannon, for example, based, basically, on an M2 on steroids. Improbable? Most definitely. Impossible? Maybe, maybe not.... and just as that has been upsized, I think a minigun could also be downsized, and these folks had over 150 years to do the R&D. Like I said, it's fiction, so I have a little fun with it. I checked out the various weapon loads used on the f-117 on one of the aircraft/warplane websites, don't really recall which one, but I read that the Stealth can carry a minigun on one of the hardpoints inside the fuselage. Never knew how accurate it was, but decided to just go with it. As for using the A10 against troops, hell, the troops were just in the way, mostly, when the 'Hogs were tearing up the camps and clearing minefields and whatnot.... not to mention scaring the hell out of the ChiComs.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Over all, good... but

You need some serious study of military equipment. Your battle ops are fine and dependent on training and situations; you can't expect them to be fully accurate from a military standpoint.

Your reliance and belief in the M2 Browning is way off. It's an anti-vehicle weapon, generally armor piercing. It's rate of fire is SLOW for a full auto weapon and not that good against people. It's better for those in fortified emplacements, APCs, Bradleys, Deuce and a halfs, etc. They are NOT mounted on helicopters. The airframe cannot handle the recoil and it will shake the airframe apart. They were tried in Viet Nam with bad results.

Speaking of helicopters - there are NO radars on helicopters. Radar is 'active' - it sends out a signal and reads the return. That makes it vulnerable for detection and direction finding (DF).

Speaking of DF - you seriously need to pick up an OPSEC manual (available in pdf on line). In the early 80's, the old Soviet Union could DF a radio signal in 9 seconds if the detection unit was on the move. If they were stationary, they could DF a signal in 3 seconds. There is no reason to assume technology in this area has deteriorated since then. Satellite coms is generally secure - NOTHING else is. Even the electronic signature of vehicles and generators can be detected and DF'd. With all of these guerrilla ops going on, you can bet DF would be non-stop. Even CB radios can be detected over several miles with the right equipment. Realistically, the cave would have been detected and destroyed in less than 6 months after they destroyed the first Chinese camp. That would have alerted them to the presence and all weapons brought to bear.

Deploying the F-117 during the day, and against troops? Why? Nothing about them for troops or dogfights.


2 × internal weapons bays with one hardpoint each (total of two weapons) equipped to carry:


GBU-10 Paveway II laser-guided bomb with 2,000lb Mk84 blast/fragmentation or BLU-109 or BLU-116 Penetrator warhead

GBU-12 Paveway II laser-guided bomb with 500lb Mk82 blast/fragmentation warhead

GBU-27 Paveway III laser-guided bomb with 2,000lb Mk84 blast-fragmentation or BLU-109 or BLU-116 Penetrator warhead

GBU-31 JDAM INS/GPS guided munition with 2,000lb Mk84 blast-frag or BLU-109 Penetrator warhead

B61 nuclear bomb[88]


Nothing there to engage ground troops.

Warthogs? Nothing for engaging ground troops, either (other than the 30mm cannon with depleted uranium bullets - a bit of overkill there). They are for killing tanks - they can be used for fortified emplacements using rockets. Not dropping bombs (even cluster bombs).

Deuce and a halfs and Hummers for pulling heavy equipment? Nope. You need a semi rig with low boy trailers that pull apart for loading and off loading. Deuces and Hummers are not powerful enough, have the weight capacity or the equipment required for hauling such trailers.

Man pack minigun? Only in movies and cartoons. Assuming a man could handle the weight, the recoil and barrel rise, he COULD NOT handle the heat off of the barrels. He would have cooked forearms and stomach areas. He could only carry enough ammo for about 20 seconds of shooting (depending on how far down the weapon was tuned. A minigun using 7.62mm ammo CAN fire at 6,000 rounds per minute. Generally, they are tuned down to around 3,000 rounds per minute... I've never heard of a mini in 5.56mm... and there IS a difference between 5.56 and .223; not in the bullet itself but in the casing. You can fire .223 in an M-16 but cannot fire 5.56 in a .223).

The "M-16 with a tube under it" is an M-203.

Remember, everything these people have access to, the enemy also can access; satellites included. Think they wouldn't spot all this new land under cultivation? Road improvements? Vehicle traffic? Their own versions of AWAC would pick up the flights and flight training.

Just a little research would have made this story perfect. It's still worth finishing and reading, but just keep in mind, much of it requires a face palm to keep reading. Also, at this point, the sex is just distracting.

-Old Retired Army

disableddandisableddanalmost 9 years agoAuthor

I do tend to take a bit of license with facts, and basic physics, from time to time, but it's only in the interest of building a decent story line. Chapter 22 is in the works, might be a bit longer than previous chapters, and I've got a fair amount I still want to add to this. a few questions will be answered, and a few new ones will pop up in their place.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Good story, warts and all

And I LOVED the incident when the big cargo plane stuck out its cargo ramp like a tongue and threatened to eat the F18...hilarious!

Don't worry too much about the mistakes, Dan, It is, after all, a work of fiction, which gives you literary license to throw in something that may or may not actually exist: case in point being the electric rifles (750 kilowatt battery small enough to carry, indeed!). It's still a great story, and I, for one, eagerly await chapter 22.

One thing does bother me a little, though, if the U.S. military was devastated so bad, who has been maintaining the GPS satellites? They would be highly inaccurate if not totally dead after 200 years without constant maintenance of their orbits and software updates...

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

I am really enjoying this story please write more so many story lines to follow. Thank You and keep writing...

disableddandisableddanabout 9 years agoAuthor
Not to worry

I'm not about to 'leave it hanging'.... though I've still got a few chapters to go. I'm already at work on the next one in fact, but I'm finding I need to do a bit more research. I made a mistake in this one, in fact, a remark about a Desert Eagle revolver.... DE makes automatics. (I could have sworn they made both... I recall hearing that they were going to introduce a line of wheelguns, and must have extrapolated from there) I'm also trying to set up coming chapters with references in current ones, and sometimes it's hard to keep track of them all at once. Bear with me, guys... I'm doing the best that I can.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
great series

I am really enjoying this story , please don't just leave it hanging

Sid0604Sid0604about 9 years ago
Another great chapter...

Thank you for another great chapter. It's good to see you back.

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