Dancing Ch. 03


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"Helen, not everyone knows though do they?"

"What? Who doesn't know?" Then the realisation hit her. "Oh my God, you haven't told my parents? Please tell me you didn't!"

"No I haven't told them I thought I would leave for you to do, would be so much better coming from you don't you think. Tell them how their ever loving daughter has been fucking around with a couple of swingers and is now the toast of the town. I am sure they will be so proud of you don't you think sweetie? I will give you one hour from now to tell them before I do it for you, pictures and video, all of it. Do you understand me bitch?"

There was silence save the quiet sobbing over the phone.

"One last thing Helen, I know you have been staying with George I hope you two will be very happy together. I am sure he has plenty of friends that he will want to share you with so you won't run out of fresh meat any time soon. Did you know he kindly left me a message yesterday obviously when you got back from your fuckfest, he said he was going to be fucking you from now on. Tell him thanks for that, I have passed that on to my solicitor too. You fucking hurt me you bitch so fuck off and do whatever you and George do best. I don't want to speak to you any more now. I just want to know why, when you are ready tell me call me but don't waste my time. I am done with you, the clock is ticking .."

"But Rick I l..."

I ended the call. My head was spinning I was so angry, I sagged back into the chair. I felt so listless, exhausted and totally wrung out. Well, I had told her. I know it was over the phone but what the hey the slut knows she is busted. I took small comfort in the fact that so many people now knew that she had been slutting around and also that I have been an unknowing cuckold while she did it . Fuck it! I poured a large JD and sat back down. It had been a busy day. I looked at the clock she had 35 minutes before the time expired. I steeled myself, I wasn't sure if she would tell her parents but if I had to do it I would and send them the information I had too. I closed my eyes as the tears started to fall, stinging, wet rivers down my face as I mourned the loss of my friend of so many years.

I sat in a daze when the phone broke my malaise, I looked at it as it rang wondering who it could be. Slowly I eased myself upright and ambled unenthusiastically towards the ringing handset. I picked it up as I walked back to my chair.


"Rick? It's me I just had a call from Helen, I am sorry son really I am. She has just told me the biggest cock and bull story I have ever heard. She wanted me to call you to let you know she has told us. I know you have pictures and the rest of it but I don't need to see that. I understand now what is in the boxes you brought over now. Look is there no way you can talk this through? I am only asking son you know I think a lot of you."

I gulped as I tried to formulate an answer, there were sobs building in my throat and I was having a hard time holding them back.

"Look Dad, you have been great I am sorry it has to be this way but truthfully I can't see a way round this. It has been going on for too long, maybe a one off thing would be different but this has been regular deceit. I don't think I can do it."

"I understand son, look we are both here for you anytime. You need anything you call me you hear me?"

"Sure Dad,I don't know exactly what she told you so I must send you the e-mail with all the dirt on her I'm afraid. It's up to you of course if you open it but only do so if you have any doubts about her story. I am sorry I got to go here, bye for now." I put the phone down and the tears exploded from my eyes. Deep sorrowful sobs echoed round the room.

Evening came and the room slowly darkened. I stirred from my chair and put my phone on charge, there were a few more messages that I had missed. As I looked I saw that Georgie boy had called again, not long ago too it seemed.

So cucky got all upset and threw his rattle out of the pram, ohhh dear me! Listen you fucker Helen is with me now so stop being a prick and get used to it! We are going to be fucking day and night from now on just like she wants it and when I can't do her one of my friends will step in. She has already met Brian as you know, tonight I have visitors coming round, don't worry we will keep her satisfied, night night cucky.

I wasn't sure what his game was other than to further humiliate me and use Helen, this seemed to be escalating though. Maybe this was his version of payback for his car and being booted out of the club, either way I didn't like it and I am sure Helen was not aware of what he was planning. I needed to get Helen to wise up to this guy, he was a predator and my marriage was already toast because of him. I wasn't sure what I could or even should do.

I then decided to do something really crazy, I called Brian, I had some concerns about this but he and his wife were confirmed swingers they had no reason to not be open about things surely.


"You don't know me but I am Helen's husband, don't hang up OK?"

"Listen pal, we were all consenting adults OK, it is what we do if you have a problem I suggest you see your wife about it."

"Listen Brian, my name is Rick, I had no idea what the fuck was going on until last weekend. Now I am dealing with my wife but that's not why I called you. I want to know about George, what the fuck is he up to? I know he used my wife as his swing partner but what else is he into?"

"Listen Rick, your wife, your problem. I have known George only for a few months and to be fair I am not keen on playing with him anymore. He likes to get a little handy if you know what I mean. Swapping is one thing but he is getting so it is a little more than just swapping, sort of more demanding if you get my drift. Also we have never used anything before or needed it, like Viagra but he does, that's what happened at the weekend. He kept going and going, he pounded my wife senseless at one point and he still wanted more. She got worried and to be honest so did I."

"Has he mentioned group sex before to you? I know this is weird but I need to know."

"Yes he did, also talked about gangbangs too but I am not into that and nor is my wife. We like to play of course but that's going too far. I don't know if he mentioned that to Helen, I would be surprised if he did though as he only asked me on the side, said it would be a surprise for the girls if we arranged it. I told him no way and that's when I decided we were done with him, if you are asking about it I think something may have happened then?"

"Well yes it has but I am putting two and two together here as me and Helen aren't together at the moment but I am still concerned about her."

"You split? But we thought you were OK with it all! That's what they both said to us! Oh my! Jeeez man I am sorry honestly we didn't know."

"Thanks for that at least but it doesn't help us any. I am going to try to get hold of Helen before something bad happens."

"OK, look good luck OK, if there is anything we can do just ask OK, I am sorry man."

I put the phone down. It was almost 7pm. I called Alfie and told him what the latest was. Within 20 minutes we were both headed towards George's place. We parked down the road from his house.

"Did you bring the gear?"

"Yes of course I did, what am I stupid? It's all there."

We scrambled into the back of his truck and changed clothes into boiler suits, balaclavas, bag gloves and latex gloves over the top too. The bag gloves were great for protecting the knuckles when training. The boots were steel capped. The bats were an added incentive Alfie thought was necessary. There was also a bag with spare overalls, gaffer tape and a hood.

I looked at my watch, it was almost 8.30pm, where had the time gone? I hoped we were in time. Well one way or another whatever was going on was going to stop tonight, maybe permanently.

"For fuck's sake Rick go easy, don't lose it or we could face jail. We just need to issue a lesson OK. No matter what Helen has done she don't deserve to be abused OK. You clear?"

I nodded at him, my adrenalin pumping now as I was keen to get this over with.

"Straight in through the back door, no messing bang, bang, bang grab the bitch and out OK? Don't forget not a fucking word too!"

It was dark outside the truck now, we slipped out and silently moved across the road and down the side of George's house. We eased over the back gate and unlocked it leaving our escape route open.

As we neared the back patio doors we could hear the moans and laughter from inside, I froze. Fuck too late! Alfie poked me with his bat and we shuffled towards the back door to the kitchen, he leant on the handle and it moved easily! He looked at me wide eyed as he pulled his mask down, I could make out the grin.

We crept through the kitchen towards the light glowing into the hallway from the lounge area. The noises of the fucking grew louder, the unmistakeable moans from Helen and the chuckles from the men in the room seemed as if they were all having fun. We could make out the flash of a camera as they took photos of their bitch.

"That's it slut suck it, take it down deep, yesss that's it." We could hear her gagging and then quiet as the man's voice sighed encouragement. She does suck really good George, you have a real hot one here."

"Yes shame her hubby couldn't give her what she needed." They all laughed at that. "Still he will get to see the video we are making and that will pay the bastard back for my car." He grunted. "Take that you bitch, god her ass is just sooo sweet and tight."

I was getting really agitated now and Alfie was getting set to pounce. We looked at each other and counted fingers down from 3 - 2 - 1 We crashed through the door bats swinging. Crack! George took one across the back of his neck and stumbled forwards on top of Helen. The guy in her mouth yelled as the shock caused her to bite down on his cock. Alfie silenced him with a bat round the jaw area. Two down one to go. We looked round and saw a woman!

I raised my bat to deliver a blow to the head when Alfie grabbed it.

The two men lay moaning, we returned to them and gave them both a good kicking, and there wasn't much that didn't get clobbered. The woman started screaming, Alfie slapped her hard. She stared at him.

"Don't hurt me, please don't hurt me!"

We looked at each other not knowing what to do. I looked round Helen was knocked out when the guy had fallen on her, she lay on her back her legs spread wide and obscenely, her gaping pussy already oozing cum. There were bite marks all over her tits and neck. It looked like this had been quite a session. Stupid fucking bitch, as much as I hated her for what she had done I loved the bitch at the same time. Fuck it! Was I confused?

We managed to find out the woman, Joyce, was the wife of the guy with George. We impressed on her that she had been part of a rape and as such we were doing her a favour by not battering the shit out of her. Alfie spoke to her then used the gaffer tape to secure and gag her until her lovers stirred, they were in no state to move for a while and then only slowly. We collected the cameras and video equipment together and smashed it to bits as she watched. I dressed Helen who was still out of it maybe drugged or something anyway she wasn't right. The woman confirmed they had all used ecstasy which explained it. We turned all the lights off and left carrying my wife.

In the truck we stripped and bagged all our clothing tossing it into a bin on the way to Helen's parents place. She started to come round a little as we fed her water. Pulling up outside her parent's house I looked around and Alfie knocked on the door. When the door opened I slung my bitch over my shoulder and pelted for the open door, the look on her mum's face was priceless. I carted her straight upstairs and into her bedroom, I stripped the overalls off her and saw what a mess her body was in. It brought tears to my eyes as I looked at the woman I had loved for so long now bearing the marks of another man's lust all over her.

"What? Rick! What is going on?" Her Mum had followed me up the stairs, her father right behind.

"Helen needs you both right now, I can't explain it all right now but she has been even more stupid that we thought. Alfie and me have just pulled her out of what could have been a really bad situation and one that was only going to get worse. She may not thank me but I do care about her no matter what she has done. Take care of her gotta go. Burn these will you?" I handed her the overalls.

We closed the door and jumped into the truck. I looked at Alfie, we grinned and high fived each other.

"That fucked their evening up somewhat don't you think?"

"Take me home James and don't spare the horses."

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OldbuddyOldbuddy22 days ago

What type of douchebag forgets about his children.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

I'll cut to the chase.

One, I'm second tired of him saying how he loves. The woman period after what she's done. Let me know love left , so why say that?

2, why do any guilt at all about what he's doing for revenge? I think that things are childish period it helps to gain control of the situation like and pay back is helpful.

Physically hurting her deprimoux however going to a rescue was equally stupid. She really put herself in that situation and the consequences Belong to her and her Alone.

Three normally anybody would call a solicitor immediately and get things rolling.

Or whole alienation of a faction thing is really stupid She is immediately complicit in the entire affair. Where I am a jury I would not find for the plaintiff.

5 send in the information to everyone. She knows perfectly appropriate period I would also have told her parents directly none of this sitting in the fence of Winnipeg Helen to do the right thing. I'm stupid.

Six trash in the car is perfectly fine and you should feel no guilt over That. Further , there's no way to tie him in the band's wisdom , so he's pretty and clear.

Seven going to aid really reconsiders case before court. If he was concerned, he should have called the police. That's their job nadia's.

8 in these kinds of legal contests, a man should never, ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever contact a woman? What's he decides to go. She can use that with claims of assault battery whatever, and it will be believed because of the me. Two movements and the gyn centric courts.

There's a bottom line all of you. But where most of them are classic runningas in the stories , it's always the same old trope and the flea recycled. I keep hoping these riders will pick up on that and be more original.

Other aspects not sharing the information with the children or the family. For the divorce period is all to come out anyway, so better to get it ahead of the issue. Rather than chinese get the wife to explain to her own way. That's just playing stupid.

On other issues, when a man's going through that kind of a divorce, you should get Grief counseling and additional therapy to help him reorse his life to the facts and situation. So he can get on his life and have a fruitful. There is no requirement to fund the kids college. It's fine to help with that. I don't give hundreds of thousands of dollars to them and keep nothing for yourself. That's just plain stupid. Financial security will go a long way to helping him recover.

Never consider reconciling with a person like this. It's degrading and things never really get better with time. Because you can never forget what happened. Also , studies are shown that once a woman is cheated , the odds are high that should repeat it and just be more careful in the process.

Next if you are afraid your wife or girlfriend is cheating investigate immediately. Suspicion is an insidious disease and the quicker it's Clarified the better. Tell me guilty about that it's really foolish. Indication of the 7 elements of the cheating. Wifehas listen many times in these stories if they are seen should be investigated at the same time and attorney consulted to look the options for divorce as well. Instead of enough counseling for the man. That's not mean he has to actually go through with it. But being proactive when you're not in shock it's beneficial.

Attacking the man is an act of idiocy and stupidity. The person responsible is the woman. She is the one the control sex to f*** is hurt. Choice, a conscious decision made over time to consistently continue to do so. Is a dedication to a cheating activity. Is absolutely an indication that she is no longer trustworthy. Has no respect for her husband and has essentially abandoned the marriage. If she stains only because she can get the security of a house and a dirty husband and his material assets. When she thinks she found a bigger and better deal. Shut up his ass without warning and clean out his accounts.

A Shooting wife or girlfriend is a direct threat to a financial and psychological welfare. Terminate those relationships at once the adultery or infidelity is confirmed. Don't discuss it , just walk away.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Frankly, I think Helen is better off without her immature, whiny, crying husband!

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Sheesh, this husband spends a lot of time sobbing like a little girl! SLAP! “You can act like a man!”

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

I just Hate it when the idiot says, "but I still love her!"

Utter tripe!

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