Dancing with the Hypnotist


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There was no discussion, not even a please. The MD was expecting Annabel to climb up on the bed, sit astride him and push his penis into her - where she had been so pleased to have Michael less than half an hour before.

She had little option, could do nothing else. Annabel mounted the bed and swung her leg over the MD. She shivered as she felt the hard flesh of the MD's penis touch her between the thighs. Annabel glanced behind her to see what the hypnotist was doing. He had not moved but his small eyes were following Annabel and, she noticed with worry, his erection, now it had been achieved, had not subsided. Reaching under her she took hold of the MD's penis and placed it at the entrance to her vagina.

"I don't want..."

"Push down Annabel, I told you how I have been looking forward to this so much. You wouldn't want to deny me this pleasure - it's not as if you aren't used to it. Come on, sink down, it must be so tiring sitting up straight like that, just let yourself settle comfortably down - just slide down me."

Annabel felt her muscles beginning to give way, "Nooo!" she cried but it was already too late, penetration had begun and was growing millimetre by millimetre. Annabel could feel the unwanted invader - so very different from Michael Barnes' sweet entry. The MD's hands were on her shoulders now. His large penis now lodged well and truly within her. She was filled.

"Lean forward, Annabel, I want to feel your breasts squashed on my chest - I want you to kiss me"

Again she found herself complying, leaning forward until she was crushed to his chest, her mouth on his - and in her mind the cry "not tongues, not tongues!"

Poor Annabel's evening was changing so much from the happy romance of less than an hour ago: but worse was to come.

She could feel hands on her bottom, hands stroking, squeezing, pulling and then a finger, a solitary finger running down her bottom crack to rest on her anus. It was the hypnotist touching her. There was the sound of a jar being unscrewed and then the feel of something cold and slippery on her anus. The finger moved round and round, rubbing the indentations of her little hole. Her mouth opened in surprise and she felt the intrusion of the MD's tongue between her teeth. The MD's penis, though, was completely still, lodged deep within her. She began to wriggle but the MD held her fast. The finger ceased its rotation and pushed easily into her. The man had his finger in her bottom!

"No," she said trying to talk with the MD's tongue in her mouth, "no, stop that."

The finger did not stop moving and she felt more coldness and a further finger. There were two fingers in her bottom, moving, twisting, and stretching.

"My brother," said the MD releasing her mouth, "has always been a bottom man."

"I don't like it. Stop."

The fingers were immediately withdrawn. A relief. Annabel starting moving on the MD's penis to show she was pleased by this.

"No, hold still a moment Annabel. Just let my brother..."

There was more coldness and then the finger returned, only it felt too big for a finger - was it the hypnotist's thumb?"


Annabel had realised what was happening, could feel the pressure from the hypnotist's penis building and then, resistance overcome, it was in, she could feel it sliding up her bottom.

"No, no, no!"

But the MD held her fast and Annabel felt herself being filled. Two unwelcome invaders side by side in her canals and she unable to do anything about it. Her mind could protest but not her body. The hypnotist was gently rocking backwards and forwards, steadily moving himself but at the same time causing movement in the MDs penis.

"We have always been close," said the MD conversationally as he too began moving. An asymmetrical sliding, one penis moving inwards as the other pulled outwards, then the reverse - a mechanical movement.

The rhythm was steady.

"Did Michael make you come? Was it good, really good? Would you like to come again? Alphonso can make you come with just a little word; he has implanted a little trigger in your mind that he or I can set off. Let your hand join us down there, play with your little button, that's right, feel where our cocks enter you, feel four balls banging at you at once - not many girls have that joy. Think about that, Annabel, four balls all ready to fill you. Isn't that better than just Michael? And what would he do if he was here too? No room for him. Would you suck him as consolation, take him between your pretty lips - then you'd have six balls all ready to fill you. How about that?" The MD seemed to enjoy this lewd talk, or was he enjoying tormenting her, emphasising her predicament?

Annabel was doing what she was told, but she didn't want to. What was the hypnotist saying? She couldn't make it out but there was a certain tingling starting in her breasts and creeping in from her extremities. This couldn't be orgasm, not with these dreadful men surely, but it certainly felt like the approach of just that, yet so strong! Please no, she didn't want them to make her come. She wanted to be impassive, not to feel any pleasure from this coupling but that was not what she was feeling, not what her mind was seeking. Annabel could not stop herself now. She was pushing against the men, trying to fill herself with their penises, the erotic image of ejaculation so strong in her mind as her fingers ran amok over her clitoris. Why wasn't Michael here with his cock in her mouth as the MD said? She wanted to drink him. Creamy gushes of semen - an image so strong in her mind as the orgasm built. Her lips now sucking on the MD's tongue - a penis substitute. She was lost in the orgasm's intensity; the strongest she had ever experienced and she fainted.

Whether the men came as she thrashed about in orgasm or whether they took their time and came quietly in her lifeless body after her faint Annabel did not know. They used her either way. She came round to the feeling of shrinking cocks inside her. There was a 'pop' sound as the hypnotist removed his penis from her bottom.

"It's not that I don't like bottoms, don't get me wrong, but I prefer them eased by Alphonso first, so perhaps another time. Too late now. That was delightful. It has been worth the wait."

The MD's had an easy use of words, a gift which had seduced her before into thinking him a sweet old duffer - how much better she knew him now.

"Up you get, my dear, and off to bed - perhaps you could pop in, say at eight tomorrow morning, to make me a cup of tea. You see my secretary, alas, is not here."

Annabel had no intention of returning but was not going to say so: she just wanted to get away - escape. Annabel lifted herself off the MD, his penis falling from her; she glanced at it lying frog like, wrinkled, passive and very wet. She felt guilty at the intensity of her orgasm - at having actually enjoyed it - she knew it had been imposed on her by the hypnotist but it was shameful nonetheless. It was Michael she wanted to give her orgasms: not these awful men.

"Now run along to bed, there's a good girl, and I will see you in the morning. Don't forget your dress."

Annabel slipped the blue silk over her once more and was out of the door without even a glance back. She stood in the darkened corridor panting. Behind the door she could hear a chuckle. In a daze she wandered back down the corridors, back to room 528 and dear Michael. Once again the blue silk dropped to the floor as she slipped in beside him. She did not dare have a shower or bath for fear of waking him so she lay there so conscious of the sticky dampness between her thighs - and in her bottom. Michael was deeply asleep but she cuddled him, tears running down her cheeks until she too slept.

Annabel awoke with a start and a fright - she thought the MD was trying to force himself upon her again. She pushed him away hard and sat up in bed but it was not the MD: instead it was dear Michael looking startled and hurt.

"Oh," she said, "Oh Michael, I love you," and she kissed him so hard he was reassured and his hand went to her breast. It was lovely just being there, the two of them in bed together in the new morning, cuddling, kissing and, to Michael, with the imminent prospect of copulation.

And why not this prospect with his new girlfriend, his dear Anna; why not when he had awoken with this so pretty naked girl in his bed; why not as there was no hurry for breakfast as it was only a little past seven; why not?

It came to Annabel why not. She had not washed since her assault by the MD and his brother, she was still awash with their spendings; it may be that ultimately the MD had not minded Michael being 'there' before him but she very much minded Michael unknowingly becoming immersed in the MD's ejaculation. But she was too late. Michael was on top of her now and she hadn't kept her thighs closed. She could feel the tip of his penis, the smooth round knob that she recalled fantasising sucking during that awful orgasm, touching her at her entrance.

"I need to, I need to pee," she said but Michael had pushed within her and they were one. Annabel gasped. It was so lovely after last night to have dear Michael in her, his weight on her and his mouth on hers. She wrapped her legs around his back and encouraged him on. It was too late to worry about mixed spendings now, what mattered was Michael loving her and he enjoying their lovemaking.

What also mattered to her was that Michael should give her an orgasm. She did not like it that the MD and his brother had made her come so readily, revealing their control over her.

But Michael was perhaps too eager, too happy with the wet warmth, the easy sliding and the feel of Annabel's nakedness beneath him, too excited about being within Annabel to wait for her. He was not long in coming but she did not come.

They lay together cuddling for some time, talking, happy in each other. Annabel not unhappy in Michael's speed and enthusiasm but disappointed that he had not done what the hypnotist had achieved so easily. Of course she did not reveal to Michael what had happened. How could she do that at the start of their relationship, how tell such an improbably story, how explain what she did not understand herself, that she had been hypnotised into going to a room with two strange men?

It really was getting to be time for breakfast, for appearing in the restaurant.

"I'll go back to my room, make myself presentable and see you for breakfast."

They kissed, holding onto each other, not wanting to let go and then, all at once, Annabel was out of Michael's door and hurrying down the corridor pleased no one was in sight towards her own room. Yet it was not her own room she arrived at. Her room number was not 923 but the door opened at her touch and she found herself once more with the MD. He was sitting up in bed in his pyjamas reading the morning's newspaper. There was no sign of the hypnotist.

"Ah, Annabel, eight o'clock exactly, how kind of you. Normally my secretary, but she is not here, makes my tea."

Annabel could not understand how she was here, she had not intended to return, not intended to make the MD's tea at all. Far from it: but here she was. It dawned on her that this was the effect of the hypnotist again - what had he done to her?

She turned to look for the kettle, what else could she do?

The MD chatted away about what he was reading in the paper as if Annabel being there was nothing if not ordinary.

"Do make yourself a cup." He was back to being a sweet old duffer - kind and considerate. "Oh, and my secretary serves tea naked." Perhaps not so kind and considerate.

Annabel looked at herself in the full length bedroom mirror by the bathroom and watched as the blue silk dress made another journey to the floor revealing her well proportioned body, her tight tummy with its dimple of a tummy button, the fine fair curls between her thighs, her ample breasts and her rather weary face.

She poured the tea and placed the mug by the MD's bed. As the night before his fingers stroked her curls.

"Have you been a naughty girl again, Annabel?" His fingers wriggled between her legs exploring, he had not sought permission. The MD sighed. "I would describe this as 'wet and sticky,' Annabel. I was cross with you last night but I suppose it is difficult to criticise these young urges. You have been with Michael again. Have you sucked him yet, Annabel. Has he come in your mouth? Tell me."

The directness and personal nature of the question caught Annabel by surprise. There was a pause, Annabel looked downwards, "no," she said, adding, "not yet."

"Well then, I shall be first at that," said the MD with a smile. "Come on fish it out and get cracking!"

Annabel looked down at his pyjama trouser bottoms. She didn't want to, but the choice was not hers to make. Annabel's hand moving of its own accord, reaching into the button less fly of the striped pyjamas to take hold of the MD's penis once more. It stirred in her hand as she stroked it and inch-by-inch it nosed out of the fly until it stood, the foreskin sliding back over the shiny head.

"Come on, my girl, suck away whilst I drink my tea!"

Annabel bent lower, the MD's hand had not left her sex and was stroking, squeezing and pulling at her as she took him into her mouth.

It was very odd. She could hear the rustling as the MD read his newspaper, hear him raising the mug of tea from the bedside table every so often and hear him still, on occasion, commenting on the newspaper - all whilst she fellated him. He seemed in no hurry to come and, indeed, despite her attempts to speed him along, seemed to be nowhere near conclusion. Perhaps, she thought, this activity was so normal to him it did not particularly excite him, something his secretary or another woman did most mornings.

She was sure the MD had said something different to her but it was difficult to be sure as all of a sudden his fingers, which had been playing with her all the time, seemed to have a magic touch just catching her right and she found herself heading towards that orgasm she had so wanted to have with Michael only a few minutes before. Her mouth worked on the MD with enthusiasm, wanting to draw out the semen, her mind once again filling with images of ejaculation. The first splash on her tongue sent her into climax. Her tongue swirled, she couldn't get enough as the MD's fingers played her.

There was a pause. "It's not the only way to drink tea, but in my opinion it takes some beating." He placed his mug carefully on the bedside table and stroked Annabel's hair. "There's a good girl. Now will you come to see me in my office at 11 am Monday? I have a special task for you. Yes? Good."

It was not easy for Annabel to think straight, she was feeling weak at the knees, the MD's fingers were still intimate with her and she was still licking the remains of the ejaculation from her lips but of course she could not say anything other than an affirmative. It was not over then, the MD had not done with her after the dance. She wanted to be with Michael, to be happy with him and build their relationship. Perhaps that could be but at the same time she realised she would have to suffer the MD's demands whatever they might prove to be. Was there an escape, a way of dealing with him? Could she tell Michael? Could she?

She was down to the restaurant for breakfast later than she planned, hair wet from her shower, but managed a smile for Michael.

Annabel would not forget the night she danced with the hypnotist.

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Campus77Campus776 months ago

I'm not much into non-consent. While the tale was erotic, I could not get excited about the content.

DevilbobyDevilboby10 months ago

Max you must find a way to make these nasty men pay for their corruption of dear Annabelle . Even this late in the day they must not be allowed to get away with it. As Simon Templar would say "smite the ungodly ".

Marklynda2Marklynda2about 1 year ago

A very well thought out and written story. I definitely look forward to reading more of your work. I appreciate your and your Muse's imagination and abilities to bring it to your story. Thank you for sharing your vision and talents.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

Your writing, quite frankly, is fantastic. It brings a whole new level to a story when the writing is more than just "he fucked her cunt." Thank you so incredibly much for the depth and complexity of your stories - at times I think that I find the sentences, the words themselves erotic!

gogreengogreenalmost 13 years ago
enjoyable and well thought out

liked this one very much.

thanks for posting.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Dance On

Really enjoyed this well written and erotic story. I caught the two parter on the Ero&^ MindContol site and was glad to see it here so that I could comment. I hope to be reading more about Annabel's sexcapades with the MD. Also please consider the Hypnotist and MD seducing then coercing other beautiful single/attached women. Given their professions they must encounter many beauties in various situations. These tag teaming brothers wield the velvet hammer of MC/NC/Reluctant so smoothly the lovely doesn't know what hit her. My vote is that they "dance on" a little while longer. Thanks for your contributions,

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