Danger Zone Ch. 04


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"I hear that." Adam said as he pulled her closer a little at a time. "So, uh, it might not be the right time to ask but where did you go when we went off to change?"

"I climbed a tree. Neither of you looked up when you were looking for me. Even if you did look up I hoped I was high enough you wouldn't have seen me."

"But we should have smelled you." Growled Greg, still miffed at Emma and facing away from them.

Emma simply shrugged.

"So did you get your alone time?" Adam asked

Emma hesitated answering.

"I just want to know whether we need to watch you to make sure you don't run off or whether we can have a normal walk through the forest." Adam explained.

Emma nodded "Yes I've figured it out." She paused "Thank you for asking."

Greg turned and rubbed his head sheepishly. "I apologize for losing my temper. I take my responsibility of protecting the pack seriously and I cannot handle you running off on your own."

"Apology accepted. Now can you please get dressed? Seriously, it's just disturbing." Emma said as her gaze shifted upwards again.

"Here man, you left your clothes back in the clearing." Adam said, tossing Greg a bundle of clothes.

"Hate to do this, but is there something else we can call you other than girlie or Sug? I think you kind of owe it to us after you scared us both half to death." Greg asked

Emma pondered for a moment the best answer that would not give her identity away.

"B. You can call me B."

Greg and Adam smiled simultaneously "B it is." Greg replied.

"Do you think we head back incident free?" Adam asked as he started down the path. "The alphas are already going to have our ass for losing you, I don't want to add any other charges."

Emma chuckled "Unfortunately, my life is full of surprises. I can't guarantee that." She teased

"Great." Both men groaned.

"You didn't answer my question by the way."

"What question?"

"If werewolves exist, does that mean vampires exist too?" Emma asked seriously

Both men looked at each other then started howling with laughter as they walked back to the compound.

"Wait I'm serious, do vampires exist?" Emma said, pulling on Greg's sleeve. That only caused the men to laugh harder.

"Assholes." Emma pouted as she stormed back to the compound, arms crossed. So much for a 'calming' walk through the forest!

Returning to the wing where she and the other girls lived, she was greeted by 4 identical looks of concern. She sighed.

"Yes?" She asked with great acidity.

"Are you suicidal or something?" Doc blurted

"What? No! Why would you say such a thing right after what happened with Suzy." Emma exclaimed, flinching internally at the fact they weren't far from the truth.

"You fucking yelled at the Alphas! They could have killed you on the spot and been justified for it." Alice stepped forward clenching her fists.

Emma watched Alice's clenched fists with interest. "Planning on hitting something? Or someone Ice?"

"Crossed my mind, yeah. What do you think would happen if they killed you right now? We'd never trust them and they would probably have to kill us."

"Exactly." Emma stated proudly

Shocked silence followed the statement until Emma sighed and explained. "It was a calculated risk, yes, but I knew they weren't going to do anything that would interfere with us joining their precious pack."

Lena snorted. "You weren't thinking that at all, you just lost your temper and needed someone to yell at. Christ B, this isn't Damon who is amused by your antics. These are people who run a pack of 100 wolves and are continuously fighting to maintain their position by keeping their packs respect and trust that they are the best people for the job. They were well within their rights to punish you for back talking the alphas in order to maintain that balance."

"I can't believe you're taking their side! Why would..." Emma paused in her rant. "Wait, how do you know how many pack members there are and how the alpha's work?"

"When you were out, Jane took it upon herself to teach us some of the rules and the hierarchy..." Lily spoke up only to stop when Emma's fiery gaze fell on her. "And you're still mad about the whole sedation thing..."

"8 doses Lil'. They knocked you out with heavy sedatives 8 times in 3 days and I'm supposed to act like that doesn't bother me?" Emma interrupted.

"Yes." All 4 answered, crossing their arms

"Look you've already made a bad first impression. Would it hurt to at least try to fit in?" Lily pleaded, turning the full effect of her puppy dog eyes on Emma. "Forgive them...Please?"

Emma rolled her eyes. "Fine but let it be noted I am doing this under protest."

"Noted." The group answered and visibly relaxed.

The tension slipped out of the room as they moved into Emma's room and crawled onto her gigantic bed.

Emma spoke first "So what gossip did I miss when I left?"

The girls exchanged looks and started laughing. "Well Lily nearly fucked Mystery Man in the hallway." Lena said between fits of giggles. Lily turned red and hid her face her face in the bedspread.

"What?" Emma said confused "Lily...as in our Lil' was fucking a man in a hallway? Are you sure it was her?"

"Wait I said NEARLY fucked. It was just heavy petting really." Lena corrected.

Turning her gaze on a tomato red Lily, Emma barked out one word. "Explain."

"Well he was really sweet and walked us back to our rooms when we got lost..."

"We got all turned around and ended up on the other side of the house." Doc interjected.

"Compound." Corrected Alice

"Ok well anyways, he took us to the door and the girls went in on ahead and I turned around to thank him for going out of his way to take us back..."

"Cause he's a Beta and it's really an Omega's job." Explained Lena

"Focus ladies. I want to how Lil' found herself NEARLY fucking a complete stranger. We can be all PC about Dog terminology and politics later."

"They don't like to be called Dogs." Alice corrected.

Emma growled loudly at Alice. "Zip. It."

Holding her hands up in surrender, Alice mimed zipping her lips.

"Lil' speak."

"Woof." Lily joked with a big grin only to be confronted with a stony glare and another growl.

"Ok so I turned to thank him and BANG, I run right into his chest. He was standing like RIGHT behind me and his chest is super hard. Kind of like his ass, firm and rippley..."

"Lil'!" All 4 girl shout, exasperated. This conversation was going nowhere fast and tensions were rising again.

"What? Oh, Oh yeah. So I smacked right into the wall of muscle and bounced backward but he caught me before I hit the ground. So there we were, me lying in his hard arms, him standing right over top of me and it just happened: he kisses me." Sighing dreamily, Lily continues "God that man can kiss... but then I remembered where I was and I tried to push him off me but he didn't notice me pushing on his chest..."

"I would describe it more as a kneading motion." Lena interjected

Lily glared at Lena "That was later."

"Oh, my mistake, clearly we haven't arrived at the heavy breathing portion of the night. Guess we missed a lot."

"Please GET to the 'heavy breathing portion' quickly, I seem to be on the verge of losing if someone doesn't talk fast." Emma said as she rubbed her temples warily.

"So I tried pushing him away because even though I thought he was incredibly yummy, I wasn't sure I was ready for the pain. So I opened my mouth to..."

"Wait... Pain? What pain?" Emma said looking up from her hands rubbing her temples.

"You know...the pain of...doing it?" Lily said shyly in a whisper

"You think sex is painful? Why would you think... Oh right... You lost your virginity to Damon and only know the 'pleasure' of the other men raping you." Emma sighed again. She seemed to be doing that a lot tonight. "Lil' sex isn't supposed to be painful. If a man knows what he's doing it can be mind blowing."

"Ecstasy." Lena chimed in.

"Heavenly." Doc sighed dreamily.

"Euphoric." Alice finished.

Lily shook her head, not believing them. "No it hurts and they hurt you and leave bruises. And then they choke you and grunt then they leave you all sticky and wet. It's disgusting."

Exchanging glances, Emma gently patted Lily's hand. "They had to choke you so they could get off. They were sick men that could only find pleasure in hurting others. A real man would make sure you are ready and they would make sure you orgasm too so you can experience the same pleasure they do. Trust me, you'll find that one day and you'll know what we're talking about"

"Hmmmm... ok but what about the wet and sticky part? It's really disgusting." Lily said, sticking out her tongue in disgust.

Lena laughed. "Unfortunately that sex for you. Wet, sticky, sweaty and oh so very worth it."

"Amen." The other 3 girls chimed in.

"Speaking of real men B, when are you going to admit that a man who beats innocent people and makes it a rule that every new girl must be fucked by him first only to be tended to by his supposed mate is NOT your real mate, or worthy of breathing?" Asked Ice.

"I'm coming around to the idea...more like being forced fed the idea but it makes sense." Emma snapped "But guys, Rome wasn't built in a day. I had 5 years of that hell and if it hadn't been for you guys, I would be left a shell of myself."

"AWWWWW!!!!" All the girls said, coming in for a hug.

"No time for touchy feely right now." Emma said, quickly backing away. "I want to hear about Lily and Mystery Man."

"His name is Daniel. He's not Mystery Man, he's a nice guy. He helped me through the cafeteria and carried my plate. And he's a gentleman; he pulled out my chair for me. And when he was escorting us back, he offered me his elbow to hold onto so I wouldn't get lost."

"Oh boy, this dude's got it bad." Emma groaned.

"Yep" Chimed the rest of the group.

"What do you mean? He was just being nice because we're new here." Lily said, oblivious to the raised eyebrows of her audience.

"He didn't offer his elbow to me, Lena?" Alice spoke up.

"Nope, Doc?" Lena responded.

"Nope. Wasn't me dry humping him in the hallway either."

Lily blushed again and then clued in. "You mean... he was only doing those things because he liked me?"

"Ding Ding Ding, we have a winner." Emma smiled at her social inept friend then scowled. " Now can we please finish this story?"

"What story? Oh mine... now where was I."

"You were groping his chest." Volunteered Lena.

"No I wasn't." Lily scowled "Ok so I tried pushing him off and he didn't budge so I opened my mouth to tell him to stop and then...it all kind of goes blank. I think my brain shut down due to sensory overload. Next thing I remember, Lena was standing over top of me scowling and telling me to get inside."

"Lena?" Emma prompted.

"So I thought she was right behind us and when I went back to find her I found her and lover boy rolling on the ground playing tonsil hockey. So I started yelling at him to get off her and when he didn't I kicked him in the ass." Sparing a glance at Lily she added grinning "Right in the ripple."

"And that made him leave?" Emma asked surprised "I would think that would be a good way to lose a limb."

"See they're not the same as Damon and his pack. These are good, nice people." Lily spoke up.

Emma grimaced "You trust too easily."

"And you don't trust at all." Lily shot back.


The girls spent some in awkward silence, trying to determine if this argument was going to cause a rift in their friendship. Emma finally broke the silence.

"So he really just left after you kicked him?"

"Yeah he kind of just came to his senses and stood up. He wished us goodnight and disappeared down the hallway. I think he was just as embarrassed from being caught acting like a horny teenager in the hallway." Lena said, just as confused as Emma.

"Weird." She mused. Emma then turned and contemplated Lily until she shifted uneasily under Emma's scrutiny.

"What?" She asked, breaking the silence again

"Do we need to have the 'talk' young lady?" Emma asked with mock seriousness.

"Oh heavens no." Lily exclaimed

"So I won't have to worry about catching you rubbing up on men in the hallways cause seriously, that would ruin my image of you being this innocent soul." Emma teased.

Lily's former blush deepened further. "It wasn't men, plural, just one man, Daniel. And we really didn't do anything bad" She mumbled.

"Be sure you keep it that way. That goes for you ladies too. Don't get too involved until we know what kind of situation we're dealing with."

"Yes Mom." The girls chimed in unison.

"Damn straight." Grumbled Emma "Don't need no grand babies."

They all laughed and wished each other good night as they left to go to bed.

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Littlecat76Littlecat76about 11 years ago
Different take

Really good to have a different slant to the werewolf story, really enjoying so far would be nice if chapters were slightly longer though

MizTMizTabout 12 years ago
One More To Go

and I'll be all caught up. I like the direction you are taking Emma, after 5 yrs of captivity I would expect her to be very weary of any pack no matter how nice they appear to be.....I can't wait to read chapter 5, so here I go now.....

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

Found this novel today and read the all the chapters, needless to say I fell hook, line and sinker. You did a brilliant job m8, can't wait for the next chapter :P

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
More please!!

This story is so good its unfair to your readers to leave it unfinished please add another chapter!!! We all want to know who Emma's mate will be and how they end up together!

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
More More

oh please more i cant wait to read chapter 5 oh god i love it

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

Wonderful story, I love all the characters and just...everything can't wait for chapter 5!!

katgoddess1katgoddess1over 12 years ago
Awesome story

Unusual point of view. Emma is severely traumatized and had given up hope of rescue, so it will take time for her to adjust. The other women hadn't been there nearly as long, so they find it easier to accept.

cantfightfatecantfightfateover 12 years ago
I'm glad for the update

and looking forward to more.

I wonder who Emma's mate will be. They mentioned a neighboring pack looking for mates. Maybe the alpha of that pack?

Keep up the good work and no more procrastinating!

Sookie113Sookie113over 12 years ago
More, more, more!!!!

I am so glad that chapter 4 is posted, I hope Damon shows up in the next chapter. Brilliant as always, can't wait to read what happens!!!!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

Been looking forward to the next chapter of this it's different and I like it so far keep up the good work

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