Dark Angel Ch. 08


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Ashriel shook his head. "Eriel..."

Eriel raised his hands. "Not another word."

"I'll go with him," Natanael said drifting closer to transfer Seth into Ashriel's arms. He winked at Ashriel. "We always watch each other's backs."

"Well," the dirty man chortled, "I guess it's settled then. Let's go. I'll show the rest of you a place where you can chill out while I take these two beauties to the black market."

"Wait. What about letting Cyneolle know we want to speak to him?" Ashriel protested.

The dirty man laughed. "Trust me. Cyn already knows you're here. He'll come around. Just you wait and see. Nothing goes on around here that he does not know."


Anniel stirred and lifted her face from the pillow she laid on. Her hair was in her face and it was dark. How long had she slept? Her body felt achy. Rolling over, she touched her belly and gasped. It felt rounded. Confusion assailed her. Had she been unconscious a long time? She ran her fingers over her belly feeling the familiar sensation of panic rise. Her mind drifted back to when she'd awakened from suspended animation. One moment she was hearing her Alpha Angel brothers and sister fighting telepathically and in the next blink, she was in Devon's arms, awakening from a three hundred year slumber.

"Oh-god—not again," she whimpered.

"Easy," Cyneolle soothed.

"What happened to me?"

"I saved you."

"Yes, but how much time has elapsed since you saved me?"

"Only one day cycle."

Anniel frowned, sliding her palms over her rounded belly. Cyneolle's hand smoothed between hers gently.

"The nanobots repaired you from the inside."

Shock and fear slammed into her. Nanobots?

"My baby?"

"Your baby is fine and healthy. The nanobots accelerated her growth to strengthen her."

Anniel's jaw dropped. "H-her?"

"You carry a full Seraphian female within your womb."

Anniel felt dumbfound. A daughter...but..."She can't be full Seraph. I'm an Edenian werewolf. My father was full human, but my mother carried the gene and it was transferred to me. It's always passed on to the females."

"Your daughter has full Seraphian blood."

Anniel blinked in the general direction of his voice. This time it was too dark to make out his shape. "Her father is a reaper."

"Describe him to me."

She was about to blurt Ashriel's name, but thought better of it. He didn't know he was going to be a father. He should be the first to officially know. "He has dark hair...very silky dark brown hair with auburn highlights in it." And when the light hit him just right, a few hints of red-gold showed too. "He's very tall."

"Most reapers are."

"And he's very muscular."

Anniel bit her lip, thinking she'd gone too far in her description. Most reapers were well honed, but Ashriel had the body of a god, and he was well known in the galaxy.

"You do not want to reveal his name." It was a statement, not a question. Anniel felt guilty, but she still did not wish to reveal the name of her baby's father just yet.

"Is he the father of your first born...of Gareth?"

Anniel winced. How did he know?

"It was an easy guess you wept so despondently over a lost child," he answered as if reading her mind.

Anniel felt her nose and eyes burn just before his hand caressed her cheek. She took a deep breath to control herself. "No. My firstborn's father was a blond Seraph."

"Why do you frown?"

Anniel bit her lips guiltily. She hadn't meant to make a face, but just thinking about Garethiel made her want to scowl.

"It's nothing," she replied.

"He hurt you?"

Anniel pushed back her unruly hair. It felt like it was a terrible mess. "It was something that happened long ago. It doesn't matter."

"I am curious to know."

Anniel rolled her useless eyes. "We were both young...or at least I was...and stupid. He just wanted to have a fling and I took things a little too seriously." She shrugged her shoulders. "No big deal. I'm over it now."

Cyneolle remained silent for a while.

"Are you still there?" She reached out to touch him and felt the leather vest covering his chest. His breath made his chest heave.

"That man is a bastard. You are not a woman to be taken and used like a common whore," his voice spat venomously, making her wince. "If I ever have him before me, I will beat him to a pulp."

Anniel's mouth fell open for the hundredth time. She reached up looking to cup his face in her hands to soothe him. "No, honey. Don't feel that way. It was a long time ago. Garethiel was almost a child himself. He didn't know any better. It was all just raging hormones."

"Unacceptable," he growled.

Anniel took a deep breath, but the sound of sniffling caught her attention. She cocked her head to the side and listened closely.

"Your female companion. She cries allot."

Anniel's heart slammed harder against her ribs. "Rayne?"

"We do not know her name. She is a tiny female with black hair and big blue eyes."

"Yes. That's Rayne. What's wrong with her? Why is she crying? Rayne? Where is she?"

"She is still hooked up to the life supports. We did the best we could for her. She was dead when we brought her in."

"Oh-god. Poor girl," Anniel gasped clutching Cyn's arms. "Take me to her."

"Not yet. We are keeping her isolated until her immune system strengthens. She is very vulnerable right now. In just a few more hours we will allow her to try to walk after doc finishes with her."

"Finishes? What was done to her? I mean, I saw what that horrible king did. He raped the poor girl and was going to eat her." Anniel shuddered at the memory. "And she was dead? How did you ever revive her."

Cyneolle was quiet a moment, making Anniel almost dread his answer. "We couldn't revive her body. It was damaged beyond repair and contaminated. Doc built her a new one. He managed to salvage a few of her internal organs and used a sample of her DNA to grow new skin. She'll be able to feel her body as if it were natural."

Anniel quaked at what he was saying. "Sh-she was turned into a cyborg?"

"Her brain is fully organic. Doc removed it from her destroyed body, spinal cord and nerves intact, and transplanted it into the new body. He added most of her internal organs including her heart and stomach."

Anniel felt sick. Cyneolle pulled her into his arms. "You are becoming upset. I will speak no more of this Rayne to you. Just know that she is well and recovering. She will be fully functional in a few hours."

Anniel took deep breaths, breathing in his scent again. "Is that what happened to you?"

"No. I am what I am today after many battles. Each time I lose a piece of myself, it is replaced with cyborg hardware."

Anniel's heart clenched. "Why do you fight?"

"Because the citizens of Rhylos suffer." His voice had gone deep and scary even though his hands continued to caress her back. "The so-called government pumps poison into the atmosphere and charges the citizens for fresh air."

Anniel swallowed. "How long have you been fighting?"

"A hundred years. Before that, I was lulled into a false state of helplessness. My eyes were opened by the wolf bane society living here on Rhylos. They accepted me as one of their own when the Seraph's would not."

Anniel bit her lip, blinking up to where she assumed his face was. She reached up and touched her cheek. "You said the nanobots repaired me from the inside out. Why am I blind?"

His hand caressed her face again. "I could not bear letting them replace your beautiful eyes with cyborg technology. The acid from King Dred's blood burned your corneal lenses."

She swallowed hard. Lucky for her he thought her eyes were beautiful. There was very little damage Remi could not repair. He'd practically brought Alluna back from near death once. Repairing her eyes would be easy for him...if she could manage to get back home.

Anniel--a voice whispered in her mind.

She jumped when she heard Seth's voice telepathically. His presence as well as the presence of the others filled her soul, making her heart swell with joy.

Cyneolle's hands gripped her arms. "What is wrong?"

Anniel blinked and rubbed her forehead. "I just feel so overwhelmed with everything that's happened."

"You should rest. Your accelerated pregnancy will tire you easily until your body becomes stronger. I have sent for food for you."


"Prinut. It is very nutritious."

Anniel covered her mouth, almost gagging. "Oh-no. Don't you dare bring me that awful stuff—eewww."

Cyneolle rose from the bed. "I must leave. Do not attempt to leave this room. You are safe here."

His boots thumped the floor heavily as he walked away.

When the door closed behind him, she was able to concentrate fully on the whispering voices in her head.

She reached out telepathically to them--Seth? Devon? Guys?

Emotions wafted through her as the links became stronger. Rowie had given birth to twin boys, but something was wrong. The Vildminorian council was searching for Alpha 7...For Rowie, Remi and their babies. Zak was upset. Alluna was extremely uncomfortable with her pregnancy, her daughters too active within her belly and causing her pain. Angel was nervous and Devon...

Anniel still couldn't feel Devon fully but he was there, blocking himself off.

Anniel—Seth called again. We're here. We're coming for you. Look around so I can see where you are.

Anniel whimpered in frustration. I can't--she projected to him.

She felt Seth's concern. His voice echoed in her thoughts again--Why not? Are you blind-folded? Annie, just your use your powers to lower the blind-fold. Or are you somewhere that's completely dark?

She bit her lip, reluctant to tell him she couldn't see because her eyes were ruined, but she didn't even have to think the words to him. He gasped and suddenly knew.

His voice echoed in her mind once more--Shit. Don't worry, Annie. I'll find you. Hold tight.


Ashriel wanted to talk to her too, but he didn't know how. Seth had allowed him to listen in on their conversation and the sound of her voice had nearly driven him to his knees, relieved she was well. Her life-force felt strong and she didn't feel like she was in pain. He did feel her distress.

"What is it?" Ashriel demanded when he felt the connection to him break.

Seth opened his eyes. "She can't make out where she is."

"Why not? What's wrong?"

Reiven and Amadashiel crowded around Seth as well.

"It must be dark."

Ashriel frowned. "She's a werewolf. She can see good in the dark."

Seth glared. "Not in total darkness. She feels fine. I didn't feel any pain or discomfort in her body. She's lying on a bed." Seth's eyes closed again. "I smell humidity. It's cool...like she's underground. And there's the hum of machinery in the background."

Ashriel shivered as he began picking up everything Seth spoke of. He closed his eyes also and sniffed. It was definitely underground. The sound of water dripping slowly, echoing in the background also made him frown.

"A basement?" Amadashiel suggested.

Ashriel shook his head. "No. The echo... It's like a big space. Cavernous."

"Like an underground tunnel system?" Reiven added.

"The sewer system," Seth said.

Ashriel's eyes snapped open. "Do you realize the extent and size of a sewer system in a city this size?"

Seth shook his head. "She's close. I can feel her. I need to get out of here and walk the streets."

Ashriel looked around at the tiny room they'd been shown to. It was located just inside a narrow alleyway between two porn shops. They'd had to climb a rusty ladder and enter through a grimy window that sported a busted pane. Filmy, ratted curtains fluttered in the foul breeze wafting in off the steamy city street. The lone bulb that hung precariously off the chipped and peeling ceiling, cast a greenish dim glow in the small room. The walls were in the same dismal condition as the seiling, paint peeling and chipped, dirty with strange hyrogliphic graffiti covering most of it. To the left of the eindow was a dirty old matress with a few coils poking out of its frayed covering. The only door in the room was boarded shut. Ashriel shuddered wondering why, his fertile mind conjuring up images of flesh-eating zombies ambling through the darkened hallway beyond. He hated zombies. They smelled awful.

"We'll go with you," Amadashiel said adjusting her mask more firmly to her face.

Seth shook his head. "All four of us will draw attention."

Ashriel looked at Reiven and Amadashiel. "You two stay for now. I'll go with Seth. If Nat and Eriel come back here just sit tight until we come back for you. Understand?"

The reapers frowned, but nodded.

"Ash, lose the corset. Dressing down will help lessen the attention drawn."

"I'll help you," Amadashiel said batting her lashes at him. Next to her, Reiven scowled.

Ashriel would have protested, but the truth was he really couldn't get out of the restrictive brace without help. Eriel and Natanael had been the ones to lace him up into the hideous male corset.

As soon as she removed the offending piece, Ashriel stepped away from her caressing fingers.

By now Reiven's expression was thunderous. Ashriel felt embarrassed for him, but the foolish reaper should know better. Amadashiel was a little tease. She'd never be faithful to Reiven no matter how much he felt he loved her.

"Stay here, and don't draw attention to yourselves. No telling what sickos roam the streets below," Seth ordered grimly.

Ashriel followed him out the window.They descended the rusted ladder once more and took to the streets.

"This almost reminds me of an Edenian city back on Earth," Seth murmured as they walked briskly down the street.

AShriel was about to ask him which when an alarm blared. A booming voice echoed over loud speakers. "Incoming."

The alarms continued to blare. Ashriel noticed the citizens ducked underneath metal awnings or ran indoors.

Seth gripped his arm and pulled him beneath the awning of a butcher shop. Ashriel stared in horror at the meat hanging in the window. There were human heads hanging amongst strange alien meats. The crash of metal falling very close to him and Seth had him snapping his head around. Objects of all shapes and sizes rained down into the street. Pieces of metal, furnishings, and garbage.

"What the hell," Ashriel gasped, blinking in shock. Garbage was being dumped from the upper levels

When stuff ceased to rain down, a swarm of creatures descended upon the scattered garbage. Most of them had humanoid shapes, but others looked extremely deformed. Rags covered their bodies. Some wore the typical goggles, but others had a solid metal mask covering their entire face. One person had cybernetic arms and legs, the metal skeleton and wires exposed without fleshy covering.

They gathered the dumped articles like vultures on carrion, not leaving a single thing behind when they finally scattered like roaches. Ashriel saw how most of them disappeared in the grates at the edges of the wide street. People emerged from their hiding places and hovercrafts began zipping along the street again.

Seth and Ashriel gaped at each other, until Ashriel noticed that the butcher had stopped chopping meat at the counter and now stood at the glass window behind them... watching them with a nefarious grin on his scaly face. It was a Nepturian... or at least it looked like a Nepturiean with his fish-like face. This male did not have an aquatic breathing ring around his gills.

"A hybrid, Ash. Let's get out of here, before he decides we might look good hanging in that window too."

Seth walked briskly to the end of the street. There was what looked like a small park, only the trees were bare of leaves and the ground was compacted dirt...slime-green dirt. People slept on the broken down concrete benches and the only lamp lit flickered incessantly, casting an intermittent sickly green glow about the darkened area. Ashriel looked up. The buildings stretched so high he couldn't see where they ended, and the sky was a bleak point of light miles above. It was like being in a chasm of darkness. He couldn't even distinguish clouds.

"Ash, look at this."

Seth stood at the edge of a trench. Ashriel walked over, his boots crunching the abrasive dirt underfoot until he stood at the edge of a concrete trench that snaked right through the center of the tiny park.

"This is part of the sewer system. Look," he pointed to where the six-foot deep gutter met the sidewalk and street. There was another grate-covered entrance and a tunnel beyond that dipped beneath the street. "That might be a way into the tunnel systems beneath the city. If I were heading a rebel group, that would be the best place to make my headquarters. Besides...I feel Annie's life-force is underground."

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's go."

Seth nodded and they both dropped down into the trench. The closer they got to the tunnel the deeper the trench became. The concrete was stained light green. When they reached the grate, Ashriel wrinkled his nose at the stench.

"What is that foul smell? It permeates my gas mask."

"It's a lot of things, Ash," Seth replied pushing against an opening in one corner. The metal grates groaned as its rusted hinges protested being used. Seth dropped down into the dark tunnel with Ashriel following. "You have humanoids living down here, so there's all types of waste, plus rodents and insects."

Ashriel grimaced and tucked his wings tighter against his back. The last thing he wanted was to acquire an infestation of vermin in his feathers. Just thinking about it made him shudder.

"That coupled with acid rains from above and other waste byproducts being constantly flushed through here—"

"I get it," Ashriel mumbled looking around.

Farther ahead the tunnel turned pitch black.

"There's a button in the center of your goggles," Seth was telling him as he continued forward.

Ashriel felt around between the rounded lenses and felt something similar to a small bolt. He pressed it and the darkness turned into a glowing green sharp image before him. The walls of the tunnel looked like large welded metal sheets. Ashriel cringed when he saw glowing insects crawling around. They numbered in the thousands and every once in a while his boot would crunch a few making his stomach roil with disgust.

The rats, or at least they sort-of resembled rats, scattered out of the way as they approached, to which Ashriel was highly grateful. The hideous hairy things had limbs like spiders and made awful clicking and hissing sounds. Ashriel could see two pointy fangs in their snarling faces.

His heart clenched. His beautiful Anniel was down here. Rage gripped him then. He would kill whoever dragged her down here.

"Is she frightened?" Ashriel asked Seth, his heart pounding with anxiety for his woman.

"Not really. She just wants to go home."

Ashriel's eyes flooded with tears and guilt filled his soul. This was his mission. He shouldn't have dragged anyone else in with him...especially not his sweet Anniel.

"Stop beating yourself up over this. We've run more dangerous missions than this. This is nothing."

"What do you mean by more dangerous?" Ashriel scowled at Seth's back.

"Last mission we set out to rescue Zak's woman. We were captured by an Arborian witch and set up for a ritual to release Davariel's other from the realm of reflections."

Ashriel stopped cold, his jaw open wide. "What?"

He winced when he realized his voice echoed down the tunnel from how loud he'd bellowed.

Seth swung around, his body stiff and fists clenched. "Fuck, Ash. Think you can keep it down to a dull roar?"

"Sorry," Ashriel murmured. "Did I hear you right? Did you say someone was trying to release Dava's other from the realm of reflections?"

"You heard me right," Seth replied turning to walk again.