Dark Angel Ch. 10


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"He's not a—" He took a deep breath and tried again at her low snarl. "Please, Anniel. Devon just liberated that planet. It isn't unusual for wars to break out. The ruling party isn't going to turn over their power easily and those living comfortably under that ruling will join the fight."

"I want my son home," she began, her voice angry even though her eyes filled with tears again.

His hands smoothed over her belly and he tried for a soothing tone. "Yes, I know. I understand your desire. I also want him home."

Her eyes widened. "You do?"

"Of course, Anniel."

"B-but he's Gar—"

"He's your son, and he also carries my blood. It doesn't matter that I didn't sire him, Anniel. I love him like a son too."

Now she looked confused. It was time to confess everything to her.

"I knew you were with child and that my brother had abandoned you. As a high priest there wasn't much I could do, except watch over you...both of you."


Ashriel felt his cheeks warm with guilt. "Annie, understand I have made a vow to keep this universe, our realm, safe from evil. I had to keep an eye on Davariel's spawn—" At her scowl, he sighed, "Devon. I still don't trust him fully, and trust his twin even less."

Anniel's eyes widened and she nibbled her lip. "Lucien? Oh, but he's just a poor wretch now. We've been trying to coax him back into Alpha 7, but he refuses to come back."

Ashriel frowned. "He still sports demon wings. His blood is tainted."

Anniel shook her head. "Those horrid appendages are practically rotting off his back. The toxins in them aren't strong enough to turn him fully demon." She bit her lip again, caressing his cheek as she stared imploringly at him. "We want to try to save him."

Ashriel didn't want to cause her anymore anxiety, but he knew Lucien's reluctance to return didn't bode well. The toxins in the demon wings implanted into his back would make him unstable. If he didn't go insane, he'd surely die anyway.

"One thing at a time, my love," he breathed, brushing his lips over hers in a sweet caress. "I will go back to Rhylos and speak with Gareth."

The tip of her tongue traced his lower lip, making him tremble. "Oh, Ash, baby, I couldn't ask you to do that."

"You are not asking me. I am telling you what I am going to do."

Anniel leaned away and frowned a bit. He sensed they were about to start arguing again.

"We can go together," she insisted, still keeping her tone sweet even though she was no longer smiling.

Ashriel took a deep breath. "I'll take Devon or Seth with me. We can go in and come back before you realize."

"Devon has his hands full trying to keep Rem, Row and the twins hidden. And Seth takes over for him here when he's too busy."

"Then I will take Natanael and Erie with me."

Her brows rose. "Three fallen reapers? Unaccompanied? You must want to get your ass kidnapped."

Ashriel sat back, straddling her and feeling insulted. He felt his wings rising in irritation again.

"I have fought legions of demons and devils. You think me weak?"

She rolled her eyes. "Baby, I didn't mean it like that. Fighting supernatural beings comes easy to you, but your powers don't affect beings from our universe."

"You think me weak," he hissed incensed, getting up off the bed.

Feeling shamed and angry, he stalked out of her room.

"Ashriel? Wait. Don't be such a big baby."

Ignoring her calls, he stomped out and headed toward the end of the corridor to the elevators.

The trip to the reapers level was short. He strode down the corridor straight to Natanael's rooms.

The minute he stepped into Nat's quarters he spotted the group of reapers standing close together obviously watching porn from the sounds of slapping flesh and moans emanating from the holoviewer.

Abdiel turned, his face flushed, and gaped at Ashriel.

"Ash," the blond reaper shouted.

Ashriel narrowed his eyes when every reaper turned to stare at him wide-eyed. The sound of the holoviewer died, making him wonder what the hell they'd been watching.

He approached as they parted until Natanael was revealed in the middle of the group of about twenty reapers.

Natanael pocketed the small crystal orb quickly and grinned at Ashriel.

"Looking for me?" he asked nonchalantly.

Ashriel looked at Natanael's inky blue Mohawk with a frown before staring pointedly at the little bulge in his pocket where he'd slipped the vid-crystal.

What in hell's name had they been viewing, and why was everybody so tense?

"What's the matter?" Ashriel asked.

Natanael looked at Eriel, who had his hands shoved into his pockets with a blank look on his usually animated face.

"The matter?" Natanael echoed before shrugging with wide innocent eyes at Ashriel. "Why should anything be the matter?"

Ashriel's eyes narrowed even more. The insolent fucker was hiding something, but it had to wait. He needed to get Gareth back for Annie and fix the piss-poor image she had of him.

"I need you and Erie to accompany me back to Rhylos."

Natanael's eyes widened. "Er...why?"

"Annie wants her son back."

Natanael grinned and clapped Erie on the back. "A mission, Erie."

Eriel only nodded and sighed. "My ass is ready, I guess."

"It's not that kind of a mission this time," Ashriel said with a scowl.

Eriel looked at him sullenly, taking a deep breath before letting it out with an emotionless "right."

Ashriel turned to Abdiel. "Under no circumstances are you to let Anniel out of your sight, and do not let her leave Alpha 7."

Abdiel's brows rose. "And how am I supposed to do that?"

"Think of something," Ashriel grated, turning on his heel to leave with Natanael and Eriel following in his wake.

Devon had moved Alpha 7 and, as a result, they were not very far from Rhylos now. Hide in plain sight—he'd said—though not really. They were in a dead solar system, orbiting a large gaseous planet that glowed deep red. It had hundreds of moons and a thick ring circling its middle for miles.

Ashriel stared longingly at Alpha 7 as the replacement starcruiser Devon had acquired for Natanael shot forward. Only a half hour had gone by and already he missed Anniel.

It would take just a few hours to reach Rhylos this time around.

How would he convince his nephew to return? Gareth, or Cyneolle as he was now called, had been adamant in remaining to protect those he now felt were his people.

He looked up to find Natanael and Eriel's wary eyes on him.

"When we return to Alpha 7, you will tell me what the big secret is," he snapped, growing tired of their suspicious behavior.

Both reapers winced.

Natanael opened his mouth, but Ashriel didn't allow him to say a thing. "You will tell me or I will beat it out of you," he grated.

Eriel snickered. "Kinky."

"You," Ashriel growled, stabbing a finger in Eriel's direction, "I will place a chastity belt on."

Eriel's eyes widened with a little gasp. He looked askance at Natanael.

The other reaper snorted. "Oh, he so fuckin' will, Erie."

Anniel plopped herself down on Seth's couch with a sullen sigh. She looked around and frowned. Seth's quarters were bare, only a few holovid orbs sitting upon the end tables at the ends of the L-shaped couch. Everything was a neutral gray, the walls stark white and blank. He sat working at his com-unit, barely noticing her entrance.

Pursing her lips, she rose from her perch and walked into his bedroom. It was as bland as the living section, walls white, bed coverings grey, but reclining against the cushions was a gigantic brown bear she'd gotten him when he was just a little boy.

"I...uh-thought maybe one of the babies might like it," he said behind her.

She turned to look at him. A slight blush stained his cheeks and his baby-fine platinum hair hung in his eyes.

"You're going to give away my homecoming present?"

He swallowed. His eyes went back to the bear and he shrugged. "Teddy needs someone to play with him. I was never much company." He walked toward the bed and picked the stuffed toy up.

She came up behind him and leaned her cheek on his shoulder. His loneliness surprised her. "Hon, haven't you met anyone you might be interested in getting to know a little more beyond just a little physical release?"

She felt when he closed down his telepathic connection. Lately he'd been doing that more and more. It worried her.

"I have too many responsibilities right now."

Anniel frowned. "Baby, you're just twenty one."

He put the bear down and turned to her. "You didn't come here to talk to me about my love life."

Anniel took a deep breath considering whether she should pursue trying to get him to open up about his feelings or talk about going back to Rhylos to see her son.

Sighing at his growing frown, she conceded that at least for now she'd back off, but eventually, she needed to sit and have a talk with Seth, one that should have taken place years ago. Remi was right. They all tried to keep seeing Seth like a child. Seth was a fully grown man...a beautiful lonely one.

She wrapped her arms around him and pulled him close for a hug. They were the same height, so she rested her chin on his shoulder and rubbed her cheek against his soft hair.

His hands came up to her waist and she felt his usual hesitance. "Why are you hugging me?"

The sadness in his voice tugged at her heart. They'd had him since he was eight years old, and he still kept himself aloof from their affections. Devon had said it was a fear of being abandoned again. He never recuperated from his parents' rejection of him. That fear kept him from demonstrating the love she knew he felt for all of them.

"I just want to hug my favorite weretigri aboard Alpha 7," she teased.

"I'm the only weretigri aboard Alpha 7."

She ran her squared off nails up and down his back, hoping to coax out his deep purrs.

"I remember the first time you saw me you hissed at me," she chuckled.

He sighed. "Must you always remind me?"

She giggled again. "Little kitty afraid of the big bad wolf.

He relaxed a bit more against her, but no purrs. She loved when he purred. It was almost as rare as his smiles.

"I'm not in the mood to purr," he grumbled. "Sorry."

She pulled back, running one hand through his hair. Pale blue eyes stared blankly at her. He was shielding his emotions hard.

"Sweetie, I want to get Gareth to come back home. Wouldn't that be nice?"

His brows drew together. "But Ashriel, Natanael, and Eriel left a few hours ago to do just that."

She gasped. "What?"

Seth nodded. "That wasn't exactly a very smart thing to do right now, but who the hell can contradict Ashriel?"

"Oh-god, we need to go after them."

Seth grimaced. "Bad time for us to be going anywhere. Dev doesn't want any of us revealing where Alpha 7 is."

Anniel crossed her arms beneath her chest and paced back and forth, anguish over the reapers' safety making her panic. "We definitely need to go back then. We find the reapers and Gareth and come back home."


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AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

I that the end of this chapter?

SweetRapunzelSweetRapunzelover 10 years ago

Lit admine kinda take it really slow this days to approve the stories some writers and reader are starting to clim the wall right now. Me, I'm hanging by some fingersnail on a string now bill go bonkers soon if I have to wait much long for my fav. stories. Don't they know that it's such a torture for us. Can't wait for Luke's story. Even if he most have the time have me gritting my teeth but I understeand him. With his kinda of childhood. Still one minutes I want to crack his nuts and the next I wanna jump his bone LOL He is soo bad and the same time kinda "play the roll" of the goodsamarite ;) Japp he grown on ya...

LevanaHyllLevanaHyllover 10 years agoAuthor
Day twelve...

Still pending. This is the longest they've held it back, I think. You guess is as good as mine as to why. Meanwhile, I'll keep working on chapter twelve.

LevanaHyllLevanaHyllover 10 years agoAuthor
Day twelve...

Still pending. This is the longest they've held it back I think. Your guess is as good as mine as to why. Meanwhile, I'm working on chapter twelve.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Any Progress

Hey Miss Levy. Have you heard anymore about the next chapter passing the screening process? I'm dying to continue with the tale. :) I hope its not stressing you out to much. Love your work.

LevanaHyllLevanaHyllover 10 years agoAuthor
They're taking longer than usual

I don't know why. I uploaded the chapter same as I always do. Hope they don't reject it. They've done it before with AOD and another story I got tired of trying to upload.

KyriaeKyriaeover 10 years ago

Hun hru?? I am patiently waitin for the update .... this will make the 4th time ive read dark angel while waiting for the nex chapt and AOR .....just for a taste of my Remii........

This is when i really dislike the screening process because it stops me from gettin my dose of fantasy and escape from the world


AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

I just love all the characters and the story lines!

LevanaHyllLevanaHyllover 10 years agoAuthor
Already posted

The remainder of chap 10 and chapter 11 on Wednesday. It's up to Literotica now. Out of my hands. I've got about a quarter of chapter twelve done. This story has about three to four chapters left for the ending. Probably three.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Dying for next part

When are u gonna finish the story

LevanaHyllLevanaHyllover 10 years agoAuthor
Sethaliel's story comes after...(drumroll)

Lucien's. Thank you for liking my stories.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
great work.

I love your work and have read everything at least three times. I hope its not rude but when will we get to read sethaliel's story?

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Trying to be patient

I'm trying so hard to be patient! Aahh! Lol, it's sooo hard. I'm so much in love with this ongoing story. It would make an awesome movie.

LevanaHyllLevanaHyllover 10 years agoAuthor
October 6th

I promise to upload another chapter by then so watch for it around the 11th. I'm trying to reorganize myself at home. Had family living with me for the past four months and it was pretty stressful.but everyone is gone now. I'm working hard to put my home back in order and then I'll be able to let myself relax and get back into the Angel's world. Again, I apologize for the delay, but I'm very OCD and having so many people here(as much as I love them) was extremely distracting to the point of developing writers block. Hopefully it'll all come back once everything is back to normal.

LevanaHyllLevanaHyllover 10 years agoAuthor
Working on it right now

During the week I can't write because I get home late from work, plus my grand kids are running amok in the house. Good news is this coming weekend they're all leaving and from Sept 27- October 6 I am on vacation and plan on doing my best to get closer to finishing Dark Angel. First couple of days I need to clean and get my home back in order (the kids trashed virtually everything). It's been a hard past four months but everything is going back to normal. Thanks for all the patience.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

More, more please! I am aching for more. I love all of these characters sooo much. I can't get enough of them and keep rereading all the stories over and over again. You are a Goddess of writing! You made these characters so real that I am addicted to them. I want to fold myself in Devan's arms. And I'm dying to kiss Seth and Zack to see if they taste as good as they smell. Ash I want to feed, especially chocolate, lol. And Remi...my Remi... I want to strip him down and lick him from the balls up....mmm. *sigh* So please hurry and post more!

LevanaHyllLevanaHyllover 10 years agoAuthor

Chapter eleven is almost finished, but I wrote the last few paragraphs listening to World War lll outside my door and I don't like the way it came out. I want to reado the last two scenes. Rayne is back and the intro to Boy-Rayne (from Sweet Rein-I changed the spelling of his name) will be in this chapter as well. There are about two, maybe three chapters left to finish this story and then I take another break to start Lucien's story, Redemption.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Eagerly Awaiting!!

I am so glad that your beloved cat has returned home.

You stated that you had completed the rest of chapter 10 and also chapter 11 in your post dated 8-19. It has been almost 3 weeks and nothing has posted yet, just wondering if it has been submitted. Sorry if I sound pushy, I just love your stories so much. I check back every day for the new chapter. I love this world that you have created and can't wait to see where you take us.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

All I can say is WOW!!!! And pray you keep posting...

LevanaHyllLevanaHyllalmost 11 years agoAuthor

Thanks for all the supportive comments about my Pia. When I uploaded this chapter she hadn't been found, but five minutes after midnight she finally found her way back home and as I write this, she is snoring next to me hogging up most of my side of the bed. I also just finished the rest of the chapter and will upload it with chapter eleven. Thanks for all the supportive comments.


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