Dark as Daylight Ch. 16


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When Gray heard this, Delicious had to revive him. Then, she went over to Gordon and smacked him.

"If you weren't holding your son, I would kill you for doing that to him. I'm supposed to get two more children out of him, and you nearly killed him before I got them."

"Two, I thought it was three? Oh, my delaying tactic worked."

"Your delaying tactic nearly got you killed. Yes, I am pregnant, and I have been informed that it will be a girl; a very intelligent girl just like her mother."

"I told you that your children don't have a choice. Between you and Gray, they are the future of this expedition. Laura and I are setting up science projects. We have been sitting on our asses too long, and doing nothing. Pregnant or not, you're going back to work, and so is Gray. Everyone is going back to work in their primary field, as well as holding down their jobs on the spacecraft."

"Who is going to take care of my children?"

"We will find a way to make sure everyone is covered."

"Where are we going this time?"

"We will let Teddy pick the next star system for us to fly towards. We will not leave here, until our brothers pay us a visit. We are going to do a lot of science between now and then."

"How long do you think it will be before they get here?"

"I think their ship will be ready to disembark within the next year. They will fly a direct route to us, which will take them another 2 years, probably less. If they are not here within three years, we will leave them a note, tell them where we're going, our expected arrival time, and tell them we will meet them there."

"Should we ask the rest of the crew if that's what they want to do; or if they're happy enough here, and want to colonize this place?"

"All of that has been thought of, and we will set a timeline for everything. We are going to have a quorum soon anyhow, but it will be after we fix the other spacecraft."

"You never cease to amaze me. How do you know you'll be able to fix the other spacecraft? You haven't seen the technology it uses to make it fly."

"I never argued with you, when you said your technology would lift a spacecraft off the ground, without the use of explosives, did I?"

"No, you knew I would kill you if you doubted me."

"I doubted you every day, even when the chairs floated in the basement. Even then I was sure there was a propeller under them, that provided lift."

"You did not."

"Did too!"

"You did not."

"I did too!"

"Gordon, tell me the truth, or I'll break your legs, then your arms, and then the part Zoey loves best about you. You did not!"

"I did... Not. There is no sense getting hit 20 years after the fact."

"My goodness, there is hope for you yet."


"What's the matter with you Monty? You said you have a chance to tear my sons' ears off, and you want me to do it?"

"Jennifer, stop yelling. I'm nauseous, and my head is spinning. The only thing I could do to your son right now is throw up on him. Every time I stand up my head spins, and I have to sit down."

"Have you talked to Finch about this?"

"About what; an upset stomach, and a headache?"

"You sound like you are pregnant."

"I'm not pregnant. I'm too old to be pregnant, but if I am pregnant I'm going to kill Jackson."

"Have you been doing, what married couples do?"

"At night, during the day, in the closet, on the floor, anywhere he can get me. He's insatiable."

"Don't make me jealous, Monty. I've been without for more than 6 years. Do you want me to take him off your hands?"

"I went without, since I was 12 years old. I didn't know I would enjoy it as much as I do, after that bastard raped me."

"He never raped any other little girl after he touched you."

"You are dam right he didn't. My father didn't take a shit for months after I terminated his boss's ass."

"Well, girl, if you aren't on the pill, and he isn't wearing a condom, 99 chances out of 100, you are pregnant."

"I'm going to kill that rotten bastard."

Jackson walked into their apartment.

"You do know the punishment for trying to hurt me, don't you?"

"Yes Jack, but I'm not going to hurt you, I'm going to kill you."

"This is between the 2 of you, I'm leaving."

"You stay right where you are Jenn. If she kills me, I want you as a witness at her murder trial."

"After what you did to her, it's a clear case of self defense."

"Oh crap, I didn't! I couldn't have! It's much too soon. I wanted to do it, but I wanted to have a lot of fun for a very long time, before it happened. I got my honey pregnant, didn't I?"

"Your damn right you did, you strutting peacock, and from the way I feel, it's probably triplets."

"You were just leaving Jennifer; I will talk to you later."

"Jennifer don't leave me. He is going to fuck me to death."

Jennifer kissed Monty's forehead. "You are a very lucky girl! I'll speak to Gordon for you."


Jennifer knocked on Gordon's door, opened it and poked her head inside.

"Is it all right for me to come in to see my grandchildren, or are you making me another one?"

Zoey replied, "Come on in, mom."

She walked into the bedroom and said, "My goodness, look how big she is. She's one-year-old, and look at what a big beautiful baby the two of you made."

"She's just like I was as a baby mom. She eats, plays, poops, and sleeps. Then she repeats the process. She's the perfect baby; just like I was."

"I must have been taking care of the wrong baby, when you were growing up. The one I took care of ate, vomited, screamed, shit, ate again, slept for an hour, shit, and repeated that process. I remember that child very well."

"It's not nice to lie mother. It will come back to bite you in the ass one day."

"It already did. He gave me 7 children, and then he up and left me. I will get even with him, trust me, I will."

"He already told you that you have a bright future ahead of you. Your future husband is here mother. All you have to do is find him."

"I have to be sure all the parts are in the right place first. We don't even know how they procreate? All we know, so far, is they fool around a lot."

"Just think mom, you could have your pick of most of the men, instead of only one. You may be able to do it anally, also. That should brighten your day, and if you do it on the bridge, you can let that watch."

"That's perfect Gordon, absolutely perfect. I'll throw everyone off the command bridge; tell Callie to talk to her sisters, and have your father watch us. He will blow a circuit. He will be angry with me, but more-so, with one of my new 'Boy Toys!"

"I was only joking mother, but that would be really cruel. You wouldn't do that to dad, would you?"

"In less then a heartbeat my son. I think I'll let Delicious narrate."

"Delicious is so prudish, she would have her eyes closed through the entire event. I know you wouldn't let me do it, because I would be cheering you on, as they triple team you. Let Newton do it. We can have it on tape and do the play by play, all over the ship."

"Monty said there was something wrong with you. She said you were down, or depressed, and out of sorts. There's nothing wrong with you, you're as evil as ever."

Zoey said, "You are wrong mom. He is not himself. I can't get through to him to find out what it is. He's not happy. He's faking it in here with me and the children, but you can see it in his eyes, and I can feel it in his touch. I think he still hurting from the day he protected the ship from the other captain. He's never had to use ultimate force against another human being. He hasn't come to grips with the idea it was necessary for him to kill another human being."

"Is that it Gordon? Is that's what bothering you? Did you want Monty to take care that man instead of you? If she did, what would have happened to her mentally, if she lost her baby?"

Gordon's head popped up, off his pillow, and his eyes were laser bright.

"Monty's pregnant?"

"SHIT! Me and my big mouth. You can't say a word; Jackson will kill her, and use my body as the instrument to do it with."

"She will eat Jackson's lunch."

"Jackson runs their household, Gordon. I've been there, I've seen it myself."

"Monty plays housewife?"

"If you say one word, I will put a bullet into the back of your head. Do we understand one another my son?"

"Mom please just a little peep, here and there?"

"NOT ONE WORD, not a whisper!"

Zoey said, "If I were you mom, I would have the bullet in the chamber, with the safety off."

"You know Zoey; I believe you tried that already."

"Aren't you happy I'm a lousy shot?"

"You didn't miss."


"Me and my big mouth."

"You can't say that, and leave me without an explanation?"

"I believe I can, and I believe I will. Let's not get into that anymore. Let's talk about Monty."

"I don't think I'm going to like you anymore."

"As long as you don't like me any less, I'm okay with it."

"You and your big mouth."

"On that note, I think I will change this one, because she's wet. Come Payne, let's get a new diaper on you, and I'll tell you more about Monty and Jackson."

"I don't like you mom."

"Will you walk me down the aisle with your new stepfathers?"

"Are you going to measure them first to make sure they add up to dad's length?"

"As long as they are half as big as your father was, they will be big enough for me."

Zoey yelled, "That's too much information mom."

"I bought your husband his first condoms. I also know who he used them on."

"So do I, mom."

Greyson started crying.

"Do you see what you started now mom? You and your yelling woke up my wonderful son."

"I came here to see him too. If he was sleeping, there was not a whole lot to see."

"You can tell she's a grandmother, Gordon. She has the excuses at her fingertips."

"She doesn't need excuses. She always ruled the roost anyhow. Dad was only in control after he went out the front door. Once he stepped inside, mom always ruled."

Jennifer yelled, "It sure didn't feel that way to me."

"Should I remind you of the morning of the three dozen eggs. I forgot what they were supposed to be making, mom, I just remember dad was cleaning up afterwards. You didn't tell him the secret of cleaning up dried eggs, until after he was finished scraping them up off the table, and the floor. He was very unhappy with you that morning."

"It sure served him right for letting Richard and Holden crack that many eggs to make French Toast. He never did it again. This cutey is dry; I'm going to see about my grandson."

There was a knock on the door.

"Hi Newton, come on in."

"No Gordon, I have come to ask you a favor."

"Sure, what do you need?"

"I'm moving out of my apartment. Would you help me carry some of my stuff to a different one?"

"Why are you moving out of your apartment?"

"You know why, Liz and I had a fight."

"You had 'A' fight, as in 1 fight? Is that correct?"

"Yes, but it's been brewing for a long time."

"Did Liz know it's been brewing for a long time, or did you spring this on her today?"

"Gordon, I'm tired of being hit."

"Did she hit you again, since this morning?"

"No, she has not hit me again."

"Have you talked to her since this morning?"

"Talking to Elizabeth is like talking to a wall. When she's made up her mind, it's made up."

"You are absolutely sure her mind is made up. She wants you gone. She doesn't love you. She's not willing to change. She hasn't been under any stress lately that has been causing her to act irrationally. You just want your marriage over with; is that it?"

"It's not the way I want it; it's just the way it's happening."

"Newton, if you were just looking to get laid, you shouldn't have picked Elizabeth. You knew her background. You knew she was fragile. You had your choice of any of the younger girls that you were speed dating, but you chose her to fuck, without protection, and whether it was once, thrice, or 100 times, you got her pregnant.

Did you think about the ramifications of your actions at all? Did you really love her, or was she just the prettiest, and oldest virgin in our intrepid staff, and you wanted to pick her 'Cherry', before anyone else did? I should take you upstairs, and beat the shit out of you."

"You were going to divorce Zoey."

"You are going to put your circumstances, up against my circumstances with Zoey, and compare the two? Really Newton? Zoey put a gun to my head, or don't you remember that day?"

Jennifer came out of the bedroom carrying Greyson.

"Newton, don't be an ass. Go back to your apartment, hug your wife, and talk to her. Talk to her, and then 'listen' to what she has to say. Then talk it over for a while. If you need a mediator, I am available. If you want someone else, we can get Hannah to do it. If you listen to me, all this will be all over before dinner. Go home to your wife, now."

He stood there for a moment, thinking, but not moving, until Jennifer made a motion with her hand shooing him out of Zoey's apartment.

"Yes grandma."

Gordon opened the door for him, held him by the back of his neck, and told him he loved him, even though he was a horse's ass.

"Thanks Gordon, at least I'm not an ass's ass."

"Nicely done cousin, very original."

"It was the best I could do. I have something on my mind."

"Do you want to go upstairs for a few minutes so I can clear your mind for you? No one will spar with me, since I beat Monty."

"I'll fight you if you put tie your right arm behind your back."

"That's fine."

"I hate you, Gordon. Why couldn't you think about it for a second before you said yes."

"I didn't mean I was going to win, I just want to spar with someone."

"Why do I have a feeling you're going to hand me my ass wrapped up in foil paper."

"I would never do that to you, never."

"Newton go home to your wife now."

"Yes grandma.


62. Packing

The huge black ball descended slowly until all eight legs touched perfectly in their assigned spaces. There wasn't a sound made until the crew certified that everything was in the green. Then the captain came on the speaker system and advised everyone they had just traversed 7736 miles of the United States in one hour 56 minutes 27.6 seconds."

The guests let out a roar of approval, as they began divesting themselves of their restraints.

"Are you dry yet, Rebecca," asked Debbie?

"I'm just happy I'm wearing black slacks so the evidence is covered."

"What did you think children? Was it everything you expected, or more?"

"It was everything it promised to be grandpa. Now I can't wait to get this puppy up and running. I want to see mom and dad, and my sisters and brothers. I've never seen two people as in love as our parents."

"You do realize that remains to be a problem for the two of you when you get up there. That situation has not changed."

"Well, you won't have to stand by our bedroom doors with a shotgun if that's the case."

"Do you see Joan, there is always a silver lining to a dark cloud. They will remain virgins forever."

"Sam talking about dark clouds and silver linings; just think about all that money you'll be leaving behind, and never getting to spend."

"You had to say that didn't you? I had the girls right where I wanted them, and you had to mention 'The Money.'

"Well, money isn't everything..."

Joan, Debbie, and Rebecca finished Sam's quotation for him.

"... It's the only thing."

"I should make you three witches pay for your own dinner tonight."

"Grandpa, technically we are. Your using the money my dad left you for our care. You didn't have to pay for our college tuition, books or fees, because we both received full scholarships. We use the extra bedroom in your apartment as our residence, which did not cost you extra. We cost you a ton of money for clothing golf tournaments, computers, and other electronic devices.

However, we saved you a ton of money by getting us the best deals on airline fares, hotel deals, and golf packages. If it wasn't for Rebecca's insistence, you would still be using inferior Callaway golf clubs, instead of the Custom Pings you are using now. Without her lessons, you would still be shooting in the high 80s, or low 90s, instead of approaching par.

All in all, considering the wear and tear we saved on grandma's health, I would say you made out like a bandit."

"Excuse me folks, which one of you young ladies wanted to take Holden to the gym for thirty minutes of exercise?"

Rebecca and Debbie said, "Me!"

Joe smiled.

"If one of you would like to try Richard, and the other Holden, I can arrange a match for both of you. I must remind you that both of these young men have been in training since they were six-years old. So, if you think this is just a game to them, I would advise you to back out now."

Joan said, "Mister Constantine, I appreciate your concern. My granddaughters are very well versed in the art of self-defense. If they happen to get their asses kicked, they will know to practice harder, when they get home. They take lessons during the week, and at college, so I am not worried about their welfare. You may arrange a match with both young men, and I'm sure it will be interesting to see what happens."

"Mrs. Finch, you must sign a release stating we are not responsible for any injuries that happen to your granddaughters."

Rebecca asked, "Do you have one stating that we are not responsible for the injuries that occur to your two charges?"

"Yes we do."

"Good, let's get started."

"Do you have your training gear with you?"

"Crap, no, it's in Chicago."

"That's okay, I think you'll fit in something of my wife's. I don't think she will mind sharing for this occasion."

"We can replace it for her if we damage it, Mister Constantine."

"That's very kind of you Rebecca, but that won't be necessary. Mr. and Mrs. Finch, if you and the two girls would follow me, we can see if my wife has anything suitable here for the girls to wear."

"Why are you leading them, instead of me?"

"I thought you were at work, dear."

"I am at work, and you better believe it."

"Yes, my love. What is going to happen after November?"

"He has to win first, and then he has to appoint me head of the FBI. The sneaky way Zabo made you a multimillionaire will not be a problem for me, when the Bureau does its background check."

"He can throw his hands up into the air and say, 'I gave them $250,000 as a wedding present, and I have the check to prove it.' I had no idea he had a vested interest in the wine company that he would only receive when he got married."

"Yes, and that man can lie with a straight face."

"He couldn't lie to you about the situation that was going on out West, with what was his name?"

"He's still not over that, and it's been more than two years. They must have been very good friends at one time."

"Thankfully, he's been able to step back from his businesses because Junior and Patrick are doing such a masterful job of running them. I have trouble keeping track of you, while running the Southeast region of the FBI. I have no idea how Patrick is running NASA and his dad's businesses at the same time. The boy must be brilliant in the extreme. They should probably move Jeff from William Junior to Patrick, because Patrick would be the greater loss to the company's."

"Don't start talking like that, I'm going to have to beat you up in front of the girls."

"Don't make me embarrass you dear. You know you can't beat me up anymore."

"We will discuss that statement tonight."

Rebecca asked, "Can we watch the two of you, when you discuss it?"

"If it's all right with your grandmother, it's okay with me."

Sam asked, "Don't I have any say in this?"

The four women looked at him, and said, "No."