Dark Descent Ch. 02


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Lindsey continued, 'David, I think I would like it to be him, he seems, well, I don't know, the nicest and, plus he has done this before.'

I replied, 'OK love, let's reply to him then and see if we can arrange a meeting.'

'When shall we arrange it David?' Lindsey asked.

She seemed really keen and was almost squirming as she sat next to me, I could hear her breathing, slightly increased in level from a few moments ago, it was abundantly clear that she found this masculine, well endowed black man incredibly attractive, coupled with the fact, that if all went well, he would be the one who would make love to her.

I kept thinking about his penis, it was massive compared to mine, on his message, he intimated that he was almost ten inches in length and it was plain to see that his girth was huge and in proportion to his length, how would my slim petite wife handle such a black monster?

To be honest, the thought of him and Lindsey making love absolutely terrified and aroused me in equal measure, I really wanted this to happen, the fantasy was now spilling over into new territory, things were starting to happen, contact had been made with the most likely suitor, he had seen Lindsey's suggestive images, he in turn had replied with his own equally suggestive and erotic pictures.

He clearly wanted Lindsey, and from Lindsey's reaction, that thought and desire was most definitely reciprocated.

'Shall we send him a message then?' I suggested.

'Yes, let's do that David, I'm so excited, but bloody nervous.' Lindsey continued.

'I mean, I would like to just meet him first, you know? To see what he is like.'

I answered, 'that makes the most sense, look, you may meet him and not really like him.'

That's what I was kind of hoping, but deep down, I knew, from Lindsey's reaction, that she fancied him and all going well, he would be having sex with my gorgeous wife.

It took ten minutes, but we replied to Marc, basically thanking him for taking the trouble for replying and sending his pictures, which Lindsey really liked, she wanted to reiterate, that we were totally new to this kind of thing and wished to progress slowly and at the pace Lindsey set.

We added that we were free most weekends and could travel to London or a place near him as we were roughly an hour from him and for him to get back to us if that was suitable.

'David.' Lindsey said quietly.

'Shall we send Marc some more of those naughty pictures you took of me?'

I was pretty surprised to say the least.

'Okay babe, if you really want to.' I replied.

'Yes, I think that we should, can I pick the ones to send?' Lindsey asked.

'Wow, yes, of course.' I stammered.

This was surprising, Lindsey was obviously really keen on this guy, especially to be so forward, which was most unlike her, my heart was hammering in my chest.

We open up the file on my laptop containing the images that I had taken of Lindsey prior to placing our advert.

My wife browsed through them and selected seven pictures; each one was really sexy, Lindsey posing in her expensive black French underwear, various poses being struck, all showing off her lithe and sexy frame.

We attached the images to the message and Lindsey requested that we add a post script saying; 'a few more pictures of Lindsey for you to enjoy, I hope that you like them!'

We sent the message and added an email address that we had created for this purpose.

Lindsey turned to look at me.

'David, I'm so wet right now, please let's go upstairs.'

I needed no second invitation.

Lindsey and I made love furiously, her eyes were screwed shut and her body was bucking and writhing below me, she was moaning loudly as I entered her sodden pussy.

Quite plainly, it was not me she was thinking of, her breathing heavy, eyes screwed shut, thighs clamped around my waist, obviously I came far too quickly for my own and Lindsey's sake, this was becoming too much of a regular occurrence, but I just couldn't help it, I was operating on a permanent sexual hair trigger.

The next morning, I woke early and checked the email address on my iphone and sure enough, there was a reply from Marc.

I reached over and shook Lindsey.

"Linds." I spoke softly, "Marc has replied."

Her eyes snapped open straight away and she rolled over and looked at me.

"What does he say?"

I opened the email.

For the sake of brevity I will summarise his email.

Marc was delighted that we had got back in touch and was particularly delighted that more of Lindsey's photos were attached, as he could see her face, he was plainly thrilled and reiterated about four times how hot Lindsey was, how excited she made him and how much he was looking forward to meeting us both.

He did explain that we should take our time and he was happy to fit in around us, should we decide to meet up.

This was all sounding great and he was being eminently reasonable which obviously we both couldn't fault on any level.

This was getting exciting for us both.

Over the next four days, numerous emails were swapped, just various types of getting to know you type chat, lots of background stuff, again, Marc was very open.

Obviously, being new to this, we were slightly cagier and less open, just kind of feeling our way around the situation.

At the end of that week, Marc requested very politely, that we should meet up in London, for a coffee and a chat when it was convenient for us.

This was a massive moment; obviously, we knew this moment was going to come sooner or later, but when it was out there, the actual moment when we agreed to meet someone, someone, who more than likely was going to have sex with my pretty wife, was pretty daunting.

Lindsey and I chatted about it; we emailed Marc back straight away, informing him that we could come over the following Saturday afternoon.

Marc replied and suggested we meet near Hounslow as it was convenient for us to get to and he could just drive there, he suggested two in the afternoon and named a bar/restaurant where we could meet, he informed us that it was relatively quiet.

I checked the bar website and its location, I informed Marc that it looked great, Lindsey was really excited and was babbling on, I could tell that she was nervous as hell however and so was I.

The next week dragged, a few brief emails were exchanged with Marc just tightening up details, he suggested that we didn't contact each other from now until Saturday when we met, and he explained that it was probably best as it was to give us time to think about if we wanted to really meet. Again, great advice, this guy was obviously a bit experienced at this and clearly, no matter how much I felt threatened by him, Lindsey had chosen well.

We talked of little else that week, Lindsey was getting progressively more nervous as the week went on, and she seemed pretty restless.

I did my best to calm her down.

"Lindsey, you don't have to do anything on Saturday you know?"

"We are only seeing if you like him...We know he clearly likes you, we just need to see if it's mutual."

I continued.

"So try and just relax babe."

Lindsey flashed a small nervous smile.

"I know babe, but this is all so new."

This conversation continued many times over the coming days, at work I could think of nothing but the impending meeting at 2 pm on Saturday afternoon.

Saturday finally arrived, we were pretty quiet on that autumn morning, and we were just looking at each other a lot and talking of anything else about what was happening later that day.

At around 11, Lindsey went upstairs to get ready, I was dressed and showered and waited downstairs for Lindsey.

She seemed to take ages, but a little before 12, I heard her coming out of the bedroom and coming down the stairs, the living room door opened and my stunning wife stood before me.

She was wearing one of my favourite outfits, not dressy, but very flattering, she was wearing skin tight grey suede leggings and brown calf length boots, the leggings were skin tight and really accentuated her figure, her tight buttocks, a small gap between her thighs, slightly raised at her pussy mound, her boots hugging her shapely legs, this was all topped off with a fur type gilet body warmer, she looked stunning, her dark glossy hair beautifully bobbed and glossy.

"Wow Linds...you are gorgeous."

She smiled shyly, "Thanks babe, are you sure I look alright?"

"Are you kidding? You look stunning."

We didn't say anything else; we got into the car and drove to the train station in silence.

We parked the car and soon enough, the train arrived and we were sat in our seats, things were happening quickly now, after the waiting game that we played all week, 2pm was rushing towards us.

The train arrived and we took a taxi to the bar, it was five minutes to two, we were stood outside, Lindsey was clutching my arm.

I looked at her, my nerves were jangling, and I could feel her shaking a bit.

'Well, babe, shall we go in?'

Lindsey just nodded quickly and we both stepped forward and through the door.

The place was pretty busy which was good, a football show was on in the bar area, there were a few guys dotted about and there a few families dotted about.

I scanned the bar area looking for Marc.

I heard Lindsey sharply breathe in and felt her stiffen against me, immediately I could see why, she had spotted him sat in a small alcove, fiddling with his phone.

At that moment he looked up and saw us, he smiled straight at us, he looked briefly at me but then his gaze was locked firmly on Lindsey, his eyebrows raised up, clearly in surprise, he obviously liked what he saw and he wasn't the only guy looking at her.

I turned to look at Lindsey; she was looking at the floor and was blushing furiously.

I took her hand and we walked over to where Marc was sat, so this was it, my wife clearly terrified, was about to sit down at a table with a muscular black male, who very possibly was going to fuck her.

Marc stood up, smiled and extended his hand.

He was tall and very broad, a much more physically impressive man in the flesh, he was well muscled, unlike myself.

He grasped my hand and his hand, in comparison was very large and his grip, when we shook hands was hard, maybe a bit too hard, a subtle message being sent.

'Dave, at last, its great to meet you.' His voice was quite deep.

I stammered a reply. I was pretty tongue tied.

His welcome to Lindsey was completely different.

He moved around the table and very gently took her hand in his, the size difference between them both was striking, as was the colour contrast, my slim wife, size 8, very slim and petite, made to look even more so against this hulking black specimen of manhood.

He looked like he could crush her.

'Lindsey.' He spoke very gently 'I am so glad to finally meet you, and I have to say, it's been worth the wait.'

His eyes were drinking her in, his dark nostrils flared as he inhaled her subtle perfume, still with his hand in hers; he leaned forward and kissed her on the cheek.

She made no move to stop him; she was like a rabbit in the headlights.

He continued.

'Seriously, your pictures do you know justice at all.'

This snapped Lindsey out of her trance, obviously at this moment, she had not remembered that this black guy had seen Lindsey in all her glory, not naked, but near as damn it, in all her lingerie pictures, legs spread, arse pointed to the sky, the full range of shots.

She went an even deeper shade of red.

He pointed to the chairs opposite him.

'Please sit down, do you both want a drink?'

Lindsey asked for a white wine and I plumped for a beer.

Marc caught the attention of the waitress and ordered, the drinks arrived mercifully swiftly and as we waited for them Marc asked us about our journey and we made general chit chat.

After about fifteen minutes, Lindsey had said very little, clearly very nervous, Marc and I did much of the talking, we all knew why we were there and we were dancing around the subject.

Marc took command.

'So guys.' He began; I have to ask, 'what started all of this off?'

'You know, what has led you here to this point?'

He asked with raised eyebrows, staring straight at Lindsey, she remained quiet and was looking down at her drink fiddling with the stem of her wine glass.

Obviously she wasn't comfortable with saying anything, so I told Marc briefly about what had happened in Crete in the nightclub with the two black men and Lindsey's reaction to the whole event, then the aftermath and what was said as we made love in the hotel.

All the while Marc was staring at Lindsey.

'Did you like what happened Lindsey? In the club?' he asked quietly and pointedly.

Lindsey was looking down at her glass and nodded and said very quietly 'Yes...Yes I did.'

Marc replied, 'That's great Lindsey, I can see why those guys liked you as you are stunning.'

'I would have been the same in the same situation.' He continued.

Lindsey was still looking down at her glass.

'What did you like about it Lindsey?' Again he was staring straight at her.

There was a small pause before Lindsey said anything.

'It just felt a bit rude, you know because I could feel their things against me.'

'What did you like feeling about that Lindsey?' Marc enquired.

This was pretty groundbreaking, it was the most Lindsey had said and here she was explaining to a black guy what had happened to kick this whole situation off.

My heart was beating.

Lindsey carried on.

'You know, just that they felt so big and so hard against me.'

'Were they the biggest you have ever felt? Bigger than David?'

Lindsey answered, 'Yes.'

Marc didn't ask anything else about that to Lindsey, he had had confirmation that Lindsey liked the feeling of a black cock against her, this had made her aroused and fuelled fantasies, fantasies that had now come to a new juncture, fantasies that me, her husband had actively encouraged and nurtured.

Marc explained to us that he had done this before with other white couples, it was actually more popular than we realised, and some clubs actually catered for it, several of his circle of friends were also involved in the scene, this made Lindsey sit up a bit. Neither she nor I was aware that there was a 'scene'; so to speak.

Marc explained that it was a common fantasy that he had heard of from all of the couples he had been with, about the husband wanting to watch his wife with a black guy, he also said, that Lindsey was the hottest wife he had ever seen, this made Lindsey blush again.

Marc went to the toilet and I asked Lindsey what she thought.

'Well, Linds? What do you think?'

She looked straight at me.

'I like him babe, he seems really nice.'

I had butterflies in my stomach.

'Do you want to see him again then?'

She answered straight away, 'yes, yes I think so.'

'Ok babe, we will see what he says when he comes back?'

Lindsey just nodded.

We didn't have to ask Marc, when he came back he pre-empted the question.

'Lindsey, Dave,' he started looking straight at Lindsey.

'I have loved meeting you both, Lindsey, you are gorgeous, your husband is a very lucky man, and I would love to see you again, maybe see where that takes us?' The implication of that statement obvious and unsaid.

'But there is no pressure, if you don't want to, that's OK, as this is a big step.'

Lindsey looked straight up at him as he said this; she clearly wanted to see him again. I could tell.

Marc went on, 'So take some time and think about it and email me when you decide what you want to do, OK?'

Lindsey nodded quickly and I said that we would, Marc again shook my hand with his strong grip, then he kissed Lindsey on the cheek but this time both his hands were on her waist as he did it, to see that, I could feel myself starting to get aroused and that was just a peck on the cheek.

He said his goodbyes and left through the restaurant doors quickly.

It was nearly time to get the train back home again so Lindsey and I took a cab to the station.

The platform and the train were both very busy with lots of people coming back from London shopping trips, so there was no chance to really discuss the afternoon.

Lindsey spent most of the time staring out of the window looking very pensive, sometimes I caught her glancing at me, I spent most of the time staring at her, trying to think what she was thinking, during the meeting, sat opposite Marc, I couldn't get the thought out of my mind that this guy was probably the one to do the deed, the one Lindsey had chosen.

My imagination was running riot, imagining all sorts of sexual scenarios, trying to guess how this would all work out? What would it be like? Seeing my wife in his muscular black arms? Seeing him fuck her? What would it be like and how would Lindsey and even I react?

We got into our car at the station, I blew out my cheeks.

'Well, what a day, that was pretty hard at first wasn't it Linds? But it got easier towards the end eh?'

'Yes, David, it did, it was hard at first as you say, but I felt much better towards the end.'

I was so relieved, and by the looks of things so was Lindsey, the ice had been broken.

We arrived home to our dark house shortly after, Lindsey went into the kitchen and put a pizza in the oven, I turned on the heating, the TV and cracked open a bottle of wine.

Over the pizza we discussed how we both felt, the emotions were obviously complex and we tried to discuss how we both felt and if we should take it forward to what was undoubtedly a complete new and unknown level.

'Linds, it really is in your hands, if you want to do this, then great, look, I'm happy for you to do it, you know that, but if you want to change your mind then that's great too!'

I was trying to be as fair, supportive and well balanced as I could, and I continued.

What I said I wasn't really comfortable saying.

'Babe, Marc seems a great guy, pretty reliable and steady, he doesn't seem a fool and we know he ticks all of the boxes.'

Lindsey was nodding as I said all this and what she said next surprised me.

'I know all of that Dave, and I'm glad for you to say it, but I don't feel as though I'm under any pressure at all from you, or from Marc.'

Lindsey leaned forward and reached for her glass of wine, she took a sip and looked at me. '

'Babe, this has gone too far now for me to pull back, I want to do this, I need to do this I think and I really liked Marc, he seemed attentive and nice didn't you think?'

He certainly did and he was obviously attracted to Lindsey, but I knew he would be as she is so sweet and sexy.

He also was over 6 feet tall, masculine, attractive and was sporting a huge black penis.

We sent Marc another email thanking him for meeting us and suggesting that we were very keen to meet up again, possibly the next weekend.

Within ten minutes Marc had replied, he was delighted about meeting us earlier that day, and was particularly complimentary about Lindsey, informing us that without doubt, he was attracted to her and was really very keen for things to progress.

He suggested we meet the next Saturday in central London at around 6 in the evening and that maybe we could visit a few bars and see what happened, but again, was keen to stress that there was no pressure at all Lindsey to do anything that she wasn't comfortable or ready with.

We sent our reply confirming for the meeting the following week and again, he emailed straight back to tell us he would not be in touch again that week so we could think about things, he really was very reasonable and clearly identified that Lindsey was very nervous, but I could tell that he knew she would be worth the wait.

That night we went to bed and we made love, it was pretty tender at first, again, Lindsey was very wet.