Dark Stag Ch. 13


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I went to my wardrobe, ironing my clothes for the day. Dior looked confused.

"Why don't you have the housemaids do this?" He asked.

"They put creases in places creases shouldn't be. I rather do it myself... and until we get to the bottom of this assassin slipping through security, I trust no one not in my immediacy..." I said, flipping the trousers over that I planned on wearing, "See, they would have gave these creases... These pants don't need creases!"

Dior chuckled a bit as I got dressed. I wore a teal button down shirt that was neatly tucked into nude colored slim fitting trousers. The trousers were tucked into slim mahogany boots, made from the rarest ural goat skin. Next was the nude colored trench coat followed by the dark brown brim hat. Lastly was the imperial seal.

I looked in the mirror, liking the gettup. Still though, a piece of me was miserable, devoid of the joy I once felt. A sigh erupted from me.

"I hate my life..." I said, heading down the stairs. It caught Dior by surprise but he said nothing. I left the wardrobe, heading into the the living space. To my surprise, Sir Ruben was sitting talking to Sir Gavin. Sir Gavin looked very upset as I made my way over.

"So, he confronted you?" Sir Ruben asked.

"Yes!" Sir Gavin said back, "He asked me why was I supporting this and said that supporting him won't benefit me... I think it was a very subtle threat."

"When was this?" I asked.

"Around two days ago." Sir Gavin said back.

"That about lines up." I said, thinking hard on it.

"What?" Sir Gavin asked, looking at Sir Ruben.

"There's another situation we're trying to get to the bottom of." Sir Ruben said back.

"Okay... I just thought you should know. Things seem to be ramping up..." Sir Gavin shrugged.

"Stay on your toes. Sir Socoshian won't get his hands dirty himself but others will for him." Sir Ruben advised.

"Most certainly..." Sir Gavin nodded, getting to his feet. He left, closing the door behind him.

"He's a dead man..." Sir Ruben said, seemingly sad.

"Why'd you say that?" I asked shocked.

"You haven't been around long enough to know how these things go. There's a big fat target on his back..." Sir Ruben sighed.

"FUCK, I don't want anyone dying because of me..." I responded, hating this all.

"It's a willing sacrifice." Sir Ruben said, deeming it worthy enough.

"Maybe so..." I sighed, "What about the assassin, any updates?"

"Sir Yole is doing an investigation right now. The Free Agents have their hands deeper in this than what we Lutna Clan do and they can squeeze out more information. I guess it's a waiting game. I have more trust in them now..." Sir Ruben sighed.

"I don't like sitting idly by. I want to see the shit storm before it comes, not have people tell me about it." I said back.

"I know the feeling." Sir Ruben said back, "Don't you feel cozy, comfortable with these changes, having everyone do all of this work for you? That comfort, doesn't feel safe, doesn't it?"

"Right!" I said, glad to know he could relate.

"That's actually how your mother felt for the longest... She'd tell me this everyday but at the time, there was nothing I could do." Sir Ruben sighed. I rolled my eyes, not wanting to hear any stories about my mother. She was gone and with my heart being in such a dreary place, I didn't want to think of anything that would make me slump to an even lower state, "So what do you have planned for today?"

"Don't know... Now that I got up and got all dressed up and pretty and shit, I just want to go back to bed..." I chuckled.

"What's wrong?" Sir Ruben asked.

"Everything..." I said, scrunching up my face, "I'm tired... tired of worrying, tired of plotting, tired of fighting... I just want to go stab Sir Socoshian in his little head and have this all be done..."

"I wish it were that simple... I would have done it years ago." Sir Ruben smiled, "The thing now is that you managed to push out all the older King's Guards, the ones indebted to him. The palace is now filled with us, Lutna and Free Agents... So as a result, Sir Socoshian wouldn't dare do anything adverse here. As long as we keep an eye on you at every given moment, we shouldn't have much to worry about..."

"Is this your attempt to bring up my spirits?" I asked.

"I mean, it was worth a shot." Sir Ruben, sighed, sounding disappointed.

"I'll keep trudging..." I said, getting to my feet.

He followed me to the door as I made my way down. We headed to the throne room, Sir Ruben taking a seat on the large ebony throne. Knight Dior followed me, obviously exhausted. I poured myself tea, the man just standing there.

"You want me to make you some?" I asked, pitying him.

"No thanks, your Grace..." He responded.

"Too bad..." I said, pouring him a cup, "Any cream, sweeteners, spices?" He looked at me so shocked.

"That will be all, you Grace." He said, looking honored.

To me, this never got old! I never had been idolized before and something about Knight Dior made it feel so right. It was something about him, something that made me so curious. Maybe it was how he hid himself behind his enthusiasm and devotion. I wanted those high bombastic walls to come crashing down, to know what was really underneath Dior's shell! Something was telling me that it may had been something monstrous.

In many ways, he reminded me of Kijus. He had this completely different presentation of himself which was not indicative of who he truly was underneath. It hadn't hit me until now just how dark and brooding Kijus really was. Every time I'd catch Kijus alone, there was a deep frown on his face, his mind deep in thought, obviously calculating. I didn't get that Dior was a calculating type of person. To be honest, he didn't seem to be the smartest person. However, I did get that he was an incredibly passionate person, one's who's passion may have gotten him in serious, serious trouble. God, I just wanted to know!

The more I sat, drinking the tea, the more I wondered was dealing with Dior like what it felt like for Kijus when he was dealing with me. Kijus could make me feel so dumb at times when he'd just know his way around everything, things I wouldn't possibly imagine him being good at. Sometimes, it felt like Dior had that same marvel towards me. It felt weird, like he put me on a pedestal. No one ever made me feel like this before.

Being away from Kijus didn't help much either. Even from his letters, it felt like he was hiding something. He may have given himself to me, but what did it mean to him? Did it mean the same for him as it did me? I just didn't know. With Kijus, it was hard knowing since he'd give you only tiny pieces of his heart dressed to mirror the whole thing. I don't even know if what I felt for him was love. This was fucking hard!

And what would this make of Kijus and I if I tried anything with Dior? He was a subject of mine, one's who's purpose was to serve me. How immoral would it be to use him for my physical pleasures when he's supposed to be an expendable? What if my heart got attached to him? What would that make of Kijus and I? What if I chose Dior over Kijus? What would I tell Kijus? How could I face him?

Fighting for Kijus didn't even seem all that worth it anymore. I didn't know what I wanted. Everything was so frustrating, all this thinking. I just wanted some type of bliss but it wouldn't come! The entire weekend proved to be stressful, despite not a thing happening. That Monday morning had me in such a bind, as I rolled out of bed, I just burst into tears.

These were tears of frustration, tears of not being where I needed to be. They were heavy, lip quivering, wheezing tears, as everything that I had endured unraveled that morning.

"Your Grace!" Dior said, rushing over. I extend out my hand, the boy halting. I closed my eyes shaking my head as I sulked in the pain for a minute longer. These tears had to stop.

"Everything," I said, my voice deep and sore from the sobbing, "just hit me... My mother's death, my father's death, my missing family, the love of my life is gone, and someone tried to kill me... I just... give me a moment to gather myself..."

Sir Dior looked like a lost puppy. His eyes watered too as he struggled to find a solution to the problem. He didn't want to see me upset, this being a problem he wasn't trained to face off with.

"What can I do to make it better, your Grace? Anything... Just, please don't be upset..." Sir Dior begged.

"I don't know... I just, I've never lost so much before." I said, "And all back to back..."

"I've lost too... My mother was killed when I was a kid. My father, he's pretty much gone too... I've been training to be an assassin my entire life... that meant I got closed to people, then lost them. It's a never ending cycle... You'd think after losing so many people I'd just grow indifferent but no, it's made me cling to people more, made me want to cherish every moment with them more." Knight Dior explained.

"I'm sorry to hear that..." I said, not expecting him to reveal so much, "How did you cope?"

"I'm not sure... I just... I'm not sure. You always are able to get through it. Always." He said back, thinking hard, "You just gotta be strong... My whole life, I was told... Be strong, be strong... It's hard, but I try..."

"I was raised somewhat similar. Though, I was never like told to blatantly oppress my feelings... I mean, my father always told me feelings are weak so keep them to yourself." I said back.

"I don't know but, that's one of the things I like most about you, your Grace. Excuse me for stepping out of line, but you just care, so much! The way you talk to me, to everyone... You care just so much! No one has ever treated me with the kindness you have and I will never forget that..." Dior revealed.

"If things were different, Dior..." I said, "I think I might have fallen for you..."

"What's keeping you from it now?" Dior said, looking at me with so much longing and intent.

"This..." I said, spreading my arms, pointing the the room, the palace, "I have so much at stake... My life isn't truly guaranteed. You all are trying but I'm just not certain. And if this does work out, I'd have a nation to run. Not only that, but... Someone else has my heart... I'm sorry, Dior..."

"But you seem so unsure..." Dior said, reading me well.

"It's just a hard time for me right now, Dior..." I said, clenching my head, "I'll get through it..."

It seemed to shock and disappoint him. He nodded.

"Very well..." He said, resuming a post. This was not what I wanted. He seemed heartbroken at my denial of his affection. I didn't want things be awkward between us, in fact I flat out refused! If that meant I'd have to fake a smile around him, then I would! I got dressed, heading down to Sir Ruben who was already on the throne. He didn't look too happy as an informant explained something to him. He held his face, sighing as he looked up.

"Good morning your Grace..." He said.

"Good morning." I nodded.

"I have good news and bad news." He said, not sure if I'd be happy to hear it.

"Start with the bad!" I said with false enthusiasm.

"That really young Nobleman that you appointed over the agricultural sect was found dead in his study. He was stabbed to death with someone carving real mutiny is coming..." Sir Ruben explained.

"Okay," I said back, "I can't say I wasn't expecting that. Poor kid, but better us right? What's the good news."

"The same thing was tried with Sir Gavin last night..." He said back, causing me to scratch my head.

"How is it good news?" He looked at me confidently.

"Do you think the assassin succeeded?" Sir Gavin asked, "We actually have a body that the Free Agents are autopsy-ing. Piece by piece, we might be able to stay one step ahead of Sir Socoshian."

"Is it just me," I wondered, "Or does it seem as though Sir Socoshian hasn't been back here since the conference?"

"For obvious reasons, my lord! You've turned the upper ring into your playing field. You have amassed a large enough following to dent his plans to overthrow you. He'd need an army to back up his efforts." Sir Ruben said, sounding proud.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

Sir Ruben got to his feet, stepping off the the throne. He extended his hand out with a warm smile.

"Come with me, your Grace!" He said. I did so, the man leading me toward the terrace. Through the windows, I could see Sir Gavin standing, peering over the terrace ledge. He turned, hearing the door open, smiling at me. The man was bruised, covered in deep scratches up and down his neck and face. He extended his hand out over the terrace, ushering me fourth.

I stepped around the table, blown away by the number of militants standing on the courtyard. They were at attention, wielding pikes and shields with an underarmor on. The sight made my heart pound!

"This," Sir Gavin said, "Is your King's Guard, your personal task force, your army! Yours! I'm still coordinating it, building programs for a select few of them that are really excellent..."

"What happened to you?" I asked, taken aback by his face.

"I had a run in with an assassin but he wasn't too much I couldn't handle. Someone really doesn't want you to succeed!" Sir Gavin chuckled.

"I know... I'm doing everything I can to stay in power but breaking down Sir Socoshian's holds is difficult..." I responded.

"That's a sinister man... His evil knows no bound... You be careful, my king..." Sir Gavin said, "With that being said, do you have an address made for these men?"

"Sure..." I said, confidently. Sir Gavin nodded, slowly turning to face them men.

"THIS!" He shouted, "IS YOUR KING!"

"RAGH!" The number of King's Guards said raising their pikes.


I stepped forth seeing young men, my age, mostly uneducated and highly impressionable. To them, everything I'd say would have merit. I took a deep breath beginning my speech.

"Many of you might have questions... Who is this kid standing before you? Where is King Bourgion? Why did our jobs change? Well to start, I'd like to say thank you! Thank you for your patience with these adjustments! A lot of things have changed swiftly in a very short amount of time! You are here today because the royal court needs a military! A strong force that is close to the King and responds to his word! As a part of this royal court, you deserve to know what's happening here..." Sir Ruben and Sir Gavin looked at me, "There are people in this city's walls that don't like the fact that I am King now. They want me dead! These people don't respect a birthright, only concerned with money, power, and position. They don't care about what it would do to this city, to the people here. They don't think about the small things, such as the people like you who have families, dreams and ambitions! You have lives that get affected by these changes too, their actions a thorn in the side of this Kingdom! I want to see this place grow, for everyone within this city to benefit! However the people challenging me are, want the suffering in this city to stay the same, while everyone else prospering to stay prosperity. It secures their positions in this nation. I don't want that! I want everyone to have an equal opportunity for success and you all, my King's Guard will be helping me there! That is all!"

"RAGH!" The men roared, raising their pikes.

I headed back into the palace, Sir Ruben following closely.

"You scared me for a minute but like always, you played it well..." He said back, "True, Lutna blood runs through your veins..."

"Thank you." I laughed, before thinking, "Wait, has any of the Council came back to the palace since the meeting?"

"No. I've been telling the guards to report any sightings of them if they do... I'm still waiting to hear back from Sir Yole... he said he's made some discoveries that you'd want to hear about." Sir Ruben revealed.

"I wonder what this will be about..." I smiled, growing anxious, rubbing the palms of my hands together.

"He didn't say, but it sounded urgent..." Sir Ruben said back.

The surprisingly good day came to an end. Sir Yole, Sir Ruben, Dior and a number of close knights came to my room. We all sat, as Sir Yole took a deep breath.

"My agents," He began, looking bothered, "Have uncovered some details about the assassins... They are well trained combatants that belong to the Official Guard. They don't happen to be some type of league, at least not yet. Now, they do pose an actual threat and are of highest priority! The issue is that there is a relatively endless supply for these assassins since they are literal volunteers from the Official Guard, so we can't just smite them down! Secondly, the assassin got into the room through the housemade's cart. The housemade didn't know the assassin was camped out underneath her cart and when she left, the assassin was free to move around Roi's room... It was very well thought out. As we did more digging, we couldn't get the details on who was calling the shots. The assassins we got ahold of from last night were not speaking... He's still alive, in holding beneath the palace..."

This was shocking!

"Soo?" I asked, unsure what would come from this, "What am I supposed to do with him? Question him myself and wish for better luck? Order him to be killed? This is not something I know what to do?"

"I say we kill him!" Dior said. Everyone looked at him, not approving.

"Did you beat the information out of him?" Sir Ruben asked.

"Us Free Agents are not permitted to torture," Sir Yole sighed, "But you can..."

"Your Grace," Sir Ruben asked, turning to me, "Are you comfortable with us beating the information out of the assassin?"

I stood there thinking, this being a very tough decision to make.

"I... I want to see him first..." I said back.

"That's not a good idea, but okay." Sir Yole said, escorting me down into the labyrinth of service tunnels. We walked to the holding cells where the assassin was sitting. He was battered and bruised but these wounds were probably from him being taken into custody.

The man didn't look familiar. He looked at me with such bitterness as the cell opened.

"Don't look at your King that way!" Dior hissed. I looked at the daring boy, wanting him to simmer down. Still though, his passion rained through, as he glared menacingly at the man.

"He's no King of mine..." The man chuckled.

This time Sir Ruben rushed forth, striking the man.

"He is and you'll show him respect..." Sir Ruben growled. This brutality was beginning to unnerve me. However, I had to push through it.

"Were you the assassin that tried to kill me before?" I asked, looking at the man intently.

"Assassin? We're no assassins... We're just people who want a real leader in charge... Not a kid..." The man said, causing me to grow frustrated.

"Beat the fuck out of him..." I said, leaving, "I want every answer snatched out of his psyche... Why he did this, who he's working for, who is mother is, EVERYTHING... And his teeth... gone... All..."

It sent a shock through the guards, even the assassin.

"So you're not as soft as I thought..." The assassin said, causing me to stop, "It won't change a thing though. Your efforts are in vain. Your little games won't last! They're going to end... You're going to die! Your brother will die... And your sister..."

I smiled.

"After you get the information out of him..." I chuckled, "kill him... slow... I want Sir Socoshian to hear him scream from his mansion in the Bolt District." I returned to my room, the words the assassin said having a deep effect on me. What if all he said was imminent, that all I was doing was in vain? What if my brother and sister were in danger?