Darwin Adventure

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A wife grants her husband a wish he has craved.
5.1k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 04/14/2024
Created 08/07/2022
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Darwin Adventure

This is a true story which happened about ten years ago when we went on a holiday to Darwin. Names have been changed for obvious reasons.

My wife and I were about to celebrate twenty years of marriage and decided to holiday in the 'Top End'. It was about the time when the dry season was about to be replaced by the wet season so the weather was changeable but likely to be hot, wet and humid. We had been looking forward to this holiday for quite some time and decided to spoil ourselves with luxury accommodation and no expenses spared especially as it was a special anniversary.

The obvious questions of 'what gifts would we like' arose. I said "I thought a special piece of jewellery to celebrate the occasion" for her.

"What would you like?" She asked.

"You know my fantasy of a threesome or watching you with another man, preferably a black man with a big cock."

"Always with the same fantasy!"

"You can't blame me for trying."

"I don't mind acting out role playing just the two of us in the privacy of our bedroom, but beyond that you know it's not going to happen. I'm sorry darling but you know it's not in my nature to indulge in something like that."

"Yes, I guess so. It has taken me years to get you to even role play. You must be curious though to what it must be like and how much of a thrill it would be?"

"Yes, I am curious, but it doesn't change things."

"Maybe for my Christmas present?" I asked hopefully.

"Oh you, you're incorrigible!" She smiled and kissed me on the cheek. With that, the conversation ended.

Two weeks later we were on a plane to Darwin for three weeks to celebrate our anniversary a week later. We settled into our hotel suite which was very plush and came with its own spa which I was looking forward to using.

The first day we explored the town which we hadn't visited for about ten years and found not a lot had changed. We booked a few tours for each day culminating on the Friday on the longest tour which was a trip to Kakadu National Park which was to begin early in the morning and schedule to be back at the hotel around 6:30 in the evening. After such a long day it was our intention to have a lazy day on the Saturday before celebrating our anniversary on the Sunday.

Friday morning, we set off on the coach trip for our destination stopping off at various locations terminating at the park itself. It was a very warm day and very humid. We both enjoyed the tour immensely and were feeling in high spirits. We stopped a couple of hours still short of Darwin at yet another local interest spot, and we were having a cool drink while standing on a small bridge overlooking the creek which connected two swimming areas when we heard a little commotion coming from the carpark. Three young guys, American from their accents, were looking distressed and I heard one of them say "It's gone! What are we going to do?"

We strolled over to them and asked what the problem was. "It's our hire car, it's gone. All of our stuff was in there. It must have been taken when we were down at the swimming hole. Even our wallets and navy IDs were in there."

They stood in all they had, T shirts, shorts and a towel over their shoulders.

"If we can't get back to the ship by tomorrow afternoon, we will be reported AWOL."

"Our coach is going back to Darwin why don't you ask the driver if you could get a lift back." I said.

They duly asked the coach driver but he refused to take them.

I asked "Why not? there are a number of empty seats on board"

"It's not that," the driver replied it's an insurance thing, the company has strict rules about passengers must pay as the ticket includes an insurance component."

"They have no money; their car and wallets were all stolen."

"I'm sorry" the driver told us.

"We'll pay for their tickets." My wife Susan said, and promptly paid the driver.

The guys who were African Americans couldn't thank us enough.

We got on board and they sat with us at the rear of the coach, setting off shortly after for Darwin.

"Thanks again guys, you are life savers. I don't know what we would have done without you"

After another stop for food and drinks we set off on the final leg back to the hotel. Arriving back at the hotel I asked the guys if they would like a drink in the bar before organising arrangement to get them back to their ship. They politely demurred saying we had done enough for them and obviously could not pay for their own drinks.

"Don't worry; pay it forward to someone in need in the future." I told them.

Reluctantly they followed me into the bar. After a warm day the beers went down quickly and easily.

After a couple of quick drinks Susan said she had to go back to the room for a brief shower. "Have another drink ready for me, I won't be long."

True to her word, fifteen to twenty minute later she was back looking fresh in a short summer dress.

Carl gave a low whistle and said "You look beautiful Mrs. Anderson".

"Oh, you flatterer!" She said coyly, "I'm almost old enough to be your mother."

"It's true agreed Wes, you are a MILF."

"A MILF, what's a MILF?" She asked. I smiled at her innocence.

The third guy, Joseph piped up with "Mom I'd Like to...." he trailed off realising what he was about to say to someone he might offend.

"I don't understand."

"I looked at her and quoted "It's the initials of 'Mom I'd Like to Fuck."

Susan put her hand to her mouth, pretending to be shocked and said with a smile "Oh you naughty boy." Susan at the time had just turned forty and these guys were only around twenty. I was eight years older than Susan.

After a couple of more drinks, I declared I also needed a shower after the warm day. "How about you guys, do you want to use the shower in our room before you head back to your ship?"

"That would be great sir."

"You go on up darling, we'll have another drink here in the bar and follow you up. I am enjoying basking in the glow of being a MILF" she laughed. As I headed for the lifts, I heard her say, "Keep up the flattery boys, I like it."

A short while later, I answered the knock at the door and let them in.

"Cool room Mr Anderson" Wes said.

"Call me Alan please."

"Beer guys?" They all accepted eagerly.

"As Susan bent to pick out the beers her short dress rose up revealing to the guys her very shapely legs and a slight glimpse of her panties.

This elicited another low whistle from Carl.

"Keep doing that and they will all start whistling." I laughed.

"If I keep getting complimentary whistles, I may do it again." This of course brought more whistles from everyone including me.

She bent low in front of the bar fridge and flipped up the hem of her dress. "Oh dear, I think I may have had too much to drink."

She sat with her gin and tonic while we drank our beers. "The beer is not going to last long Alan; you should go across the road to the pub and pick up a carton of beer. I have plenty of gin here and you have a bottle of scotch. That should do."

It didn't take me long but when I came back Susan was sat on the couch with one guy on each side of her. It was quite a squeeze as these guys were very large guys all over the 100kg mark and all three of them looked very fit and muscular.

Her glass was empty, and judging by the level in her bottle of gin it was clear she had downed a couple more. I was just as well I got a carton of beer the bar fridge was now empty.

"Darling, the boys don't have to be back on their ship until tomorrow afternoon so I said I would ask you if they could crash here for the night."

"Yes, of course." I agreed.

"Darling fetch the camera, I want to get a picture of me and the guys."

The two on either side of her both put their arms around her shoulders while she spread her arms outward across their laps. The third guy Wes left his seat and sat in front of my wife.

"Shuffle back." She ordered him, opening her legs so he could sit with his back touching the couch.

I took a snap or two in this pose.

Carl said "What a day. The guys hired a car to take me out for my birthday, it gets stolen, and you guys rescue us, feed us and buy us drinks."

"It's your birthday?" Susan asked. "Leaning over she gave him a kiss on the cheek, almost on the corner of his mouth.

"It's my birthday next week!" piped Joseph, obviously hoping for a kiss. He got his wish, Susan turned to him to kiss his cheek but he suddenly turned face to face and she kissed him full on the mouth.

"You can't leave me out of the kisses Wes said.

"Oh, you poor thing" she said, bending forward taking his head in her hands and kissing his cheek.

As she bent forward her dress had hung loose at the front revealing plenty of cleavage.

"Wait" I said, you will have to do that again I didn't take the snapshot.

"OK we can do it again. Are you ready?" Speaking, I think to me, but all three of them answered "Yes."

She bent forward again revealing her cleavage posing with her lips on Wes' cheek. "Wait until I show her this shot later of how much cleavage she was revealing, she will be aghast."

She turned her attention to Carl and Joseph Carl turned full on face-to-face lips to lips and held the pose while I pretended to be slow in taking the shot. Joseph pressed his lips harder against Susan's and again I took my time with the shot.

"We need more drinks darling. Don't worry I'll get them." Wes moved out of her way, putting his hand on her knee as he stood and turning while he did so had a good look at her open leg crotch. I took another snap shot. She was wearing red panties and I thought I must be mistaken as they seemed to be almost see-through. It was only a quick glimpse and I would check the photo later. I was enjoying this.

After fresh drinks, I asked "How about one of all three guys together picking you up horizontally?"

"OK sounds fun." She said.

They duly picked her up and held her horizontally facing the camera. All had their hands very close to either her breasts or her butt. She looked tiny held by these three hulking men. I snapped off more photos.

"Aren't they muscular darling? They picked me up as light as a feather."

"Take your Tee shirts off and pick her up again, I am sure she would like a shot of your muscular arms around her."

They duly removed their Tee shirts and one by one stood with their arms around her while I took the snapshots. Some shots were standing, some sitting, some kneeling.

"Do you guys want to use the shower now?" Susan asked them. "No wait how about a spa?" It won't take long to fill.

"Great idea" they agreed.

Joseph said "While we are waiting how about a snapshot of you with your top off, after all we have ours off."

"Oh no, I couldn't do that."

"Why not darling, it will be a great shot for posterity, just take your dress off. They can take off their shorts and leave their underwear on."

She hesitated. Then Wes, Joseph and Carl began removing their shorts. "What the hell." She said and asked me to unclip and unzip her dress.

"The guys will do it; I want to take some more snapshots." I should get my movie camera I thought.

Joseph walked over to her from behind and unclipped her pink dress and slowly pulled the zipper down her back, but instead of pulling it down over her shoulders he took the hem and lifted it slowly up and over her head, leaving me plenty of time to take snap shots. Her panties and her bra were almost see-through and I could see the dark triangle of hair and dark nipples behind the fabric.

After more shots including her sandwiched between the guys front to front, front to back and every combination I could think of, including those with the guy's thumbs in her panty line inferring they were being pulled down. She was even slipping her hands in the hem of their underwear suggesting the same thing.

"About that spa." She broke off and stepped away from them.

The guys stripped off their underwear completely at ease and stepped toward the spa bath. "Oh Jesus" Susan murmured. All three men had bigger penises than mine even when mine was fully aroused. Mine would be about six inches and about an inch and a quarter in diameter when fully erect. As they walked their cock and balls swung pendulously. Susan continued to stare; as did I. Luckily, I had started the video camera before they started to remove their underwear so it was all captured.

"Are you going to join us Mrs Anderson?" asked Carl.

"I don't have my swimsuit with me here."

"No problem", I said, "bra and panties are just like a bikini" I lied.

She looked at me and nodded. She was clearly aroused; her nipples were standing out sharply.

The spa was for four people but with three guys this size it was going to be a squeeze.

They helped her in and she sat between two of them with her feet up either side of the hips of Carl.

I started the jets and the spa burst into life.

Susan has large breasts for a figure as slim as hers and the spa was jiggling them around much to the guy's delight.

"Darling the water has made your bra completely see-through, you might as well take it off."

"Joseph, would you mind undoing my bra?"

"Certainly ma'am."

He reached behind and deftly unsnapped it, slipped the straps over her shoulders and pulled it away from her body.

"Nice tits." Joseph commented.

"Do you like them?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Carl, take down my panties."

"Yes ma'am.

She arched her back pivoting on her heels until her groin was above water. Carl slipped his thumbs under the hem and slowly drew them down. "Do you like what you see Carl?"

"Yes ma'am."

"If I give you boys another birthday kiss, you're not going to get any ideas are you?"

"No ma'am." they all said in unison.

"I hope you don't try to take advantage of a poor defensive MILF." She grinned.

"Now about that birthday kiss."

I was mesmerised, her pale white skin contrasting sharply with their black skin particularly Joseph who was ebony in colour Wes was almost as black and Cark was a very dark brown.

She started with Wes to her right, straddling him and kissing him full on the mouth, darting her tongue in his mouth. "MMMM" she squealed I think I'm being attacked by a conga eel. Wriggling on his lap. She moved further to her right doing the same to Carl who tried to touch her pussy. "Hands above the water she ordered him, kissing him open mouthed again. "Joseph, open your mouth I am going to put my tongue in your mouth". She straddled him also grinding his groin with hers and reaching out to both Carl and Wes to grasp their cocks. "My goodness, such cocks!" She turned her head to me and exclaimed in a breathless tone shaking her head, "Darling they have such huge cocks, much bigger than yours. I don't think it possible for any woman to be able to take these." She paused then added, but I will try just for you, Happy Anniversary darling."

"My husband has always wanted me to make love to another man, with him or while he watched preferably a black man. I am going to grant him his wish of a threesome but not as he expected. Do you all still think I am a MILF?"

"Yes ma'am." They all intoned.

"Then fuck me silly."

"Darling fetch some towels; I only want to be wet in one area when I am fucked."

She climbed from the spa and stood there in all her naked glory. Arms out and rotating slowly exhibiting her body which she knew was great. "Stay in the spa until I am dry. I want my husband to touch me all over before I give my body to you black gentlemen." I towelled her off gently knowing she was about to be used and abused shortly.

"Now gentlemen, dry yourselves completely before you stick your black cocks in my white wet pussy." They climbed from the spa quickly I was awestruck by the size of their rampant cocks, Carl was about eight inches long and over an inch and a half in diameter, Wes was a good ten inches long and about an inch and a quarter diameter While Joseph was about ten inches long and nearly two inches in diameter increasing in diameter to more than two and a half inches at the base. His knob end was sharply defined to about the same two and a quarter inch in diameter. The most striking thing was the intensely black colour of their cocks, much darker than their bodies.

They towelled off while Susan calmly walked to the bedroom.

I checked my camera. I was ready to go. I found it hard to believe it was finally happening.

They walked in and Susan beckoned them forward. Carl stood in front of her while she sat on the bed. She took his cock in both hands. "Darling, do you want me to put this big black cock in my mouth?"

"Yes." I gulped.

She slowly bent forward and put her lips to the tip. She looked at me and her tongue darted out like a serpent's, licking the bulb before engulfing it with her mouth. She beckoned the other two forward and they stood on either side of Carl. She grabbed their still hard cocks and began to wank the shafts bringing groans of pleasure while still sucking on Carl's cock. She turned to her left and began sucking Wes. After a short while it was Joseph's turn to have some attention to his cock. He began thrusting his large diameter knob end into her mouth. She pulled away and looked directly at me and in a little girl voice said "Darling these black men are going to ravish me and I can't stop them! Oh, poor me, these big black cocks might split me in half. I hope they make me very wet first."

"Carl, lick her pussy, she likes that." He didn't need to be told twice, dropping his head between her legs. Wes and Joseph had climbed on the bed and were on either side of her both fondling her breasts at the same time. I got such a huge thrill to see their black skin contrasting with Susan's milky white body. "Pull her legs apart so Carl can give her pussy a real good licking." They each put a hand behind her knees and spread her legs while pulling them apart at the same time. "You're going to get the fucking of your life darling."

"I hope so." she replied.

Carl began licking in earnest and Susan started to writhe on the bed. Fairly soon her writhing body was accompanied by moaning. Wes and Joseph moved on from fondling her breasts to kissing her mouth and nipples swapping places regularly. Her nipples were standing out proud, more than I had ever seen them. Their kisses and sucking on her nipples had made her aureoles puffy and sticking out like small volcanoes.

I manoeuvred the camera close to Carl's face and watched as his tongue moved away from her labia to her clitoris using the flat of his tongue in a sideways movement and using a lot of pressure. Susan squeaked in delight. He moved his head away so I could get a close up shot of her wet pussy. As I did so, he took his forefinger and slid it straight in up to the third knuckle without any resistance. I was a little surprised as it normally took more foreplay for her to moisten up. I was also surprised how easily he had slipped a finger inside her as she was always a little tight to begin with. I looked up to Wes and Joseph to see them kneeling alongside her head and getting their cocks wanked and sucked alternatively by Susan's now eager mouth. I was mesmerised by the site of my normally conservative wife wanking and sucking intensely black cocks with her small white hands and her demure deep red lipstick coated mouth. I was jolted out of my reverie when she suddenly gave a jerk with her whole body and gasped loudly. I looked down to see Carl really going to town on her pussy pushing his tongue deep into her cunt, before withdrawing it and licking her from labia lips to clitoris and back. His tongue was huge and my wife clearly like what he was doing with it. Her moans and groans had become very loud. Sweat had begun to form on her body. Carl again slipped a finger into her now very wet pussy sliding it in and out before adding a second finger. "Oh" she moaned softly.