David & 'Lyssa Ch. 05


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A flash of light, and they were gone.

David stood like a statue with his hand still inside the head of the 'collector1. He was thinking hard about what to do with the creature. He didn't know how to kill it, and he damn sure wasn't going to let it loose! Finally he curled his fingers into a loose fist within the being's head. "Time to visit the vault." he said. David could feel the helpless rage from the 'collector' on a telepathic level. David made his was through the cave, the presence of the collector keeping the traps from springing. David reached the site of Bitsy's battle. He was nauseated by the carnage, He hoped that she had followed his plan, or had used her amulet to escape if she was overwhelmed. Then he saw the bloody tracks leading away from the scene of the combat. Dragon tracks. So Bitsy had survived after all. David felt something inside him relax just a little. He made his way into the cavern where the 'collector1 kept his prizes.

"Looks like quite a mess in here." David spoke aloud. The creature on the end of his arm fairly radiated fury and hatred. David was unimpressed. Eventually, David found where Lady Shadow had fought her own battle. A blood trail led away from there, and he followed it. The trail ended at a group of clear crystal pillars gathered into a small circle. The crystals had blood smears on them where they had been moved recently. "Well, the girls did their jobs." Said David with satisfaction. He looked at the creature now writhing wildly on his fist. "What shall I do with you?"

Without warning, his artificial hand acted on it's own again. It shot out, passing into one of the crystals, then opening it's fist. David yanked his arm out of the pillar, leaving the creature trapped in it's own clear prison. The creature was now visible as a vaguely human shaped cloud of yellowish gas. The crystal pillar seemed to be holding it quite nicely.

David thought a moment, and then he opened a gate directly under the crystal holding the trapped 'collector'. The crystal dropped through the portal and out of sight. David heard a fading telepathic wail as the creature passed into the other dimension. David closed the portal with a snap. The 'collector' ought to be secure for a very long time indeed deep under the surface of the planet Pluto in a far distant dimension. In any event, he wouldn't have to worry about it ever bothering him again.

David opened a gate to the library dimension and stepped through. Behind him, something stirred in the distant reaches of the vault. "Mine now... All mine..." something whispered in the darkness.

When David stepped through into the library world, he heard a lot of noise coming from inside the apartment. He opened the door to find a scene of total chaos. Bitsy was still in dragon form, lying across the doorway to the gymnasium, and Lady Shadow was unconscious on the bed. David ran to Bitsy. "Are you OK sweetie?" he asked. The dragon raised her head. "I'll live, But Lady Shadow's in bad shape. I can't stop her bleeding."

David went to look at the cat lady. Taking his dagger from his belt, he cut away her robes to expose the wound. Whatever had stabbed into her had been razor sharp, and it had gone in deep. David knew he was way out of his depth on this one. Time to call in some help.

Paul Black Eagle and Asshann were relaxing at their new home after a long day. Paul had just slid his arm around his new wife's shoulders when he stiffened. "I have to go. David needs me."

"I'm coming too." Asshann said. Black Eagle took her hand and initiated a teleport to the • source of David's SOS.

Black Eagle had never been to the library dimension, but he knew several beings that had spent time there. Asshann immediately went over to Bitsy, who had lapsed into sleep again despite the noise coming from the other side of her. Once she had ascertained that the young dragon did not need her immediate attention, Asshann teleported herself into the gymnasium to deal with the various youngsters running amok in there. Soon the noise level dropped to a tolerable level.

Black eagle knelt beside the cat lady. He examined her as best he could. He needed to see what was going on inside her. But since that wasn't really an option, he did the next best thing. Taking certain items from his sacred pouch, he chanted softly over them, a globe of light about the size of his head appeared over the body of the patient. Black Eagle kept chanting as the globe coalesced into a spider made of light. The spider turned several timed laps around the body of Lady Shadow, then came to rest facing Black Eagle. Finally the spider nodded by dipping its front legs. Black Eagle nodded back and kept chanting. The spirit spider dissolved into thousands of tiny spiders that sank into Lady Shadow's body. After nearly an hour, the spiders exited through the skin of the cat lady. They then streamed over to Bitsy and entered her. Black Eagle looked startled at this development. "I have never seen the spirits choose to aid someone on their own, unless that person has special meaning for them."

The men watched Bitsy for several hours before the spiders streamed from the dragon's mouth and formed back into the single larger spider. The spirit spider came over to Black Eagle and touched his head with a foreleg, then vanished.

"The spider told me that the young dragon was dying and needed lots of work. Without them, she would have died within the hour."

"Thank the spirits for saving her for us both." David told the Shaman.

"The spirits will exact their price in their own time my friend." Black Eagle said." Allow them to sleep until they wake on their own to make sure that their healing holds."

Asshann called from inside the gymnasium, "I will take the children to Mistress "Lyssa."

Over the next few minutes, the noise from the gym gradually decreased, then stopped. Asshann then popped in to where Paul and David were "Mistress 'Lyssa was most surprised and confused by the sudden flood of children." reported Asshann. "It was good to see her and the others again."

David thanked his friends for their aid. "Call on us again at need. And we will call upon you in turn." Said Black Eagle.

David sighed as his friends left. Bitsy's sleeping shelf was still there next to the bed; So David dug out some blankets, climbed up onto the shelf, and dropped off to sleep.

David woke up a good 12 hours later with a full bladder. He started to move, and then realized he was hemmed in. Bitsy was next to him back in her human form. And on the other side of him, Lady Shadow was curled up with her head on his shoulder and an arm draped across his chest. She was purring in her sleep. Moving carefully, David extricated himself from the sleeping girls and made his way to the restroom. He came out considerably relieved and feeling better than he had felt in quite a while.

David fixed breakfast quietly, but the tantalizing aromas of the food woke up Lady Shadow

and Bitsy. "Good morning." David said as the other two sat up and stretched. "Hey! I don't hurt anymore!" exclaimed Bitsy. Lady shadow paused in mid stretch. She looked down at her side. Not even a scar marred the short silky fur where she had been stabbed. Then she realized that she was quite naked.

Lady Shadow snatched the sheet up to cover herself. Not that she had a taboo about nudity, but she preferred to keep it restricted to going bare around members of her immediate family.

"We'll get back home after we eat. I'm sure that 'Lyssa will be run ragged by then." David grinned "Sorry about your clothing milady, But we had to get at your wounds to treat you." Bitsy opened the closet door. "Lady Shadow, will these robes fit you?" and she held out a sleek robe made of the finest Chinese silk.

Lady Shadow made her way to the closet with as much dignity as a naked cat can muster. She took the robe from Bitsy and walked into the restroom, closing the door behind her.

Bitsy shrugged. "Did I do good?"

"You did great Bitsy Dragon. And I'm very proud of you." David told her. He gave his adopted daughter a hug. "Come on. Let's eat."

Lady Shadow joined them at the table. When they had eaten their fill, David opened the door to the apartment, and stepped through into the mansion parlor. When Prissy, Jenny and 'Lyssa' saw the new arrivals, they swarmed them under with a flurry of hugs and kisses, leaving no one out.

Lady Shadow gazed about anxiously. "My cub... Is she here?"

Shana came into the parlor leading a small girl/kitten by the hand. The resemblance to her mother was apparent to everyone there. Lady Shadow went to kneel in front of the child. The cub looked steadily back, tail a twitch. "Oh my precious one..." Lady Shadow breathed softly. She reached for her daughter hesitantly, as if unsure that she was facing reality and not an illusion. Then the child threw her arms around Lady Shadow. "MOMMY!" she shrieked. Lady Shadow hugged her daughter to her and wept. This of course, set the other ladies in the room sniffling and crying. David shook his head and poured himself a drink.

When the emotional storm had waned to a mild breeze, David rapped his knuckle on the table for attention.

"Come sit by me." David ordered Lady Shadow. She gathered her daughter up and carried her to a chair next to David's where she sat down with her daughter on her lap. "Yes Lord?" she asked. "Anything in my power to grant, you can have for the asking."

"Our bonds are friendship forged in battle and sealed by the blood we both have spilled and shed in each others service." David began. Then he shook his head with a rueful smile.

"Sounds a little pompous don't it?"

"I have to agree with the first part of what you said." Replied Lady Shadow. "As to the second part, I shall keep my peace about that."

David threw back his head and laughed. "All right. To the point. You have a domain to run and responsibilities there. I know you cannot remain with us much longer. However my wives, my daughter and myself now consider you to be part of our household. So that you may visit whenever you wish, a permanent portal will be set up between your home and ours, so that our families may freely visit each other."

Lady Shadow inclined her head, "I would like that My Lord."

"Further, I charge you with raising the children rescued with your own. I would have you educate them and care for them until you can find their families and return the children to their care. Provided that they have any surviving families of course." "I accept." Lady Shadow said, although her face showed some misgivings.

"You ought to know by now that we will help in any way we can, and that you can call upon us for any aid that you require." David added. Lady Shadow hugged her daughter and nuzzled the top of her head. "There is so much to take in..."

Lady Shadow" s cub squirmed out of her mothers grasp. "Where are you going Mrow?" Lady Shadow asked. Mrow looked up at her mother. I want to play with the others in the garden."

Lady Shadow looked panic stricken at the thought of being separated from her daughter for even so short a time. "Don't worry, I'll go with her and keep an eye on her," offered Bitsy.

Lady Shadow looked doubtfully at David. He nodded slightly. "All right Mrow, behave and do not wander off."


Mrow took Bitsy1 s hand and the pair walked out of the room. Lady Shadow kept fidgeting and casting nervous looks at the doorway her daughter had just passed through.

"Relax Milady," Jenny said. "Your daughter needs to learn how to be a child again. And she will be safe with Bitsy, who can defend her or whisk her off to safety the instant danger threatens."

Lady Shadow subsided, but her lashing tail betrayed her agitation.

"Let's move to the rear balcony on the second floor." 'Lyssa suggested. "There we can watch the children as we talk without being obvious about it."

Lady Shadow shot to her feet and was halfway to the door before Prissy's laughter stopped her in her tracks like she had hit a wall. "Are you the mother or the kitten?' Prissy asked. Lady shadow composed her face in a mask of dignity. "I am the mother of course."

Prissy snickered. "You were moving kinda like a kitten eager to go play outside just then. But that may not be a bad thing after all."

'Lyssa laughed lightly and hooked her arm through Lady Shadow's. "Let's go everyone."

Out on the upper balcony, the adults could see the children chasing each other and shouting with laughter. "They need to unwind after so long as captives." Jenny said softly.

David spread maps on the table and weighted the edges down with his dagger and with cups and saucers. "We need to gain control over those domains controlled by the traitors who dies during the siege of the mansion."

Lady Shadow turned reluctantly from the sight of the happy children below. "In the realm of the undead, the strongest being there will be one of the vampire Lords. They are fairly evenly matched, so whichever one gains your backing will have the edge needed to take the rule and keep it." "A good start." David said approvingly. "Any suggestions as to which ones to check on?"

Lady Shadow gave the question serious thought. "I would try to contact either Charnel, a male vampire who is older than I am, or else Deathmist, a female vampire lord who is only a few hundred years as a vampire, but already rivals any of the older undead for sheer power. If he had made the mistake of letting her live, Deathmist would have overthrown the old lord and taken his place in due course."

David scribbled notes on a small pad he conjured for the purpose.

"How about the swamp and marshlands?" David asked.

Prissy spoke up. "The swamp and marsh domains are chaotic at best. The old lord only had actual control over a part of the domain, he merely controlled the largest portion."

"So how do we handle them?" David asked.

"Let them alone, and see who or what comes out on top, then covertly aid the one who suits you best to consolidate and expand it's hold over the domain." Suggested Lady Shadow.

"Very good." said David.

"Now for the brother's domains."

"We want someone dependable and dedicated to us." 'Lyssa said.

"Any ideas for that anyone?" David asked the group.

"How about someone from off realm?" suggested Jenny. "I think if we offered the chance to rebuild and keep order in the combined domains to Tuck, he would probably accept."

'Lyssa and Prissy agreed eagerly.

"OK, We'll ask him. But if he turns it down, who do we get?"

"Booger and Rath." Quipped Prissy.

"Actually, they might do better to start as regents who would report to Tuck until they get used to dealing with our realm," said David. He made another note. "Lady Shadow, I want you to send emissaries to the remaining domain lords demanding their fealty and to inform us of any who oppose my rule."

"As you wish My Lord." Answered the cat lady.

Lady Shadow looked down at the children again. "I long to join them in their play."

"Jenny has some clothes that might fit you, if we make allowances for your tail, and far more suitable for running about with children than those robes." Suggested 'Lyssa.

Jenny took the lady cat indoors to get her some different clothes.

Lady Shadow reappeared below a short while later, dressed in a t-shirt and a pair of snug fitting blue jeans that had a slit cut in the back just below the waistband for her tail to poke through.

She scampered among the kids, roughhousing and having the time of her life.

"Looks like they'll be just fine." said a voice right behind David. He damn near jumped out of his skin. He whirled to see who had sneaked up on him. Mad Tom stood there in his monk's cassock. "I hope I didn't scare you too bad."

"Not that I'm not glad to see you again, but please, try not to give me a coronary next time. OK Tom? Sheesh."

Mad Tom grinned at David, "Sorry about that, but I just couldn't resist."

David shook himself. "What brings you back so soon?"

"I merely wanted to see the results of your latest quest for myself. And to warn you."

"Warn us about what?" David asked warily.

"About Lord Charnel. He is on the move, gathering support among the lesser undead. He plans to take the rule of this realm for himself. And already his minions are raising the dead from the siege of the mansion."

David strode to the balcony rail. "Bitsy, Get the kids-inside right now! Emergency!" he yelled down to his daughter. David turned to the others. "'Lyssa, Prissy, get down there and help them gather the children and make sure they are all accounted for."

"I shall alert the guards to be extra alert." Said Shana. She ran swiftly back inside to the room set aside for the household guard to relax off duty.

"Admirable response," remarked Tom. "But sitting back and allowing your home to, be besieged again would be utter folly."

"Oh, I don't intend to just sit here." Said David. "I'm going to fight fire with fire." He grinned evilly, "Or should I say, fight undead with undead."

David turned back to the scene below as his wives herded the last of the children inside, with Staffet in dragon form bringing up the rear of the procession.

When the women had rejoined him on the balcony, David had a basic plan worked out. "Lady Shadow, You shall have to put off your return a little longer. I need you to pull your troops in close, set up their camp within 200 yards of the house, and completely surrounding, it. Tell them to expect possible raids and probes by the undead of all types."

"They will not be happy, but they will comply." Said Lady Shadow, now every inch the ruler of a harsh domain. "They do love a good fight."

David turned to his wives and daughter. "Bitsy, you will take all the children to the Library and keep them there." Bitsy started to protest, but saw the look in her father's eye and quieted.

"The rest of you, keep order in the house, and keep yourselves and our unborn babies safe."

"Where will you be?" asked 'Lyssa.

"I am going to see Lady Deathmist. If I can get to her before Lord Charnel does, I may be able to persuade her to join our side as a matter of enlightened self-interest. And she is the only undead powerful enough to challenge Lord Charnel with any chance to win. Especially if she has my help."

David kissed each of his wives, and then received a hug from Lady Shadow. Bitsy hugged her father and then went off to collect the children and take them to safety.

Tom reached out and pressed his fingers to David's face. "Here is where you will find the Lady Deathmist. Remember, appearances can be deceptive. And the vampire undead are a cunning breed."

A vision of a brooding fortress appeared before David's mind's eye. Somehow, David knew exactly where the fortress was in relationship to himself. "Thanks for the mind meld Mr. Spock." David grinned at Tom. Much to David's delight, the old hermit raised his hand in a salute known to Trekkies everywhere. "Live long and prosper." Tom intoned. David levitated straight up and then teleported, leaving a trail of laughter behind him.

"What was that all about?" 'Lyssa whispered to Prissy. "I dunno." was the puzzled reply. Jenny just shook her head, equally mystified. Tom looked at the ladies. "What? You never got to watch television at David's house?"

"Only a little bit." Prissy said.

"I believe we'll find one in the parlor." Tom said. "Let's go watch it, and I'll introduce you to the wonders of Star Trek."

The women followed him downstairs again, pausing only long enough to make sure the household staff knew what was likely coming.

In the parlor, a large square screen sat in a corner of the room, with the chairs arranged in a semi-circle in front of it. As they sat down, Tom picked up a remote control and pushed a button. The screen lit up, and the ladies sat forward interestedly.