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"Oops...Sorry, Kylie." Bobby said and he never went that deep again and I couldn't tell if that made me happy or sad, because being touched like that seemed an awful lot like meeting God.

Some time later, two hours maybe, or more, I had no way of knowing, it was over. I'd fucked and sucked all of them, the four men cumming at least twice each inside my body. I was a wreck, a worn out, nasty, sticky wreck of a girl, with sperm in my hair and drying on my face and neck. It was pouring out of my pussy as well, and I felt numb down there, as much as anything else, and when I felt my pussy with my fingers it seemed swollen and gaping, like it was wide open and not mine at all. I'd cum a dozen times, maybe more, little ones and big ones, and I had never felt like this before. It was insane and I was giddy with it, giggling and gasping and wondering at how different my body felt, inside and out.

"I really am hungry now." I finally said and there was general laughing agreement with that.

We showered, the boys returning to their rooms and me retiring to my bathroom, although I had plenty of volunteers to wash my back. There was little time to explore myself or my feelings, although I wanted to do the first, much more than the other. I knew how I felt, reckless and crazy and I was in love and lust, and I was in so much trouble it wasn't funny. So knowing all that, well, it didn't seem like a good idea to dwell on it, although I usually do. But not this time. I showered quickly, washing my body carefully, especially my pussy and I had bled from losing my virginity, but not terribly. I was sore and as I pushed a finger inside my slit I could feel the torn remains of my hymen, or I imagined I could. It pleased me to think I could feel it anyway and I was happy it was gone. I didn't feel a sense of loss or regret. Steve had been my first, but really it had been all four of them who'd taken my innocence.

We went to three places before we found a nice restaurant that didn't card us when we ordered champagne. None of us were twenty-one, Kevin and Steve were twenty, the rest of us nineteen, but Vegas is a big town and we didn't look like kids. Except Steve, he was the one getting carded and the guys teased him after the second place, suggesting we find him a babysitter for the night. He took it well though, like he always does, and I promised him that if anyone was going to do any babysitting, it would be me.

We had a lot of fun and it wasn't like I was afraid it would be. I mean, from the first time I'd made real friends with the guys I'd had an interest in sex with them. I kept it hidden, as well as I could, but it had been there for a long time. I'd worried though that if I did have sex with one of them, it would spoil the friendship. It would be awkward and uncomfortable for some reason. Especially if I only had sex with one of them, because it soon became clear that we were all interested in each other, meaning all of them with me, and vice versa.

But sitting in that restaurant, drinking glass after glass of champagne, there was nothing to be afraid of. It was intimate, yeah, I was playing with all of them, but there was no jealousy, no arguments, none of the boys were possessive. If anything they were going out of their way to be generous, sharing me amongst themselves as if I belonged to all of them, and I did. At least that's how I liked to think of it and doubtless some people won't understand, but I wanted to belong to them. To be a possession and a toy and be guided by these four white men in their desires. I wanted to be the woman and demur and yielding. I didn't want to be their equal, at least not right then, not while we were together having fun. I wanted to be their little black slut and I played the role, touching them under the table, whispering crazy things and making lewd promises of what I was going to do to them later.

It was the drink, maybe, because we were having a lot of champagne and it made me as loose as you can imagine. All of my inhibitions were gone, but I wasn't drunk, I wasn't beyond my self-control, I knew what I was doing. I was having the best time of my life and what anyone else might have thought about the beautiful young black woman flirting so outrageously in public with four white guys, I didn't care. I was a thousand miles from home. Away from my parents and friends and Rodney, and any sense of responsibility. I was free at last.

"Okay...Okay...Whew..." I breathed, coming back from the ladies room and sitting down. I looked around with a giggle seeing serious faces. "...What is it?"

"Kylie, we have to ask you something, kind of important." Bobby said and Kevin was pouring us all more champagne while Steve and Will nodded.

"Uh..." I grinned. "You guys already asked me to marry you. What's left?"

"Well, see, that's it." Bobby said slowly. "Before we decide, we have to know...Will you, uh...I mean, um...Shoot..." He laughed. "I don't know how to say it."

"Say what?" I picked up my champagne, smiling at the guys and my curiosity was killing me.

"He means, if you get married to one of us, will you still..." Will ran into a roadblock too, frowning and looking down.

"What? God! Just ask already!" I stuck my tongue out at them.

"Can we still fuck you?" Steve asked. "I mean, after your married."

"Oh." I blinked at him and looked around at all four of my friends and it was a serious question for them, I could tell.

"Nice one, Steve." Bobby rolled his eyes.

"I guess, um...It depends on my husband, right?" I offered and then laughed because they were looking too serious.

"So if your husband says it's okay..." Kevin wondered.

"Well, yeah, I guess." I narrowed my eyes, but I was still giggling. "You don't believe me?"

"You'll be our little black slut?" Will asked me gently and that honestly surprised me, hearing him ask that, especially in public. But only because he was Will and if our group had a conscience, he was it.

"Will..." I leaned close against him, reaching for his cock so I could squeeze it under the table. "I'm a slut for white cock."

"Okay." He cleared his throat and then drained his champagne and we were all giggling then, mostly at Will's expense as he turned a little red. He really was totally sweet.

"Okay, ummm...We're ready then, right?" Bobby looked around the table and the guys were nodding.

"Ready for what?" I asked, drinking even more champagne, cause that stuff was good.

"We're going to decide." Kevin told me. "Who's got the straws?"

"Me." Will said, and sure enough he laid four thin red straws on the table next to his plate, three long ones and one short. "Short straw wins."

"Wait." I laughed as Will picked the straws back up, handing them to me. "You guys are drawing straws to see who's gonna marry me?"

"Uhhh...Yeah." Kevin laughed.

"Oh God!" I rolled my eyes, wondering if they were serious or not. "Give me more champagne first."

We had another bottle and none of us were feeling very much pain and I found myself holding the straws in my right fist. I'd mixed them up under the table and even I didn't know which was the short one. I wasn't sure I wanted to know cause it was so much being surprised.

"Okay, you guys, this is serious." I laughed. "No laughing."

Bobby started reaching for a straw but I pulled them back.

"Nope, we go in the order I was fucked in." I said a little louder than I intended and some people at the next table stopped talking and stared at us. "Sorry." I shrugged my shoulders. "Steve goes first, then Bobby, then Kevin, and then Will...Okay?"

The boys picked their straws slowly, except for Will of course, but even he stared at the last one remaining for a long few seconds before taking it from my hand.

"Just remember." Bobby looked around at his friends. "Whoever it is, if he ever hurts Kylie..."

"He's a dead man." Steve finished and they all nodded at that.

"That's so romantic!" I giggled and I was practically bouncing in my seat, because it really hadn't hit me yet that I was getting married. That was like...Insane! This was all just a lot of fun and later we'd laugh about it and...

"It's me." Kevin said, not smiling or frowning but staring at his straw.

"Damn." Bobby breathed and Steve threw his down unhappily. Will just held on to his, smiling, but a little sadly I thought.

"Congratulations, Kevin." Will leaned over the table to shake Kevin's hand, and then they all were and Kevin was smiling then and looking at me and I was laughing and clapping my hands.

"More champagne!" Steve waved at a waiter and we had toasts to the upcoming nuptials, and to our happiness, and to good grades, and the health of whoever it was that had stomped on all those grapes, and...

"Oh, wow...Where are we going?" I was squeezed into the back of a taxi van, sitting next to Kevin and we'd been kissing a lot, which was really nice actually.

"Little Chapel on the Hill." Steve was sitting up by the driver.

"Do they have Elvis?" I laughed. "I ain't getting married if Elvis isn't there!"

"Do they have Elvis?" Steve asked the driver and then gave us the answer. "Yeah, they got an Elvis. A good one, he says."

"Oh my God, this is crazy." I was a little wobbly, my head felt like it was floating in a glass of wine, all the bubbles popping in my brain.

"Yeah." Kevin smiled at me. "Crazy is good right?"

"Arrrggghhh...." I screamed and the driver swerved with a curse and everyone stared at me. "I'm nervous."

Mostly we just laughed and that really is the only scream I can recall, and it was a good one. I felt better, even if it had almost crashed us.

"Paperwork?" I giggled, staring at the papers and holding a pen. "Hmmm...Full name..."

I filled out the papers and I was actually sobering up a little, until Bobby got the wedding people to break out some Asti Spumanti, which wasn't as good as the champagne, but still pretty tasty. I was fitted with a wedding dress, given a bouquet of my very own, and had my face made up by a young woman who was very good at it. She talked the whole time too and I was laughing at her stories about people who get married and the wacky stuff they wanted, or the weird way they got engaged. I told her my story and the woman agreed it was a good one, especially the part about drawing straws, that was new, she said, and there wasn't a lot of new to be had in Vegas apparently, so I was a little proud.

Kevin and Will were wearing tuxedos and they both looked fine. God! I could have married both of them right then and my brain was totally broken. I couldn't get married. I was engaged to Rodney, my black boyfriend. I couldn't marry Kevin. I'd known him for six months, we hadn't even dated, just studied together a couple nights a week. Hung out on weekends sometimes. He wasn't my boyfriend. My parents hadn't even met him!

My parents, oh God! What was I going to tell them? I lied about where I was going on Spring Break? I lied about who I was going with? I'd gone with four white men, had my very first gang-bang, and decided which one I was going to marry by drawing straws? Hello! Anybody home? Ladies and gentlemen, Kylie has left the building...I was living on another planet and an itsy-bitsy teeny-weeny voice was telling me "RUN!!!!" but I totally ignored it because this was way more fun than I'd ever had in my life. It was better than Disneyworld and when I'd been an eleven year old kid, I'd have bet real money that nothing would ever be more fun than that.

I wasn't a kid anymore.

The coolest part for me was that not only was Elvis there, he was our minister. They had a bunch of different ones, depending on what your religion was and what you liked in a ceremony. We picked Elvis and he was a really good one with traditional vows, because those were important to me.

"Kylie, do you take Kevin to be your husband? To love, honor, and obey, in sickness and in health, in good times and bad, until death do you part?"

"I do." I swallowed hard, blinking at the tears forming in my eyes as I looked at Kevin through the white gauze of my veil.

"Kevin, do you take Kylie to be your wife? Do you promise to love, honor, and cherish her in sickness and in health, through good times and bad, until death do you part?"

"I do." Kevin said.

"Do you have the rings, man?" Elvis looked at Will and he held out his palm, on which rested Kevin's high school ring.

"Just one." Will shrugged.

"It's cool." Elvis nodded as Kevin picked it up and placed it on my trembling finger. "By the powers vested in me by Almighty God and the State of Nevada...I now pronounce you King and lil' Mama." Elvis closed his book and adjusted his sunglasses. "You can kiss her now, man."

Kevin did kiss me, lifting my veil and taking me in his arms and he gave me some tongue too, a serious kiss, and I felt my sex burning with desire just then. I was married and Elvis was watching, and Will and Bobby and Steve were clapping, along with about a dozen other people waiting their turn at the alter. It was perfect.

We had pictures taken and a little wedding cake and some more wine, and I kissed the best man, pushing my tongue into Will's mouth in front of my new husband and everyone else. Bobby grabbed my ass, picking me up off my feet so I had to wrap my legs around him while we kissed. And Steve, my first now and forever, he gave me a soft, sensual kiss that had me melting after a long two minutes.

And of course, I had to give Elvis a kiss, and while he didn't grab my ass, he didn't seem too shocked when I slipped him the tongue. He just grinned and licked his lips and gave my husband a look like we were all crazy. But that was Vegas too, so maybe not that crazy.

"Wedding presents!" Bobby was grinning and I had no idea what he was talking about, but I found out soon enough.

"They sell toasters here?" I asked with a giggle, looking around the tattoo parlor.

"Bah!" Bobby waved his hand. "Your cousin can get you a toaster; I'm getting you something you need!"

"Oh yeah?" I rolled my eyes. "I need a tattoo?"

I wasn't sure I wanted a tattoo, but maybe a small one would be cute, like on my ankle maybe, or on my hip. I'd seen girls with nice ones and I liked it okay, but I was black too, so I tried to imagine what I might get. It was totally weird, of course, getting a tattoo for a wedding present, but it fit in with everything else just perfectly, believe me. Nothing was going to be too weird that night.

"Damn straight!" Bobby chuckled and I didn't know what he was up to, nor do I think any of our friends knew, at least not for sure.

"What are you guys looking for?" A guy was asking us and he was big and tattooed all over and looked like he belonged on a motorcycle.

"We need a tattoo for my friend's brand new wife." Bobby grinned and the guy looked at me, not really sure if we were messing with him or not.

"I just got married." I smiled.

"Okay, well sure...Anything in particular?" The guy took it in stride.

"Do you have like a rose, just a little one? Or a butterfly..." I started saying, missing the point completely as Bobby started laughing. "...What?"

"It's my gift; I get to pick it out." Bobby grinned at me.

"Oh, well...Okay." I shrugged. "Just, um...Nothing really big, okay?" I eyed the guy waiting on us. "And no spider webs on my elbows."

They both laughed at that and Bobby was talking to the guy, both of them glancing at me and I narrowed my eyes, leaning closer, but I couldn't hear what Bobby was saying.

"You better ask her about that one, dude." Tattoo guy said and whatever Bobby had said must have been strange.

"What?" I was a little nervous and I smiled at Bobby.

Ten minutes later I was sitting in a tattoo chair with my pants off. That wasn't the strange part though. I swallowed hard as Tattoo guy pulled my panties down, probably a little farther than he needed to, exposing my hard little clit and my dark labia. He was going to tattoo me, I'd already agreed to that, but first he was going to shave me and I guess he had to, but I was still surprised.

He used a straight razor and he as very good with it, thank God, but I still flinched everytime he got near my clit. I was pretty excited too, which was obvious. My pussy lips were plump and dark and really greasy, and the man asked me if I wanted him to go ahead and shave everything, which seemed reasonable. But I didn't realize he'd have to like grab my pussy lips and pull them, you know, so he could get the sides and everything. I was slippery and I apologized for that, gasping as he pinched my pussy lip hard. Mostly I was feeling rather glad I was a dark skinned black girl and so my face didn't get really red, just...darker.

"You have a really pretty pussy." Tattoo guy said. "You're new husband must really like it."

"Thank you, yeah, I hope he does." I giggled, glancing at Kevin who was crowding the open doorway along with Steve and Will. Bobby was in the room with me.

"Where is he tonight?" The man asked and before I could answer, Bobby was talking.

"He got drunk at the reception and passed out." Bobby shrugged. "You know how it is."

"I guess so." Tattoo guy chuckled, slipping a finger gently inside my vagina and pulling at my left pussy lip with his thumb. "He's a white guy?"

"No." Bobby laughed and I just giggled, watching that straight razor snick away shaving cream and little black pubes to leave me smooth as oiled mahogany underneath.

"He's black." I wrinkled my nose and laughed.

"Really?" Tattoo guy nodded.

"Oh yeah." I sighed. "He was really looking forward to tonight, but..." I shrugged. "...He missed his chance."

"So you're serious about this?" Tattoo guy was working his finger around inside me a little more than he needed to and I squirmed a bit.

"Of course." I grinned at him. "It's permanent, right?"

"Pretty much, yeah." He agreed.

"Me too. I'm permanent." I bit my bottom lip and closed my thighs around his hand, just for a second and spread them again. "Sorry. That just felt really good. You must shave a lot of, uh...girls."

"A few." Tattoo guy removed his fingers slowly, smiling at me. "Not too many pretty black girls though."

"Good." I stuck out my tongue. "Maybe you'll remember mine then...I mean me."

"Uhhhh...Yeah." He laughed. "Okay, I'm gonna just ink it; you want the Gothic letters, right?"

"Uh-Huh." I nodded. "Not really big, but readable, you know?"

"Sure." He smiled patiently.

"Is it gonna show up okay on my skin? Am I too dark for black ink?" I wondered.

"No, you're skin's beautiful, it'll look good, I promise." Tattoo guy was fixing his tattoo gun needle thing and I was a little nervous, but pretty excited too.

"This is so cool, Bobby." I grinned at my friend. "The best wedding present ever."

"You're welcome, Kylie." Bobby smiled back. "I just didn't want you to forget about us."

"As if I could!" I laughed and looked at Tattoo guy. "They took my virginity today."


"Uh-huh." I nodded. "And a girl never forgets her first."

"I don't think you will." He shook his head. "You want it in one line, or two?"

"What would look best?" I asked, staring down at my freshly shaved pussy and most especially the soft swell of my Venus mons just above my clit.

"Well..." He grabbed a wax pen. "Probably two lines, a little curved like this..." He drew a gentle arc on my skin.

"Yeah," I agreed, "put 'White Cock' on top and then 'Only!' underneath it...Yeah, that'll be nice."

"White cock only." Tattoo guy laughed and shook his head. "You love your new husband?"

"Oh yeah." I said with a shrug. "I just don't like black cock."

"Well, good for you." The guy shook his head with a smile.


"Ohhh ohhh God..." I was bent over a low arm chair, with my knees on the seat cushion and spread as wide as possible, my elbows on the padded back, leaning over it while Will fucked my pussy from behind.