Dealing to a Stranger


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Sid took the proffered photos. He recognized the man instantly because of the eyes. The lady with him sort of looked the same as the one that checked in with him, but she had had a ballcap and different shirt on when he had seen her. "Yes Sir, they checked in about a half an hour ago. Are they in trouble?"

Both of the men sort of snickered, they were getting good at this, it was their sixth time, "No Sir," the one in front of him said. "He's just one of those silly, eccentric designers that hates us having to hold his hand all the time. They drove up for a meeting. These two are always pulling this crap on us," the guy by the rack pulled out a couple of pamphlets and snickered again. The man in front of Sid went on, "We just get assigned to keep an eye on them for their own safety, They spend a great amount of time trying to give us the slip. They think it's pretty funny to outfox us. It has sort of become their hobby when they aren't working for us. We lost them when they stopped for breakfast," at least that part was true, the camera surveillance hadn't showed where they went after leaving the International House of Pancakes. He looked at the other man pulling out another pamphlet, "Looks like we get to go and sit in the damn car again Bill. For our records Sir, what room do they have?"

Sid checked the register, "807 Sir, she said they were going to lay down before they unloaded the car."

"Guess we better go find us a spot and watch the dang car till they do. Any fast food joints within walking distance?"

"There's a Mickey D's, sorry a McDonald's about a block west of here Sir."

"Thanks," he turned to the other man. "See I told you they jimmied the tracker again. Thanks Sir, don't let them know we found them again, it was hard enough finding them this time, I'd hate to spend the next two days searching Washington for them."

Both men headed for the door, the one carrying the pamphlets snicked again shaking his head, "Dang scientists, why can't we ever get a good old spy, be a hell of a lot easier to follow." Both men laughed as the doors closed behind them.

Sid snickered also after they left, it was nice to know that at least someone was making the government work for his tax money.

Within ten minutes, 20 well armed men were watching the hotel closely, from as far as they could and still see good. A code and an order for strict radio silence was in force. If they came out, follow them, but not too closely, monitor and follow anyone they speak with. A military helicopter circled about 4 miles distant, its' long range cameras kept the hotel locked on its' internal monitors and weapon's systems. Two men took turns, from either side as the chopper race-tracked through the morning's air, aiming their 30 caliber mini-guns at their location.

23 minutes earlier, before their death had found them

The room was nice, twin queen sized beds. Sam checked the hallway, turning his head looking with his eyes closed, mapping the normal responses into his senses. Kim dumped out the tote on the kitchen table and started opening and unsealing their purchases. A refuge. If even for just half a day. Sam came too her, picked her up and gave her a big smooch, holding her tightly. He put her down, picked up two of the chairs at the table, jammed one under the knob for the entrance door, the other he kicked under the connector door's knob for the next room.

"Who gets firsts in the shower and which bed do we trash first?"

"Is that all you guys think about, damn alien, your more human than you think."

Sam smiled as he kicked off his shoes and flopped down on the closest bed, "I think about food sometimes."

"If we get out of this shit Sam, I know this guy, you two might be long lost brothers."

"Lost maybe Kim, but the long part is going to be about 218 trillion miles, and that's a pretty long way. That's how far out we were from our closest system."

"What's it like out there Sam?"

"I don't know if I have the words to even start to describe it Kim. First we sort of sleep during the transit phases. Stars every possible shade of every possible color, countless. Worlds where death would come at a first footstep outside, others filled to overflowing with life. Places with two, three, or more suns in the sky at the same time. Others with moons and rings, like being on the surface of Saturn, if it had a surface, stretching from horizon to horizon. Each place different from the last, you could live a million lives and never even come close to starting to make a start. And that is just this galaxy, billions upon billions of other galaxies are out there. Places where there is no night, the sky lit brightly by thousands of stars, others, empty, nothing, just darkness."

"Could I go Sam, could I see these things with you."

"Damn Kim, we're stuck here, I can't even go. And now if I had the chance, I wouldn't unless you could also go with me. I am happy here Kim, I wasn't till I met you, I couldn't wait to leave this place. Now, nothing will take me from you. I love you Kim."

"I love you too Sam. Want to join me in the shower? I need someone to scrub my back. If you do mine, I'll do yours. Deal?"

Their line of shed clothing would have led a blind man to where they now hid with each other.



They both reached the shower, at the same time, with the same amount of clothing on, none. Kim technically lost because hers was a bit more complicated to remove. Sam beat her by being able to move at a speed that would make Superman look like molasses, in January, in the Artic Circle. He was naked by the time they reached the bathroom's doors. You just have to love a guy that knows when to go very fast, and when to really take his time and do the job right. He even went way out of his way by scooping her up so she didn't run into a door on the way in, such a gentleman. Of course, working around his arms to get the bra and panties off were just a bit difficult, but Kim did muddled through as quickly as she could. He even politely turned his back as she used the facility, he adjusted the water's temperature. He climbed in, waiting on her, she tested the temperature before climbing in to join him. Steamy, hot Sam kisses and water awaited her there.

Kim shed the sleepiness as fast as her body shed the water. He was back in her arms, her lips were back on his. The harrowed flight, the close bullets were gone. Nothing matter but the man in her arms. He even went so far as to abandon her briefly while he went to get the soap and shampoo she had left on the kitchenette's table. Sam was back and she waited on her soaping. He sort of disappointed her on that part, sort of. Sam put the soap in the soap holder in the shower, the shampoo in the corner. He picked her up, Kim wasn't disappointed at all with what happened next. This time she wrapped both hands around the shower's head as he slide inside her body. The top of her shoulders and her head touched the back of the shower as the end of Sam's cock touched the back of her. He filled her with slow easy thrusts. Kim purred in pleasure. They both watched each other as they made love, neither one taking their eyes off the other through the curtain of falling water. Hot water pounded down between the union of their bodies. Whether Sam's magic, or just plain old magic, they came together calling each other's names, magic. Sam pulled her away from the wall and pipe, he just held her tightly till the blissful moments passed for both of them, magic. Then he did his manly duties by giving her a wonderful, soapy, body rub. Not magic, heaven. The shampoo was also a very relaxing head massage, the last of the weariness washed away with the lather as she rinsed.

She felt so refreshed, squeaky clean, needed, loved. Even surrounded by a city searching for them, intent on killing them, she felt safe with Sam. Sam would get them out, there was nothing he couldn't do, she knew it with all her being. Kim squeezed around his body, pushing him into the falling water, she soaped the back of her superman. Sam helped her do the hard parts, shampooing his own hair as she worked over his broad shoulders, thin waist, tight butt, thighs each almost as big as her waist. Kim's gentle giant, able to kill with a single blow. Kim asked Sam to turn around.

Kim washed Sam' feet, then his calves, she looked up. He was letting the water pound into the back of his neck with his eyes tightly closed. Poor Sam, he looks tired. Kim decided to wake him up, she let fingernails lightly scrape up his thighs. She dropped from her squat to her knees, grasped his thighs and took his semi-erect cock in her mouth. It didn't stay semi-erect long. Kim pushed her head slowly to him till her lips touched his body, her mouth felt his increasing heartbeat. She gently clawed his hips and thighs as she sucked hard, pulling slowly away from him. She pushed in fast, forcing her face hard against his body. His erection ran along the top of her mouth before bending, going back down her throat. Sam shook with pleasure as she pulled away slowly again. Kim jammed herself hard on him again, holding his butt, she heard his gasp over the sound of the shower's water. This time he didn't shake, his body twitched from the sensual onslaught. She could feel the racing, pounding of his heart with her tongue rubbing along the bottom of him in her mouth. She slowly brought him to a climax. His hands gently rubbed her head, not directing, just caressing her. Kim moved faster, his thigh and leg muscles, under her stroking hands, went rigid. She heard her name being gasped, one of her hands gently cupped his balls. Sam moaned her name loudly as he jerked in orgasmic pleasure. Kim pushed her head in hard, feeling the pulse of the orgasm enter her mouth around tight lips. Her tongue felt the flash of his release down the length of her tongue pressed hard against the bottom of his cock. His heat poured into her throat. Another pulse came, Kim jerked her head back quickly, letting him jet into her mouth. She sucked hard as he gushed again in her mouth, she swallowed his sweetness. Kim let her tongue play over the head of his cock as a smaller gush poured hotly over her tongue. She held him still inside her till she felt him soften. Pulling away, she grasped his cock with a hand, squeezing tightly, she forced the last of his cum into her mouth. Kim kissed the end of him and rose back up to her feet. She kissed his lips, using her tongue to push his last drops into his mouth, letting him taste himself.

They held each other tightly for a few more moments before Kim started soaping his chest. She dropped some to do his waist as she reached behind him and twisted the shower's control to the coldest position. She used the shower's last few moments of hot water to rinse herself before pushing aside the shower curtain and fleeing.

'Bastard!', Kim thought as he stayed in the cold shower and started singing George Thorogood's 'Bad to the Bone', he whistled the sax parts. He was pretty good, she listened as she toweled herself off. He was on the second verse when she came back from the kitchenette with her new hairbrush and started working the tangles out of her hair. Kim shook her head as he started on Bon Jovi's 'Someday I'll be a Saturday Night'. She walked over, yanked open the shower curtain, he stopped singing and smiled at her. Sam twisted slightly letting the cold water deflect off his chest and onto her. He started up the tune where he had left off. Kim reached down and slammed the shower's lever off, "Prick!". Kim went back and started toweling off herself again as Sam climbed out of the shower.

"Hey," he said after grabbing a towel, "I had a couple more songs to sing."

"Prick," Kim said again with a smile as she finished her hair.

He scooped her up, holding her tightly against his cold skin, kissing her, "That's Mr. Prick to you young lady." He put her back down, giving her another sharp, sweet kiss.

Kim held him tightly despite the cold skin, she gave him her warmth, "I love you so much," she whispered to his chest. His arms dropped lower around her, lifting her up, he carried her out of the bathroom and to bed.

Sam laid her gently on the bed and crawled over to lay beside her. They embraced tightly.

She clutched him deeply, like a lost person adrift in an empty ocean clutches a scrap of anything that floats, "Will we get out of here Sam? Will we ever have a moment of peace? Please Sam, tell me the truth."

His eyes searched hers, her soul, inches away, they were so deep, bottomless. "Yes Kimberly, I promise," he said to her.

Kim sighed, she pushed herself closer trying to push herself inside him. She felt something unknown, unknowable, a touch without being touched.

Sam came to her. Kim was in heaven and an angel was making love to her, something no other human woman had ever experienced on this planet, she knew this in her soul now inside his. She found another level, she happily pulled herself up there. Sam joined her there. It wasn't physical, their bodies were somewhere else, doing whatever bodies were inclined to do at this time, happily together. Kim pushed into him as he pushed into her, they joined completely, they strolled over the universe, as one. Feeling life everywhere, all around theirselves. They walked as one, in-twined in each other's souls, totally together.

"I love you."

He yanked her back to the real world they were trapped in. Suddenly, she didn't want to ever leave where she had been, he still filled her soul, she was him. It was impossible to describe what she had felt, still felt. No human words were there to draw on, no one human had every experienced what she now felt.

She tried to go back. "You haven't completed the journey Kim, I will show you the way, what we have has never been known. I have never been so complete. I have never even thought this could happen. Yet, I have craved this. I have never been so in love Kim, it hurts me too know that I have wasted a single moment out of your arms. Touching you, being you. I must change you, I must make you us."

"I love you Samuel," she said in his arms.

"As I do you Kim," he said back.

"Kim, you have no conception of the world I will show you. Something that you didn't even know was possible, I will be you, you will be me. You will never be you again, you will be me, We will be each other, forever."

"Make me you Sam."

"I will Kimberly, I promise."


Over the Arizona Desert, August 1947


"Trassaa get up here, we have major malfunctions across the board."

"On my way Slaa, Crrst," the rest was cut off as the intercom was shutdown.

The ship fluttered again in the violent thunderstorm outside, it dropped 500 feet in seconds, throwing the two pilots against their restraining straps. The engine controls showed in the red, the ship cut in with prerecorded announcement saying containment was now at 50% and unstable, backup systems were now being engaged. The forward monitor blued out and stayed that way, as the ship was struck again by another bolt of lightening, half the systems didn't come back online. Again the ship was struck, the exterior, now polarized, attracted the stored energy in the clouds like a magnet. Another half billion volts at unknown amperage of raw energy, flickered across the falling ship.

"Veettaa, were are losing control," Slaammu said to her.

"I love you Slaammu," she replied calmly as her hands blurred across the control panels, desperately trying to restore failed systems.

The propulsion system went offline, the ship started tumbling as it dropped the last 3000 feet to the ground. At a preset distance for their speed, the stand alone, emergency, backup system tried to engage the secondary, safety systems and slow their rate of descent. Slaammu slammed the emergency communication, message release. As his hand reached for the release, the secondary safety systems drained all available power trying to slow the ship. All interior systems, lights, everything went dead, the cockpit went pitch black. She could feel the G forces, the safety systems had engaged, the ship was slowing. Moments later, another bolt of lightening played across the surface of the ship. Every remaining system on the doomed ship went offline, it fell.

"Veettaa, I,,,"

The belly of the ship struck an embankment of a ravine. The ship bounced ¾ of the way across the ravine, striking the torrent of water rushing down it before plowing into the far embankment at 161 miles per hour. The scattered remains, the blasted bank of the ravine were the only signs of the impact, both lit brilliantly, briefly in the continued flashes of the storm's lightening.

Somewhere Different

She looked down at the amulet, the red contrasted sharply with her blue skin, it was lovely. She had waited so long for this moment, now she had to wait even more. "How long will we be gone Slaammu?"

"60 years, maybe 70, mostly in transit phase, if you don't want to go, tell me Veettaa. I told Trassaa and Ccrsst that it was your decision."

"They are the ones our scientists have been monitoring?"

"Yes Veettaa, the Council asked Trassaa and Ccrsst to do a preliminary exploration, no contact, just a basic bio sampling."

"Will you go without me Slaammu?" she asked.

"No Veettaa, I would not."

She handed the amulet back hesitantly, "I will go with you Slaammu. We will bond upon our return. I do not wish to be with child in transit. Will you wait with me Slaammu?"

"Yes Veettaa, I will wait for you."

5 hours and 19 minutes later

The alarm clock set for three PM went off right on time, she had fallen asleep in his arms as he did in hers. Sam slapped the pesky alarm off, both stretched together, then kissed, going back to each other's arms cuddling. Sam reluctantly broke the embrace, he scooted till he was propped against the headboard of the bed. She did the same.

"I was her Sam, Veettaa."

"What? How Kim?" Sam looked shocked.

"It was a dream Sam, I was in the crash, I died there. I was her when you asked her to go with you Sam."

A tear crawled down one cheek, Sam sobbed, "I killed her bringing her here," He turned away from her, hiding his tears with his hand. Kim held him as he cried about his lost love.

"OK, we should, more or less be good. If they knew about us they would have at least taken a room next door or busted in by now. If they had gotten that close I would have felt something. The meet is set for 7 PM tonight on the north side of the Memorial Mall's reflection pond. I saw a Ruby Tuesday's and a shopping mall. We'll go get something to eat, do some cloths shopping with the money I have, since we shouldn't need it now for the flight."

"Now your talking Sam, a girl's favorite hobby, shopping. And food, it just doesn't get any better." Kim patted her flat tummy, "Now I've hooked you, it's time to start packing on the pounds. If we keep this up, I hope your friends have a doctor on your island, my birth control pills are at home or I'll soon be eating for two."

Kim smiled sweetly at Sam, "Can you have kids Sam? Do you want kids Sam, would they be normal?"

Sam gave her that quirky sideways half frown half grin, "Yes Kim you can have kids, I'll have to help. I'm not sure if I can, being male and the such." Sam stood and poked out his belly, "Wouldn't look good on me anyway, it would wreck my figure."

Kim chucked his abandoned pillow at him, "I hope they at least get their mommy's brains." She ran to the bathroom with him in hot pursuit.

27 minutes later

They nodded at the lady working the counter and exited the hotel arm in arm. The November air was crisp, Kim suggested they add jackets to their shopping list, Sam tried to reach out and feel the tenuous thoughts around them as they walked to the Ruby Tuesday's. There was a tickle out there, a very distant, faint twinge. It just might be a collective thought of hundreds of police offices and other agencies as they sought the couple. He had no doubts what so ever, that they had been tracked to Washington by now. Sam mentioned to Kim as they ate lunch, they should make the shopping trip as quick as they can. Then go back to the room, try and find some local news or CNN and see if there was anything about them on the TV. He said they should stay inside till it got dark and then take a cab to the Lincoln Memorial and access the Mall that way. It would be dark, but still early enough for other people to be about and give them some cover, safety in numbers. He promised her a real shopping trip in any and all the cities she could think of after they got out of this one. They both ate their lunch happily and left, walking over to the shopping mall.