Decisions Ch. 03


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Yulia looked up when we entered. She was standing over Anton, looking over a document with him at Anton's desk. His desk was cluttered and disorganized, the only thing that resembled any sense of order being the tungsten picture frame. It was tungsten, but looked like silver. He wanted a silver picture frame, but didn't want to burn or irritate his fingers every time he wanted to get a closer look at the photo. The picture inside was a photo of me, Stasi, Elena, and Viktor, at Stasi's tenth birthday party.

"You're home late." Yulia said, flatly.

"And past curfew, no less." Anton continued, taking off his glasses and looking up at the both of us. His eyes flickered to our interlocked fingers, the corners of his lips upturning. His expression, however, remained stern.

"I know, papa. I'm sorry. I was just so tired and sleepy that maybe I thought it wouldn't be a bad idea to sleep over. I would've thought you would've known."

Anton drummed his fingers on the counter. I didn't think he was pleased with Stasi's answer. Finally, he spoke. "Understandable. But do you remember what I told you about communication?"

"Yes, papa. The single biggest issue with communication..."

"Is the illusion that it has taken place. " Yulia finished. I knew that quote so well it was second nature. "Did you communicate with us that you were staying the night?"

"No, mama." Stasi admitted. "Sorry."

Yulia nodded, a warm smile on her face. "Apology accepted. Now, can you do me and your father a favor by checking on the potatoes in the oven for me and making sure Viktor doesn't snatch any? I would do it myself, but it appears your father can't go one minute without wanting to throw something at the wall." She patted Anton on the shoulder, smiling down at him lovingly.

"Yes, mama." Stasi said, relieved that she wasn't going to get chewed out any further. "Come on, Chris." She said, preparing to drag me out of the room, lest her parents change their minds about punishing Stasi.

"Wait." Anton said, making the both of us freeze. "Chris, you stay. We need to talk." Stasi looked at me worriedly with her wide crystal blue eyes. "I'll be fine." I murmured. Stasi looked back at my parents, then back at me, and nodded. She gave me a peck on the cheek, leaving the room.

"Close the door on the way out, please." Yulia called out Stasi as she left. The wooden door creaked as it closed, before shutting, sealing me in the study. I swallowed nervously, facing the two adult vampires in front of me. Growing up with them, they were always like a loving second pair of parents to me, but now? I couldn't help but feel intimidated by their stares.

"Why do you look so nervous, Chris? We're just having a talk. Come here, son." Anton said, beckoning me towards him. I walked slowly towards the desk, shuffling one foot in front of the other. I stood at the front of his desk, where he gestured to the chair. "Sit down, Chris."

I pulled the chair out from behind the desk, sitting down on the plush leather, as stiff as a board. Yulia smiled warmly at me. "Christopher, I know how this must feel like the part where you meet the girlfriend's parents, but trust me... it's far from it."

Anton nodded enthusiastically. "Indeed." Yulia gently massaged Anton's shoulders, before continuing. "Chris, when Anna was born, I was the happiest i've ever been in my life. My children became my whole world. Everything me and my husband do is because of them. We tried to make sure they were raised far better than we ever were."

She sighed. "Of course, because of what we are," She gestured to herself, then Anton. "Things haven't been as smooth as they could've been. It's certainly not as terrible as the persecution we faced in the past, but it wasn't. We had the vampire stigma, the 'aura of death', as some people liked to call it. Imagine how heartbroken me and Anton were when Anna grew up without friends, frigid, and unhappy. It seemed as if everybody was afraid of her."

She closed her eyes, before opening them and staring down at me pridefully. "Then, she met you. Suddenly, she couldn't wait to go to school in the morning. She couldn't wait for the weekend to come so she could go to the park with you. She certainly couldn't wait for the playdates that she meticulously planned. All of this came to be, because of some special young man, who I love as my own son, and who can never seem to stop smiling and be positive all the time." She said, proudly, making my cheeks stain red.

"Chris, we're not here to chastise you for having feelings for Anna, as a matter of fact, we're happy that you do. Both us and your parents. We've always been unsure how the two of you would turn out. Would you realize that she was a girl? Would she realize that you were a boy? We're happy that the both of you found each other and took another leap in your relationship, even knowing that she wasn't... necessarily human. We know you would never intentionally hurt her, or anybody for that matter. We just want to thank you for giving her a reason to be happy."

"Thank you. I love your daughter with every fiber of my being, and I have for a while. I'll promise to treat her right, you have my word." When I said the word love, Yulia clasped her hands, sighing happily. "I've been waiting to hear those words ever since Stasi came home from that first day in Kindergarten." Anton smiled before it disappeared.

"Christopher, we do have something serious that we have something to ask you. Has Anna asked to feed off of you?"

I gulped, before shaking my head. "No.." I said, my voice wavering slightly. I was a terrible liar, even if it wasn't technically a lie. "I offered to let her." I admitted.

Anton's expression softened. "I expected nothing less from you. When was this?"

"Only about a week ago."

Anton sighed. "What you two do behind closed doors is your own business. We try to respect your privacy, so we will not pry. I know you are both smart and feeding is an inherent part of vampire biology. It is how we nourish our bodies, but it is a dangerous process. Even if it feels good, you must know that it can kill you."

"Indeed. I know you two trust each other with your lives, but if Anna accidentally overdoes it and hurts you... I don't think she would ever forgive herself." Yulia inserted.

"All we are saying is... be safe and be careful." Anton finished.

"Yes, sir."

"Oh, what did I say about that 'sir' business, Chris? That should be all... if i'm mistaken. No, one last thing, before you leave.." He shifted the document on his desk to the side, revealing a silver envelope underneath. "Do you know what the Coven Ball is, Chris?"

I nodded. "Yes."

Stasi told me about the Ball. Every year, the San Francisco Coven got together and held a gala on Halloween. It's so everyone and their families could all socialize and get to know each other without talking about politics. It also was a chance for the 'actual' Coven, the one with the Royal Family, complete with Princes and Princesses, to show their faces. They came all the way from New York City. The balls were extravagant, old-fashioned, and supposedly dreadfully boring.

Stasi and her family usually went away to go to the Gala. The last one was held in New York City, the one before that, it was held Chicago. This year, it was supposed to be in a very high class venue right here in San Francisco, my favorite city in the world. Although, I did live here so that was probably going to make me a bit biased.

"Good. I don't need to explain that much about it, then." He held up the envelope. "This invitation was sent to your house this morning. Your parents knew that you'd come by eventually, so they wanted me to give this you. They told me to tell you how proud they are of you and what kind of man you have become. You can expect the same conversation from them when you go home tonight."

He looked at the envelope pensively. "You'll be the first human to be invited as a Guest of Honor of the San Francisco Coven to this year's Coven Ball. There will be many people in attendance, including businessmen, politicians, college deans, and if I am not mistaken... the Royal Family is eager to attend. If my ears do not decieve me, I hear Princess Josephine Duquette wishes to meet you personally and talk to you about the DTOSA."

"Which princess wants to meet me?" I asked, feeling a little bit of an ego boost at the thought of an actual princess wanting to meet me... only a little bit though. I didn't know who she was and besides, I had Stasi. I made a mental note to ask her who Princess Duquette was. I knew a bit about the Royal Family, but I wasn't a super big aficionado of their lineage. The name was familiar but I couldn't put a face to it.

Anton's smile grew bigger. "The only way to find out is if you attend, Chris. I sincerely hope you do. Anna will need a date, and what better person to be that date than the young man who stole her heart and half of the monster community here in the city?"

My eyes widened. Stasi and her family always attended the Coven Ball as Anton was a highly touted member of the Coven itself, but it finally registered that going to this thing for the first time was an actual possibility. "Anton, I don't think i'm... that important." I stammered. "Maybe it'd be better to invite someone else... like an actual famous person or something."

Yulia looked at me for a second with a blank expression on her face, before laughing melodically. She had the same exact laugh that Stasi had. "Chris," She said, when she calmed down. "There has been no one making more waves in this entire debacle than you. Everyone that is a monster wants to meet you or shake your hand. You're a natural politician and you don't even know it. Your prowess in doing what is right is only equaled in your athletics and academics. Besides, if there's anybody that could make one of these dreadful balls anyone in attendance, it's seeing you and Stasi together."

"Thank you." I said, shyly.

"Let the boy be modest." Anton said, patting his wife's hand. "It'd be wise not to tell Stasi about the invitation, Chris. Let her be surprised when her knight in shining armor shows up in his tuxedo to escort her to what she claims as the most dreadful, boring, and tedious day of the year. I don't blame her either. Do you remember the time she tried to get of going to the Ball by feigning sickness to go trick or treating with Chris, Ricardo, Lucy, and Jasmine, Yulia?"

Yulia laughed. "Of course. The old, 'Oh mama, I feel like I have a stomach ache. I don't think I can go to the Ball' one week before we left. She still got her fair share of candy from Chris's bag."

"Indeed she did. Ironically, she must've eaten herself sick when we did get back that weekend." Anton chuckled. She did eat herself to the point where she actually got sick, but I got a kiss on the cheek as payment for all the loot I shared with her. Anton looked down at the clock on his desk. "Oh, don't let us take up any more of your time, Christopher. Anna must be tearing her hair out at the thought of the two of us reprimanding you to shreds. Go on."

I nodded my thanks, taking the letter from Anton and placing it in my back pocket safely. Just as I was about to exit, Yulia called me back, her warm eyes now occupied with worry.

"Chris, one last thing, I promise. I forgot to tell you, but your mother and I agreed to shorten Anna's and your curfew from ten to nine PM."

"Wait.. what?"

"For your own safety. I know you two watch each other's backs better than anybody I know, but there are some people out there who don't agree with what you are doing. Even if you are outside before the curfew, do make sure to stick together. Those psikhs that painted on your garage door? They're nothing compared to what some of these fanatics can do. Please do be safe."

Anton nodded vigorously. "Yes, please. Keep my little girl safe."

I knew where these guys were coming from. In the past month, there's been numerous attacks on monster families by human supremacists. They ranged from harmless things like vandalism to some crazy stuff like arson. Switching schools from Jefferson to Belcourt painted a pretty big target on my back and I suspected those fools who spray painted my garage door weren't going to be the alst of them.

"Yes, I promise." I said.

Yulia smiled. "Then that's all there is. Spasibo. You're free to go, Chris."

I politely nodded, leaving the room and closing the door quietly behind me. I walked the short distance into the kitchen, looking for Stasi. She was sitting at the kitchen table nervously, her hands clasped on her lap. When she saw me, she went to her feet. "What'd they say?" She asked.

"I'll tell you about it in your room. How are the potatoes?"

"Don't change the subject! Tell me now." She said angrily, poking me on the chest.

"Please?" I asked, giving her my best puppy dog look.

Stasi's angry expression withered and softened. She closed her eyes, murmuring something that probably wasn't very nice under her breath. "Fine." She said. "And the potatoes are delicious, thanks for asking."

She stalked past me and up the stairs to her room, which had me hopping on one leg up the steps to keep up with her. We walked past Viktor's room, then Elena's, and then finally, her room. Her room was similar in layout to mine if not a tad bit bigger. Her queen bed was neatly made and tucked away in the corner, with mounds of pillows and blankets. A white desk was pushed up against the wall, with her laptop closed shut. Above her desk was a small wall-mounted TV that provided numerous hours of entertainment whenever I came over.

Stasi shrugged off her purse, dropping it on the spinny chair at her desk, and plopped down on her bed, shifting backward until she was up against the wall. She patted the spot next to her, gesturing for me to sit or lay down. I didn't need any further invitation. I dove onto the bed, making the mattress sink.

I laid there face down, until Stasi nudged my body with her foot impatiently. "You said you were going to tell me." She whined, her cute Russian accent melding her words.

"I did?" I teased, my voice coming out muffled because my face was in the mattress. I rolled to the left and onto my back, looking up at her. Stasi criss crossed her legs, providing a faux pillow for my head to rest on. She placed her hands on the sides of my head, maneuvering my face so I was looking directly up at her. "Yes, you did. Now talk, before I make you." She said, baring her fangs.

I laughed. "Alright! Sheesh. So impatient. Right... what did they say... what did they say... I think I might've forgotten."

Stasi angrily flicked me on the forward. "Ow! Alright, alright, relax! Your parents just told me how happy they were they we found each other."

Stasi raised her eyebrow at that one. "Oh really?" She asked.

"Yes, really. They also asked if you asked to feed off of me."

The hands that were on either side of my head and were gently massaging my scalp froze. Stasi looked at me horrified."What did you tell them?" She asked, her voice a deathly whisper.

"I said yes, you begged me to let you feed off of me and I had no choice."

"Chris!" She exclaimed, shocked.

"I'm kidding! I said yes, but that I offered and it was my choice alone. They just want us to be careful about doing it in the future, y'know, in case I get hurt."

Stasi sighed in relief and gently smacked me on the cheek. "Don't scare me like that ever again. My parents are staunch supporters of that no-live-feeding-without-consent stuff. If they ever thought that I fed on you without consent, they'd send me to the mountains of Siberia. You'd never ever see me again But... in all honesty, did I hurt you when I did it?" She asked, worriedly.

"No, you didn't." I said, reaching up and stroking her cheek. Stasi leaned forward, her raven hair tickling my face. "It felt good. It felt good to know that I was helping the person that I love."

"So they're not mad at us or anything?"

"Nope, far from it. They're happy. Real happy."

She smiled. "I'd kiss you right now, but I don't think i'm that flexible to bend down over 100 degrees." Her hands gently roamed all along my face. Stasi gently picked my head up, pushing me softly so I got the hint to rotate myself so I was laying lengthwise along the bed. She laid down to me, giving me the hot kiss that she couldn't do before.

I wrapped my right arm around her, pulling her in close. I slid my tongue in between her lips and sought out hers, sucking at it gently and moaning softly into her mouth, relishing the feeling of her fangs gently moving my lips and tongue. Simply from kissing her and the sensation of her body pressed to mine sent shivers up my spine and I began to harden instantly. There was no way she could've avoided it, her thigh pressed up against me that she was.

"You know how I said i'd make it worth your while at the restaurant?" Stasi panted, breaking the kiss.


"I think i'm going to have to give you another rain check. My parents are downstairs and they have some great hearing. I don't think they'd appreciate it if they caught you having sex with me..."

"You'll just have to be quiet, then."

"Wai-.. what?"

"Just trust me. Tell me if you hear them coming." Vampires had very acute hearing after all. Probably why I never managed to ever sneak up on Stasi unless I got really lucky.

I gave her another soft kiss, before moving down her body, kissing the hollow of her throat. Stasi gasped and steadily fumbled with the buttons on her blouse to free her collar, but I grabbed hold of her hands, keeping them from touching anything. I looked up at her, winking, before I sucked on her neck one last time, making her sigh, and moved down to her stomach.

Her eyes were closed and she was panting, her chest rising and falling with every labored breath. I finally moved down from her blouse, to her skirt, then to that sweet area in between her legs. Even though it was covered with panties, I knew that she was soaking. The wet material said it all. I gently hiked up her skirt, revealing inch after inch of mouth watering pale, cold flesh and making her hips shake in anticipation at what was to come.

"Chris.." Stasi mumbled. I looked up at her face, seeing her loving gazing down at me, a blush staining her cheeks. "Just move them to the side." I returned my gaze to her panties, reaching for the material with my fingers, and shifting them to the side, revealing her pussy.

It was beautiful, a nice shade of pink with light puffy lips. I swallowed in anticipation before moving my face forward.

I poked my tongue out and softly licked the outside, going all the way around and making sure I missed what I thought was her clut, making small kisses. Stasi squirmed, sighing softly and groaning at my teasing.

"Chris..." She breathed out. "Are you trying to make me beg or something?"

That actually sounded like a wonderful idea and I was about to make some smart ass reply in the affirmative, but I thought against it. She'd probably murder me if I ever made her beg. I gave her slit a lick, bottom to top, then, using my left hand, opened up her lips. With vigor and love making up for my inexperience, I softly began to suck on her clit. Stasi gave a gasp of surprise at the sensation as I pressed two fingers into her pussy, sliding them into her tight interior. "Oh god." She squeaked.

She began emitting groans and sighs of pleasure, clamping her hand over her mouth to keep from crying around, and squirming around on the bed. She wrapped her other hand on top of my close cropped hair, keeping my face pinned in her skirt as I licked at the most sensitive parts of her body.

"Oh, Chris." She groaned out, rocking her hips against my face and fingers.