Dee & The Twins Pt. 01


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In 1985, the eighteen year old was unceremoniously dropped off the roster of the State of Louisiana and the foster home put her out on the street. If they would be receiving no money for her , they saw no benefit to feeding her or clothing her, or housing her.

Smitty Simeneaux smiled as the frightened girl regarded him.

"Hey baby face," he said and showed her how to shoot up the heroin.

The stuff was magic. Suddenly she felt attractive, and desirable, and wanted and warm and comforted. All Smitty had to do was show her the needle and she would fuck the stranger, or suck his dick, or let them stick their cocks up her ass, even though that hurt terribly the first few times.

On the streets of Lafayette, she was known as Precious. That's what Smitty called her, that's what her tricks called her, that's what the cops called her.

Delicious Africa Jones was born on Precious' nineteenth birthday, addicted to heroin just like her mother. Precious did not know for sure, but she strongly suspected that Smitty was the father of the beautiful baby girl.

Delicious screamed and cried nonstop as she went through withdrawal symptoms and suffered from several allergies. Smitty had no desire to 'settle down' and had no desire to be a father. He certainly had no use for a stupid bitch that wanted to stay at home, rather than fuck and suck and bring in the money.

So Precious found herself once again having sex for the magic needle. She got pregnant almost immediately, but that didn't stop Smitty from sending her out on the streets of Lafayette. In her seventh month of pregnancy, the men that were willing to fuck her dwindled and Smitty started cutting the heroin with baking soda.

"Come on, mother fucker!" Precious screamed when Smitty refused to give her any heroin.

"Fifty bucks? Bitch, you bring home fifty bucks? And you want a hundred dollars worth of shit?" Smitty screamed back.

His big mistake was in hitting her. He never saw her knife, but he certainly felt it as she slashed across his belly and opened him up.

Delight America Jones was born as Precious awaited trial for the murder of Harold 'Smitty' Simeneaux. One look at the boy and she knew the father was not Smitty, but was most likely Albert Prejean, a mildly retarded black man that she'd have sex with for twenty five bucks, instead of fifty. He was nice, insisted that they kiss before and after the sex and would promise to be back on the third of the following month, when his Social Security check came in.


Delicious Africa Jones fell victim to the same foster care system that had raised AnnMarie. However, she was fortunate enough to be given to Doctors Stanley and Mona Walberg; a childless couple that immediately fell in love with the eleven month old girl. The couple lived forty miles away from Lafayette, in DeGarde, Louisiana and set about raising the girl as if she were their own. The money that the state sent to them was put away into a savings account for the beautiful child; the WalBergs were both very successful doctors and had no need of the money.

Both Stanley and Mona were shocked when they met AnnMarie Emily 'Precious' Jones; she was obviously of African-American descent; Delicious did not have any traces of her African heritage.

"Not that it would make any difference," they hastened to assure each other.

Precious refused to sign any papers allowing the Walbergs to adopt Delicious. The Walbergs pleaded, begged, threatened, cajoled, bribed, but Precious stuck fast to her beliefs that she would be a much better mother than any Jewish woman and would set about raising her two children as soon as she was released from prison.

Even when she was sentenced to ten years, precious still refused to give up her parental rights to Delicious or Delight, who was also in a loving foster home.


Dee did not smile at a few of the jocks that were confident enough to smile at her. Quite often, her good looks served to intimidate others, rather than attract them. But when it came to jocks, she had a few scars that had not healed yet.

She pushed her way through the clump of students at the door of the Algebra class and breathed a sigh of relief. Crowds, unwanted touches, unintentional touches brought up horrible memories.

Chapter 2

She couldn't help but smile, though. The Doyeski Twins stood out in the hall, jabbering at each other in whatever language they affected. The two blondes stood in their matching halter-tops and shorts and sneakers, clutching their books to their chests. Both had long blonde hair, light blue eyes, slightly large noses and thin pink lips. They both smiled quite easily and often, and were very pretty when they smiled.

They stood at five feet, four inches, and both sported thirty-four B Breasts, twenty-nine inch waists, and thirty-two inch hips. The shorts did give them the appearance of long, sleek legs and very shapely rear ends.

Dee knew that they were first generation Russian-Americans; their mother had been pregnant with them when she left Russia and joined her husband in California. It was a fact that the two twenty year olds were proud to share with anyone that asked.

The twins weren't smiling though as they jabbered back and forth in the harsh Slavic language.

"Hey," Dee said and they looked at her, then smiled.

"Hey Dee," Nadia , or was it Sonja said.

"Yeah, hey," the other one chimed in.

"SO how'd you do on Huxton's test?" Dee asked and regretted asking.

Both girls looked like they were ready to cry.

"Forty one," Nadia, or was it Sonja said.

"Ooh, that's rough," Dee sympathized.

"I got a forty eight," the other twin said and stuck her tongue out at her twin, displaying their natural sibling rivalry.

"It's still andF,'" the other twin shrilled, then turned to Dee. "It's still an 'F' but 'So Smart Sonja' is going to rub it in forever that she got a better grade than I did."

"Y'all try the Math Lab?" Dee asked as the three girls walked toward the heavy doors that led outside into the DeGarde humidity.

"Yeah, and all those gross nerds want to do is try to get a date with us," Sonja complained.

"Yeah, we're asking them for help and all they're doing is gawking at us," Nadia joined in.

"And how'd you do?" Sonja asked Dee.

"Um, I got a ninety seven," Dee admitted.

"You're kidding!" Sonja exclaimed.

"Yeah, well, I mean, we went over all this stuff in high school," Dee said.

"Help us?" Nadia begged as Dee pushed the door open and immediately felt the humidity begin to curl her hair.

"Yes, please?" The other twin begged.

"Well, yeah, um, I guess so," Dee said.

She wrote down her address and her phone numbers, both her landline and her cell phone and gave the paper to Sonja. Nadia immediately ripped the paper out of Sonja's hand. This prompted a playful scuffle between the two girls.

"I'm not going to promise not to gawk," Dee smiled.

"Oh, that's all right," Sonja giggled as she and Nadia ran off to their next class.

Sonja apparently thought Dee was kidding.


"Okay, Cindy, Truth or Dare?" Amber Istrey asked Cindy Brown.

The three eighteen year old girls were locked in Amber's room; Amber's mother and mother's boyfriend were out at Charles Villeaux's Baylor Lake cabin for a long weekend, and Adam Villeaux, Charles' son that lived with them, was in New Orleans, at Loyola University. So Amber, Cindy and Dee were all alone.

"Um, dare," the extremely overweight girl brazenly said.

"Um, I um I dare you to um, I want you to kiss Dee, for two minutes," Amber giggled.

"With tongue?" Cindy asked.

"Um, yeah," Amber decided.

The two brunettes shrugged their shoulders and kissed for what seemed like a very long two minutes before Amber finally admitted she'd not been keeping track of the time.

"Amber!" Cindy shrieked. "You make a dare like that, you have to keep the time!"

"Sorry," the attractive blonde giggled.

"Okay, Amber," Cindy said. "Truth or..."

"Truth," Amber quickly decided; not wanting to incur Cindy's wrath over forgetting to time the kiss.

"You ever spy on Adam when he's showering and stuff?" Cindy asked.

"Yeah," Amber blushed and admitted, then went into some detail about Adam's attributes.


When Precious had gotten out of prison, she collected her two children, eleven-year-old Delicious and ten year old Delight. Delicious threw a horrible tantrum, declaring that the Walbergs were her parents.

"You shut your mouth," Precious ordered and slapped the insolent girl across the face.

That prompted the first time that Delicious ran away from home. Time and again, the police were summoned out to whatever apartment Precious and Delicious and Delight were living in to go find the girl.

"Okay, you wants to be white?" Precious finally screamed. "Go on, get the fuck out of here! Go on, go back to them white mother fuckers."

"Bye," Delicious sneered and called Mona to come get her.

"I is your mother, don't you ever forget that," Precious hissed in the smirking girl's face.

"You may be my mother, but you'll never be my mom," Delicious hissed back.


Cathy Istrey, her daughter Amber and boyfriend Charles Villeaux and son Adam Villeaux lived directly across the street from the Walbergs. Cindy's house backed up against the Istreys home. The three girls were inseparable and all three had cried piteously when precious insisted on taking her daughter away.

They shed tears of joy when Dee moved back into the Walbergs' home.


"Okay, Dee," Amber said. "Truth or Dare?"

"Dare," Dee said and smiled.

"Um, okay, I um, I dare you to..." Amber thought.

Dares with Dee was always hard; there was almost nothing the girl wouldn't do. Coming up with a dare that made her say 'no' was seemed to be the goal for both Amber and Cindy whenever they got together to play this game.

"I dare you to eat Cindy's pussy!" Amber crowed, sure Dee would say 'no.'

It was Cindy that hemmed and hawed and finally balked at it, so Dee was given credit for a successful 'Dare.'

"Amber," Dee began.

Amber's stomach was tied in knots. If she said 'truth' both Dee and Cindy would laugh at her for being too chicken to say 'dare.' If she said 'dare,' Dee was sure to give her a really tough one.

"Dare," she finally said and tensed up, waiting.

"I dare you to suck my nipples, both of them, one minute each; Cindy will keep time," Dee smiled.

Amber smiled also; this was an easy one. They'd dared each other to do this before and none had ever backed down from it.

Dee pulled her nightshirt over her head and bared her breasts to Amber.

Dee had thirty-eight double d breasts, capped with large chocolate brown nipples. She was active in all the sports available to the girls at Cabrini High School so her waist was a nice, slender twenty seven inches, but her hips flared out to thirty six inches. She stood five feet and six inches tall, with muscular legs.

Amber also stood at five feet and six inches and had very nice thirty-six C breasts with medium sized pink nipples. Her waist was twenty-nine inches, and her hips were thirty-four inches. She had long, thick blonde hair, a heart shaped face and a perpetual smile.

Cindy was nearly one hundred and fifty pounds overweight on a five foot one inch body. To both Dee and Amber, Cindy was the prettiest of them all, but no one would ever notice that. Her breasts were a monumental fifty E cup, her waist was a voluminous fifty-three inches, and her hips flared out to forty-nine inches. Her legs were stubby trunks.

Two of the three girls also had a major crush on Adam Istrey, Amber's good looking older brother. Dee no longer had a crush on him; she'd overheard him laughing to a buddy of his about 'the little half-n*gger that lived across the street.' She had not told Amber or Cindy about that, and pretended to still have a huge crush on the boy.

"Mm," Dee moaned and lightly combed Amber's blonde hair back as the girl sucked and tongued Dee's hard nipple. Cindy alternated between watching the second hand of her watch and watching Amber's actions.

"Time," Cindy announced and Amber began to suck the other nipple.

"Okay, Cindy," Amber said when Cindy called 'Time' a second time.

"Truth," Cindy laughed.

"Did you like it when you and Dee was kissing?" Amber asked and giggled at Cindy's hot blush.

"Yeah," Cindy admitted and all three girls squealed and shrieked.

"Okay, Amber," Cindy started.

Amber knew that Cindy's dares were normally quite tame; the girl was always too afraid of retribution.

"Dare," she triumphantly said.

"I dare you to eat Dee's pussy, since you were so eager to make her eat mine," Cindy said and then squealed in laughter at Amber's stunned expression.

Dee smiled as she shimmied out of her panties and bared her bald slit to the girls' view.

"Ooh, when'd you shave it?" Amber asked.

"Remember that stupid video you stole out of Adam's room?" Dee laughed. "It itched too much when it started growing back, so I just keep it shaved."

"Okay, how long?" Amber asked a blushing Cindy.

"Um, two minutes," Cindy decided and watched her best friend put her mouth to her other best friend's pussy.

"Oh," Dee hissed as Amber's tongue slobbered up and down her swollen pussy lips.

Amber purposefully avoided any contact with Dee's clitoris. And very quickly stopped when a breathless Cindy called 'time.'

"Okay, Cindy," Amber sullenly began.

"Truth!" Cindy crowed.

"Damn it, Cindy!" Amber snapped. "That's not fair!"


When the three girls graduated from Cabrini High School, Cindy mysteriously disappeared for four months. Amber and Dee both started their freshmen year at the University of Louisiana at DeGarde.

"Hey Dee," the gorgeous little brunette smiled as Dee threw her books into the pick up truck.

"Cindy?" Dee asked, mouth open in shock.

Gone was the one hundred and fifty pounds of excess weight. She had also learned some hair styling techniques and makeup tricks.

The two friends squealed and screamed and hugged tightly.

"God, Cindy, you look beautiful!" Dee enthused. "Of course, you always were beautiful, but, my God!"

"Dee," Cindy laughed. "You and Amber were the only ones that ever thought that."

"But it was always the truth," Dee said and impulsively kissed her friend again.

Squealing and screaming, they ran across the street to rouse Amber, who did not have an early morning class.


Adam smiled at the gorgeous brunette who blushed hotly, but returned his smile.

"Hi Cindy," Adam said.

"See?" Amber nudged her friend. "I told you he'd recognize you."

"It's your smile," Adam said. "You always had the prettiest smile."


It had broken Dee's heart when Cindy and Adam began dating. Cindy did not want to play 'those games' with Amber and Dee any longer, seeing it as an act of infidelity. Without Cindy, Amber felt it was 'too weird' to do those things with Dee.

So, while she did date the young men that were available in DeGarde, Dee also dated the occasional female.

With their thick blonde hair, and slightly heart shaped faces, the Doyeski twins did remind Dee slightly of Amber.

She watched the twins' compact little bottoms as they ran to their next class and smiled. Her next class was in the next building over and she very quickly got out of the oppressive heat and tramped up the three flights of stairs to the classroom for World History 403.


Dee let herself into the two-bedroom apartment and sighed contentedly. The air conditioning was going full blast, cooling the inferior to a chilly sixty-five degrees. Al Gore and his 'Keep it Green' philosophy could go fuck off; they did not live in the oppressive heat and humidity of south Louisiana.

She dropped her shorts and panties to the floor and her tee shirt and bra followed. She loved her apartment, loved living alone. When she'd first bought the building, Precious had made her feel guilty and had moved herself and Delight into the downstairs apartment. In less than one week, Dee had regretted her moment of weakness and told precious and the shiftless Delight they had thirty days to vacate the premises.

"You are evicting your own mom?" Precious had snarled.

"Mother," Dee corrected her with an air of confidence she did not truly feel. "I told you before, you're my mother, but you'll never be my mom."

Delight had trashed the apartment, punching holes in the sheetrock and bashing in the doors. Dee had informed both the surly mother and son to never ever call her again, even if it was to inform her of their deaths.

She picked up the discarded clothing and padded, nude, to the bathroom and dropped the clothing into the hamper. Then she jumped into the shower and washed away the day's sweat and grime.

She checked the clock on the oven; three fifteen. The twins were coming over at six thirty, so she did not hurry to dress again. Instead she tossed a Lean cuisine into the microwave.

She smiled; that was a bad habit she'd picked up from Mona.

"But Honey, why cook when someone else is willing to do it for you?" Mona had laughed. "It's so much easier; life's too short to be doing all that chopping and cutting and measuring and this and that."

Chapter 3

She poured herself a stiff gin and tonic while she waited for the microwave to finish; a bad habit she'd picked up from Precious. Sometimes, every now and then, she had to admit, the drinking did get a bit out of hand. She also did like to smoke the occasional joint. Having the chief of the DeGarde Police Department living right across the street had not stopped Dee from experimenting with some recreational drugs. It hadn't stopped Amber from doing it either, and it hadn't stopped Adam and Cindy as well.

But Amber had gone off the deep end with it, getting hooked on cocaine and very nearly dying from an overdose of vodka and cocaine. Now the twenty three year old was studying to be a Substance Abuse counselor. They were still friends, still got together for dinners and chit-chats at Delphy's Diner, but they no longer hit the nightlife of Lafayette, no longer did the spontaneous drives down to New Orleans to really cut loose and party.

Every now and then, when the self-doubt welled up inside of her, when she realized she was indeed Precious Jones's daughter, Dee would go on a bender of self-pity and gin and marijuana. She would always emerge, full of remorse and self-loathing and vow never to do it again. But as soon as the calamities of day-to-day life would grow too severe, she'd be off on another binge.

While she waited, she absently fidgeted with her pussy rings. She had three rings on each of her inner pussy lips and a ring through the hood of her clitoris. She also had nipple rings and a pierced navel.

The rings had not been a drunken weekend decision. The pierced nipples and the first two labia piercing had very nearly killed her. Surviving it had very nearly killed her spirit.


Mona and Stanley beamed as Dee came down the stairs in her prom dress. The pale pink seemed to make her light tan glow all the more. Her brown hair had been done up in elaborate curls and ringlets and pale pink ribbons.

Paul Bordelon, her date for the evening's festivities bordered on insolent and rude as Stanley and Mona insisted on taking multiple pictures of the two eighteen year olds. Finally, the two Walbergs ran out of film and Dee hugged and kissed both of her parent's good-bye.

"Oh come on!" Paul complained when Cathy Villeaux insisted on her own set of pictures with Amber and Dee and Cindy and with their respective dates.

Amber was with Corey Nichols, her boyfriend of two years. Cindy was with Derek Dubell, an equally overweight teenager. Cindy looked terrible in an ill-fitting gown, and Derek looked extremely uncomfortable in a too-tight tuxedo. But both of them smiled happily; they were out on a date, going to the Senior Prom and were with their friends.