Deep Undercover Ch. 03


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Raúl set his AK-47 next to the bed. He pulled his pants down to his knees and climbed over the ropes securing Ana's legs to the footboard. He knelt in front of her splayed thighs and stroked his cock. When it was erect, he placed the head against Ana's gaping asshole and pushed.

"No, no, no," Ana cried. "He's too big. I can't take it. His cock is too big."

"Shut up whore. I told you that if you didn't tell me what I wanted to know, then Raúl's big cock in your ass would make you talk."

Raúl pumped back and forth, forcing more and more of his shaft into Ana's ass. When he was all the way in, he leaned forward and placed his hands on Ana's waist. Using her body for leverage, he pumped in and out of her with more speed.

Dana stood near the headboard. She jabbed Ana in the face with the finial, and then pushed it against her mouth.

"Tell me what I want to know," Dana demanded. "If you don't, Raúl will destroy your asshole."

"Oh god, he's so big. He's ripping my asshole. Make him stop."

"Fuck her harder, Raúl! Shred this whore's ass! Make her talk!"

Raúl was close to cumming. He closed his eyes and thrust in and out, faster and faster. He wanted to hold out, to prolong the pleasure, but the sensations were too much. His body spasmed, and then he fell forward, collapsing on top of Ana. Warm blood rushed from his skull and covered Ana's heaving torso.

Dana stood behind him, wielding her curtain rod.

"Get him off me. Hurry."

Dana pushed Raúl to the floor. She pulled out her pocket knife and started cutting through the ropes immobilizing Ana.

"Don't you have anything bigger than that?" Ana asked.

"Hold on."

Dana jumped off the bed and searched Raúl's body. She found a knife tucked into his belt, and another one hidden in his boot. She cut Ana's hands free and then gave her one of the knives.

It took nearly ten minutes to cut through all the knots. Ana tried to stand once she was free of the ropes, but her legs refused to cooperate.

"Are you OK?" Dana asked.

"Give me a second."

Ana used a pillow case to wipe Raúl's blood from her body. After five minutes of alternately tensing and relaxing her muscles, she was able to stand. She went to a closet and searched through Maritza's clothes. She picked a tank top and a pair of slacks that were close to her size. The only shoes she found were high heels, but she did come across a pair of bedroom slippers. She put them on, grabbed Raúl's gun, and headed for the door.

"You lead," Ana said. "Our timing has to be precise. One slip up, and we're all dead."

Dana opened the door and walked out into the hallway. When she reached the stairs, she stopped and told the guard that she was heading to the kitchen for a pitcher of water. The guard gave her a disinterested nod and looked away. Without looking back, she sauntered down the wide, open staircase. The downstairs guard looked up at her when her shoe first touched the stair, and then looked away as she descended the staircase.

With her left hand gliding across the banister, Dana slipped her right hand under her shirt and grasped the knife tucked uncomfortably into the waistband of her slacks. I hope Ana is in place. If she's not, then I'm as good as dead. When she was two steps from the bottom, Dana pulled out the knife, took another step so that she was directly behind the guard, and sliced his neck from ear to ear. The guard dropped to the floor as blood gushed from his wound.

Dana turned and looked up to the top of the stairs. The other guard was crumpled in a bloody heap. Ana silently stepped around his body and joined Dana at the bottom of the staircase.

* * * *

Harris drove into the central business district and searched for a realtor. He stopped at the first office he found. He parked his rental car in front of the building and entered.

"Hola," a young woman said. "How can I help you?"

"I represent a client who is interested in making a sizeable investment in some property," Harris answered. "What do you have that's available?"

"Any particular location?"

"On the beach, definitely."

"What's your client's price range?"

"Price is not an issue. I'm looking for something big."

"I have some listings for properties between 2200 and 2700 square feet."

"No, no, no. I'm looking for something much bigger."

"I don't have any current listings for anything larger than 2700. There are some new homes that were built recently in the 3200 to 4000 square foot range, but none of them are currently on the market."

"No. I'm looking for something much larger. My client has money to spend and he wants a resort."

"There is vacant land available on the North end of the island. He could build something in the 5000-10,000 square foot range with deep water access and a swimming pool. I'm afraid that's the only way he'll get what he's looking for."

"You're still not understanding me. We're looking for something huge--something palatial. I'm talking in the 20,000 to 25,000 square foot range."

"Sir, there's only one house of that size on this island, and it is definitely not for sale."

"Can you get me in touch with the owner? Perhaps if I make him an offer, we can come to some sort of an agreement. Of course, you would still be entitled to your commission as the procuring cause of the transaction. We won't cut you out."

"That property is not for sale. I'm sorry, but we are closing now. You'll have to come back tomorrow."

"Of course. Where did you say that property is located?"

"On the north end, but I'm warning you, do not try to contact the owner. He does not like to be disturbed. He has the means to make your life difficult if you intrude upon his privacy."

"Oh, I'm sure. I've heard about the idiosyncracies of these reclusive billionaires. My client is like that, too. No problem. I have some properties in Costa Rica and Jamaica to look at, so I'll be on my way. Thank you for your time."

* * * *

The staircase leading to the cellar was located just off the main kitchen. Dana and Ana exited the armory and headed in that direction. Each had an AK-47 slung over her shoulder and was carrying a 9mm handgun with silencer. Ana selected those weapons because she and Micaela had trained Dana in their use over the last ten days.

Two guards were stationed outside the doorway leading to the stairs. Ana and Dana hid around a corner, less than forty feet away. Ana motioned to Dana, indicating that she would take out the guard on the left and Dana was to take out the guard on the right. Ana signaled a silent count, and on three the women stepped into the hallway. Each fired a single round, dropping the two guards in their places.

* * * *

Harris had little trouble locating the compound. The information from the realtor pointed him in the general vicinity, and once he was in the area he found the only one road leading in that direction. When he reached the end of the mile-long cul-de-sac, he discovered that the property was surrounded by a fifteen foot wall with surveillance cameras mounted at regular intervals. He drove past the gate without slowing.

A half-mile down the road, Harris found a gap in the brush. He turned his car into the shaded area and parked. The dense foliage overhead and on three sides hid him from all but the most observant eyes. Harris pulled out a map and studied the area. His reconnaissance informed him that the security wall shielded the property on three sides. The ocean protected the fourth side. The only way to breach the perimeter would be through an amphibious assault. Even with the proper equipment that would be a near impossibility in daytime. In any event, that was a moot point. He didn't have the proper equipment.

Harris took out his binoculars and stepped into the road. Looking to the east and south, he saw dense foliage that provided great cover, but no means of getting past the security cameras mounted on the compound walls. To the north was all sea and beach. The sun headed toward the mountains in the west, which were dotted with large homes along the winding road leading to the peak. By the time the sun set, those homes would be swallowed up by the shadows of the mountain peak. Suddenly, Harris knew what he had to do.

* * * *

Dana opened the door leading to the cellar stairway. Ana stepped into the breach, spotted the guard, and fired. The man at the bottom of the stairs fell to the floor as blood spurted from the hole in his forehead.

The two women hurried down the stairs. Ana searched the guard's body. She removed a handgun, which she handed to Dana. Dana reached over her shoulder and tucked the gun between her bra strap and her spine. Ana pulled a key ring from the guard's pants pocket and examined it. When she found the proper key, she handed it to Dana.

Dana took her position in front of the door, while Ana crouched next to the door jamb. Dana turned the key and pulled the door open. Ana jumped into the opening, acquired her target, and froze.

* * * *

Harris made two phone calls, and then drove to a dive shop in the business district. There weren't many places to purchase what he needed on the island, and he was surprised to find the closest vendor was better known for selling scuba gear. Two one hundred dollar bills convinced the clerk that Harris was certified in the use of the equipment he wanted to purchase. The man didn't ring up the sale on his cash register, and he insisted that the transaction be completed in cash.

Thirty minutes later, Harris loaded everything into the back seat, trunk, and roof of his rental car, and drove to the top of the mountain.

* * * *

"Come in," Hernandez said. "I wasn't expecting both of you. But seeing the two of you two tells me everything I need to know."

Ana and Dana stepped inside the doorway. Both women aimed their AK-47s at Hernandez, who was standing in the far corner of the room. His pants were bunched around his knees, and his erect cock jutted from his groin. Micaela was beneath him, kneeling on the floor with her arms chained around a toilet. Her head was in the bowl, and the seat was resting on her shoulders.

Hernandez held a taser in his left hand. Two darts were stuck in Micaela's back. He was also holding a 9mm handgun against Micaela's head. His semen was leaking out of her ass and dripping onto the floor.

"So, the traitor finally reveals herself." The smug tone of his voice infuriated Dana. "I knew if I put the two of you together in the same room the truth would emerge."

"What are you talking about?" Ana demanded. "We're not the traitors. Let my sister go, and I'll give you a quick death. If you hurt her, I promise you it will be slow and painful."

"You aren't the traitor I was referring to, Ana. As for your sister, well, she's alive but she'll require medical attention. I'm not familiar with the specifications of this particular taser, but if your sister lives, I'm sure she'll be able to tell you all about them."

"You fucking asshole," Ana screamed. "Let her go. Now."

"Not until we have resolved the matter of the traitor in our midst."

"Why do you keep saying that?"

"Ask Lydia--she can tell you. Or should I say, ask Dana?"

Hernandez inched away from Micaela. He couldn't walk with his pants bunched around his knees, but he had a weapon in each hand and refused to relinquish his hold on either.

"What's he talking about, Lydia?" Ana asked.

"This morning we were all meeting on the yacht--Jorge, Mateo, Franklin, and myself. Franklin found a bug. I planted it."

"You?" Ana turned her weapon toward Dana. "Why?"

"I was working undercover for the Miami Police Department."

"You're a cop?" Ana's voice reverberated throughout the room.

"I was," Dana answered. "But I'm not anymore."

"You've been lying this entire time. You caused all of this! I should kill you."

"Take her gun," Hernandez said.

"Drop your weapon!" Ana ordered. "Do what he says."

"Ana, listen to me. He's going to kill all three of us. It's the only way he can justify all the dead bodies."

"Shut your mouth, traitor! On the ground!"

Dana set the AK-47 on the floor. Ana took a step toward her and then kicked the weapon out of Dana's reach.

"On your knees!" Ana commanded. "Now!"

Dana slowly dropped to her knees. She put her hands behind her head and looked up at Ana.

"Ana," Dana pleaded. "I can explain."

"Shut your fucking mouth, whore," Ana said. "My sister and I had a good thing here. This organization was going to be our future. Our lives had a purpose. You destroyed it. You destroyed everything. I should blow your fucking head off."

Ana pressed the barrel of her gun against Dana's temple.

"Tell me why I don't kill you now. Or would you prefer that I let Hernandez finish you off his way?"

"I saved your life, Ana."

Ana hit Dana in the head with the butt of her rifle, opening a cut on her forehead. A purple lump formed and blood trickled down her face.

"Fuck you! You were saving your own life. At least, that's what you thought. Well, whore, your life expectancy can now be measured in hours. Maybe I'll just wait a little while longer and let Las Casas decide how he wants to handle you."

* * * *

From an elevation of 500 feet, Harris spotted the compound a half mile in the distance. Soaring in from the west, he did his best to remain on a direct line with the compound and the setting sun. If everything went according to plan, no one would see his approach or his attempt to land the hang glider on the roof of the house.

He should have known that successfully executing his plan would require more than mere luck. The instructional videos he pulled up on Youtube were informative, but it still took seven attempts at jumping off the mountain before he was able to get into the air. His crashes on attempts two and four were especially painful, but his equipment was undamaged and Dana was still in danger, so he continued trying.

As he approached the compound, Harris attempted to maneuver himself into position for a landing on the center of the roof. At the last second he realized he still had too much velocity, so he pulled up to avoid crashing into the steeply sloped tile. He cleared the apex, but when he tried to bank around and come back for a second pass, he no longer had sufficient altitude to land on top of the house. Instead, he found himself gliding to the ground near the dock.

Harris crumpled to the grass just as gunshots whizzed over his head. He disengaged himself from the glider and rolled to his left. He saw a man standing on the pier aiming his handgun. Harris drew his weapon and shot. The man fell off the dock and splashed into the water. Harris took cover underneath the dock.

He heard voices overhead, followed by footsteps. A man with an automatic weapon jumped off the dock and ran toward the hang glider. He poked it with his foot, and then turned toward the dock. Harris fired, and the man collapsed on the grass.

Another set of footsteps ran across the wooden deck. A man suddenly appeared in the sand next to the supports. Harris kicked before the man could fire a shot. His foot struck the man's groin, crushing his balls. The man doubled over in pain. Harris fired, hitting the man in the back of his head.

Harris waited several seconds. He didn't hear any more voices or footsteps. He took a quick look around, and then made his way to back entrance of the house.

Stepping inside, Harris heard only silence. Cautiously making his way through the house, Harris took note of the dead bodies littering the hallways. The first ones he encountered had their throats slit, but the corpses he found on the second floor had their skulls bashed. Whoever was responsible for the carnage was adept with a variety of weapons.

After finishing his tour of the second floor and finding no sign of Dana, Harris resumed his search of the first floor. He spotted two dead bodies at the end of a long hallway--both with bullet holes in their foreheads--and was heading in that direction when he heard a gunshot. Harris threw caution to the wind and sprinted for the door flanked by the two corpses.

* * * *

"Do you have anything I can use to bind this whore?" Ana asked.

"There's a coil of rope in that cabinet." Hernandez pointed toward some wooden built-ins on the opposite wall. "There's also some razor wire over there. If you look around, you should be able to find some leather gloves, and a pair of wire cutters."

"If I use the razor wire she'll probably bleed out before Las Casas gets here."

"That's her problem, not yours."

"It's our problem, Mateo. I'm sure that Las Casas will want to decide for himself the fate of his favorite whore--after he questions her. She needs to be breathing when he gets here."

"I wouldn't worry so much about Las Casas, if I were you. Thanks to that fucking whore, I'm afraid his days are numbered."

"And then who's taking over? You?"

"Who else? Franklin? Give me a break. I don't even think I could realistically promote him to my number two. Who does that leave? The two of you?"

"You won't have to worry about us. As soon as this whore is secure, I'm getting my sister and we're getting the fuck out of here. Do you have a problem with that?"



Ana stood up and took two steps to her right.

"Mateo!" she called.

Hernandez' eyes darted from Micaela to Ana. In that instant, Dana slid her hand down the back of her shirt, grabbed the pistol tucked into her bra strap, and drew it. She fired one shot.

Hernandez dropped his gun. A red spot spread across the front of his shirt. He coughed up blood, and then fell forward. His head hit the ground with a sickening thud.

"Get your sister and get out of here," Dana said.

Ana hurried over to Micaela. She lifted the toilet seat off her head, pulled the taser darts out of her back, and started cutting away her ropes.

"How is she?" Dana asked.

"She's breathing, but she's unconscious. I think she has internal injuries. She's beaten pretty bad."

"Finish getting those ropes off her while I go find her some clothes. I'll be right--"

The door burst open.


Dana turned and saw Harris standing inside the door, pointing two AK-47s.

"Stand down, Levan. They're with me."

"Dana! You're alive!"

"You know him?" Ana asked.

"He's the person who got me into all this."

"I'm Detective Harris."

"How did you find me? Are you alone? Where's your back up?"

"I'm a detective, remember? And I don't have any back up. This mission is solo."

"And unapproved, right? No matter, I'm glad you're here, Harris. I'm going to get some clothes for Micaela, and then I need for you to take the twins and get them to a hospital. Micaela needs to be checked out."

"We can't go to a hospital on the island," Ana said. "Las Casas will find us."

"How did you get here, Levan?" Dana asked.

"We're not getting out the way I came in."

"Then we only have one option. Levan, do you think you can pilot a yacht?"

"I suppose so. Why?"

"You're taking Crespo's yacht. It's slightly less conspicuous than Las Casas' ocean liner. You can be in Cozumel before dawn."

"What about you?"

"I'll meet you there tomorrow. But first, I have some unfinished business."

"I'm not leaving you here, Dana."

"Yes, you are. Now start preparing for departure. You need to be as far from here as possible when Las Casas arrives."

"Dana, I didn't come all the way out here just to leave without you."

"I appreciate that, Levan, but I can take care of myself. I'm not the same person you dropped off at the marina over three weeks ago. I don't need to be rescued. What I do need is for you to take my friends and get them out of here. I'll meet up with you tomorrow. I promise. Now go."

* * * *

Dana was seated at the conference table when Las Casas entered the house. She had opened a bottle of his best wine, which was sitting on the table with two Bordeaux glasses.