Deep Undercover


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I'm breathing hard and heavy, and I can feel my panties becoming soaked with anticipation. My body, my betrayer, the real informant. Informing him that I'm behaving like a slut in heat! I've never felt so vulnerable and so...alive.

"Don't be ashamed if you need to cry, but I won't stop until I reach ten" he whispers reassuringly to me. Cry!? How hard is he planning to spank me!? I feel his right hand gently caressing my right butt cheek over the lace of my panties. Then suddenly...SMACK! "Oh!" I let out a cry of surprise. That is hard! My ass is stinging in pain.

Then another immediately following on my left cheek! "Ah!" I cry out. Three more follow quickly, alternating sides. I cry out with each impact. We are only halfway there! I've not been spanked since I was a small child, but never like this and never this hard! It hurts! My cheeks are burning, and pain is searing down my thighs. But I've never been so turned on in all my life. As the thoughts race through my head, I feel an orgasm start to build, and I fight it back as hard as I can. I start to breathe harder. SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! I start to cry, but not from the pain. I'm ashamed, ashamed that I'm turned on by such a sadistic act. Only two to go, and the tears are silently streaming.

I want to...come! I'm shaking, trying to keep my body from betraying me! SMACK! Oh god. I can't help it! I'm going to come! "It's okay, Madison. Let go! Don't hold back. Come for me," Alexander's seething encouragement pushes me over the edge as his hand comes down in the final SMACK! "Ahhhh Nooo!" I cry out, as I come harder than I've ever come before. I'm convulsing as waves of the orgasm hit me one after the next. I can't believe what's happening to me! He didn't even touch me...there!

As I continue to come, I feel Alexander's arms around me, pulling me to his lap so that I'm straddling him, his throbbing erection pressing through his slacks and rubbing through my soaking panties as the waves continue. I'm moaning and breathing hard as he looks deeply into my red eyes. He can see that I was crying! Before I can be embarrassed, his lips are on mine and he pushes his tongue into my mouth, hard. I can't resist any more. Fuck it! I meet his tongue with mine, and they dance together in a passionate exchange of lust and desire.

As I come down from my high and our kiss slowly ends, I don't dare open my eyes. We press our foreheads against each other, and Alexander says, "Jesus, Madison! I've known for a long time that you would be mine. And you are... you are mine." I refuse to say it, but I would be lying if I said I didn't feel it too. After only a few hours since we first met, and with no logic whatsoever, this man, my enemy...I am...his.

I don't even know how much time passes as we sit, foreheads against one another, as we struggle to catch our breath. I can still feel Alexander's erection pressing hard through my panties. I don't dare open my eyes to face what's just happened: this man who I just met hours ago, but who I've been after for years...I know him better than anyone...just bent me over his knees, soaking wet in every possible way, and spanked me. Hard. And I...came. I feel more awake and more alive than I've ever felt in my entire life. What am I doing!?

Without any other movement, Alexander reaches around behind me and unlocks the handcuffs and gently rubs my wrists. As I reach my hands up to touch his neck, he moves quickly to intercept, locking his hands around my forearms and pushing me gently so that I am staring into his smoldering eyes. How can they look so savage and yet so tender at the same time? He looks at me sternly. I feel like there is something on the tip of his tongue, something important, but he guides me off his lap so that I'm sitting next to him, stands and walks to the wall of built-ins in the room.

He pulls a black t-shirt and jeans for himself and a white terrycloth robe, which he hands to me, "Put this on and join me in the main cabin. We will be taxi-ing to take off any moment." His eyes are suddenly stern and serious, as they were earlier. With that, he is through the door, and I am left still damp and confused in so many ways. What the fuck...why did I just come!?

I can't dwell on this. This man is my enemy. I have to pull myself together and go take my seat. I'm on the plane now and there is nothing that I can do about it. Besides, this may be the opportunity that I've been waiting for, the in to find out what they are planning and how I can stop them. I have to make this work to my advantage. I go to work removing the clips from my garter and pulling down my thigh-highs. They are soaking wet from the rain, and it feels so good to have them off. I hesitate at taking off my bra and panties, but they need to dry. Especially the panties, I snidely think to myself. I take a minute to check the mirror, wipe off the makeup that's run down my face and pull a comb that I find sitting on a shelf through my dripping hair.

I barely recognize myself. Pull it together. I can't let him know he's gotten to me at all. I take a deep breath and head into the main cabin.

I find Alexander on his cell, seated in one of the plush beige leather seats against a window. He's having a serious conversation in a language that I'm not familiar with, naturally. So much for getting any information there. But damn does he make that black v-neck t-shirt and jeans look good!

His features have softened again as he flashes me a reassuring smile and motions for me to take the seat facing him. A stewardess appears from nowhere placing two cups and saucers with hot tea on the table between us. Where did she come from? Why have I dropped my guard so much that a stewardess can sneak up on me?

Alexander hangs up his phone and thanks the stewardess, who returns his kindness with a shameless expression of desire as she says, "We are taxi-ing out now, sir. The captain asks that you please put on your seatbelts."

"Sure, Veronica," Alexander ignores her obvious craving, not taking his eyes from me. As I click my seatbelt ends together, I glance up at Veronica, who flashes me a cheeky look as she starts toward the cockpit. Clearly she's unaware that if I wanted to I could have a fistful of that raven hair in a second and snap her neck like a twig. I smile at my childishly amusing thought and realize that Alexander hasn't broken his gaze. He seems to be reading my mind as the corners of his mouth are drawn up into a matching smirk.

He picks up his cup of tea and motions toward me to drink mine, "Welcome aboard my jet."

I am suddenly aware once again that I'm being kidnapped and taken to an undisclosed location, "Where are you taking me?"

"To my home. I think it's the safest place to keep you for the time being."


"Until we get what we want and you're no longer useful," he has an amazing ability to go from cordial to catty in the span of a second. As I lift my cuphis eyes have locked onto the red marks around my wrists. "Once we've taken off I'll have Veronica fetch some ice for your wrists."

My wrists are the least of my concern. "How long is the flight?" I try to get a sense of where we are going. I need to collect as much intel as possible to report back to the agency at the first opportunity.

"It's just under six hours," thunder and lightning crash outside as we continue to taxi, "Might be a bumpy ride." As I take another sip of tea, I am suddenly feeling very sluggish. The tea!

"Did you put something in this?" I can't believe I was so careless! Where is my head!?

Alexander takes another sip and looks at me almost sympathetically, "Just a little something to help you relax, maybe even sleep."

I stare at the half-empty cup, mentally beating myself up for being so clueless. I look up to meet Alexander's stare, "I apologize, Madison, but I have to take precautions to protect myself and our cause."

"And what exactly is your cause, Alexander?"

"I'm sorry, my dear, but that's not your concern."

"Then why am I here?" I feel as if my words are becoming more and more spaced out as I speak.

"Well, aside from the fact that I want you here," he leans forward with a wicked grin, "And I always get what I want. You are vitally important to the Agency. And that means you will be more useful to us than any intel we could possibly obtain otherwise. They will give us whatever we want to get you back unharmed."

"That's're...wrong. They won' information You...should...know...better...than...that.." I am incredibly dizzy and can barely think to speak.

Alexander sits back and wickedly grins, "We shall see."

My world goes dark.

I hear...silence. I slowly open my eyes, but everything is blurred, save the soft glow of a cool light all around me. Where am I? Jesus my head! As things finally come into focus, I can see my surroundings. I'm lying on a large, modern four poster bed. I'm naked, covered only by a thin, white silk sheet. In front of me and to both sides are full walls of glass open to a dense forest beyond. I'm below the top of the tree line, but high above the ground.

"Do you like the view?" I hear Alexander's now-familiar voice behind me.

"It's beautiful," I sit up, taking care to hold the sheet over my breasts with one hand. I don't turn around.

"I agree, although right now we both have very different views," I can hear him approaching my side.

"You continue to flatter me, even after you've taken me prisoner," I continue to stare straight ahead.

"You're my guest, Madison," Alexander sits beside me on the bed, facing me rather than the woods, a look of sincerity on his face.

"A guest is invited, not drugged and taken against her will. And she certainly isn't stripped naked while she's unconscious without prior consent."

"Semantics," a coy smile slowly appears.

I have to fight to keep from smiling myself. Frankly, I'm not angry that I've been taken. I'm inside. I'm further in than any agent has ever gotten.

He reaches for two pills and a glass of water on the side table and hands them to me. "Are you knocking me out again already?" I ask sarcastically. He smiles, "Not at all. I thought perhaps you'd have a headache from the drugs. It's just some ibuprofin."

"Thank you," I smile appreciatively as I take the pills and chase them with the entire full glass of water. Apparently whatever he gave me makes you extremely thirsty in addition to a splitting headache.

Alexander smiles as he reaches to take the glass for me, "Like I said, you swallow so well."

I feel myself turn scarlet at compliment (well he said he meant it as a compliment). It suddenly occurrs to me, "Did you undress me, Alexander?"

"I did, but I didn't see you naked," he can clearly tell I'm puzzled, "It was dark and I didn't turn on the light. I also put you under the sheet and then removed the robe. At no time did I violate your modesty."

I can't help but smile at his attempt at being a gentleman, "Well thank you for that."

"You shouldn't thank me. My motivations were purely selfish," he admits as he leans closer, "When I see you naked, I want you awake and aware that my eyes are drinking you in. I want the memory of our first sexual encounter burned into your brain like a seething brand."

I'm feeling that familiar feeling between my legs, "Did we not already have a sexual encounter?"

"Ah and the elephant is acknowledged. I wasn't sure if you'd admit that your punishment was sexual in nature, Madison. This is very telling."

Now I'm offended, "What's so telling about it? You made me remove my dress, cuffed me, bent me over your knee and spanked me!"

"A lot of people wouldn't consider that sexual. A lot of 'vanilla' people would consider that a violation or an assault. The fact that you consider it otherwise is what's telling."

And now I'm embarrassed. What can I say to that? "At first..." I'm too embarrassed to continue.

"At first?"

I can't say it. I look at Alexander imploringly. Please don't make me admit this.

"Madison, I want you to say it. I want you to know this is not something you should be ashamed of. Ever."

"But I am."

"Ashamed that something you didn't think would bring you pleasure would? Or are you ashamed that I, your mortal enemy, am the one who brought you pleasure? Or is it that I was the one who awakened that dark side of you that you kept buried deep down for years?"

Perhaps all of those. I can't bear to say it out loud. My eyes well with shame. I can't look at him. I find a leaf on a tree outside and focus on it.

I feel him lean closer toward me, the side of his waist against my lightly-covered legs. He places his left hand over my lap so that he's leaning on it, and I feel his right hand on the back of my head, gathering my hair into his fist. I'm breathing hard again. How does he make me feel this way!?

Gripping my hair tightly, he pulls my head back so that my neck is exposed and I'm facing toward him. He leans in and begins planting gentle kisses all over my neck, tracing a path until he's at my ear when he whispers, "Madison, don't be frightened. I will never judge you. I know you enjoyed it. You came for me without my even touching your beautiful pussy. Do you have any idea how happy that made me?"

I can't hold them in any more. With that gentle nudge of encouragement, even from him of all people, the dam bursts and the tears stream down my face. He pulls a handkerchief from his jacket pocket and gently wipes them away with a soothing, "Shhh..."

I'm under his spell again, and I close my eyes. I can't resist, and I can't fight back my reply, "I couldn't help it. You made me feel in a way that I've never felt before. I tried to fight it, but I couldn't."

"Madison, there hasn't been a moment since we locked eyes that I haven't been thirsting for you. Do you want me to kiss you again?"


"Yes, what?"

"Yes. Please!"

"We'll settle with please for now."

I open my weepy eyes to meet Alexander's intense and longing gaze. He moves his left hand to my neck and holds me still as he moves in and softly kisses my lips. He tastes of vanilla. He backs away and looks deep into my eyes.

Without warning he's on top of me, spreading my legs beneath the sheets with his own. Our tongues are intertwined in the most intense and passionate kiss I've ever shared with someone. I can feel the sunlight warming my left breast as the sheet slides off, leaving it exposed. I grab fistfuls of his hair in my hands and move my hips to meet his as he pins me with them.

I'm lost in a current of euphoria and lust as our mouths continue their glorious dance. Without warning I hear the bedroom door burst open far behind the bed and we are violently interrupted by an unfamiliar but intense voice, "Sir!"

"WHAT IS IT!? HOW DARE YOU BARGE IN WITHOUT KNOCKING! I SAID I WASN'T TO BE DISTURBED!" I've never seen this side of Alexander, but then I've known him for less than twenty-four hours. I'm starting to understand from where the authoratativeness and fear-inducing rumors emerged.

The unfamiliar voice becomes timid and shaky, "Sir, I'm so sorry, but he's on the line and said you were to be interrupted no matter what. It's extremely urgent."

Alexander visibly calms but is still obviously pissed, "Get out, close the door and tell him I will be there momentarily. And for future calls, this is my home and my rules, and requests are not to be superceded by anyone. Is that understood?"

"Yes, sir. I apologize," the timid-voiced man leaves the room hurriedly and closes the door behind him.

Alexander stares after him, at the closed door beyond the headboard, catching his breath as I watch from my position lying on the bed, unnerved by that side of him that just unmasked itself. After a few moments of slowing his breath he looks down at me. He's all business again. "Madison, as you heard I have some pressing matters to attend to." He sits back and stands, brushing his hair back and catching a glimpse of my bare breast. A momentary juvenile grin flashes on his face.

I'm suddenly embarrassed. I feel as if I'm intruding. I sit up, covering my breast again with the sheet as Alexander gives me a verbal tour of the room, "The bathroom is behind you to the left of the bedroom door. You'll find everything you need in there to take a hot bath or a shower and freshen up adequately. The closet is to the right of the bedroom door opposite the bathroom. I took the liberty of having it fully stocked for you."

How long is he planning to keep me here!? I try to match his seriousness to mask my disappointment in our moment being interrupted, "Thank you, Alexander. I'm sure I can find what I need."

He continues, "The house is free range for you. You may go out onto the terrace and use the pool, but please don't try to go beyond that. There are guards, scattered around the perimeter, as well as a state-of-the-art security system, and you won't get far. My land is quite substantial. As long as you behave, you may go anywhere in the house you wish and make yourself at home. And, please, no more suicide attempts."

"I wasn't-"

"Just agree so that I don't have to throw you in a cell in the basement. I would hate to have to do that..for now."

"Agreed." I'm confused by the end of that sentence, but this thought is lost as his face softens and he leans toward me.

He reaches out and strokes my hair with his right hand, "I may have to leave for a few hours, but please help yourself to anything in the kitchen. You must be starved. I'm hoping we can dine together tonight."

"That would be lovely," I can't help but smile. Am I seriously falling for the enemy in less than twenty-four hours!? Clearly my training is fucking useless.

"Indeed. Until then...see you later, Madison."

"I look forward to it, Alexander."

With that he's up and headed for the door. I don't dare turn around and show him the disappointment on my face as I hear the door handle turn and him exiting. "Oh and one more thing. You're not to touch yourself while I'm gone. And me Alex," he says and closes the door quickly behind him. I can't help but smile. Alex.

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Horseman68Horseman68about 1 year ago
Reader Warning: Unfinished Story

Unfortunately, this story goes on for a long while, but is unfinished.

TalkSexyToMe2029TalkSexyToMe2029over 2 years ago

Well, that was bloody hot. An army of butterflies dancing in my stomach. Phew !

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
OMG it's finally for sale!!

I'm not sure if all of you are as into the story as I am, but I got so excited and had to come back on here and post that the full book is for sale on Amazon!!!! FINALLY I can finish it!!!

JouesRougesJouesRougesabout 9 years agoAuthor
Follow me!!

Hi loves! If you adore the story please follow me on Twitter for some special announcements and news @Joues_Rouges !!!! <3 It would make my day! :)

MastersWenchMastersWenchover 9 years ago

Your story gripped me right from the beginning! Great start! Thank you :)


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