Deeper In, Irresistable Sexuality

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Eva shows a new side and Cass submits to her carnal urge.
8.6k words

Part 6 of the 15 part series

Updated 06/16/2024
Created 05/09/2024
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This is the sixth episode in my story series, Years Before.

In the last part, I finally understood what it was to be fully sexually involved with a woman, surrendering my virginity to Eva but with us physically discovering each other quite deeply.

In this part, Eva shows me another side to the bohemian woman I thought I knew and an Easter weekend stayover at Eva's shows that Cass and I are unable to resist straying into intense physical closeness.

Thank you for reading


I really wanted to see Eva again. As we both had existing plans with other people, it meant it was a while since that magical weekend. This thing, us, was all about the sex but I realised that I was never going to be suited to the "one-night-stand" thing. I had thought about her quite a lot since then. Eva had made it quite clear that she'd wanted someone for her to be intimate with and I was lucky it was me.

I was excited to go and pick up Eva on the Thursday night, 10 days after our weekend, because it had the feel of a date about it. We were heading out for a drink. The only time we'd been alone for any length of time was that weekend, and that was mostly in bed.

I got to her house in my car and waited outside. I didn't have to sound a horn or even get out. Eva was how I would be -- checking the window. I was expecting another flowing Eva type outfit.

I was wrong.

This Eva stepped out of her door and she took me by surprise. Her long slightly frizzy hair was tied low down by her collar. She had a white long sleeve shirt on that had a fitted style that followed her body shape, a dark red skirt that went to halfway down her thighs, bare legs and black stiletto court shoes. This was a different woman, if her dress was anything to go by.

She got in. The dark eyeliner was in place and a little more prominent but with a deep red lipstick to match her skirt. She turned to me, which exposed even more of her beautiful legs. I genuinely had to take a breath before speaking.

"Eva, wow, you look fabulous."

"Thank you, Andy, let's drive out for a while. Find a pub in the sticks."

We were chatting as we travelled.

"I can't get over how different you look, Eva. I'd got used to your...bohemian style."

"Andy, that weekend was special for me. You made me feel desired and wanted when we were at my house. Sexy, even. You can't imagine what that can do for someone like me. This is my way of showing you that. To show another side of me to you."

The way she looked was enticing, a little thrilling and very alluring. We got to a pub around 20 mins drive away. We both knew the village but Eva was in the same place I was -- we wanted a degree of privacy.

I got drinks for us and admired Eva from the bar. She was beautiful tonight and I saw that she had buttoned her shirt only to below her chest so, very subtlely, it was possible to glimpse hints of the skin between her otherwise unadorned breasts. This was a woman who was feeling sexy.

Conversation soon landed on Cass and that weekend. I'd spoken to Cass briefly on the phone in the past week. I'd usually see her but she had a lot on, including a further meet up with her Mum, so time hadn't allowed us to meet.

"I've not had the chance to speak to Cass much, Eva. I guess you have."

"Yes, and we discussed "our" (pointing to both of us) first weekend."

"You told her about it? All the details, I guess."

"Yes, there was a lot to tell her, wasn't there."

"Did she have anything to say?"

"Oh, she was very happy for us and we were as frank as usual."

"I'm not sure I should even pursue this..."

"I told her you were the biggest cock I'd ever had inside me." I nearly blew my mouthful of drink over the next table. "And that I wanted more of it."

"Is that right?"

"It's Cass and me, that's what I said."

"And her reply?" We'd come this far, I had to ask.

"She asked me not to wear you out completely. She likes your cock too and wants some left for her!" We raised our glasses to that and laughed a lot.

We chatted for a good while about any number of things. Eva, I noticed, let her finger rest on the first done-up button of her shirt and toyed with the opening, knowing that, how we were seated, she was showing me bare skin beneath. We soon found ourselves close to last orders. We walked outside and I unlocked the car door and opened it for her.

"Andy" I turned to Eva. She placed her hand on my cheek and kissed me. A long, lingering kiss. "I'm so glad we're together tonight." We got in the car.

"Let's go to the Lake." Eva wanted to take a walk before we said goodbye.

We were back at the park where we'd gone on the Sunday and Eva showed me her little hideaway. It was a reasonable sized boating lake with a pitch and putt golf course next to it and some parkland. There was a café in the centre and a bowling green. Big enough to take a stroll around and, at this time of night, it would be quiet.

We parked up and walked into the park. Eva took my hand and it felt very natural for us to walk around like that, given it would be unlikely we were to be disturbed. It was a clear night and heading towards a full moon so we could see where we were going. Eva asked me a question as we were approaching the cafe.

"I never really asked you about how you felt about that Sunday, you know, me taking you in the open air. Did you like it? The outdoor thing?"

"Yes, I did. It felt exciting and arousing being in the open air yet being away from anybody. I loved it."

"Oh, that's good. I loved it too. I thought it would be very special to share that place with you for...something special. No one else has been there with me."

Before I had a chance to respond, Eva completely changed tone, turned and pushed me against the wall of the café with a passionate full-on kiss.

"So, we're outside now. You are mine. Come with me."

Eva led me by the hand, almost running, down the side of the café to a backless bench beside the bowling green.

Eva was thinking about one thing. She undid my belt.

"Unbutton your jeans for me".

She pulled them and my pants down while I stood in front of her, my midriff completely naked. Just the feeling of the air made my penis start to grow. Eva whispered in my ear and held my erection firmly.

"Since about halfway through this evening, I have wanted to fuck your brains out. Sit astride the bench."

The cold feeling of the bench on my bare bum was shocking at first along with Eva's extremely direct approach. Eva reached under her skirt, pulled her knickers down and rolled them so they would go over her wrist.

She placed a hand on my shoulder and swung her leg over so she was astride me, her skirt rucked up around her hips showing her pubic hair.

"I'm going to fuck you right now, baby."

There was no subtle build up or delicacy. She reached for me and guided me in. Eva was clearly ready to go because my glans felt wet immediately and I was deep inside her quickly. She undid the rest of the buttons on her shirt, exposing her chest to the night air, her nipples standing proud in the cool against her areolae. This only served to make me even harder.

Eva was moving up and down on me, hands on my shoulders. I supported myself with my arms behind me so could only look as she reacted to feeling me in her. I was completely at her mercy on what she wanted to do.

She had a very determined look on her face.

"I wanted your cock again for so long. Fuck me, baby. Come in me."

Eva was uninhibited, wild almost. The whole thing was pure excitement and I was going with it. All I could feel was the warmth and moisture of her vagina completely enveloping me again. Eva tensed her muscles around me and, although I was on the way, she got faster and faster...

"Ohhhh fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, ooooooh."

Eva shuddered as she'd found an orgasm, her hips and weight grinding down on me, she lifted her feet off the ground slightly and she was loud too.

"Oh, your thick cock, you're right inside. You made me come with it. Sexy fucker, oh."

This surprised both Eva and I. We'd only been speaking about whether she could come with someone inside her yet, with this animalistic fervour she was pursuing with me in the park, and from having been in a horny mood half the evening, it obviously did something to her she hadn't reckoned on. I was still hard and inside her warm, consuming vagina.

Her orgasm passed and she was still for a moment and ran her hands over her breasts.

"Mmm, I love fucking you."

She built her rhythm again on me. "Now you, baby. Fuck me as hard as you want."

I looked at the sky, unable to focus on anything but her on me. I reached around her, holding her tight, making sure I was deep in. Moving, both of us breathing heavily. Eva had got me well along the way in finding her peak. I felt the build-up inside and the heat as it surged up my penis and gushed as I came inside her. It was raw, quick, dirty and sexy all at once.

"Baby, there it is. Ooh, that's gorgeous."

Eva continued moving on me until she could feel my energy had seeped away. We held each other tight, I felt myself slip out of her as I softened, my head against her bare chest with her hand holding my head against her, I could hear her heartbeat in the silence of the park. Our breathing gradually slowed together.

"Oh Andy. I needed you inside me tonight."

"I'd been thinking about our weekend, Eva. I adored the sex we had, the whole time. I wanted to see you tonight...and I noticed you were showing me your skin."

"Did you like that? You know, these are my work clothes and I've never gone braless in this shirt before. I wanted to show you how...erotic I was feeling."

"It's a very sexy look, Eva. You made me hot."

"Andy, I knew I wanted sex with you tonight but, by our second drink, I would have pulled you into the car to screw your brains out there and then. My cunt was wet for you. I wanted you that much so that's what you got. A full-on, rampant fuck...and outside too...and with you. Oh, so good. Andy."

Eva remained astride me. I enjoyed holding her naked body, feeling her skin. She may well have still had her clothes on but I was aware of how much of her bare skin I was in contact with. It was amazing. I kissed her nipples and her breasts. I could hear her making gentle sounds of pleasure as my hands explored her back and front.

"Oh, I could take you home now, Andy, but I've got work tomorrow -- and my Mum and Dad would be surprised!"

"I think they'd be more than that if they knew what we did in the house!"

"Don't go there. Safe to say, I think our moments there are for when they're away, which is, luckily, quite a bit."

We laughed, got ourselves straight, although Eva only did two buttons up on her shirt, allowing it to billow slightly around her chest. We walked back to the car. Halfway back, I noticed Eva's knickers were still round her wrist.

"You forgot your knickers, Eva." She turned to me.

"No, I didn't, not tonight. I can feel a little bit of you running down my thigh. I've never been that forward before and it makes me feel a bit...wanton."

This was a sexy, confident, unrestrained Eva that was hinted at on the weekend but fully revealed tonight and that I admit I found it quite erotic.

We continued walking to the car. When we got there, reserved Eva kicked back in a little.

"I'll just pop these back on. I don't want to make your seat wet."

She deftly almost flicked her knickers back up underneath her skirt.

We got to her house.


"Yes, Eva."

"You didn't mind about me being so...full-on, did you?" Eva was starting to feel a little unsure about the park. She was touching her glasses as she spoke.

"Eva, you're a sexy, vibrant woman who knows what she wants. Why would I mind?"

"Oh I know. I couldn't believe what was going through my head as we were..."


"Yes," Eva was slightly hesitant. "It was a thousand things all at once in my head. All I wanted was to feel you in there."

We needed to sort out when we would see each other again. We kissed passionately.

"I wish I could see you again tomorrow, Eva?"

"I know, Andy. The feeling is mutual."


Over the next couple of months, Eva and I would meet up when we could and, often, at Cass's. There wasn't, however, much, if any, opportunity to get physical, which we both had to accept as a result of wanting to keep this to ourselves and finding time to take advantage of Eva's house being empty.

This included an entertaining conversation one night with Ruthie, who thought that Eva and I should get together because "there is something about how you two act with each other that I can't put my finger on". If only she knew.

It was much easier if it was just Cass who was there, although that was more about the occasional touch and kiss rather than any deep, sexual moments, but, after Ruthie's change on her perspective on men, we saw more of her.

She was a lovely girl, despite the bravado that she would sometimes have put forward before. I did say to her once that I thought she'd mellowed a bit, which she didn't disagree with.

Cass, I had noticed, wasn't quite as forward with me. I would still be welcomed with a full kiss on the lips but it would remain there. It was clear that, unusually, she seemed to be going through a more positive patch with David. I was pleased because I knew she was trying and it was rocky to say the least.


Now, although Eva and I both worked in London, our hours were different enough that we'd never meet on our daily commute, except once.

We were about a week away from meeting up again when, on the way home, Eva happened to get on the tube the stop after me. She saw me and, with a big smile on her face, sat down beside me.

The thing about the London Underground then was that it was quite noisy so it was possible to talk sitting next to someone if you were facing them and no-one else would hear. Our minds were clearly as one because the conversation quickly took a particular turn.

"I was thinking about you, Andy"

"Oh yes."

"Yes, I was daydreaming about being naked in my garden and you were there." I was going with this so took the lead.

"And was I inside you?"


"And was it my cock, my finger or my tongue?" Eva's eyes widened in either surprise or excitement.

"I hadn't got that far."

Time to take it there than, thought I. Eva and I had reached the point where we responded enthusiastically to each other's sexual suggestions, even if the chance to act on them didn't easily present itself.

"OK. I would like it to have been my tongue as, on a sunny day, you could feel the warmth on your skin and I would feel it on my back while I teased your lips and pressed my tongue into your vagina."

I smiled at her and stopped there.

Eva took a gulp of air. "Andy, you're making my pants damp on a tube train." She was a little flustered but calmed herself and squeezed my hand. "What next?"

"Well, if you got up and knelt over me, I could lick you while you sucked my the sunshine."

Eva said nothing but gripped my hand quite tightly, for a good few seconds, but then responded.

"If I was doing that then, I'd want you to come in my mouth while your tongue makes me come too."

It was my turn to be silent, very aware that my penis was very hard and my glans was leaking drips into my pants.

"You give as good as you get, don't you." We looked at each other and laughed. "But, we could do this, you know, in your garden, perhaps."

"Fuck, yes we could. You are a dirty, sexy bastard, Andy. I'm off at the next stop for drinks and you have made me wet!"

"Well, Eva, just know that I'll have to manage a significant erection on my own. You're a raunchy beast yourself, you know."

"Mmm. I know. Fun, isn't it. See you next week?"

"Definitely, Eva. Enjoy your drinks!"

In an unexpected public display, Eva kissed me on the lips quickly, stopped herself as if to process what she'd done and where, and then did it again and let it linger a moment.

"Bye, Andy."

And she was gone. Out of the door to the pub. I had a couple of stations to calm down.


A week later and I call into Cass's.

"Hello, sexy boy."

"Oh, hi Cass. You've been talking to Eva then."

"Yes, she told me about the park...and the train."

"Eva is starting to show her exhibitionist side."

"I think it's you, Andy. I knew about her liking for being naked but I don't think she's ever had sex outside before. You're turning my friend into a sex adventurer!"

Things turned to Ruthie as I'd missed her by only about 10 minutes.

"Is she OK? Did she go out with Pete in the end? I know she put him off."

"And I think it's stayed that way. She's been a good girl lately...if you know what I mean."

"D'you know, I'm pleased. She's lovely and too good to throw herself away on a bunch of cheap dates."

"Are you admiring Ruthie, Andy?"

"No, Cass, I'm just saying she's worth far more than what most guys she'll meet would want to do with her."

"I'll have to tell her you think that."

"I'm sure you will, Cass. I'm sure you will."

As I'm about to think about leaving, Eva turns up at Cass's. Her usual flowing dress sense back in place after the dramatic change of our last outing.

"Hi, hi, Cass, Andy." She gave me a charming smile.

"Nice to see you here, Eva." She walked over and kissed me, safe in the knowledge we were secure with Cass, leaving her hand on my chest as she spoke.

"Well, I was out for a walk to see Cass then I saw your car parked up. Guessed you were here."

On another subject, Cass was clearly thinking ahead.

"Are we doing to do anything for Easter?"

"Like what?" I asked.

"Eva, are your parents away that weekend?" Cass was making a plan.

"I can check but I'd be amazed if they weren't."

Cass continued, "I was thinking that us four (this "four" being David rather than Ruthie) could get together in the evening and do TV, music, games...have a bit of fun. You know, drinks and things."

"We can do that, Cass." Eva was interested. "I'll check but let's say yes."

With that sorted, Eva and I said our goodbyes and left.

"Can we walk to the Lake, Andy, from here?"

"Yes, of course."

We walked along for a while then Eva reached for my hand.

"Do you mind, Andy?"

"No, not at all, Eva." I raised her hand up to give it a little kiss. It was the first time we'd been together since the little bit of excitement on the train after work.

"So, did you manage to keep it together when you got to the drinks, you know, after work that day."

"Oh, you, you dirty fucker, what did you do to me? The pub was only round the corner from the station and I turned up looking a bit red-faced and all over the place. I had to blame it on a period and then went to the loo because my knickers were soaking. Good job I had a black skirt on, hid the wet patch."

"I'm sorry Eva. I didn't mean to get you in such a state. We were only talking."

"Yes, "only talking"? You made pictures go round in my mind and I was still thinking about them on the way home from the pub. You rude boy."

"Happy to be of service." We laughed and walked on slowly, still hand in hand.

We got into the park with the last of the daylight giving in to the night. We walked for a while and found a bench, staring out over the lake.

"I can't be too late tonight. I have to go into work earlier tomorrow for training. I'm just so pleased I got to see you."

We kissed. It was a perfect moment. Eva laid her head on my shoulder.

"Can I be honest with you, Andy?"

"Yes, what are you thinking about?"

"Well, I held your hand tonight because I really like being with you. Look, although we're not doing the boyfriend/girlfriend thing..."

"You don't do that, do you...and there's Cass to consider as well."