Demonic War Ch. 03


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On the inside with the three sovereigns

The trio separated so they could take out the opposing forces however they stayed relatively close to each other in case they needed any assistance. Ezio had taken the 500 demons to the north of their position, though his primary sphere was pride. Though since he became a sovereign he has absorbed a lot more spheres and he could channel all the power into his strikes to tare the opponents apart. As one of the opposing demons drew closer to Ezio lunged his armoured arm through the chest of one of the pride demons. As Ezio got his other arm in alongside his arm that was already in the chest, as Ezio moved his arms with equal force in opposite directions moving his left arm to the right and his right arm to the left, tearing the body of the opposing demon into two pieces killing him instantly. As the power sphere inside the demon now in two pieces sat in the middle of the air for a split second, when the sphere came in contact with Simon's dream dome which covered all of New York it evaporated as it was absorbed by the dome as soon as the sphere hit the air. Though air currents can come and go from the dream dome, the air in the dome is infused with particles that were designed by Simon to absorb the opposing demons power.

As soon as the two parts of the demon was falling to the ground another demon was heading arm pulled back to launch at Ezio, however Ezio was quicker using his armoured skin which in sheer design extended out of the skin meaning that they could be used as blades. Ezio used his armoured arm to slice the arm off the opposing demon clean off stopping the oncoming attack, where Ezio used sheer force thrusting the severed arm through the face shattering the skull on impact where the body stopped the sphere escaped the body only to be absorbed by the dream dome. Ezio sliced his way through all the pride demons barely using any of his power as the foes weren't as skilled as he was in battle.

Meanwhile with Yuki

When the three sovereigns split up to take on their enemies, Yuki was takin on the 500 wrath demons though unlike Ezio whose fighting style is offence by tearing them apart. Yuki is more offensively defensive meaning that she will attack head on but she will give herself a route to get out if she needed. Yuki was exuding an aura of ice which was concentrated into an icy mist, this mist gave Yuki the advantage to slip into the mist and become a mist to dodge the oncoming attacks. Yuki could sense the movements of the opponents before they moved, so Yuki started to launch ice spears towards the foes as they couldn't see anything in the concentrated icy mist. The ice spheres was hitting the foes in the necks going through the necks front to back, as the demons were falling in the mist the spheres were being absorbed by the dome where Simon could feel the build up and it was nearly ready to unleash his own army of demon enhanced anime characters and superheroes. These were Simons coping mechanism for being abused. In two minutes the same it took Simon and Ezio, Yuki had destroyed the 500 demons that she had to get rid of.

Two minutes ago with Simon

After Simon broke away from the other two sovereigns he had 500 genetically spliced demons that had been sliced together with animals Simon could see several that he recognised as animals. The legs and body of a spider, legs of a horse making the demon look like a centaur from hell. Then there were other combinations such as demons with extending snake limbs, body of a ram with a demon face and long horns. These were just a few that Simon could recognise; Simon had no choice but to take on the spider demon hybrid. As it pulled Simon towards her using the silk that spiders have to make webs, weirdly to Simon the spider demon looked kind of erotic as its tits were exposed but eight hairy legs was a massive turn off for Simon. However he couldn't get out of the silk that had him attached, before Simon remembered about his control over fire. Simon grabbed the silk lighting it up with his newly acquired fire.

The fire tore away the silk bonds holding onto Simon, once they finished freeing Simon the fire then travelled along the silk towards the demon who controlled them where the flames lit her up as it turned out the weakness was fire. All of the opposing demons were mesmerized by the fire, it was at that point that Simon realised that the spliced demons were really dumb as the animal enhancement made their brain smaller then what it should be. Simon took this as the opportunity it was as he got really close, that he could touch the demon on fire as now since Simon controlled the eternal demon fire no fire affected. Simon the knocked the demon towards a big group of them which after a couple of seconds since Simon set the demon on fire the legs were completely burnt off which meant that it would roll when Simon kicked it. As the demon rolled towards a group of demons which caught fire instantly turns out all of the demons that were spliced with animals had a common weakness when it comes to fire.

This gave Simon an idea he focused his fire in between his hands which he had cupped together copying the stance and hand position that he saw in Dragon Ball Z Kai when Goku would do the kamehameha blast. After a minute of charging while all of the spliced demons were watching the fire completely entranced by the fire they didn't even hear the demons screaming which was drowned out by the other 1000 demons screaming that Ezio and Yuki were destroying. Simon let loose with his version of the blast which only contained fire as he moved his torso directing the beam to hit the other spliced demons, turning them into fire some exploded like the ones that had been spliced with flies, some that were spliced with cows and pigs gave off aromas such as cooked beef and bacon whereas the others just burnt where they were turned into ash. In amongst the burning Simon could see the spheres being dissolved to power the dream dome, before Simon went and joined the other two sovereigns he held out an hand palm out to absorb the remaining flames that were still burning.

When all three sovereigns had finished their battles

"That was the best warm up I could have hoped for." Ezio said breaking the ice.

"What happened to the spheres they just dissolved into the air?" Yuki asked directing that question to Simon.

"The spheres were absorbed by the dome I set up around New York." Simon replied.

"What does this dome of yours do Simon?" Ezio asked.

"It powers my own army, while keeping the buildings and people safe. Due to them being in the real world while everyone all the demons are in a dream world, you two have seen from the battle with the nightmare demon what I have experienced in the past by the hands of the Sovereign we are battling..." Simon started to say before Yuki chipped in the conversation.

"Your army that would be the one that you have as a coping mechanism?"

"Yes Yuki."

"What does this army consist of?" Ezio asked, intrigued by what this new, young sovereign came up with.

"What and see Ezio and Yuki, all I will reveal is that the army I am creating knows who the allies are so they won't attack any of the demons within our army."

"Shall we move on to the next area and deal with the opposing forces?" Yuki asked keen to help out there joint army as they were clearly out numbered.

Just as the others were about to reply they all heard a earth shattering thud as the enemy sovereign had just landed by the olive garden restaurant standing in front of the Duffy memorial whereas the enemy sovereign the one who had raped Simon and who unfortunately was Simon's father, was by down the opposite end by the Sunglass Hut building. Both Yuki and Ezio went to lunge at the newly arrived sovereign when Simon stepped forward and said to the two sovereigns.

"You two go and help the others, this is my battle."

The two sovereigns nodded as they could hear the anger and the authority in his voice they both took off into the air. After 3 minutes Simon could sense they were away from Times Square as he continued to work quietly on his army which he only needed an extra minute to complete it. As he heard the voice from the other sovereign it was that harsh it should've been in a horror film.

"Whoever you are, you are becoming a pain in my arse."

"I'm surprised you don't remember me." Simon replied.

"Should I remember you?"

"I thought so as the 6 year old boy you raped for 3 years until he was 9." At this sentence that Simon said he began to fly upwards so there was a gap between them but Simon made sure that the gap was clear from the top of the stand, while not making it obvious what he was doing.

"Nope I don't remember."

"Well then if you want to kill one of the biggest threats you have to deal with then come and do it, or are you not going to because I am not a kid?" Simon taunted. The opposing sovereign took the bait and launched himself towards Simon. When the demon was off the ground and nearly half way towards Simon they both heard seven people shout something.

"Fire dragon roar." Natsu's voice came.

"Sky dragon roar." Wendy's voice came.

"Iron dragon roar." Gejeel's voice came.

"Lightening dragon roar." Laxus's voice came.

"Poison dragon roar." Cobra's voice came.

"White dragon roar." Sting's voice came and finally.

"Shadow dragon roar." Rogue's voice came from above Simon as the seven of the dragon slayers jumped from the top of the building behind Simon. The joint blast from the seven dragon slayers went over Simon hitting the enemy sovereign head on as he was heading up the blast was heading down.

As the demon got pushed to the ground by the blast he didn't see a portion of Simon's army come into view mainly the dragon slayers with Happy, Carla and Panther Lily. When the demon got up from the crater that he created when the blast forced him deeper into the ground.

"Is that the best you can do 6 males, one female child and 3 cats? Pathetic, demons attack."

The enemy Sovereign howled calling to not only the 500 demons in the building which came flying out quick as anything but to all the demons within the area which came in droves well over a 3000 as drove in from all directions the seven dragon slayers and Panther Lily jumped into battle as the rest of Simon's army came into existence while all of the guilds from the anime Fairy Tail jumped off the magic bomber - Christina controlled by Ichiya, Hibiki, Eve & Ren. The guilds jumping in to aid Simon were: the neo Orcion seis (Razor, Angel, Midnight, Cubelious & Hoteye (Richard), crimson sorciere (Jellal, Meldy and Ultear), Sabertooth (after Sting took over as the guild master.), Mermaid Heel (Kagura, Millianna, Arana, Beth and Risley), Lamia Scale (Wizard Saint Jura, Lyon, Sherria & Sherry), Master Uru (Ice wizard who taught Grey and Lyon ice maker magic & mother to Ultear, who died using the Ice Shell spell on Deliora) and leading the charge was Fairy Tail itself including Mystogan, Gildarts and Lisanna along with the rest of the guild. Simon even thought of all 12 zodiac spirits as they are in Fairy Tail while they are on the side that helps Lucy and Yukino.

Two demons in front of Simon that were within reaching distance were both taken out by arrows one black the other green. As on top of the Marvel building stood Hawkeye and Arrow. While other members such as the Sayains from Dragon Ball Z Kai and superheroes such as Iron Man, War Machine, Thor, Firestorm, The Flash, Superman and many others from Marvel and DC including Deathlok and the agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Each couple of Simons army were taking on different demons that came to aid the sovereign while Times Square was lit up with all the little battles whereas each guild from Fairy Tail was taking on at least 300 demons while the Orcion Seis and Crimson Sorciere teamed up to take on their 300 demons except for Master Uru, Ultear, Grey and Lyon were using their ice maker magic to take on 400 demons and the only guild to be taking on more demons then the other guilds and that guild was Fairy Tail.

While all of the Fairy Tail guild that Simon thought of that were battling the demons were getting sliced, burnt, trapped, crushed and drowned by members of Fairy Tail. Juvia was trapping demons in water tight spheres of water where they were losing oxygen causing them to drown even then Juvia was keeping them entrapped for a few minutes as she had memories of demons from Simon. While Erza was slicing demons with her swords though after cutting demons she was re-quipping quicker and changing her weapons within seconds to slice other demons as everyone had Simons memories of demons to fight in this war, they also knew who the allies were and who the enemy was. Natsu, Gajeel and Wendy were using their dragon slayer magic to light up and knock back demons where they were accompanied by Mira Jane and her take over magic as she too was lighting demons up.

Whereas other members such as Kana, Gildarts and the thunder legion accompanied by Laxus, were taking on several demons. Freed was trapping them with his enchantment magic allowing Laxus, Evergreen and Bickslow to eliminate them whether that was shocking them with lightening until their hearts stopped, turning them to stone or hitting them with bickslow's babies, as he calls them in the anime. Kana and Gildarts were fighting back to back, with Kana's card magic and Gildarts disassembly magic they were knocking the demons back before the thunder legion got to them. While Elfman and Makarov were crushing the enemies with a tag team, as Elfman was knocking the foes to Makarov in his full beast soul take over form. Makarov was pummelling them to the ground crushing them in one punch.

Grey, Lyon, Master Uru and Ultear was facing 300 demons and only using their Ice Maker magic to defeat the enemies though Grey and Lyon was a force to be reckon with as they were dispatching enemies within a few seconds of the other eliminating an enemy, however they both did have a decent duo in Uru and Ultear covering them. Both in the sense of keeping the enemy off them and in the sense of physically covering them under Ice versions of them blanketing their movements.

This left the celestial spirits, Lucy, Mystogan, Shadow Gear (Jet, Droy and Levy) and Flare where they were all destroying enemies. While Jet was knocking them to the floor using his speed magic allowing Droy to hold them with his nature magic allowing Levy to use her solid script magic and cutting off limbs preventing them from attacking with only a torso and head. Whereas Mystogan was using his unique brand of magic to destroy the demons very being where they stood. This left Lucy and her ten celestial spirits to eliminate the demons as soon as they got close.

All of the demons that could fly were being taken care of by Arrow, Hawkeye, War machine and Iron man along with the sayains while they were knocking out the wings making the flying demons to come crashing down where the Hulk, Thor, Deathlok, Captain America and the agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. would take care of them. To the enemy sovereign this army created by one demon was most troublesome but he couldn't worry about that as the demon that spawned this unique army was dodging his movements.

The fight between Simon and the rape demon

As all the small battles were going on around them, Simon and the demon who assaulted him was engaged in battle. Though the opposing demon was quick, Simon was quicker in dodging for the simple fact that it was out of fear. Although Simon was embracing his demon side and becoming the mythical demon said in the lore that demons have, he still had fundamental human fear. The opposing demon was becoming angrier as he could land a single hit this anger was only feeding all of the other wrath demons within the area. Simon however was using the marks he had placed on Terra as a receiver passing the anger he could be feeding on to her.

"Stand still so I can hit you." The opposing demon was yelling at Simon.

"Why should I, when I begged you to stop you never did." Simon spat back at the demon finally managing to say what he always wanted to say to the monster who sexually abused him as a child.

So the battle went on for a few more minutes where Simon dodged the attacks leading the demon in the way of a couple of attacks from Simons army. A pummelling from the Hulk, getting a wing sliced by Erza and the other wing having holes from arrows off Hawkeye and Arrow. They all had Simons memories so they knew how it must end so they were only doing what they in turn did for Simon when he needed them early on in his life. Protected him the best that they could but giving Simon strength to continue and heal. Even if healing is mentally.

More demons were flocking to protect their sovereign by this rate it will Simon who will falter as he and his own personal army will be overcome. This surge of information though it made Simon feel helpless and spurred his determination to end this with the extermination of the demons trying to destroy everything Simon managed to get in this twisted world. This mix of emotions made all of Simons spheres merge into one creating the mythical demon the sphere made was one made out of hope as it had the power of all the spheres Simon had absorbed. This made his body glow in a gold light as it got pushed skyward as a beacon while the new energy was coursing through his veins the light was too much for the opposing demon to withstand as it fell backwards as it stumbled.

All of Simons allies saw the beacon wherever they stood in Manhattan this was a sign that Simon had finally confronted his personal demons (no pun intended). As Simon soundlessly launched himself to the demon lying down until Simon was standing over the rape demon as Simon used his bare hands to tare the limbs from the sockets, making the demon scream in agony giving the demon a taste of what he made Simon feel in his childhood.

Once Simon tore the arms and legs out and the demon was bleeding, Simon chose to leave him to bleed out as a method of dying as anything else other than letting the demon to bleed out and be conscious throughout. Would be nothing else then showing mercy, something his arsehole of a father would do for him. Simon then turned his attention to the oncoming army as all of Simons personal army was looking at the wave of demons against them though there was only 4000 demons.

At this moment the enemy sovereign spluttered his last breath and coughed out blood, a stream of fire struck the oncoming wave of demons as the Pokemon division appeared from all of the energy gathered in the dome. Leading the charge of flying types was Charizard the first Pokemon Simon chose from Pokemon Red and Blue for Gameboy Colour. Either side of Charizard was Rayquaza and Zekrom on Charizard's left and on the right was Reshiram and Ho-Oh. Charizard, Ho-Oh, Moltres and Hydreigon were all using flamethrower. Hitting the demons burning there wings forcing them to the ground where they were getting ganged up on from Simons personal army. With all of the pokemon joining in the 4000 demons were getting slaughtered within a minute and that was the last of the opposing army.

Simon lowered the dome as his army was disappearing one at a time his Charizard landed on the ground as Simon could let his inner child to say something that he uttered to his Gameboy Colour as a child.

"Thanks for always being there when I need you." Where Charizard just looked at Simon and made a noise just as it disappeared as the last of the dome disappeared.

This was when Simon saw the majority of his allies walk towards him he could see Slamaria, Cara, Terra, Marik, Jacque, Skye, Madison and nearly all of his allies in the UK, though he could sense that the loss was too high as Ezio and Yuki was giving off an air that they lost good demons. As they all grew nearer Simon asked.