Demons to Slay


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"Oh, Greg. It's good to hear from you. Have you booked in now?"

"Yes. I just wondered if you would like to join me for Dinner this evening."

"I...I don't really know about that. I mean working at the hotel. It may be difficult."

"I doubt it, Millie. How about we meet in reception, and if eyebrows are raised and sharp intakes of breath are heard we can go somewhere else." She laughed.

"If you put it like that then yes. That would be nice. What time?"

"How about seven."

"I can just about do that. See you then."

I was in reception at six fifty-five. Angela was on the desk so I told her that Millie was joining me for Dinner.

"She was a little worried that you won't approve, as she is on the staff so to speak."

"Rubbish. We don't have that kind of stuffy attitude here. You should know that, Greg."

"I do know. But I asked just to put Millie at her ease." The subject of our conversation came in at that moment. Angela smiled and told Millie to enjoy her meal. She was wearing a shawl against the evening chill and slipped it off her shoulders as she joined us at the desk. I was amazed at the change in Millie. Usually she was working and her rich brown hair was put up into a bun. This evening it fell free to her shoulders and swayed gently as she moved. She wore a pretty frock with thin straps over the shoulders leaving them bare and on her feet were strapped sandals with what I judged to be a three inch heel. As we walked into the Bar I told her she looked very lovely.

"Thank you, Greg. It's so nice to be able to dress up a little after so long and then to be told that my escort approves. I feel quite jittery inside, wondering if I have forgotten how to behave when out on a date." She hesitated. "Although it's not really a date. Is it?" We sat down before I answered.

"I asked you out for a meal, so it could be a date. And I am totally in awe at the beauty of the lady with whom I am having that date." Millie blushed.

"Heavens! I am going all girlish and blushing as if I was seventeen again. But I will say that my squire this evening is very handsome."

"Thank you, Millie. Now what would you like to drink?"

The meal was very enjoyable, John seemed to excel that evening, and Millie tucked in happily. I had ordered a bottle of wine, the only thing foreign that John seemed to accept on his menu and with a glass or two of wine we chatted easily. We took coffee in the lounge relaxing into the corners of a soft settee, turned slightly so we could look at each other. About ten Millie said she should be going and I told her I would walk her home.

"No need to do that, Greg. It's only ten minutes walk."

"I insist, Millie. I would feel guilty if I let you walk home alone." She smiled warmly and nodded her acceptance.

"More memories of being a teenager."

I am sure that at a brisk pace we could have got to her flat in ten minutes, but as our conversation was non-stop our pace slowed and it was nearer twenty minutes before we got to her door. The place was an older Edwardian house sub-divided into flats or bed-sits. She turned to me.

"Thank you, Greg. I have enjoyed our evening very much."

"Thank you, Millie for being such an interesting and lovely companion. I was thinking of driving up towards Clovelly tomorrow, would you like to come with me? We could wander around get a lunch somewhere."

"It's a good job Angela gave me the week off then isn't it? Do you think she had an ulterior motive?"

"Definitely. Would you like to come?"

"Yes please. That sounds a great idea." She got her key out of her hand-bag and went to slot it into the lock. Suddenly she turned and was in my arms, her lips crushing mine with the force of her kiss and her tongue searching my mouth. I tightened my arms around her body and pulled her closer. She moaned as her breasts buffered to my chest and her hips fitted snugly against mine. It was moments later when she drew back, I let her go and stepped back a pace. She looked questioningly at me.

"Sorry, Greg. I got carried away for a moment. You were quite the gentleman."

"I was?" I asked regretfully, she smiled.

"If I had kissed Allan like that he would have had his hand inside my panties by now."


"Yes, my ex."


"I'm not saying that I don't want you to, but..." I put my finger to her lips.

"Millie. Let's not anticipate where we may be going. It's probably too early for either of us. Can I suggest we enjoy some time together and see what feelings we have? If it's no, then neither of us is hurt. If it's yes then I have to tell you, I am in for the long term."

"I thought you would say that. I agree. I thought I would never have feelings for a man again, but you, you sneaky bugger slipped under the Iron Curtain." She grinned. "Anyway I would like to have more kisses like that."

"I am delighted to oblige." I pulled her close again. The kiss this time was just as sensuous but softer and with more emotion.

Clovelly was delightful. I hadn't realised that the village was privately owned, and to enter I had to pay a small fee. However the fee was worth it. Millie had brought with her some flat walking shoes and they were certainly needed, as you could not take a car into the village. The main street was a narrow cobbled street descending steeply down to the small harbour. Cottages either side of the street were traditional Devonshire style, painted white and all were festooned with flower boxes the blooms adding a vivid splash of colour to the white walls. With no vehicles access; goods for the lower village were brought down on sledges and for the return journey there were donkeys plodding patiently up the steep hill. We wandered slowly, enjoying the ambience and taking great care with the steep descent. Millie had slipped once on the cobbles and I had grabbed her hand to steady her. After that her hand stayed in mine because we both liked the contact. When we reached the bottom of the hill we took a seat on the harbour wall.

"This is great." I remarked. "Although getting back up that hill is going to be taxing. Perhaps we should take our time and grab some Lunch before we attempt that." Millie nodded enthusiastically.

"Whatever you wish, Greg. I am enjoying this so much; I could just sit here all day."

It was indeed very pleasant. The Sun was warm, the air fresh with a tang of ozone, there was the wash and drag as the small waves broke against the harbour wall and we could ignore the hard stone on which sat, just sitting, on the dock of the bay, as the song went. I was watching a family a mother and father and two kids. The kids possibly about seven or eight was running around excitedly, finding new experiences and adventures. I was lost for a moment until Millie spoke.

"Did you want children, Greg?" Obviously she had been watching the same scene.

"Yes. It would have been good, but Elise never mentioned having children and in the end I realised that it was for the best."

"Elise was your wife?"


"Why for the best?"

"Elise wanted to be the centre of attention at all times, and could throw a tantrum if attention was diverted away from her. Children would have done that, so it was best that we didn't have children." Millie nodded understanding my reasons.

"Allan would have been a lousy father. He was too much into what he wanted and to hell with everyone else. Anyway I was too busy going to the special clinic every time he came home and had his way with me." I knew what the special clinic was. The big hospitals had them specifically for those who may be suffering with an STD. I looked at Millie and raised my eyebrows. She nodded. "Yes. He wasn't too careful in his choice of partners." She was silent for a moment. "I was lucky. Because of that I stayed on the pill. When he left I stopped the pill as I was certain I would never have sex again." I could see she was embarrassed. "Please don't be angry with me Greg. I started on them again three weeks ago."

"Why should I be angry?"

"Because I was making an assumption." We had been holding hands all this time and I lifted her hand and kissed the back, then turned her hand over and kissed her palm.

"Don't think it hasn't gone through my mind. We will know when the time is right." She grasped my hand harder for a moment. "I can't understand how we got to this. I had sworn off men, determined never to get involved again and now I have these thoughts of being with you, being in bed with you."

"Let's go and have an early lunch. If you continue in that vein I will have to sit here for some time." Millie didn't understand at first then a secret smile widened her lips.

"Oh! Have I done that to you?"


"You are so good for me, Greg. Making me feel feminine and desirable. Thank you."


In the following days I remembered what she said, as I had the same thoughts. I had not been looking for a new life companion, although I had not discarded the idea that someday I would meet someone. My thoughts however had not envisaged that someone coming into my life at this point. Millie had come into my life though and I would have to accept the fates that guided us together. As we spent time together I became closer to her; a rather unexpected outcome considering the friction of our first meetings. We spent other days meandering around the area and down into Cornwall. I had always loved the West Country and my pleasure in the places we visited was enhanced one hundredfold by my delightful companion.

We were exploring Plymouth a few days later when I saw a poster advertising a concert on the Hoe. The Band of the Royal Marines would be playing and included would be the Sunset Ceremony. I suggested to Millie that it may be worthwhile going.

"It's running from four until eight. I thought we could grab a bite to eat somewhere afterwards."

"That sounds good, Greg. I have always liked seeing the Sunset Ceremony."

I was able to park not too far from the Hoe. There would probably be a ticket on the car when we returned but I was in company with at least another sixty cars, so we would all get a ticket. The crowd thickened as we walked onto the Hoe and it was easy to see where the band would play, a large area cordoned off with portable steel railings. I had brought a blanket from the car and having found a spot with a good view of where the band would march and play we settled down. Millie sat close and I put my arm around her shoulder. She turned her face and kissed me. The smile told me how happy she was.

The concert was excellent with a good repertoire of traditional British marches and some Souza marches as well. As they played they marched and counter-marched never missing a beat or a step. The finale was the Sunset, the brisk tap of the drums, traditionally calling the Skirmishers to break off and return to camp. Then the clear notes of the trumpets and bugles hanging on the evening air as the flag sank slowly from the Jack. Looking over the Sound we could see that the few Naval Vessels in the harbour were lowering their ensigns in concert. I could hear in my head the command over the ships speakers 'Face aft and Salute'. The pride emanating from the audience was tangible as the ceremony came to a conclusion. My eyes were moist and I turning to Millie saw she had tears slipping slowly down her cheeks.

The audience began splitting into couples and small groups, wandering away over the Hoe, the first steps of a journey home.

"What would you like to eat?" I asked Millie. "Chinese, Indian, Italian or good old Fish and Chips." There was no hesitation in her answer.

"Chinese. I love Chinese.".

"Chinese then." I held out my hand to help her up. "Come on. Let's go and find a restaurant."

Millie was very quiet as I drove back from Plymouth, and I didn't feel the urge to fill the silence with inane chatter. We got to Tavistock around ten-thirty and I stopped outside her flat. She sat quietly in her seat and looked towards the front door then turned to me.

"Can we be together tonight?" I leaned over and kissed her. "Are you sure?"

"Yes." She whispered. I went to get out of the car. "Not here, Greg. My place is so small with stuff all over the place. I was thinking your room." She went on hurriedly, as if she had been thinking about it and made plans. "I don't want to walk through reception with you. I'll go in through the back." I understood her concern. Angela would not be there now, but Walter, the night porter would be and like most night porters he liked to keep an eye on coming and goings and who was going into who's room.

"It's locked at this time of night isn't it?" She grinned.

"Yes. But I have a key." I started the car. "Let me out, Greg. I need to get some things first. I'll walk up."

"I'll wait for you."

"Are you sure?"


Millie asked me to park well away from the entrance, slipping out of the car as soon as it stopped. I tried to be nonchalant as I went through reception and up the stairs, I think I may have looked calm and collected, but inside I was a bundle of nerves. She was waiting outside room nine and as I appeared groaned a sigh of relief. I opened the door and she scuttled in.

"I was petrified that someone else would come up the stairs and see me." She told me and I in return told her how I had tried to appear normal.

"Except that my stomach was doing somersaults."

"Yours too?" She laughed lightly. "Fine pair we are. Here we are and behaving like teenagers sneaking away behind the bike-sheds, instead of mature adults. I can't believe I could be so nervous, I'm a thirty-four year old woman!" It was my time to laugh. "And I'm a thirty-two year old man, who is very attracted to this slightly, very slightly older woman." Millie was shocked a little.

"I didn't know you were..." She stopped and grinned. "Toy boy eh?" She moved into my arms. "And I am very attracted to this slightly younger man." We kissed the kiss of promise.

Millie broke our embrace. "I am going to clean my teeth before my courage fails me."

"I'll wait for you then clean mine." Minutes later she emerged from the bathroom wearing a pretty cotton robe. "Very pretty." I said as I walked to the bathroom.

"Don't worry; I won't be wearing it when you get into bed." She wasn't. She had turned the lights off except for one on the table in the window. I was about to join her in bed when she pointed at my boxers.

"I don't think you need those." I grinned and slipped them off and got into bed. She was in my arms immediately. I could feel her shaking, the bravado that had carried her through now vanished as the reality hit home. I clasped her to me, just cuddling her tremulous body allowing her time to settle. I don't know how long it took. I could feel when the shaking stopped and she relaxed.

"Thank you, Greg, for understanding. I couldn't give myself to a man less understanding than you. Thank you for your gentleness, for caring and bringing laughter into my life again." She kissed me, her hot breath exhaled into my mouth. "Darling Greg. Will you make love to me?"

Millie was a goddess and I, a mere mortal. I worshipped her lovely form, her breasts wonderful feminine hills topped with hard points of light brown flesh. I sipped nectar from her shrine as she cried out in exultation, and panted over and with her as we joined in rapturous splendour. Time meant nothing, pleasure and the giving of pleasure meant all. Finally satiated with bliss and nerves unable to cope with more excitement we fell into sleep. I spooned against her back with an arm under her neck; she took that hand and placed it on her breast, then searched for my other hand, this she placed over her vulva. One last murmur before consciousness was lost.

"I love you, Millie."

"And I love you, Greg."

I awoke the next morning to a new world. I had slept deeper than any time in the last three years, and upon waking the first vision I saw was a naked Millie making tea. I rubbed my eyes and looked again; the vision was still there so I wasn't dreaming. I croaked.

"Good morning." Millie looked round and flustered grabbed for her robe. "No! Don't do that. You will rob me of the most beautiful sight I have ever beheld."

"I feel...I feel embarrassed."

"Why? Millie you are so lovely. Artists would kill for a chance to paint you. Poets would curse the English language for not having superlatives fit to describe your beauty." She laughed. "Greg! You do get garrulous at times. Ok. If I have to let you see me naked perhaps you could return the favour. Come on, off with the bedclothes." I threw back the sheets. "Hmm." She tilted her head to one side as she looked. "Not bad. But why is that thing growing like that?"

"That's your doing. I see you and it stands to attention." Millie walked seductively to the bed.

"Perhaps we could find a way of getting him to stand easy." She went to lie on the bed, but I grabbed her hips and directed her over me.

"You won't mind me being on top?" She asked in surprise.

"Mind?" I reached up and held her breasts. "I can play with these wonderful orbs. Mind? I positively endorse it."

The tea went cold and Millie's plan to be out of the hotel before seven o' clock was dashed to pieces. She shrugged her shoulders and took her time bathing and getting dressed. I helped with the bathing, which did slow the process more than a little.

"I meant it last night, Millie. I do love you." She looked up with a wet and very happy face.

"I can't believe it, Greg. That in the space of a few months I could go from despair to this happiness. I have fallen so deeply in love with you. It's like a miracle." It was a miracle, but now wasn't the time to discuss a future although I was sure there would be a future for us. Millie eventually, with my persuasion, abandoned her ideas of sneaking out and we boldly walked downstairs together to breakfast. Angela to her credit didn't turn a hair, merely calling a cheerful "Good Morning" to us.


After that first night together, Millie was quite happy to spend all her nights with me, not caring if other guests would look askance when the receptionist happily kissed another guest. She was back at work now and I missed her as I visited places of interest that I had never had the time to appreciate before. She would join me for Dinner in the evenings and I would tell her of where I had been, what I had seen and she listened wistfully.

"I wish that I could be with you Darling." was a frequent complaint of hers. I was also mournful as visiting these places without the one who now had more importance in my life than any other halved the joy. I also gave a lot of thought to a future. Millie had stated without quibble that she would be with me wherever I lived, but I knew her heart would be sad to leave Devon. She had been born just a few miles away from Tavistock and was Devon through and through. I was thinking seriously. Most of my work was in the south of England; only rarely did I travel to the North; and the business was located close to Gloucester. It would not be too much of an inconvenience for us to find somewhere to live in Devon, possibly Tavistock or surroundings. I broached the subject with Millie one evening when we were in bed. For a while she was speechless then she found her tongue.

"You would do that, for me?"

"It would be for us, Millie. For us and our children. Where better for them to grow up than in Devon? Clean air, great countryside, you can't beat that."

"Just a little something. You mentioned children?"



"Yes." She smiled.

"Well in that case we had better get started. I would like to have them before I am forty. Oh! Should we get married first?"

"Now that's a good idea."

"Well you haven't proposed yet." I got out of bed and walked round to her side naked as the day I was born, and then went on one knee. She was giggling. I was trying to keep a straight face.