Depends on How You Measure

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The girls teased him because he was small. He surprised them.
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In this world you get tall people, average people, and short people. In this wide range of people I fit into the third group, although I am hoping that a late growth spurt will push me up into the second group. At eighteen it's just a little embarrassing to be five foot six. I suppose that if I stay that height I'll adjust and accept it but at my current age it's irritating.

I am quite athletic but have never made it into any of the teams. When coaches are looking for people to pick for team sports their eyes never drop low enough to even see me. I also didn't have much joy in single person sports for the simple reason that, while I'm good, a good big person will tend to beat a good small person. Unfair, but that's the way it goes.

I'm good at acrobatics but I'm also a rather solid man. To really star in acrobatics you need to be the slender willowy type. I was stung again, I suppose, being too large when I needed to be slender. The one area where I did do really well was in martial arts as skill counts for a lot with size not having anything near the impact as in other sports.

Being a perpetually broke teenager I worked odd jobs. One of these jobs occurred when I was lucky enough to get hired as a jack-of-all-trades to help the school janitor. I could change light globes, adjust clocks, change washers on taps, oil hinges, etcetera. Little things that could be time consuming for the janitor that tended to get put off, which also tended to annoy students and staff. I'd attend to these things after school, helping the school and earning a little cash.

One Thursday I checked to see what work I had in store and was handed a bag full of boxes. Looking at one box it stated that it was a rose for a shower. Not just any rose but a fancy water saving rose -- quite expensive by my understanding.

"Since when had the school lashed out on this sort of stuff?" I asked. "Admittedly they're a good idea if you're into water saving and all that, but I wouldn't have thought the school would fork out for them."

"You would've been right," agreed the Janitor, "but the Government, in its infinite wisdom, has decreed that everyone had to use this type of rose from now on and are giving them away. They asked how many showers we had, I told them, and they gave me the requisite roses, plus a few spare. You, you lucky lad, now have the job of going around and fitting them."

"No worries," I said, and I meant it. I mean, it's just a case of unscrew the old rose, wipe the thread clean, wrap on a bit of plumber's tape to prevent leakage, and screw on the new rose. Turn on the tap to make sure that it works without leaking and on to the next shower. A five minute job per shower.

I seemed to have quite a few roses and so I asked the Janitor where all the showers were.

"The female teacher's bathroom, ditto the male teachers. The female change room, ditto the male change room. I think you'll find that's fourteen showers."

I came down to earth with a crashing thud. Female teachers, no problems. I'd just have one of them check the bathroom, put out my maintenance board and do the job. Male teacher's bathroom and male change room, no problem. Just waltz in and set to work. Female change room, big problem.

I started with the teachers bathrooms and had no problems. Roses changed and working. On to the male change room and changed the roses for the showers, again with no problems. Even though it only took five minutes or so to change each rose the time added up. By the time I finished the male change room about an hour had passed.

The chance of finding stray students in the school an hour after school had finished for the day tended to be slim to none. Ditto where teachers are concerned. I knocked loudly on the female change room door and got no answer. I kicked loudly on the door and still got no answer. I opened the door and yelled.

"Maintenance coming in. Anyone home?"

No answer so I used my 'maintenance in progress' sign to prop the door open and headed in. Seeing no signs of life I headed for the showers and set to work. Twenty minutes later I was finishing off the last shower when high pitched voices caught my attention.

"Maintenance here," I yelled out, and the voices stopped. I had just enough time to test the last shower when three girls appeared, giving me a 'do we see a slug' look. The three of them, being of the same age as me, were in the same year as me and they knew me.

"What are you doing here, you little turd?" came the demand.

"And good evening to you Becky. If you ask one of your friends I'm sure they would have read out the sign I put at the door," I said helpfully. "I've been putting in new shower heads so you can enjoy a more refreshing showering experience, assuming that you do shower."

"I bet, you pervert. How do we know you weren't putting cameras in them?"

"You don't, I admitted, but they are sealed units with not much room for extras. Also I suspect that any camera in a shower head would lose its electronics pretty quickly, what with all that water."

"Hmph. You were probably hanging around hoping to see us get changed."

"Give me a break. School finished over an hour ago and there were no scheduled practices for today. I should hang around for an hour on the off chance that you might come in late and get changed? Although," I added, running my eye over the three of them, "I'll bet it would have been worth it."

"You are a sleazy little man," Becky snapped.

She had a point with the little. All three girls were my equal in height, dammit.

"Go easy with the little," I complained. "I'm big enough where it counts."

"Like I said, sleazy," repeated Becky looking very irate and flicking a glance at my groin. For some reason I had a knack of pissing her off.

"I'm talking about my brains," I told her. "You've seen my test scores, haven't you? What were you thinking I meant?"

I received another filthy look and then Becky turned and said something to her friends. Lou and Shelley laughed and moved past Becky to stand either side of me. They then both grabbed an arm and held on like grim death. Seeing they were clutching my arms to their generous breasts I saw no reason to complain or to try to free myself.

"Let's see how small you really are," sniggered Becky, already undoing my trousers.

So some girls wanted to admire my tackle. Why should I worry? I was an innocent party in all this. Up to this point, anyway.

The speed at which Becky undid my trousers and pulled them and my briefs down suggested to me that she'd done this sort of thing before. She nodded to the girls and they pulled my shirt and singlet up, ensuring I was properly exposed.

"Oh, how cute," cooed Becky. "Look, the poor little thing is trying to stand up."

I had no objection to getting an erection. I knew what I had and I wasn't ashamed of it. Possibly a little embarrassed, but with reason.

The three of them were regarding me, watching as my cock went into semi-tumescence, and started swelling into a full erection.

"What the hell," gasped Shelley.

"That's not right, is it?" was Lou's contribution.

"Fuck!" was all that a rather stunned Becky could say.

For some reason I was rather well endowed where genitals were concerned. While not noticeable while flaccid once I had an erection I had around nine inches standing proudly forth, with quite a bit of meat on the bone(r).

"I'd have thought you knew that a person's height doesn't reflect the size of their penis," I said gently, smiling at the three shocked girls. "Now if you'll excuse me for a moment..."

I pulled my arms out of Lou and Shelley's grasp, not that they were trying to hold me any longer. Their grips had relaxed but they'd forgotten to let go. I reached over and lifted the front of Becky's dress. I also took hold of her panties and pulled them firmly down, leaving her nicely exposed.

"Nice to see you shave," I said, admiring her charms. I threw a quick look at the other two. "I do prefer a smooth mons," I told them.

Becky gave a startled squawk and didn't seem to know if her face should be red or white. Suffering from shock, maybe?

"If you touch me," she snapped, the actual consequences remaining unsaid.

"No worries," I told her. "You only looked so that's all I'm doing."

I dropped her dress back into place and she hastily hauled her panties back where they belonged, red-faced and furious.

"So," I said to Lou and Shelley. "Are you going to show me now or should I wait for a more private time?"

The pair of them backed away, heads shaking.

"No? Pity. Well, I've finished my work in here so I'll be on my way."

I pulled up my own trousers, picked up my bag of roses and rubbish, put my tools away and sauntered out, picking up the maintenance sign on the way.

I'd packed everything up and tidied my normal work area and was ready to head homeward when my mother rang. Would I be home soon? She and my father were going to the Mullin's place for dinner and an evening of cards. If I wanted to come I'd need to be home quickly.

I expressed my apologies, explaining that I'd be at least another half hour. (Longer if necessary.) I'd just make myself some dinner. They didn't need to worry about me. Really, dinner and cards with the most boring old people in the city or dodge it and make my own dinner? A true no-brainer of a question.

* * * Lou

I took my own sweet time heading home, pleased to see that our car was gone so I didn't need to go and hide out for a bit longer. I was in the lift and the door was closing when a voice yelled for me to hold the lift. Being a gentleman I stopped the door closing and a bustling figure dashed through the doors yelling thanks. I pressed the door closed button and as they slid to I turned to nod to my fellow passenger. I have to admit that I broke into a wide smile when I saw who the new passenger was.

"Good evening, Lou," I said happily. "You know, I'd forgotten you lived here. The floor above mine, isn't it?"

She didn't say anything, just giving me a nervous look. I didn't try to crowd her, although I could have quite easily. Why upset the girl? When the lift reached my floor I stepped out, but left a foot strategically place to prevent the doors closing.

"Ah, Lou, since we're both here at the same time and can have reasonable privacy in my place why don't you come in for a minute or two. My parents won't disturb us as long as the door to my room is open. A rule of my mother's. She's afraid that hanky-panky might take place behind closed doors."

"Why would I want to go to your place?" Lou asked, sounding a little nervous.

I gave a small shrug.

"It will be a more private time," I pointed out. "Just you and me. I did say that I was going to take a peek at some stage and I meant it. You girls had your fun so it would be unfair to deny me mine."

"Just a quick look," she muttered. "We can do that right here."

"The hell we can," I retorted, pointing at the roof of the elevator. "Cameras. I do not want you on camera. This is private."

She blushed, apparently not even considering the possibility of cameras. I held out my hand.

"Come along," I said in a warm soothing voice. "It won't be that bad."

She took my hand and I drew her on down the passage until we reached my unit. I unlocked and ushered her in. Lou was somewhat surprised to find no-one else there.

I directed her into my bedroom, making sure to leave the door wide open. Then I calmly lifted the front of her dress, asking her to hold it for a moment. As soon as she took hold of it I took hold of her panties and slid them down. Not just a little bit down but right down to her ankles. She promptly let go her dress, letting it cover her charms again.

I lifted her dress again, inspecting her wares. Her mons was cover with a light fuzz, indication that she'd shaved at some stage and was now letting it grow out again. My fingers stroked through the fuzz, finding it soft and silky.

"No touching," she quickly gabbled out. "We agreed no touching."

"We did, didn't we, or something to that effect. Let me make it up to you."

I undid my trousers and lowered them and my jocks, once more revealing my equipment for her inspection.

I took her hand and pressed it against my erection.

"Seeing I touched you I guess I can't complain if you touch me."

"Who do you think you're kidding? You wouldn't complain even if all three of us had been pawing you." She sounded a trifle indignant, not that her indignation made her let go my erection. She was stroking it thoughtfully. For my part my hand slipped over her mons and drifted between her legs, investigating the soft folds of flesh there, feeling the heat and dampness gathering.

"You intend to fuck me, don't you?" she accused me. "At least you would if your parents weren't likely to walk in at any time."

"Um, not for several hours, actually. They're at a card night."

Lou looked blankly at me for a moment and then blushed somewhat fiercely. I guess there's a difference between playing with a man's cock knowing that time is limited before an interruption and playing with that same cock knowing no interruption will be forthcoming. (Not that she let go of said cock.)

"You tricked me," she accused.

"Maybe," I acknowledged, starting to undo the buttons on her blouse.

I slowly undressed her. She didn't resist at all but she did point out that she had no intention of having sex with me, that my cock was too large, it would hurt her, she wasn't ok with this, etcetera, trying to give the impression that me fucking her was out of the question. Countering all that talk was the fact that she didn't stop playing with my cock for even a moment. It didn't take all that long before we were both naked.

"You're going to try and fuck the three of us, aren't you?" she accused.

I just smiled, my hands cupping her breasts, and she glared at me.

"Why am I first?" she wanted to know. Interesting to see that she was no longer denying that I was going to make love to her, apparently accepting it as something that was going to happen.

I bent and sucked lightly on one nipple and then the other. Lifting my head I blatantly admired her body, letting my appreciation show. I don't know if she realised it but she preening under my gaze, enjoying having me look at her.

"I must admit that I intended Becky to be first because I was annoyed at her, but seeing you in the lift, looking irresistibly cute, I simply didn't resist."

Running my eyes over her again I gave a gentle shake of my head and sighed.

"How could I possibly turn away from you?" I asked her, pulling her up against me and kissing her.

She barely hesitated before returning the kiss, quite enthusiastically, too. Both of us were running our hands over the other's body, enjoying the tactile sense of flesh on flesh. I carefully backed her up to the bed and eased her down onto it.

There was a tiny hiccup in the smooth progression of our love-making. She was naked on my bed, legs parted, revealing all, waiting for me. Then it registered on her again just how much I was going to give her and her nerves started playing up.

"Wait a minute," she gasped. "That thing is way too big. It'll hurt me. You have to back off."

"Relax," I told her, speaking calmly and soothingly. "I'm not going to do anything you don't want. Actually, I think you'll find that I'm just the right size for you. You'll find that you adjust to take me with no problems. Why don't we just take it slow and easy to start with and you can see for yourself how things work out."

It took another five minutes of sweet words and soft touches before things started to progress. Parting her lips enough to rest the head of my cock against her I let her lips close around me. Lou was still looking nervous but as she was in no pain she let me continue. I took my own sweet time, pressing slowly into her.

She gasped a time or two, propping herself up on her elbows to watch me entering her. As I slowly sank into her she started making little comments, mainly along how I was squashing her out of shape, just how crowded she felt with me in her, and how much further did I intend to go. My assurance that she would be able to take all of me with no problems was met with a rather sceptical look of disbelief.

The main thing, I guess, was that missing from the odd feelings she was undergoing was the feeling of pain. No pain, so she was willing for me to continue. Mind you, I suspect that if I'd just banged it in she'd have experienced some pain. It was a case of slow and steady wins the race.

"I don't believe it," she gasped out when my groin finally pressed against hers, my cock fully sheathed in her warm passage.

"Believe," I said softly, just holding myself firmly against her.

"I'm going to start moving now," I warned her. "For the time being just move with me. Once you're settled we can do something about making things more interesting."

With that I started pulling slowly back and returning, not pulling back too far at the start but slowly increasing the length of my strokes. She was pushing to meet right from the first stroke, giving a sexy little sound each time I hit home. The advantage of this sort of action meant I could last a lot longer, wham, bam, thank you ma'am, not applying.

It seems that all that cock inside her was getting her hotter and more aroused. She started demanding I do more.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, dammit. More, now."

Who was I to object to a lady's wishes? My strokes became longer and harder, driving in hard while she squealed and wrapped her legs around me, giving her approval in word and deed.

After what I thought could be considered a reasonable length of time it became clear that Lou was soon going to climax. A decision had to be made.

"Lou, it seems to me that you're about to climax. Do you want to climax now or should I delay things for a while?"

"Delay things?" she asked, sounding truly aghast. "If you do, you die."

"As you wish," I murmured, putting some real effort into what I was doing.

That was all that was required to tip her over the edge and the way her passage clamped around me was all I needed to do the same, her body shivering as she thoroughly milked me, finally sinking back and lying bonelessly, a satisfied and surprisingly smug look on her face.

I dismounted and fetched a warm cloth and a towel, carefully wiping her down and drying her. She seemed to just stretch under my administrations, lapping it up.

"Oh my god," she yelped, with a startled cry. "I'm supposed to be home by now. This is your fault."

Lou promptly put to rest the canard that women took a long time to dress. If she took longer than a minute to be fully dressed you'd have needed a stopwatch to measure the time. Then she was heading for the door. She stopped when she reached it and turned back to me.

"That was a one and only," she told me, sounding very firm. "Um, are you really going to do Becky and Shelley?"

"If I can," I admitted.

"Well, good luck with Becky, you'll need it. Where Shelley is concerned I think you'll find she's willing. She couldn't stop talking about the size of your cock and wondering what it would feel like."

"I'm quite willing to satisfy her curiosity," I admitted. "I admit that Becky comes across as not being happy with me but I suspect that I can overcome that. We'll just need to wait and see."

With that Lou went on her way while I turned my hand to matters of making dinner.

* * * Becky

I left for school the next morning bright and early. I wanted to be one of the first people there. For some reason Becky was always at school at an early hour -- trouble with her mother, I think, and they get on better when they're apart.

A couple of other things factored into my decision to get an early start. First, as the part time handyman I had a set of keys to a number of places normally off limits to the normal student and, second, Becky had what I considered an irritable habit of snooping on me when I was doing odd jobs and criticising anything I did. She seemed to get a kick out of it.