Destruction and Rebirth


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"So tell me, how did the two of you meet?" Amber asked, her eyes darted between Catalina and me.

We looked at one another, our eyes asking each other that silent question on who would tell that story. In the end, I thought Catalina telling it would be a bit funnier than if I told it.

"Well, we have to go back to when your father first arrived here. At the time, I was engaged to someone else, but he wasn't faithful." I saw David nod in understanding as Catalina's hand never left my thigh. "Yet I always saw your father walking around the building with this face that sort of looked like someone shoved a pine cone up his keister," Catalina said, getting a giggle out of Amber and a light chuckle from David. "I mean, he is a handsome man, yet I was engaged, and I don't stray." I noted how Amber dropped her head at that. "So anyway, as time went on, that face never left him for the two years he was here. So when I walked into his office that day, I had been single for a few months. I told your father to pull whatever was up his ass out of it, and who knew the man could laugh," she teased me, which I deserve. I was an asshole during those years. "Then we built a friendship, I know he wanted more, but he was patient with me. Then after three months, we had our first date, and it went from there, and I never looked back," Catalina said with love-filled eyes as she looked at me.

"So, I thought if you two aren't too tired, we'd explore the city for the day, get you two used to the lay of the land, then come back, and I'll cook us a nice big dinner," Catalina said; I heard the eagerness in her voice to make the both of them feel welcome.

"Oh, you've never been to the beach," I said, noting how my daughter's eyes widened. "Seeing how we have this week off, how about we head down to Roberto's place, if he'll let us use it for a few days?" I spoke, looking over at my wife. Knowing the place was large enough to hold the lot of us.

"You sure, honey?"

"They're here, and it's easier to go to the beach here than it is in Kansas City," I stated factually.

"You know I'm fine with it; I know Alondra will be ecstatic to go, but you'll have to talk to Roberto," Catalina said, looking at me.

"I know," I nodded. Seeing how it was my idea Roberto was the type of man that respected you more if the one who thought of the idea was the one to ask, or that's what I picked up from the man over the years of knowing him. "I'll go make the call," I said, rising from my seat. The sounds of the city below us faded to nothing as I slid the glass sliding door closed. "You enjoying your show, munchkin?"

"Mmmhmm," Alondra hummed her attention squarely on the TV like it always was on a Saturday morning.

Walking out of Catalina's and my bedroom with my phone after it had charged. My thumb scrolled up the screen as the names of people who've I've met and grown close to since coming to live in Charlotte flew past as I neared Roberto's contact info.

"Buenos días, Nathan." Roberto's thick, accented voice came over the line.

"Good morning, Roberto," I greeted. He didn't mind if I spoke English instead of Spanish since he knew I could do both. "I was wondering if you could do me a favor."

"Oh?" The left corner of my lip lifted when he switched to English. All of Catalina's family could speak English; they only pretended they didn't know when someone was making an ass out of themselves in front of their family. I watched it a few times when some passing salesman tried to pawn off his wares while not outright insulting their intelligence, but you knew what the man was doing. It was always fucking hilarious when the ladies joined in then the teenagers would only to watch as the person would scurry back to their car.

"Yeah, I was wondering if you wouldn't mind if Catalina and I used your place at Canadian Hole," I said, seeing my daughter instantly whipping around in her seat, knowing what that meant. I tried to pretend I couldn't see that glee on her face when I said that.

"Of course, you can, amigo. What's the special occasion?" He had a reason to ask, given we normally went to the mountains for vacations a lot cheaper on the wallet and fewer people around. We usually only went to the beach when the whole family went to Canadian Hole.

"My eldest daughter flew in with her fiancée, and she's never seen the ocean," I said truthfully. The whole family knew about how we were estranged but understood why I walked out like I did.

Es una gran noticia! ¿Los traerás el próximo fin de semana?"

"Si," I answered when he asked if I was bringing them over next weekend. I heard my sister-in-law's voice in the background asking what had him so excited. That was when I heard that excited voice of hers I knew well when he told her. Then I heard her speaking rapidly in Spanish before her voice faded away, knowing that in less than ten minutes, the whole family would know.

"Do you want me to bring the keys over?"

"Nah, we'll pick them up when we show them around the city, say around one?" I spoke, still ignoring my daughter's antics on the couch as she bounced on it.

"Ciro has a game today, but I'll leave them..." I nodded along as he told me of the secret hiding spot he usually kept a spare house key in.

"You tell Ciro I'll be rooting for him. I expect five home runs," I heard my brother-in-law chuckle over the line. I knew Ciro could go pro, he was just that good, and I wish him all the luck in the world.

"I will; I hope she enjoys the beach."

"As do I," I said before we ended the call.

"Papi, are we going to the beach?!" Alondra asked with bated breath.

"We are," I said, pocketing my phone, smiling at my daughter's antics as she bounced on her knees.


"I was thinking we go on Monday and enjoy the beach till Thursday. Is that okay with you, Princess?" I mused; I couldn't keep my smile from touching my lips at Alondra's vehement nod. "Now behave while you continue to enjoy your show," I said before stepping back out onto the balcony. Feeling Catalina's hand on my back as I sank back down into my seat.

Hours later found us cruising through the streets of Charlotte; Alondra sat between David and Amber on the back seat as she pointed out places she loved to go to -- namely the Discovery Place. It was a little expensive, but worth it, it was a very informative place, especially for a four-year-old's mind. When lunch rolled around, we stopped at a popular downtown sit-down restaurant. Where I watched as my two daughters just chatted away. I noted how my wife had this rather happy, content look on her face as she watched my two children from across the table. David and I had a pleasant conversation about his 401K. While I wasn't a stock trader I did know my way around them. So I gave him some tips about who and what I put my money into with my own 401K. I noted how he was listening intently to every word. It told me he was planning ahead, and I hoped the two of them didn't go the way the Bitch and I did. I have to admit, David was a pleasant man, just don't tell him I said that. I do have to keep my father-in-law vibe going. Yet, I was happy that Amber found herself a man that appeared to be a genuinely good guy.

After lunch, we headed over to Roberto's place. I could see David's and Amber's confused looks when we pulled up to their house in Derita. I told them to wait in the car before quickly hopping out of it and heading off towards the spot Roberto had told me he would leave his house keys for his place in Canadian Hole. It didn't take me long to find it. The keys jingled in my hand; a warmth spread through my heart when I read Roberto's and Catalina's sister's note they had left with them. I could speak Spanish not read it, so they wrote in English. I was very touched by their words. Ever since I started dating Catalina, her sister did size me up and told me not to hurt her sister, or I'd have to deal with her and Roberto; however, over the months of our whirlwind romance, I grew on her and my brother-in-law. They were the first ones to help out if Catalina got overwhelmed with caring for Alondra when she was first born. Not that I blame Catalina; having your first child is fucking nerve-racking. I know Catalina went to bed every so often with worry on her mind if she would be a good mother and whatnot. So I called in the troops and took my wife out when those days happened. To show her that she was indeed a very good mother.

And so, as night descended on Charlotte, my little family clustered in the living room to spend family time simply watching a movie. It doesn't really matter what you do, as long as you do it together. It was Alondra's bedtime when I noted Amber and David nodding off. I couldn't blame them; they have been up since the wee hours of the morning to catch their flight. Catalina gave me this look that I interpreted as 'Go do your dad thing.' I can't deny I was watching that ass of hers as she carried Alondra to her room.

"Amber," I whispered, lightly shaking her.

"Dad?" My mind flashed back to when she was just a little girl when she would mutter in that sleepy tone of hers.

"Let's get you two to bed," I said, seeing her eyes peering at me through the slit of her lids.

"Sorry, I did...." I waved David off when he roused in his seat.

"It happens, don't worry about it," I said lightly. The moment Amber got to her feet, her arms slid around me.

"I've missed this for seven years," Amber whispered into my chest. "Good night, Dad," she said before placing a kiss on my left cheek and slipping her arm around David's waist.

I was laying in bed waiting for Catalina to come sauntering in which she did after fifteen minutes had passed. Which was quick for Alondra; it told me Alondra was worn out. I felt myself hardening when I saw that sultry smile on my wife's lips as she walked along the bedside towards our bathroom. My cock thumped against the covers at the sight of my wife's gorgeous body as she strode out of our bathroom in nothing but her underwear. Those eyes of hers noted the movement of the sheets, which only intensified that sultry smile of hers. How that soft body of hers felt so divine beside mine once she had slid beneath the sheets. I bit my lip when her fingers wrapped around my rod.

"My Amor shouldn't be going to bed with a hard-on," Catalina cooed to me in that sinful tone of hers. "Does the handsome Papi like my hand stroking this hard cock of mine?" she purred, which I nodded like a fool. Who wouldn't?! "Does my sweet, caring husband want his hot wife to drink it all down?" Again, my head nodded very, and I mean very vigorously. "Good, that's where it belongs."

"Oh God!" I moaned lightly as Catalina wasted no time in taking me into her mouth. I slept like a baby after that, wouldn't you? Yet all too soon, strange how that is, five o'clock came around, and our alarm went off. Which meant I had to get Alondra up so we could be on the road for the three-hour drive to Ashville.

Catalina was like a paparazzi with the number of pictures she took that day, of me, me with Alondra, Alondra with her sister, Amber with David, and so on. I was pleasantly pleased Amber and Catalina got along as they talked about their wedding plans and venues. David was very attentive to Alondra, always heading off with her when Alondra wanted to show him something she really liked. As always, I was the watchful Dad, as was David, which I appreciated. You never know these days, and there are some sick fucks out in the world. We had lunch there at the zoo. Then we wandered the grounds some more before we were all worn out and had very sore legs. By the end of it, I was carrying Alondra on my shoulders. Not that I minded, I knew soon, far too soon, she wouldn't need me as much. As sad as that was, that is life. Nothing stays the same forever. Halfway home, I noticed how Alondra was napping in Amber's lap. I noted how Amber shot me this smile in the rear view mirror.

"Honey, would you mind if we order in tonight?" Catalina asked in a tired voice.

"No, you two up for pizza?" I inquired, looking over at Amber and David.

"I don't mind a slice, you?" David spoke, peering over at Amber, who shook her head.

"Supreme alright with you all?" I queried, knowing Alondra wouldn't eat anything else. Catalina liked it as well, I don't, but I normally got overruled on the subject.

"No, David is allergic to olives," Amber said, laying her right hand on David's chest.

"Then how about this, a small supreme for them, and a small meat lovers for us guys," I uttered with a smile.

"I can go with that," David nodded along. Earning us both an eye roll from Catalina.

"You get the pizzas ordered; I'll get Alondra packed for tomorrow," Catalina said, flashing me that dazzling smile of hers as she and Alondra walked hand in hand to her bedroom.

"Dad, you know we...."

"Do you know what would happen to me if I reneged on the beach?" I asked with a pointed look once I had placed our order. "Are you trying to get your father killed?" I joked. But Alondra would put up a fit for weeks about it.

"I just don't want you all to go to too much trouble for us."

"It's fine, Amber, plus I did tell you I would take you to it a long time ago, when you were little, and I like to keep my word," I said, seeing that Amber too remembered that conversation as I did when she was ten.

"So, Nathan, when were you planning on heading out?" David asked, following me into the living room.

"Say seven in the morning; it's a six-hour drive to Roberto's place at Canadian Hole; yes, that is the name of the beach," I stated, seeing their disbelieving looks. "We'll stay till Thursday so you two can enjoy yourselves there. It's really a lovely place."

"Honey, what time is it?" Catalina called out to me from Alondra's room.

"Seven-twenty," I hollered back.

"Something going on?" Amber asked, confused.

"A football game is on," I said, which was true a game did start soon. I saw David racking his brain trying to determine if there was a football game on, given it was late spring. "Soccer," I clarified, seeing how David wanted to smack his forehead for not thinking that.

"I didn't know you liked soccer," Amber said, pulling her legs beneath her as she snuggled against David on the loveseat.

"I could take it or leave it; Catalina and Alondra love the games. I just grew accustomed to them," I said offhandedly. "Her family are big fans of the sport. They have this big party when the world cup is being played which I attend. As they hold one for the super bowl for me when it's on. Because that's what family does, compromise with one another."

"I know, we're about to sit down to it." My eyes flickered over to Catalina when she and Alondra walked in talking on her phone. Before switching to Spanish, which I knew she only did if it was private. Smiling as Alondra raced into the living room and climbed onto the sofa, getting into her spot waiting for the game to start. Turning the TV on and switching the channel to ESPN-3 for the game between Mexico and Brazil. Don't tell Catalina this, but I was rooting for Brazil; she takes football (soccer) as seriously as Americans take football.

I patted Catalina's leg when a knock came on our condo door, knowing it had to be the pizzas. Her attention was squarely focused on the game as Mexico was in the lead during the first half of the first period. Personally, I found soccer boring as I know she thought the same about football. Still, being a good man and wife, we put that aside and just enjoyed the time we shared together. Paying the teenage boy and giving him a very good tip before taking the pizzas from him.

"Pizzas here?!" I called out to them as I carried them into the kitchen and got enough plates out. Amber and David ambled into the kitchen, yet Alondra and Catalina were glued to their seats. I knew Alondra did so because she wanted to be like her mother. "Make yourselves a plate," I gestured, carrying their plates to them.

"Thank you, honey. Can you get me a beer?" Catalina asked, placing a kiss on my cheek.

"Sure babe, Kool-Aid for you, though," I teased my daughter.

"Aren't they going to join us?" Amber asked low after I sat down with my plate.

"Nah, not with Mexico in the lead; they won't move from that spot," I said before taking my bite. God. I missed meat lovers pizza.

"Oh, this is good," David said before inhaling his slice.

"I know best pizza joint in town," I stated, savoring the meaty toppings knowing it would be some time before I had another meat lovers pizza.

"¡Sí! ¡Ir! ¡Ir! ¡Patea la pelota!" Catalina shouted as she surged from her seat with her plate in one hand and her beer in the other, with Alondra mimicking her mother. "¡No?!Pendejo. Como puedes dejar que te quiten la pelota," she bemoaned as one of Brazil's forwards stole the ball before Mexico could score.

"Alondra! Language," I chided when Alondra took her mimicry a little too far for a four-year-old. Casting my wife a glance, she looked away in embarrassment, knowing she let her mouth lead her mind a little too often when a game was on.

With our stomachs full of good pizza, and a few beers for us, I carted Alondra off to bed at her normal time. I was surprised to find that David was into the game by the end of it. Saying our good nights to one another, we four parted for our own rooms. Catalina was up at half-past five the next morning, making breakfast for us all. I knew she was excited at the prospect. I knew if Carson was here, she wouldn't know what to do. Wrapping my arms around her and kissed her neck as she flipped the pancakes that were cooking on the flat skillet. Feeling her lean back against me as we just enjoyed that moment of silence.

"Nat!" Catalina gasped, causing me to chuckle as I pinched her nipple as I went to get the kids up.

"What? Did you think I wasn't going to? You must be crazy to think I'd keep my hands to myself when I have my sexy wife in my arms," I retorted, seeing Catalina blushing madly.

"You better not." I heard her bashful whisper. Got to say that did put a smile on my face; why wouldn't it? After all, I have a gorgeous wife, a hyper daughter, and a grown one about to start her own adventure into married life. Life was good at that point.

"Wake up, munchkin, pancakes are nearly ready," I said, rousing my daughter from her slumber. "We don't want to miss the beach, do we?" I whispered when Alondra rolled over to go back to sleep. Biting my lip when that seemed to jolt her awake. Knocking on the guest bedroom door and opening it slightly.

"We're awake; just give us a few to get dressed." I heard David's voice through the gap.

"Okay, just checking; breakfast should be done soon," I said before easing the door closed.

"Thanks, Dad," Amber said as I handed her and David their cup of morning java.

"Honey, pull the orange juice out and set it on the table," Catalina directed as she placed the last of the flapjacks on the stack she had built.

Setting the juice and Alondra's morning cup of chocolate milk on the table, I went back to help set the table and aid my wife in carrying the food... I couldn't stop smiling as Amber was in the kitchen helping out Catalina like I was about to do with David lending a hand.

"Don't just stand there gawking, Dad, get the plates," Amber teased as she carried the plate of flapjacks to the table as David handled the two plates of sausage. One for breakfast sausage and one of a more spicier blend.

I caught my wife's content smile as she got the syrup from the cabinet as I got the plates for us all. I watched as I walked back to the table at how Catalina moved around it, acting like Amber and David were her own kids, and I saw how Amber latched onto that. It made me wonder what truly happened to my children while in their mother's care. As much as I don't want to hear a damn thing about that woman, I think I'm going to have to bite that down to find out the reason. We were out of the condo by quarter till seven with the dishes done, the car packed, we headed out to the sandy shores of Canadian Hole.
