Detention Ch. 04


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"What class are you trying to get to Marsha? And you Jamie?" I looked at Jamie for the first time in her soccer uniform and she looked just as stunning as Marsha. The uniforms weren't tight on their bodies but they fit them well anyway. Also their blonde hair fit well with the dark green. I couldn't wait to see them close up again later.

Marsha exhaled a long sigh and answered, "I'm trying to get to biology with Mr. Soto."

Jamie didn't seem as inclined to answer and actually seemed to fear getting in trouble, unlike Marsha. When I asked her again she replied, "I have English with Mr. Hall."

"Hmmmm, now if I'm not mistaken both of those classes are way on the other side of the building and on the second floor. Why are you two down here? Also, I just saw you coming down the stairs. That doesn't seem to be helping your situation here."

Marsha kept her exaggerated face on and replied, "Look we got a little lost and we're a little late, so what? What are you going to do give us detention?" She let out an I-don't-think-so laugh and looked at Jamie for confirmation. Jamie just looked back at her and then at me, seemingly not as confident as Marsha. This was great.

"Actually yes I am. I'm going to go tell the Principal I found you two skipping a class and that you both have detention today. I'll expect to see you both there."

I walked away quickly as I had to contain the smile that was on my face. I could hear Marsha bitching to Jamie behind me and I was wondering how long she could keep it up. I wasn't sure if they were actually going to class or not but I was sure they were both going to be in detention.

I wasn't heading for Principal's office though, I was heading back to my first classroom of the day where Kelly was hopefully still waiting. I got there and poked my head in to see Kelly leaning against the teacher's desk with her arms folded. She looked up and saw me as I entered and saw the look on my face. It wasn't the smile I had a minute ago, now I looked flabbergasted.

Standing before me was Kelly Johnson is a dark blue and black checkered schoolgirl's skirt with white knee-highs and a white button down shirt. I don't think I'd ever seen anything so sexy in my entire life. Right now, Jamie Belmonte was the last thing from my mind. Maybe I would never tell the Principal after all.

She saw my look and smiled at me as I walked up to the desk.

"You like it?"

"Kelly you look amazing. How did you get away with wearing this to school today?"

"I came early and changed in the locker room. My parents don't know about it so it's okay. Are you going to punish me for it John?" She gave me a wink.

"I'd love to," I said with a smile, "I'll have to miss out on it."

"Actually, you won't. Sit down in the chair and get your cock out."

I looked at her with more surprise in my face and she walked over to the door and shut it. She turned around and walked back up to the desk to find me still watching her.

"Come on John sit down and get your cock out. I can't come to detention today, I had to get excused. Mrs. Brown said the Principal came around asking why I was in detention two weeks in a row. She told him she had made a mistake and that I didn't really have detention today. So I figured I'd have you fuck me now instead."

I had so much I wanted to say right now but my cock was the one that spoke for me and I sat down and unzipped my pants. It was already hard from the sight of Kelly in a schoolgirl's outfit and it stood right up as she pulled out a condom from her backpack on the desk. She slid it on my cock and then climbed on top of me.

I felt my cock enter her and she made sure it all went inside of her as she let out a soft moan. I couldn't believe I was fucking Kelly in the middle of the day with a packed school, with her in a schoolgirl's outfit and no panties. I moved my hands to grab onto her ass just make sure this was real. It certainly was.

She unbuttoned her blouse for me as she moved up and down a bit faster. She exposed her breasts for me and I saw she wasn't wearing a bra either. This girl was crazy and I loved every second of it. I buried my face in her breasts and she moved her hands through my hair as she moaned in my ear. She was starting to buck a bit as she bounced on my cock.

As she started cumming she let herself go faster and faster until I had no choice but to cum with her. It felt good to be able to cum inside and not have to pull out, even if I was wearing a condom. I had to keep my face in between Kelly's breasts as I came because it felt amazing and I was sure I would be too loud otherwise. Once I was done Kelly slowly pulled me out of her and climbed off of me.

She sat back on the desk and slowly took deep breaths as she watched me take the condom off slowly and try to clean myself up. She had a content look on her face as she sat there with her skirt hiked up and her shirt open, breasts still exposed.

"I really wish I could come today but at least you don't have to stay at school for detention today."

I had totally forgotten to tell her about Jamie and Marsha. In fact she had made me forget all about them.

"Well actually I do have to stay. Marsha decided she wanted to help and we got her and Jamie into detention today. I was hoping you were going to be there too."

Kelly looked a bit surprised and I couldn't blame her.

"I'm sorry I won't be there to see what happens but apparently my good girl reputation has gotten in the way again. Although, I don't know what this outfit will due to that reputation." She laughed and then continued, "Well I hope you had a good time and everything goes okay. I'm glad we were able to get together now then."

"Me too, and by the way, you made me totally forget about the whole thing until you brought up detention again. Seeing you dressed like this just blew my mind. I'm surprised I didn't hear anyone talking about it today."

She smiled at this and I could tell it made her proud. "Thanks, John. I'd like to dress like this more often but I was scared to until now. Now that I know you and Marsha think I'm sexy I guess I don't feel as worried about it. And I saw how fast you got hard so that helps a bit too." She gave me a big grin and stuck her tongue out at me.

"Well that'll be the usual reaction if you keep dressing like this. It's a good thing you're not in any of my classes or I'd never be able to stand up."

She laughed and started to button her shirt and pull her skirt back down to its appropriate length. I still had the condom and wasn't too sure what to do with it when she told me to give it to her. I wasn't sure what she was going to do with it but nothing really would have shocked with me Kelly. She took it and put it in her the front pouch of her bag with a napkin she had brought and told me she'd dispose of it later.

We walked out of the classroom separately after making sure that no one was around and I technically could have given her a detention as well. But this was my own battle to fight and I would have Marsha there to help me. Although that was a scary thought since we really hadn't talked about a game plan. I guess that chips would have to fall where they may. One thing was for sure, I'd already had the best sex I was going to have all day, and any more would just be gravy.


The rest of the day passed uneventfully and I headed down to classroom 24 where last week all of this had started. It was hard to believe that it was only a week later and everything had progressed as far as it had. Last Friday at this time I was just another young teacher trying to get by, keeping my detention duty in hopes it would pay off later.

Now as I walked to detention I would have two of the best looking girls in school waiting for me, one of whom I had already fucked in this very same classroom, not to mention a hotel room two nights before. A lot had certainly changed in one week. I dared not think what would happen between now and next Friday. Aliens would probably land if this pace kept up.

I got to the room and found that I wasn't the first one there. Marsha and Jamie were already seated and chatting as I walked in, both still dressed in their game uniforms, and both still looking gorgeous. What a great afternoon this could be.

"Hello ladies, so good to see you here early. I must say that's a change from last week Marsha."

She smiled and I could tell she was going to be the real Marsha right off the bat. "Well I guess there were different circumstances this week. I actually knew where the room was!"

I laughed and took my seat behind the desk facing both of them. Jamie had taken out her homework for the day and set it on the desk in front of her. Marsha was just sitting there with a smile on her face. I was sure Jamie was not going to get to her homework.

"So, you two both know why you're here. The Principal agreed that we couldn't have you two sneaking off during the day and skipping any class you feel like. We're here for the next hour and a half and then you're free to go. I hope you didn't have any pressing obligations to attend to."

"Actually we have a run through practice for our game today in like half an hour. Our coach kind of wanted us to be there," said Marsha while giving me the slightest of winks with the her left eye, "and he's pissed we're in detention. I hope it doesn't affect our playing time tonight. We'll probably lose if both of us are on the sideline."

"Hmm, that wouldn't help school spirit if we lost tonight. Tell ya what, I'll give you girls a way you can get out of early. If you do what I say then you're free to go, if not then you have to stay the full hour and a half and be late to, or miss practice entirely. What do you say?"

Marsha looked over at Jamie with a what-do-you-think look on her face. Jamie looked from her to me and said, "Well what do we have to do? Do we have to take a test or something?"

"Not exactly," I started, "although I guess you could call it one in a sense. See I gave Marsha an ultimatum last week and she took, got out early and everything ended up pretty well. So now here she is again, and I'm pretty sure she'll take it again this week. But it's up to you if you want to too Jamie."

Jamie looked at Marsha who nodded and then said to me, "Well what is it?"

I had no choice but to lay it on the line here and just hope that everything worked out. I was glad I had Marsha on my side or else I probably wouldn't have the nerve.

"I want you two to take off your shorts and panties and masturbate until you cum right here, right now. When you're done, you can go."

Jamie looked like she'd been slapped. I could tell she would be a harder nut to crack than Marsha. She looked over at Marsha who was playing along nicely. She was already lowering her hand into the front of her shorts toward her pussy.

When Jamie saw this she said, "What the hell are you doing? This is disgusting! Your not going to actually do that are you?"

Marsha smiled at her as her hand found her pussy and she started fingering herself, "Why not? I want to go to practice and I sure as hell want to play tonight don't you?"

Jamie continued to stare at her with an are-you-kidding-me look on her face as Marsha continued to finger herself. I politely reminded Marsha that I told her I wanted her to take her shorts and panties off and she took her out and stood up next to her desk. We both watched as she lowered her shorts to reveal lacy pink panties, which she quickly dropped as well.

Marsha's pussy was now fully exposed and she sat on the desk just like she had a week ago when she hadn't been wearing panties to begin with. She ran her hand down to her pussy and started fingering herself again. Jamie was still watching her in shock and I wondered how much more she could take.

Marsha continued to finger herself and I had to stop myself from running over and burying either my bulging hard on or my tongue into her pussy. I didn't think Jamie could take that and that might spell the end of everything. I wasn't sure I'd made the right move yet but Marsha was playing her part and I was playing mine.

Marsha was moaning softly as her fingers worked over her clit and her head was titled back with her eyes closed. When she opened them she looked at Jamie who was avoiding everything with her eyes closed and head down. She clearly couldn't believe what she would be seeing if they were open. "Come on Jamie, just do it. It'll be over in a flash."

Jamie looked up at her and shook her head and continued to look away from her. Marsha kept going and with the next minute was on the verge of cumming. She started moving her hand faster and faster until she had to bite her lip from making too much noise and her body took over. When she was done with her orgasm she climbed down from the desk and dressed herself.

I was wishing she wasn't done and I could watch her finger herself more, because it had been amazing just sitting there and watching. But I knew that couldn't go on forever and we still had other work to do.

"Well Marsha, that was amazing. How do you feel?"

"I feel great, I wish I could stay too to see Jamie do it but I guess I get to go now huh?"

"Yes you do Marsha, go again and get to practice, you've earned it. Have a good time tonight and good luck. I'll be looking for you on the field."

"Thanks, but uh I'd rather stay and watch Jamie do it too, if I could."

"Well, sure, if you'd like. Your free to stay or go at any time now Marsha."

Marsha turned to Jamie and said, "Jamie, come on, we've got twenty five minutes til practice. We can still make it. Just drop those panties and do it." A pause. "Do you want me to help you?"

"Help me? No I think I could do it myself, but I'm not going to. I can't believe you did that Marsha! What if you got caught? How could you do that in front of him? Ugh! Oh my god! What the hell did you do last week?"

Marsha gave me a coy smile and I returned it before she spoke. "Well ... Kelly Johnson ate me out while I gave John head."

I think Jamie's brain almost exploded when she heard what her friend had been doing in detention last week. Add to that what she had just seen her friend do today and I don't think she knew how to function after that. We were throwing a lot at her at once, this was true, but she did have to be to practice now in around twenty minutes.

"So you see Jamie, I'm letting you off relatively easy today. That is unless you want to repeat what Marsha did last week. I'm sure she'd love to go down on you."

Jamie turned to Marsha, "No way. This is just ... to ... I don't know. I can't deal with this, I need to go home." She started to get up before Marsha grabbed her arm and yanked her back down into her seat.

"Jamie just do it for me. Please. I do actually want to touch you. I could help you if you want to. It won't be bad, I swear. Plus I really want to play with you tonight. Also it'll look suspicious if I show up and you don't and I am NOT sitting the bench tonight. So you're either going to get those panties off now or I'm going to help you get them off."

With that Marsha reached her hand over between Jamie's legs and ran her finger up Jamie's slit through her shorts. Jamie practically jumped off of her chair and took Marsha's hand away as soon she could. "What the hell are you doing?"

I figured I had to do something here, and I didn't know what. So I did the thing I really wanted to do. I took my cock out. I walked over to the desk Jamie was at and let my belt go loose and then unzipped my pants.

"Well I guess I can play this game too, it's only fair that I live up to my own rules if I want to go home early too."

I let my pants fall to the floor and my bulge was once again exposed in my boxer briefs in this room. This time it was Jamie looking at it with surprise while Marsha was playing the part of Kelly. She didn't rush over to give me a blow job as Kelly had the week before, instead I pulled my briefs down as well to expose my erect dick to Jamie Belmonte, who was staring at it against her will it seemed.

I started to stroke myself in front of them while I kept my eyes on Jamie. Marsha was now moving closer to Jamie who didn't notice until Marsha's hand was once again down below. This time Jamie didn't move her hand away and Marsha kept her hand between her legs. Marsha also started to kiss the side of Jamie's face while her eyes kept focused on my cock.

While Marsha was still doing her work I grabbed Jamie's right hand which was lying on the desk and brought it to my cock. She didn't protest and I put my hand over hers and let her hand jerk me off. Marsha was now behind Jamie fondling her breasts underneath her uniform while her other hand was slipping beneath Jamie's shorts. I wasn't sure if Jamie was enjoying this or not yet but she was letting it go.

Marsha was whispering something in Jamie's ear as I continued to have her hand stroke me. Jamie replied that she couldn't a few times before Marsha took her mouth away. "Jamie says she'll suck your cock John. She also really wants to take her panties off for me." Jamie flashed Marsha a look but Marsha just smiled and pushed her head back towards me. I took my cue and moved my cock closer to her face.

Marsha let go of Jamie for a second and climbed down on the floor below the desk. She grabbed Jamie's shorts and pulled them off of her, making Jamie sit up to do so. Next she took off Jamie's black panties and threw those aside as well. I wish I could have watched her down there, eating out a girl for the first time but I had business to attend to.

I moved my cock towards her pretty lips and I kept her hand on my cock. I wanted to be inside her either by blow job or sex, it didn't matter.

"Jamie I promise I'll return the favor any time, anywhere you want."

I could hear Marsha spreading Jamie's legs below and Jamie finally gave a sigh and opened up her mouth and moved it towards my waiting cock. When her lips touched my cock I wished I had a video camera. It was a beautiful sight. I kept her hand on my cock to show her I wanted her to stroke me while she sucked me, and she continued.

I imagined what Marsha must be doing below the desk as Jamie started to moan a bit and started to actually suck my cock. It seemed the same transformation that took place with Marsha last week was taking place now. Being eaten out by a girl isn't a bad thing it seemed, at least when Kelly did it. I was glad Marsha had someone so amazing to learn from. I was sure she was doing a great job for Jamie.

I let my hands touch her head and move through her hair as she licked the head and stroked my shaft. I wished this could have lasted for hours but I was damn sure that couldn't happen. Not unless she gave me sixty blow jobs maybe. I was already feeling pretty good and was wondering where to cum when Marsha found the right spot in Jamie's pussy.

Jamie closed her eyes and moaned while also tightening her grip on my cock. She was now totally lost in the feeling and didn't care what else was going on around her. She stopped sucking for a second until I moved more of my cock into her mouth and reminded her. I wanted to cum when she did, so she wouldn't think twice about taking it in her mouth.

Marsha continued doing what she was doing and it wasn't long until Jamie was in the throes on her orgasm. She muffled a few moans and her body was starting to heave when I finally came. She didn't protest as my cum danced around in her mouth and she kept my cock in her mouth. She didn't swallow at first and I had to take my cock out before I was done so I didn't choke her.

I got a few drops on the desk but managed to keep her uniform clean as she finally swallowed. After she was done swallowing she opened her mouth and mouthed the word Marsha. Of course Marsha didn't see this but I did and it was very sexy. She got some sound on the second attempt and Marsha came up from below decks. She wiped her mouth with her arm and I could smell the juices that she had wiped away.