Diagnosis Murder Prequel: The Lovers


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"Thanks see you later," Mark shouted as he ran after Steve, leaving the other doctor to stare at their rapidly retreating forms.

At Jesse's apartment, Mark did not argue when Steve simultaneously banged on the door as he used his new key. Both men bustled to the younger man's bedroom.

"Jesse!" Steve rushed to his lover's side.

Jesse's face was pale, with dark shadows on the fragile skin under closed eyes. He was sweating and shaking and seemed unaware there was anyone in the room.

"Dad?" Steve asked, needing his father's judgment.

Mark pressed his hand on Jesse's forehead. The younger man was very hot, but not dangerously so. He remembered a conversation with Jesse before the events of the past few days.

"Check his fridge, son," he said, as he continued to make a cursory check of his protégé.

"Empty," came Steve's distraught voice.

"Let's get him home and on antibiotics," Mark said. "So long as his fever doesn't get worse and we can get fluids inside him, we can look after him."

As Steve moved to scoop the fragile form into his arms, sad, bloodshot eyes opened to gaze at him.

"Sorry I wasn't good enough to love." Jesse's voice was rough and pained and a tear slipped down the too-pale cheek.

"Yes you are, angel," Steve whispered, nuzzling against hot skin. "Almost too good for me, but I'm not letting you go, baby. Never. Now just sleep and let me take care of you, Ok?"

"'K," Jesse agreed, becoming limp in Steve's arms.


At the beach house, Steve ran a cool bath for his lover whilst Mark went to get antibiotics. Steve undressed to his boxers and then tenderly stripped Jesse. He laid him carefully in the cool water, sliding a flannel over the sick man's skin to help bring down his temperature. Steve felt his heart constrict every time confused azure orbs opened to see him and a cracked apology came from too-dry lips. The bigger man replied the same way each time; kissing Jesse and assuring the younger man he was loved. Dressing Jesse in a pair of his own boxers, Steve carried the feverish blond to his bed and slipped into bed with him, Jesse instantly nestling close.


Steve only left his mate for necessities for the next thirty six hours. He and Mark urged Jesse to drink fluids, administered the antibiotics and assiduously monitored the younger man's progress.

Finally their diligence was rewarded. Whilst Steve was taking a quick shower, Mark smiled with relief as Jesse's eyes opened and were lucid, if confused.

"Mark?" Jesse asked, his voice still hoarse. "Sister?"

"She's fine, Jess," Mark said warmly. "I have something important to tell you. Before you got sick, do you remember hearing about an escaped convict? A man called Hallerhan?" Mark watched as Jesse's brow furrowed as he thought back and then he nodded.

"Dangerous," he husked.

"Very," Mark confirmed. "Steve and I were the star witnesses. We had to be taken to a safe house. That's where we've been and why Steve couldn't contact you. He loves you very much, Jess," Mark added softly.

Everything suddenly hit Jesse at once. He and Steve making love, not getting the promised call, his illness, being in Steve's bed, as good as naked, with Mark sitting at his bedside. He covered his eyes with his hands as tears began to fall. 'He loves you very much.' Mark's words echoed in his head. Then he heard a much-missed voice.

"Is Jess awake, Dad? I thought I heard you talking. Hey, hey, it's ok, love." Glancing at the bed, he saw Jesse open his arms and in a couple of strides he was at Jesse's side, pulling the sobbing younger man into his lap. "I love you, angel," he crooned. "Love you so much. Just settle, sweetheart." He stroked Jesse's back, nuzzling his lover until Jesse began to control his clearly wayward emotions.

After a few moments, Jesse's sobs began to abate and became little hiccups as the slender man eased back to gaze into Steve's face. He ran a finger in a feather-light touch over Steve's rugged face, tenderly tracing the cleft in Steve's chin that had always fascinated him.

"Not a dream," he whispered. "You were here."

"Yes, Jess. I was here. I'm sorry you ever doubted I would be."

Jesse stopped Steve with his finger over Steve's lips. His fuddled mind was starting to function more clearly. Steve and Mark had been in danger, but were safe now. Steve *did* love him, just as much as he loved Steve. He still felt tired and weak from his bout of 'flu, but things were going to be fine. He urged Steve's head down and kissed him softly, too exhausted to do more.

"I love you, too," he husked.

Grinning widely, Mark stood and stretched.

"If it's ok with you boys, I'm getting my own shower and then I'll fix some soup. It'll be ready in an hour or so. Maybe Jess would like to get up for a while whilst we eat?"

"Yeah, sure, Dad," Steve replied, his eyes never leaving Jesse's face.

Mark shook his head, still grinning, and left his boys alone.

Almost two hours later, with no sign of Steve or Jesse, Mark tip-toed to Steve's room. Not hearing any sounds he tapped on the door and opened it slowly. Then he stood, a soft smile playing on his lips.

Steve was asleep on his back, Jesse draped over his chest. Steve's left arm was possessively around Jesse's back and his right held to Jesse's left arm that clung to the bigger blond. He backed out carefully. The soup would not spoil and he could easily serve it later. The boys needed their rest.


Jesse was still nowhere back to his kinetic self, but was much improved after another two full days of mother-henning from Steve. He was starting to get a little frustrated as he and Steve had kissed and touched, but his older lover refused to do anything more energetic until Jesse was stronger.

"Ready to take a little drive, angel?" Steve asked, as he came into the beach house living room to sweep his lover into his arms and kiss breathless.

"Love to," Jesse panted honestly. Staying at home was making him a little stir-crazy. Even just unpacking his meagre belongings to mix and mingle with those in his new home had exhausted him the first day out of bed. A drive sounded just the thing.

As they drove along, Jesse recognised the more exclusive area, where the beach homes actually owned the beach they were on and had their own private access. He was surprised when Steve drove into a large house's driveway and parked outside. Jesse blinked at the keys pressed into his hand.

"You open to door and I'll bring the stuff through," Steve said, a smile playing around his lips as he jumped out of the car.

Jesse obeyed and stood in a large hallway, convinced his whole apartment could have fitted in the space. He watched Steve carry in a picnic box and sports bag and then come back with large beach towels and a sleeping bag.

"We can change through here," Steve indicated a doorway that led into a vast living room. As Jesse complied, changing into a pair of swimming briefs, Steve busied himself with the things they had brought, admonishing Jesse to wait in the house till he was changed as well.

The slighter blond watched appreciatively as Steve finally stripped to pull on a pair of 'Speedos' that showed off every curve of the bigger man's sex. Smiling shyly as Steve held out his hand, Jesse allowed himself to be led outside and gave a pleased gasp of surprise.

A windbreak had been set up inside which Steve had laid the towels. The picnic basket had a half bottle of champagne in ice alongside it and was open displaying an assortment of nibbles. Sun lotion was ready and Steve was grinning happily as Jesse turned to face him.

"Peace, privacy and a beautiful lover," the older man rumbled, the sound seemingly designed to make Jesse harden instantly. "What more could I ask for?"

Jesse moaned his approval as Steve mated their lips, his tongue sweeping into Jesse's warm, wet cavern to urge Jesse's shyer muscle into his own to suck seductively. The two men wandered onto their own private beach.

"Would you like a quick swim, baby?" Steve asked.

The application of sun lotion was the most erotic and arousing Jesse had ever known. Steve's large hands sliding over his skin left the younger man sporting an erection that not even his baggy Bermuda's could have hidden, much less the skimpy briefs he wore. However, Steve insisted they swam and Jesse found the warm sea almost as pleasurable as Steve's constant attention.

Back on the beach, Steve set out the food and drink as Jesse relaxed, letting the sun's warmth permeate his body. He sat up to inspect his mate's offering smiling delightedly. There were large garlic prawns on skewers, smoked salmon and cream cheese on tiny blinis as well as a few plain crackers topped with caviar. Enough to take the edge off his growing appetite but nothing too heavy and he smiled his approval.

They fed each other the titbits of food, washing them down with sips of champagne. To finish, Steve produced some pieces of rich, dark, gourmet chocolate. As the pieces began to melt, Jesse giggled and then moaned his approval as Steve dabbed melted chocolate on his nipples to lick off slowly and sensually.

Steve lapped away the last of the chocolate, but continued the oral exploration of his lover's smooth skin. As he nibbled his way across Jesse's ribs, he removed the younger man's swimming briefs and admired the slender shaft that jutted from its nest of golden curls.

"So beautiful, Jess," Steve said, looking into his lover's eyes. "So very, very beautiful." He bent down as Jesse's arms wrapped around his neck and kissed his young lover. He tasted the richness of the chocolate and the dryness of the champagne and something uniquely *Jesse*.

"Make love with me?" Jesse husked as they parted.

"Soon, angel," Steve promised. "Roll over, baby," he added as he removed his own swimwear. His erection was already in full force, the head a rich shade of plum. However, the older man remembered something Jesse had enjoyed from their previous lovemaking and intended to indulge himself simultaneously. As soon as Jesse had wriggled himself into a comfortable position, Steve knelt between carefully parted legs. He stroked the satin-smooth skin of the delectable globes before spreading them wide to blow gently over the tight pink rosebud of Jesse's entrance.

"Oh, Steve," Jesse moaned, trying to push his hips upwards.

"Relax, baby," Steve crooned. "Just enjoy." He covered each pert cheek with licks and butterfly kisses, teasing Jesse with the occasion sweep of his tongue over the furled flesh. Finally he took heed of the breathy pleas of his lover. He began a slow, ever-decreasing circle around Jesse's fluttering entrance. He folded his tongue and began a gentle pushing until he was granted entry, both men moaning in unison. He thrust inside the tight channel, relishing the sharper, earthier taste of his mate. He spread Jesse as wide as possible, pushing his tongue deep, feeling the narrow strait begin to relax. Steve's tongue drove in again and again, the bigger male relishing the soft cries of pleasure from his mate.

Steve gave a parting kiss to the saliva-slick entrance before rolling Jesse onto his back. He gave his lover a feral grin as he saw the lust-darkened eyes and hard, dripping erection. He reached for the lube, still in the basket and coated a single finger. It slid easily inside Jesse and Steve quickly coated and inserted a second. The younger blond was so relaxed that it took little time before Steve had three fingers thrusting easily and Jesse was writhing and moaning, ready for his lover.

"Want you inside me, Steve. Please."

"Ride me, baby?" Steve replied, slathering his drooling shaft generously with slick gel. He lay down groaning as Jesse knelt astride him. None of his lust-fuelled fantasies came close to the reality as the slender man knelt up astride him and his penis nudged the delicate opening to his lover's body. Steve felt the initial resistance to penetration as Jesse tried to take him into his smaller body. Steve moved his hands to Jesse's back, rubbing soothing circles as he murmured encouragements. "Let me in, baby. Just relax and it let me in. It's gonna feel so good, sweetheart."

His softly spoken words helped relax Jesse and the guardian muscles slowly unclenched. As they did, Steve reverently controlled Jesse's easing onto his hardness, each incremental centimetre he entered the tight channel connecting the lovers that tiny bit more. He held Jesse's cheeks spread wide as he dictated how slowly the younger man descended. He was as desperate as Jesse to be buried fully in his mate, but a slow and steady progress would insure that the younger man did not get hurt. Finally, Jesse was seated against Steve's groin, his lover fully sheathed inside him.

"Oh, Steve," Jesse finally panted. "Good. So full. So full of you."

Jesse reached for his lover and Steve moved his hands from Jesse's cheeks to intertwine their fingers. Jesse barely needed to move, his blood-hot channel was involuntarily clenching and unclenching around Steve's rod and the tiniest undulation rubbed his jewel. Slowly...carefully, he began a slow glide up and down the shaft impaling him.

Steve watched his lover perform the ageless dance of love above him. It was a beautiful, erotic tableau, Jesse's head thrown back, eyes closed, lips parted and glistening as a small pink tongue peeked out to lick at them. Steve could see how Jesse concentrated on the sensation of him filling the younger man.

The world ebbed away from the two men on the beach. The sound of the sea was replaced with the almost silent music of flesh sliding on flesh and soft murmurs of pleasure.

Steve began to thrust his hips, a moan from his partner indicating that the additional stimulation to his sweet spot was appreciated.

"Steve, more, please," Jesse pleaded. His orgasm was just there, a shimmering entity that sent dulcet bolts throughout his slender frame and bright lights dancing behind his closed lids. He just needed...needed...

Steve pulled Jesse down onto his chest, trapping the smaller man's erection between their two sweat-sheened bellies. Jesse moaned in response, buying his face into Steve's neck, his hands clasping at broad shoulders, clearly relishing the additional friction. Steve's hands moved to Jesse's cheeks, firmly squeezing the globes damp with sweat from the younger man's lovemaking.

"Come for me, angel," he encouraged, moving to lick and nip at Jesse's neck as his hips pumped vigorously. It was enough to push Jesse over the edge. Steve groaned at the sensation of his primed flesh milked by Jesse's channel as the slender blond came, head thrown back screaming Steve's name, his body finally reaching the tantalising climax. Enveloping Jesse in his arms, his seed pumping deep into his lover's body as his mate's semen bathed them both, Steve roared his passion and possession.

It took a few moments before the older man recovered from his intense orgasm; grinning as he realised Jesse was out cold. He eased from Jesse's tender depths and used baby wipes to cleanse their bodies the younger blond barely stirring. Steve opened the sleeping bag, settling his lover inside and stretching out beside him. When Jesse next woke, if the sleeping man felt strong enough, they could have a final swim before heading home. Steve smiled lovingly at his precious bundle, pleased to have been able to surprise his lover. He sighed his happiness as he nestled closer. He was looking forward to them spending the rest of their lives together.

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TimothyMTimothyMabout 12 years ago

Flus and colds are caused by virus and cannot be treated with antibiotics. Sadly this common mistake has lead to overuse of antibiotics and subsequent development of resistant bacteria, which is a huge problem in modern medicine. Otherwise a lovely story, very sensual and happy.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
When they first meet?

Love all of your stories and especially this one but is there a story where Steve and Jesse meets for the first time prior to them becoming a couple? Maybe I'm not looking in the right place? Thanks for any info.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago

Lovely start to their relationship.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago

you write the best stories ever i swear to god!there is only one thing that buggs me tho. how they say half sentences i dont know why butit does lol more pls!!! i love the intamacy, but it is still extreamly hot!!! it is my fav series on the entire site!

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago

So glad to see you posting again and OH GOODY! More Steve and Jesse! This was wonderful!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago

You do know how to tell a love story!! Please continue more with Steve and Jesse. Can't stop now!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
Oh my god!!!

That was so good. I loved it, just loved it. I love how you write! You are one of the best on here if not the best.

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