Dice Fishing


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His tongue curled under one of the dice she had snuck back into herself and drew it out. He had half a mind to tuck it into his cheek, so as to not have to pull away from her, but he could just imagine drawing in a breath of her heady scent and sucking the damn die down his throat and choking to death right in her lap. So grudgingly, he pulled away, plucked the die from between his lips, and sat it with the rest of his rescued dice. He looked back down at her. "Gawd, your sexy!"

Muffin hated it when he said things like that when she was miffed at him. It always made her melt. She was going to win this little exchange, not him. She wanted that weekend with him, alone, by themselves, no books, no characters, no dice, and positively no gaming. Just him, her, and hours of naked flesh writhing together in a sweet sweat of lust. Muff shivered at the mental image.No, think about baseball. Think about... her eyes latched onto the table, already glazing over from the marvelous tripping of his tongue through her wet lips. Gaming.

It took all the willpower she had to shove down the fluid rush of orgasm and concentrate instead on the image of her sitting there bored while he pretended to be Gransh the Orc. The smelly, nasty, two inch dicked orc. Not the sexy, hot, mouth wateringly gorgeous dicked Jacen. Um, bad thought. Her pussy throbbed.

The warm honey of her pussy was getting messy, but she didn't really notice it so much as she noticed the butterfly soft teasing of his tongue chasing it down. Was it hot in there? Did the heater kick on? She pulled at her shirt, then ripped it off. Better. Moaning, she spread her legs wider, bucking her hips up against his face.

She had to remember something. Dice. Oh yes. She couldn't cum. Oh, that wasn't good. He sucked gently on her lips, then slid his tongue between them. She squealed and stared at the gaming table. Oh no, no orgasming for her. She wanted him all to herself too much.

Her hips bucked, twisting against his hands. The only thing she liked better than riding his face was riding his cock. She let loose several of those explosive groans and long undulating cries that are wildly embarrassing under any other context. Fighting with all of her might, she staved off the orgasm as best she could. She froze suddenly, her eyes flying open, and she yelped.

His d20, at least she thought it was his d20, had found something tender, probably her cervix or something as incomprehensibly located. Visions of calling her parents from the ER to get the insurance information, and then having to explain why she needed the insurance information to them, as well as to the ER staff, flooded her brain.

"Oh no!" she howled. Irrationally, she smacked Jacen, "This is your fault!"

"What the hell was that for?" he howled, hoping he didn't sound as hurt as he suddenly felt. His hand touched his cheek where she had slapped. He was still aroused, but after being whacked like that a fella kinda thinks twice before going back down too soon. He licked the taste of her from his lips.

The dice shifted and Muffin almost started crying. Her parents were going to find out that she wasn't a virgin. Dad was gonna kill her, and then kill Jacen. No!

She threw herself onto Jacen, bowling him over entirely, and wrapped around him like an anaconda, a panicked anaconda. "Mom and Dad think I'm a virgin! He's gonna make me go to college there!" she explained at a loud wail, oblivious to her audience. It didn't make any sense to them, no doubt, it wasn't making much sense to her either. "I can't feel the d20! I'm gonna have to go to the Emergency Room and it's all your fault!"

Hesitantly, his arms came around her. He patted her consolingly on the back. His body was twitching, suspiciously like someone laughing.

"Muff, it'll be alright, um, can you still feel it, er, inside of you?" Jacen was suddenly hotly embarrassed again. His girlfriend had just lost some dice up inside of herself! It was funny. Well, kinda. Maybe not. Damn, she lost his special twenty-sider. He tried to fix her with a serious look in his eye, but it may have come through more humored than he had wanted it to. Her dad? Oh fuck. "We don't have to call your dad! My mom knows that we, well, you know. And if she doesn't know by now she's just stupid!"

"Oh come on Muff! You aren't that big. They'll come out," Sheila groused. "You should have been there when I lost some ben-wa balls-" She clapped her hand over her mouth, but it was too late.

"Ben-wa balls?" Tim perked up, eyeing Sheila slowly up and down.

Muffin sniffled and tried to regain her composure. Blind panic didn't do anyone any good. She opened her eyes more fully and stared Jacen in the face, noticing the big, red, hand print. She instantly felt like a total ass.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have hit you." She kissed his cheek, kinda liked the flavor of it and started licking his face.

Muff's kiss made Jacen forget all about the slap, and when she started licking along his jaw, oh Gawd. Muff was on top of him, still tasting his cheek when he turned his face so their mouths met. What the hell, he was just eating her out a minute ago, no big deal to kiss her in front of the guys, he figured. It was far too late to suddenly be embarrassed again.

"I'm still gonna get my twenty-sider back, love," he mumbled against her lips as he ran his fingers through her hair and down her back. Trailing along the ridge of her spine, he shifted his hips so that he pressed more fully against her pussy.

Despite her momentary lapse of reason and blind leap into hysterics, she managed to start thinking again. Muffin let herself enjoy a few moments of the heated mating of her tongue to Jacen's first though. Damn that man could kiss. She wiggled herself against him a little more, ignoring the clacking of the dice in her pussy and the alarming thought of one of them floating around somewhere.

A whole weekend of that, she reminded herself and quivered at the thought. She was rhythmically moving her hips, rubbing herself against his cock through his jeans. She forced herself to stop, even when Jacen dug his fingers into her ass and rocked her against him.

"Jacen?" she asked sweetly, batting his eyelashes down at him. He was a gamer, gamers never really learned the whole feminine wiles thing, did they? "Do you remember a few weeks ago when Tim had to go to the dentist and you couldn't game?"

He nodded absently, going after her lips again.

"After you got me the Big Kids Meal at Burger King cause you blew your paycheck on the new Croaking Tidal Frogs thing?"

He frowned. "It's Crimson Tidal Kings."

"Whatever. You wanted to play doctor, right?"

His frown quickly faded. She was going to let him play doctor?

"You want me to play doctor?" The thought of it made his cock twitch. He didn't think she really knew how far he would take that one. He loved playing doctor. He grinned up at her, perhaps a little too mischievously.

"I want you to play gynecologist!" She smiled at him. "Get the d20 out, it might mess up the plumbing, if you know what I mean. Messed up plumbing means no sex. That means you'll have to jack off until I feel better."

He looked vaguely like a panicked horse with his eyes rolling like that.

"And no d20 either," she added helpfully.

He looked ready to howl in rage, panic hysterically, or blubber like a baby. Muffin couldn't tell which. Maybe all three.

No sex? Damn, my twenty-sider. Fuck! In an instant he had her on her back. Half an instant later he was at her pussy. God, it was gorgeous! Jacen suddenly remembered the bet and he reluctantly turned his eyes to meet hers. "Um, I have to use my fingers, love."

She grinned and could barely keep herself from bouncing up and doing a cheer. He was hers, all hers for an entire no gaming, no dice, no books, and no buddies weekend. He was going to either go insane from not gaming, or he would go insane from too much sex.

Smugly, she reached down and pried her labia apart for him. One of the dice fell to the floor.

"Here, let me help you with that, baby." She was gloating, she tried not to gloat, but she was gloating. She stuck her tongue out at Tim, who was staring at the two in horror, at least it looked like horror. "Maybe we can borrow some of Sheila's toys."

"Don't be giving me that smug look!" Jacen shot at Muff. "Ever heard of winning gracefully?"

His eyes followed the die that had slipped out of her and bounced on the carpet. Jesus! It was soaked! All glistening and wet. He grumped a little, but it was more for show. Lifting his hand to her sex, he slid a finger into her again. This time he tried to focus on dice-hunting and not pussy-massaging. It wasn't much use though, in a fraction of an instant, he was absorbed in the soaking tightness that wrapped around his probing fingers.

Sheila laughed. "My toys? Don't think those'll help! Hey Jace, you have a vacuum in this pigsty? That might do it. Hey Tim, the way Muff is squirming around there I think Jace will be losing some points on his Dex check, or would that be his strength?"

Tim giggled.Giggled. Jacen glared at him. "Both. Agility too. And he might need a recuperation penalty."

"Finding anything Doctor Jacen?" Muffin asked. He mumbled something into her thighs that she didn't quite catch. Damn but his fingers felt incredible, audience or no audience. "Such lovely fingers you have, doctor."

He looked up at her in minor annoyance, having been concentrating seriously on the task at hand.

"Such lovely lips you have, doctor." She couldn't resist.

She started sounding like little red riding hood or something. Jacen shot her an annoyed glance. He nearly shouted foul play. And she knew full well what the little red riding hood references did to him.

"All the better to tease you with, my dear," he suddenly blurted out, blushing. Gawd, he hoped the guys didn't pick up on that one.

Muffin grinned unrepentantly and trilled, "I looooooooove you, Jacen." After a moment of silence, she continued tormenting him. So it wasn't a moment, and she interrupted him, but she couldn't resist. "Am I going to have to go get my red riding hood costume out to get my big bad wolf to eat me?"

He quit moving. She squeezed his fingers with her very appreciative pussy and another die popped out, loudly clattering on something.

Jacen's jaw dropped, he had just let the little red riding hood thing slip. In front of his friends! He stopped fingering Muff's pussy for a moment, his stomach clenched in nervous fear. He glanced over his shoulder to see if they'd noticed. Scott's shit eating grin wasn't reassuring.Please, God, don't let the guys have heard her. Just give me this one simple thing, and, and I'll be good. he thought frantically.

"I brought little red riding hood baby doll set, the nurse teddy, and I couldn't leave the house without the me Tarzan you Jane leathers." Her voice wasn't loud, but it wasn't quiet either. She grinned impishly "Maybe there is something with the nurse costume that'll help get the d20 out. Should I go check?"

He could feel her pussy sucking on his fingers, demanding depth and caresses. He closed his eyes and groaned.

Did Tarzan feel this dumb and agreeable when his fingers were inside of Jane? He didn't think there was a thing on this green planet that she could ask him that he would not simply nod a frantic yes to. Her pleasure was his, it made him so hard, but the guys were there. He wanted to just give up on the dice and be inside of her.

She tightened around his fingers. He groaned, his eyes crossing, "Muff."

That did it, the lust filled expression on his face coupled with his gently caressing fingers drove her over the edge. She groaned, grabbed his head, and hauled it upward so she could lock his mouth on hers. All thoughts of weirdo gamer buddies and dice flew out of her head. All she could think of was how much fun he was to play with, because he played back so well.

They said never take up with a gamer, never never never. They never experienced a gamer's fertile and uninhibited imagination like she had.

Muff's mouth was so warm, it drew all of his attention downward, to focus on her. He eased down onto her body, stomach to stomach. His erection nestled against her pussy, pressing the placket of his jeans against her tender flesh. His hands went to his pants, unbuckling, unzipping, pushing them down, clumsily though it was. His mind roiled at the thought of entering her while their tongues danced against one another. He lifted his hips enough to push his pants and underwear down over the curve of his ass and then he was against her again.

"Mmmff," he moaned against her lips when he finally penetrated her. Finally. Deep inside of her. One of his hands was on her hip, trailing up along her thigh as he lifted her leg slowly to rest against his own hip. His other hand toyed with her hair, his elbow rested just above her shoulder. His lips clung to hers, glided over them, all lustful hunger and wild abandon.

Sighing contentedly, she smiled up at him. "Watch out for the d20, we wouldn't want to bruise Triton."

"Triton?" Scott's voice never penetrated. "And I thought the whole little red riding hood thing was bad!"

"Ahhmff!" He nipped at Muff's lower lip. She was so slick and inviting that the guys were lucky to be even a distant thought in the back of Jacen's mind.Triton, he liked it when she called it that.

"Mmm," she mumbled against his lips, then sent her tongue on a reconnaissance mission into his mouth. She hummed again and teased his tongue with the tip of hers. She picked up her feet and wrapped her legs around him, firmly jerking him closer to her.

He did locate the d20, deep inside, with his "probe" but neither of them really cared at the moment. She sincerely hoped it wasn't bruising Triton. "Ride me like you mean it," she demanded, wiggling against him.

She dug her nails into Jacen's ass, pulling him against her and spurring him on. Damn but did he do that well. Digging her knees into his side for balance, she bucked up and thrashed against him. Harder and faster. Above her, his expression was agonized ecstasy; his breath exploding from him almost silently with each lunging thrust he made.

As she started to seriously get into the rhythm and sheer, wet joy of fucking Jacen, she vaguely wondered where that snorting and howling was coming from. Surely not her, she was far too lady like.

Jacen groaned at all the noise she was making, she never know how much it did for him. He was making growling moans, too, and they were growing higher and more urgent with each thrust into her. His stomach clenched tightly in upon itself and his buttocks tightened in response to the biting of her nails. He growled at her for that. Were they closer to the TV stand than they had been just a moment ago? He was fucking her so hard, he was scooting her along the carpet. Gawd, she felt so good.

The way he was thrusting burned her up, her pussy and her breasts tingled, her back and ass tingled. Heck, even the roots of her hair were tingling. He had brought her right to the point where she wanted to orgasm, but almost couldn't. Thrashing, she did what was nearly impossible, she stuck her hand between them and managed to get a hold of her clit with a finger. A couple of flicks against it and she went over the edge.

"Oh my gawd! Oh, Cervantes you are such a stud!" she praised him in a sweet, ladylike, dulcet tone. So she bellowed it. So it no doubt echoed down the block. She didn't care one whit. She just wanted him to have as good an orgasm as she was having.

He grunted something unintelligible, well, at least it was unintelligible over her howling. She bit at his neck and shoulders and clawed at his back.

"Ooh it feels so good! I love the way you fuck me! Make me your wench! I love weighing your anchor!" she shrieked. Was something whacking her head? It didn't matter, she was cumming and it was wonderful. "Sail my seven seas! Swim in my high tide! Oh my gawd!" she wailed, "You are my pirate of loooooove!!!!!"

Her ranting sent him over the edge with her. Or was her clasping pussy? What gamer didn't love to hear his woman so carried away by his loving that she confused him with his character? Yep, this is certainly something good ol' Cervantes would have done. Taking his woman right in front of God and everyone. Modesty and proper social behavior weren't exactly Cervantes' strong points, he liked fucking too much. With him, it was always the rutting stag versus the willing doe.

Jacen's cock pulsed and spurted inside of Muff's muff. Immense pleasure welled up along the shaft of his cock, flooding into his hips, then separating and zipping through his legs and belly. What he wouldn't give to somehow be able to share this exact feeling with Muffin through some sort of mental rapport. He wanted to tell her how, exactly, it felt, but the only words that seemed to come to mind were: hot, wet, good, good, good!

Eventually they had to come down from their orgasmic high and the reality of humanity sets in. This time it hurt. There was the usual puddle under Muff's butt, the wet thighs and slurpy noises their skin made every time he twitched. And the unmistakable odor or Eau du JustGotFucked. Her head wouldn't move, it was shoved against something and her hair was caught under her back.

He kissed her, enjoying the gentle taste of her mouth. His cock, the replete monster that it was, softened and slipped out of the place he'd prefer to keep it. Muff's eyes widened for a moment, then she forced her hand between them, feeling around. A moment later she held up the sparkly, and soaking wet, d20. The shared a laugh, then a kiss, oblivious to the silent gamer group.

Muffin smiled tentatively up at Jacen. "Thank goodness we were so quiet. Do you think anyone noticed?"

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PikaGelionPikaGelion4 months ago

Wait, there are three couples and they aren't using orgasm-powered magic?! The female casts the magic and the barbarian warrior partner helps generate the energy. I bet the ben-wa balls mention were real and not 100-sided dice!

A very inventive story. Thanks for sharing.

RavenloftRavenloftalmost 12 years ago
The one thing missing at the end...

Around the kitchen table, Jacen's friends, Tim, Scott, Erica and Shiela all sat, staring in awe and disbelief over what they had just witnessed.

KojoteKojotealmost 13 years ago
Fucking amazing!

Really loved the whole thing.

Funny as it was it had some really sexy and almost realistic parts. A pity you don't write anymore...!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
Erotic Humor

Absolutely fucking brilliant.

I'm a Gamer myself, and I laughed so hard tears came to my eyes.

It was hot, but I was laughing so hard. The idea, the realism, the humor. Absolutely great!

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago

Humor and hotness isn't something that a lot of people can pull off. Well done.

RavenloftRavenloftabout 20 years ago
Dice have never been so sexy...

I mean, I've always loved dice, but it was more of a platonic, brother-sister type love until I read this story, and we all know the sorts of things brothers and sisters do to each other here on lit. But thats a completely diferent issue, the one at hand is the unhealthy fascination I have with sticking dice up my woman's pussy that manifested after having read this story. Sure sure, I have sought help, but those head shrinkers keep trying to put me on meds, fuck all that. Why can't they just understand that I want my dice to get lucky every now and then?


Regardless, Muff, I feel it only proper that you pay the shrinks off on my behalf. Concordently... CONCORDENTLY!

Runs away from the invisible, little, pink, Christina Agulera monster, in his head.


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