Dick - The Teen Gym Stud Ch. 02

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Married man gets to know Teen gym stud a bit better.
2.7k words

Part 2 of the 9 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 10/08/2019
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It was my third time at my neighborhood gym and I was having a pretty good workout. I had just finished up 20 reps of skullcrushers with a 10 lb weight and was feeling pretty good about myself. I decided i would try out the bench press. I knew it was a difficult exercise so I started light - with no weight on the bar.

I laid down, but as soon as I lifted the bar I realized even that was going to be more difficult than I expected. I managed to just make it through four reps when I hear a somewhat familiar voice say "Can I take over?"

I looked up and saw Dick towering over me (I couldn't shake that nickname). He was back in his sweatshirt and sweatpants but this time had his hoodie down.

Caught off-guard, I stammered out an awkward "sure," even though I wasn't done. Embarrassed by the lack of weight on my bar, I said "just winding down with some light sets."

Dick grinned, showing off his perfect white teeth and large lips (I don't usually notice those things but they seemed to stand out with this guy), and said "sure, bud." My face turned a bit red and I looked down and walked away.

"'Mind if I take over,'" I thought. Who says that? What an ass. I glanced back and saw that he was loading three full plates a side. I did some quick math and realized he was about to bench 315 lbs. My head swam a bit at that number but I didn't really doubt that Dick could do it. Sure enough, he sat down and in rapid succession blew through 10 or 15 reps.

He sat up and looked straight at me. Only then did I realized I was just standing there watching his workout.

"I thought you said you were wound down - do you want to work in?" Dick asked. Before I could answer, he'd taken his bar off, leaving all the weight on. He grabbed an empty bar off the wall rack with one hand like it was nothing and set it down on the bench.

I quickly realized there wasn't any other explanation to my sudden halt to watch him bench so I shuffled over. I put a 25 lb plate on each side and lay down. Dick raised his eyebrows at me. "Do you want a spot?" he asked, standing over me.

"I'm fine" I answered, somewhat shortly. He didn't move though so I ignored him and started my reps. On my third rep, already struggling, I noticed Dick was undressing. Again he wore a muscle shirt and tight shorts. Unlike last time, though the Muscle shirt was dry and hung loose from his body, allowing me a glimpse through the sleeve of the shirt at his massive hairless pecs.

I lost my grip on the bar and it came slamming down on me, landing just below my ribcage and knocking the air out of my lungs. Dick picked it up almost instantly and I rolled over and started coughing.

I slowly got my breath back, realizing that yet again, this kid was witnessing me make a fool out of myself. "Thanks," I said, wheezing.

"No problem! You know, if you want my advice..."

I glared at him but it appeared to have no effect.

"...you should focus on your core and legs to start, with only some light upper body stuff sprinkled in. Low weight and lots of reps. Plus sprinkle in a good amount of cardio - like the elliptical an You're less likely to injure yourself that way while and it'll get you trimmed and tight. After that you can focus on building muscle."

This kid was unbelievably obnoxious. I tried to interject "Thanks, but..."

He plowed onwards "So, you should concentrate on abs, obliques, lower back, glutes, hamstring, quads, vastus, groin..." As he listed off muscles his hands traced his own. My eyes followed them down his body, his fingers pressing the shirt into his body revealing the outline of his chiseled abs and tight obliques. His hands continued behind back and came back around his legs, reaching in and resting on his groin muscles. This tightened the fabric around his strong tree-trunk legs and outlined a large bulge between his legs. At that point I quickly looked away. Glancing up back into his bright blue eyes, I saw he was grinning at me, his eyebrows raised. I thought about what Carlie had said - this kid probably knew what he was talking about and it couldn't hurt to give him a chance.

"Thanks, maybe I'll give that a shot. I'm Jerry, by the way." I held out my hand in introduction.

"I'm Ryan" he said, and kind of batted my hand away instead of shaking it. With that, he turned away and racked his heavy bar again.

I turned around, again feeling that Ryan was a Dick. Nonetheless, I continued my workout with sets of lunges, crunches, and squats. While I was squatting, squared up to the mirror, Ryan walked up behind me, standing a few feet behind me. He placed his hands on his hips and from his reflection in the mirror he appeared to be looking right at my ass. I was flustered and annoyed and didn't know what to do, so I just continued my workout as Ryan stood close behind. I saw him move in the mirror and, surprised, felt his strong hands on my hips.

"You should go lower and press your glutes out more. Here..." With seemingly no effort, he lifted me up by my hips an onto a low bench in front of me, just a foot and a half off the ground.

"What the fuck dude!" I said. But he just ignored me and started guiding my hips into squats. I didn't have much choice but to continue, given the strength of his hands. He was still just staring at my backside and I felt my face starting to flush in heat - probably due to the exertion. I was struck with how much bigger he appeared than me in the mirror—taller and wider by a good measure, his arms and shoulders bulging with muscle—especially as I bent over.

As I stared into the mirror, I found myself squatting lower and lower, even though at this point I was in a lot of pain as my ass and thigh muscles screamed for relief. At the bottom of my squats I started making contact with Ryan, just lightly brushing up against his lower abs or maybe a bit lower. I stared at the mirror as Ryan guided my hips up and down, back into him and away. I felt his strong hands squeezing and releasing my hips with every rep, his finger sliding slightly along the tip of my pelvic bone. My eyes slid over and over across his wide strong chest and up and down his arms and legs. They wandered up again to his face and realized he'd finally took his eyes of my ass ad was looking at me, a cocky smirk on his face. I realized my mouth was slighty open and shut it abruptly. Still, I continued squatting for another 5 or 7 reps or so, all the while keeping eye contact with him. My head swam with heat and dizziness and I barely processed the screaming pain now coming from my whole core and lower body. Finally, Dick seemed to pull down and in only slightly harder, but with my momentum and exhaustion it brought my hips back hard and my ass crashed into Dick. It felt like landing on a perpendicular brick wall, except for a large soft something pressing right between my ass cheeks.

Once again, I stumbled and fell to the floor in front of Ryan.

"Better—keep that up." And without another glance, he walked away as I panted in pain on the floor.

Eventually, I shook my head clear, got up, and went to the elliptical to finish my workout. I was rattled by that exchange but tried to put it out of my head. I glanced at Ryan from time to time but he didn't seem to be paying any attention to me anymore. He still didn't give me a single look as I headed out. As I thought about it, I realized more and more how obnoxious that was, especially given how much we had interacted that day and the fact that I was doing the exercises he recommended. I told myself that my initial impression of this cocky kid had been dead on. Next time I went to the gym, I'd dump his dumb routine.

I decided to finally use the locker room to give the sauna a try. I undressed and walked into the empty sauna. I sat down with my towel on my lap and closed my eyes. I felt myself relax and drift a bit.

I heard the sauna door open and glanced up. My mind snapped to attention. Dick had just stepped with only a towel on. We made eye contact and I looked away, resisting the weird urge to glance at his body. From my peripheral vision, I had gotten a decent impression of his impressive physique, but little detail. Lots of hard bulging curves and defined edges. I made eye contact again and gave him a slight head nod which, of course, he didn't return. Then, with effort, I looked away at the opposite wall.

He sat on the bench perpendicular to mine, about 4 to 5 feet away from me, and lay back, sighing deeply. I closed my eyes, but found I couldn't re-achieve the calm I'd felt before he had stepped in. After a few minutes I risked a glance at his face and saw his eyes appeared to be closed. With that, telling myself I was just curious to see what a good workout routine could get me, I moved my eyes downwards.

I traced past his pronounced cheekbones and down his strong jawline to his collarbone, sticking out and providing a ledge from which his two large pecs thrust out imposingly, sloping down and away. His light brown nipples looked small on such large muscles. His hairless chest glistened with perspiration. My eyes moved to his washboard stomach, 6 primary abs, large and pronounced, topped by two smaller ones pressing up against his dense pecs. On either side, his obliques were so shredded as to seem like abs themselves. My gaze traveled back up to his shoulders and traced down his strong wide arms, one after the other, figuring they each may be as wide around as my thighs. He had a single vein on his left bicep that split when it reached his forearm. His right bicep displayed two long veins tracing down, one in the middle and one on the outside. Both forearms had light brown hair that did little to conceal the muscle they surrounded. His hands rested on his waist. The towel was set low-down and my eyes traced the "v" down his lower abs until they disappeared under the thin towel. I say thin because I could easily make out his wide round legs through them. More importantly, a thick long protrusion snaked from his groin, up and over his right leg, ending just after the peak of his leg.

Shocked, I quickly glanced back up at his face and was relieved to see his eyes still closed. My eyes passed over his body again, this time taking in bowling ball shoulders before following the defined valley between his pecs, coming again to a rest on Dick's impossibly-sized dick. I became dizzy and my ears started pounding. I was amazed.

"10 inches soft."

I started, looking back at Ryan's face. His eyes were still closed but he continued. "It catches people off guard but I don't mind - natural to be curious."

I looked away and feigned confusion. I didn't think he'd actually seen me. "What are you talking about?"

He let out a snort. "You know what I'm talking about, babe."

Babe?! "Like I told you, it's Jerry,"

"Whatever you say, Babe." After a pause, "What do you do...Jerry?"

"I'm a Lawyer."

"Cool, cool."

Feeling obligated to ask, I inquired "How about you?"

"I'm at Thomspon High."

That was my alma matter. "Teacher?"

"Twelfth grade"

"That's impressive. You must be pretty close-in-age to some of your students. Must be hard to control them."

He laughed. "I'm a student there. But to answer your question, no—it's easy to control the students, and the teachers too."

I was shocked and glanced at Ryan. "You're in high school!? How old are you?!"


I was floored and somewhat horrified. As I continued to stare at him, he smiled and stretched, reaching high and stretching his coiled strong muscles, his lats visibly flaring out at his sides. He then ran his hands down his body, pressing hard.

"Man, I'm sore" he said. I caught myself staring again, following his hands around, and snapped back to his face. He was smiling at my slyly as he continued "I sure wish they had masseuses here or something." Ryan had a very clean-cut face and an incredibly disarming smile. It was hard to continue to dislike him when he looked at me like that.

I clammed up and looked away, my head spinning. I tried to calm down but my heart was jackhammering in my chest.

"Any chance you'd give me a quick massage, babe?"

I looked back and saw he was perched up a bit now, with his hands resting on the bench behind him, his strong shoulders pressed up. I looked at his body again, biting my lip.

"I don't know..." I said slowly.

"C'mon babe. I'm really sore here. How about just my back." He turned around, his wide back taking up my narrowing vision.

"Uhh..." My mouth hung open. But finally, I processed his words and brought myself under control. "My name is Jerry, kid. And no, I'm not giving you a massage."

"Okay okay, Jerry. Didn't mean any offense. I call everyone that as a nickname." He paused and I felt a pang of regret for snapping.

"Anyways, I'm gonna head out." Ryan said. "See you later."

With that he stood up. As he reached the door he looked back and saw I was staring at his back. I glanced up and he winked and dropped his towel!

I tried to keep eye contact but couldn't resist and my eyes fell to his powerful ass. The light came in sideways across his body, accentuating every ridge and definition. He only stood for a second, a greek god of muscle. Michelangelo's David from behind. Then he pushed open the door and was gone.

I sat there, breath and heart rate rapid. I decided it was time to get out of the sauna. I had been in there too long, I told myself. That's what was going on. I got out, showered, got dressed and left the gym without seeing Dick again.

On my short walk home, however. I saw the familiar figure pass by me. Ryan was riding a skateboard as he passed by. My heart jumped but I did't think he noticed me as he continued down the road and turned the corner. As I approached the corner, however, I saw he now leaned up against a street lamp. Probably waiting for a cab or something.

This time he saw me and grinned, beckoning me over. I sighed and walked towards him, trying to ignore my increasing heartbeat.

When I got to him he said, matter-of-factly and not even looking in my direction, "Give me your number."


He looked at me sharply then, his eyes blazing. He struck an imposing figure. He now wore black jeans and a tight thin army-green t-shirt. The sleeves struggled to contain his shoulders and biceps, emerging imposingly from the shirt. I was so taken aback by his intensity that I just told him it.

He punched it into his phone and then just turned away.

"Okay." I said. "See you then..."

I walked away, a sinking anxious feeling growing inside me.

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stacejostacejoover 4 years ago

10 inch soft.....

julianmarquezjulianmarquezover 4 years ago

Really want to know what happens next!

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Submit to the student stud!

love dominant student controlling and fucking older teacher and yours is slow seductive exciting and hot!!!

hungbottomhungbottomover 4 years ago
Hung, Young Student

Excellent.....can't wait for the next chapters!

IwanttwoIwanttwoover 4 years ago

Can’t wait for him to suck his first cock, and what a monster to start with!

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

Have masturbated twice at work, in anticipation of what is likely to happen!

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

Excellent story!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

Eagerly awaiting the next installment. You're a great writer. Keep writing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
getting hotter

Looking forward to the next installment.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
fantastic story

Amazing story!!

Cant wait for more!

Rwa4768Rwa4768over 4 years ago
Getting hot

This story has great potential to be a very good series. I can't wait to see where it goes.

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