Dinner and a Show


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"Ladies and gentlemen," he said loudly. Suddenly the buzz was gone as the audience quieted for the beginning of the performance. But what performance? 'I'm the only one on stage,' Janet thought to herself. 'I have to be the performer. But what am I supposed to do?'

"Ladies and gentlemen," Jerry repeated when everything was quiet. "Tonight we have a very special performance. A closet bondage freak will step out into the light and be recognized. A shy exhibitionist will finally get her chance to show the world... ... everything."

There was a deafening round of applause and Janet heard the chains which supported the curtain clanking as it slowly opened to reveal her to the audience. She could now hear buzzes of quiet conversations from here and there around the theater as people saw her and attempted to speak to each other in low whispers.

The curtains must now be wide open because she could feel the heat of the front spotlights against her skin. The black dress was absorbing the energy from the hot lights and warming rapidly. So was she. She could feel a light sheen of perspiration beginning to form on her brow. Then she felt herself rolling.

Evidently the stocks were mounted on one of the scene platforms. There must have been a small ramp leading up to it because she hadn't had to step up as Jerry led her across the stage. Jerry, or someone, was now pushing her slightly forward and turning her so that she was sideways to the audience.

"Time to raise- or should I say lower- the second curtain." Jerry said loudly. Then Janet felt something cold against her shoulder. The movement and the slight noise told her that it was a pair of scissors. The cold feel of the scissors against her skin told her that Jerry was cutting the dress from her body.

He cut all the way across the back of the dress at the shoulders and then began lowering the zipper. As soon as the zipper reached her waist, the dress dropped to the floor leaving her naked on stage. Thunderous applause filled the theater.

Janet was mortified, but at the same time she could feel her nipples immediately swelling and the juices starting to flow in her cunt. This was going to ruin her in the community, but her body didn't care. This was what she dreamed of when she stood on the high bluffs exposing herself to distant motorists. Showing her body to a large crowd was her secret fantasy. Now, she wasn't fantasizing that they could see her. The applause made it very clear that she had been presented to them in all her glory.

She felt the platform being slowly rotated. It stopped as her ass was aligned with the center isle. Jerry reached over and smacked her ass cheek with his hand. Then he ran his fingers through her slit. Evidently he held them up to the audience because he said, "See that shine? Wet as a river."
Janet could feel her skin burning in shame, but at the same time the tingle in her breasts and nipples was almost overwhelming. She was rotated again until she faced the audience. She felt fingers at the back of her head and suddenly everything was brilliantly bright. Jerry had removed the blindfold.

She squinted out at the crowd, but could see nothing. All of the front lights and footlights were on and all three traveler spots were trained down on her from the light booth balcony, which ran across the back of the theater.

Janet could hear several people whispering her name. Evidently there were some who did not recognize her until the blindfold was removed. She did not think it was possible to be more embarrassed... or more turned on, but when she heard her name whispered, she could feel herself turning an even deeper shade of red. She could also feel the cunt slime start to drip from between her pussy lips.

"You are being a very naughty girl," Jerry taunted her. "I think you need a little punishment."

He started swatting her bottom. One hand was smacking her right cheek and the other was smacking her left. It sounded almost like he was performing on a set of bongo drums. Janet felt herself swaying her ass to meet his hands. She also felt herself climbing higher and higher.

'Oh NO!' she suddenly thought to herself. 'I'm going to cum in front of all these people.'

That thought, alone, was enough to trigger an overwhelming orgasm. She shrieked and screamed and bucked and writhed in the stocks. Jerry stopped his spanking and began rotating the platform so that she was totally on display to the audience as she rode the waves of passion that were cresting within her. The thought that her bucking, dripping, snatch was turned to the crowd was enough to drive her once again over the edge and trigger a second orgasm.

As her moans and cries started to subside, Jerry again rotated her and announced, "Now it's time for a little mutual enjoyment." He leaned down close to Janet's ear and said, "You have already paid the price of admission, so just totally let yourself go." He then began to lightly caress her breasts with one hand while sliding the other through the wetness between her legs.

Soon, Janet was again squirming and moaning and moving rapidly upward towards another orgasm. She could feel Jerry positioning himself behind her. He slid easily into her, and as his body touched hers, she realized that he, too, was now naked on the stage.

Janet was now directly facing the unseen audience. The brilliant spot and footlights blinded her, but at the same time forced her to acknowledge that everyone could see EVERYTHING. They were watching Jerry fuck her. It was as if she were having sex with hundreds of people at the same time. That image began to burn more brightly in her mind than the spotlights themselves.

Jerry was now slamming violently into her ass as he bottomed with each thrust. He was rapidly approaching climax and his legs were shaking slightly as his muscles prepared for that final moment of ejaculation. Finally he grunted loudly and slammed against her ass a final time. He fell over her back and shuddered as he went off. Janet joined him in his moment of climax, the audience forgotten for the moment as she became one with her husband.

After a short time, Jerry again stood up and slowly pulled himself out. Janet moaned slightly as she felt his deflating prick slide out of her cunt. She thought she was hearing thunder, but as her mind cleared from the orgasm, she remembered where she was and realized that what she was hearing was applause.

"For an encore tonight," Jerry said as he stepped in front of Janet to address the audience, "we will allow Janet to experience one of her most naughty desires. Of course," he added, "that will mean a more severe punishment."

He was walking around behind Janet as he spoke. He patted her on the ass hard enough so that the smack could be heard throughout the theater and said in a chuckle, "But I am going to wait until she is ready before I do that."

Janet felt the platform rotating until she was once again facing backstage. Jerry stood in front of her and asked, "What would you like to do for an encore?" He paused a moment and then asked, "Do I fuck your face or your ass?"

He knew what she wanted. She didn't really like oral, but anal drove her wild. He knew what she wanted, but he was going to make her say it! He was going to make her ask for it in front of all these people!

Janet didn't think it was possible for her to be more embarrassed- or more aroused, but her skin was now almost on fire and spunk and cunt juice flowed copiously out of her and dripped onto the platform as she answered softly, "My ass."

"Project, Janet." Jerry said loudly. "Speak from the diaphragm so you can be heard." His voice sounded just like it did on those occasions when he directed plays and had to correct or encourage the cast during rehearsals.

"Take me in the ass!" Janet heard herself almost shouting. As she heard the force and volume of her own words, it caused her to shudder as a mini-orgasm rippled through her body.

"Then let's get you ready," answered Jerry. He walked back around behind Janet and began sliding his fingers up and down her crack. Bent over as she was, she was sure that both her cunt and rosebud were clearly visible to the audience.

Jerry thrust his fingers into her dripping pussy. They slid in easily and came out just as easily, with a large scooping of cum and spunk. He began rubbing that slimy mixture up and down her crack, pressing on her sphincter each time his fingers passed her nether opening.

Finally, he pushed a single finger into her ass and began pumping in and out. Soon a second finger joined the first, and then a third. Janet could feel her anal ring relaxing to allow him better access.

He withdrew his fingers and she could feel the tip of something pressing against her rosebud. As it slid in, Janet recognized it as a butt plug, but it seemed bigger than anything she had ever put up there before. She was stretched to maximum and still it hadn't seated. It was spreading her wider and wider as Jerry continued to force it into her ass.

When it finally slid all the way in and her sphincter snapped tightly around the slightly smaller shaft, another mini-orgasm caused her to quiver in the stocks. She could feel herself rising up on tiptoe for some reason, almost as if she were raising her ass to receive Jerry's cock. But that was not going to happen as long as she was stuffed full by that huge plug.

"That will keep you stretched while I give you the pain you need to really let yourself go." Jerry said as he wiggled the huge plug lodged securely between her cheeks.

Janet wasn't sure what Jerry had in mind, but when she heard the swish of a belt swinging through the air, she knew what was coming. Jerry had used a belt on her only a few times, and only after she had either egged him on for hours or begged him to use it on her. It was after one particularly intense session with the belt that Jerry had told her, "If you want or need the pain, just ask for it. You don't have to try to piss me off just so I will spank you."

"Open your eyes," Jerry said in a commanding voice.

Janet hadn't realized that she had closed them. When she opened her eyes, he was standing before her swinging a wide, black, leather belt in a small arc. The intense stage lights reflected softly off the black finish.

"What do you want?" he asked softly.

'I can't say that in front of all these people,' she thought to herself.

"You have to say it or it ends now," Jerry continued in his soft and soothing voice.

He was going to make her say it. She was going to have to ask him to whip her or this would all be over. She didn't want to say it- especially in front of an audience, but she didn't want this night to end yet either. "Use the belt," she said in her stage projection voice. "Beat my behind until I am screaming and then fuck me in the ass."

A loud applause greeted her words and she suddenly thought, 'That's the best audience response I've ever gotten for one of my lines.'

Jerry walked back around behind her and said, "I'm going to give you twenty with the belt and you are going to thank me after each one and keep track of the count."

He didn't wait for a response, but instead swung the belt as soon as he was in position. It wasn't a perfect stroke, but it snapped loudly and caused a short scream from Janet. She gulped and called out, "One. Thank you, Master."

Why had she said Master? Was it that she didn't want to call out his name? Or, was it perhaps that using that word added to her sense of being helpless and bound?


"Two. Thank you, Master."


"Three. Thank you, Master."

So it continued as Jerry slowly crisscrossed her ass with welts. The pain and the heat on her asscheeks got greater with each strike of the belt. So did the heat within her. Finally she heard herself calling out, "Twenty. Thank you, Master."

She didn't feel him pull the butt plug out of her ass, but she did feel his prick entering her. She could especially feel it as his body slapped lightly against her now swollen asscheeks as he thrust fully into her.

"Oh God!" she heard herself screaming. She was well above any level of passion that she had ever reached before. The pain... the forbiddenness of anal sex... the humiliation of having sex on stage in front of hundreds of people... the fact that dozens of her friends and neighbors had seen the most intimate parts of her body... all of this drove her higher and higher as Jerry continued to fuck her ass.

Janet could no longer form words. At best she was grunting in a high-pitched keening wail. Then she totally lost control of her body and her mind. She exploded. The brilliance of the lights within her mind as she frantically bucked back against Jerry was far greater than all the stage lights trained on her naked body.

She didn't feel Jerry stop. She didn't feel him withdraw from her ass. She didn't feel the platform rotating once again so that she was facing the audience. All of this became apparent to her only as control returned slowly to her mind and body as she hung panting in the stocks.

"Time for your bow," Jerry said softly as he removed the top portion of the beam which was holding her in place. He had to support her as he led her, on wobbly legs, to stage front where they stood together on the apron to receive the thunderous applause. He bowed and used his hand behind her back to force her to bow with him.

After the third bow, the applause began to fade slowly away. In the relative silence, Janet was now standing in center stage, naked, facing who knows how many of her friends, neighbors, and fellow workers. With the glow of what she had just experienced also starting to fade, she was now feeling fear and dread. How could she ever face these people again? She would have to quit her job. They might have to move out of the community. How could she have allowed Jerry to do this to her?

"If you knew what the show was," Jerry suddenly asked her, "would you have still come to the theater tonight?"

Janet stood silently for a moment before shuddering out, "Yes. I would have given anything for this night."

"Happy Anniversary," a voice said suddenly over the theater speaker system. The lights began to quickly dim and Janet could see out into the audience. She could still hear the murmur and noise of an audience leaving the theater, but there was no one there.

The work lights over the control booth in the balcony came on and Janet could see John standing there waving his arms at her. "Just me," he said. "... and my magical array of lights and sound effects."

A few moments later he quickly walked up the aisle and stepped onto the stage. "A while back, Jerry asked me how I knew you from college," he said to her. "I told him I met you while I was working on fire detectors in your dorm."

He laughed lightly, "I didn't know that you had told him about that. I didn't give any details of how we met, but I didn't have to. He knew all about it. And from that point on, he knew that I knew about your fantasies. He came to me a couple weeks ago and asked if I would help you live out one of those fantasies in a safe fashion."

He looked up and down Janet's sweat drenched body and smirked. "It looks like you went through at least four or five of them tonight." He then handed Jerry a set of keys and said, "Make sure you lock everything up before you go." As he walked toward the backstage door he called back over his shoulder, "Happy Anniversary."

Jerry pulled Janet close and gave her a kiss on the forehead. "Did you enjoy your anniversary present?" he asked.

"Mmmmm," she answered.

"Your sweatpants and sweatshirt are on a chair backstage." He continued. "We can leave as soon as I shut everything down."

"I would like to do one more little thing first," she said.

"What's that?" he asked.

"Give you an anniversary present," she said, "Turn all the spotlights back on and lay down on your back in the middle of the stage. I'm going to do an on-stage flash dance routine on your pole and ride you like you have never been ridden before."

As Jerry scurried toward the light booth, she yelled after him, "And if you can, turn the sound back on so it sounds like there is a huge audience out there watching us. "

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Thors_FistThors_Fistover 2 years ago

Loved giving her the fantasy while still protecting her.

Randy56rRandy56ralmost 4 years ago
Naked and Afraid

Not my usual interest, but spun the wheel so to speak. This is well written and a great read, keep writing, I'll be following along!

dutchpantyraiderdutchpantyraideralmost 4 years ago
alternative wording

Great story, like it!

One of my favourite alternatives I use for cunt slime is cunt syrup. I like it very wet and very sticky.

zazrix9zazrix9almost 7 years ago

I want that to happen to me, butt with a real audience, and audience participation bi both genders.

maddictmaddictover 9 years ago
Literary licence....

I would never use the term "cunt slime". I have not considered alternatives as yet. Extremly wet is accurate.

Clever story I thuorly enjoyed this one. I didn't think he sold out the theatre, I thought a burleques show with her participation might of been part of the nights event's.

I very much liked your version. The lighting tech must of had a hard time of it....

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

Shows a deep understanding of the need she feels. Sure you can develop this in future episodes. Love to read more

Rawmaster50Rawmaster50over 9 years ago
Over Her Edge

5 stars, A very well plotted story. Janice was played very well by Jerry and John, working on her needs and her fear of those needs. I do not understand her that well, but I understand Jerry. I like to push my lovers into unexpected places and situations while keeping them 'safe'.

I read this story after reading, "Break Me". You capture the need and desires very well.

Thank you

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