Dirty Daddy Diddles Naive Nurse

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A new young nurse fucks a dirty old man.
10.8k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 04/12/2024
Created 01/27/2024
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It had long been a dream of mine to serve in the medical field. My grandmother had become ill shortly after my 12th birthday and it compelled me to be closer to her. I cherished the moments we shared, even as I watched helplessly as she became a shell of what she once was. When she passed, I was distraught, but by that time, I was no stranger to tragedy. I lost my father at a young age to a car accident. I was raised by my mother for the most part. It was a tough life. I was an only child, and often times, lonely. When I turned 18, it was as if I won my freedom and I was more than ready to move on with my life independently.

Since we were relatively poor, I looked into nursing as a quicker way to start making money while also working in the dream field. After a 2 year associates program, I began hunting for jobs, although with my degree, this proved fruitless and frustrating.

I signed on with a home health company, one that also provided 24/7 nursing care to the privileged few who could afford it. It paid exceedingly well, and the company I signed with also paid a stipend towards furthering my education and becoming an RN. It was quite a break for me. I moved out of the apartment I shared with my mother and moved into my own studio in a city far away from home.

Now, a bit about myself. I graduated high school with full honors, lettered in swimming and cross country. My standoffish nature was somehow a turn-on for girls. I suppose they thought I was "mysterious". Nonetheless, my popularity amongst the ladies soared to the point of making the jocks jealous. If only they knew...

For reasons they'd never understand, the attraction was unrequited. I was into the very jocks who were jealous of me, ironically. To be honest, I was not interested in much at all. I kept myself busy to keep my mind off of the stress at home and getting involved romantically or sexually was not something I was amenable to at the time. My focus was primarily on advancing my career on a fast track and to start making real money.

That being said, I did take care of myself. In school, I was a star on the swim team and also did well in cross country. I also lettered in track and field. At 5'7" and 135 pounds, I was not big, but chiseled and with a naturally smooth body. I had long, shapely legs and washboard abs which I worked obsessively to maintain. My olive brown skin, big brown eyes, long, curly hair and sharp features made me more of the "cute guy" type who made women blush. This popularity took a new turn once I entered the professional field at the ripe age of 20.

Amongst the older crowd, I realized that not only was I a magnet for women, men also seemed to take notice. When I was still a student, I didn't let it affect me too much, especially when it came from patients. Usually, it was innocent, a comment about how cute I was or how I reminded him/her of someone special. Even though the comments came from much older folks, typically those over 50, it was still flattering to me.

Fresh out of training, I received my first contract. It was to care for an elderly gentleman, Robert Thomas, 93. He was wheelchair-bound and had dementia. Wore a diaper, was a transfer assist to bed, but it seemed like it was a low acuity, low effort job. Paid exceedingly well, though. There had to be a catch in there somewhere...

My first day on the job, I arrived at 8:30 AM sharp. The bungalow sat at the end of a cul-de-sac in an upper class neighborhood. The lots were huge and mature, sprinkled with mature trees and other vegetation. It was an older subdivision, all the residents seemed stately as they sauntered down the sidewalk waving to one another on their morning walks.

The driveway was as wide as it was long. A massive, two-storey shed was at the far end of the driveway, facing a large greenspace that surrounded a lake. It was more akin to an industrial shed, as it was enormous. This was where I parked my tiny 2-door sedan. These folks were obviously loaded. Anxiety was starting to overcome my thoughts as I adjusted my scrubs and made my way up the beautifully appointed hardscaped path to the main door where I rang the bell.

"Coming!" I heard a woman call out, followed by brisk clacks of heels on a marble floor. The door opened, "Hello? Hi there! You must be Ash? Is that right?" A middle-aged woman answered the door. Her short brown hair outlined an attractive face. She looked to be in excellent shape, even her conservative attire couldn't mask her endowments.

"H-hey! Yess...Ash is right! You have a nice house, Mrs. Thomas," I replied back, my wide-eyed look as I gazed around provided proof that I wasn't bullshitting. It was an older house that had been completely gutted to bring it up to the standards of plush modern luxury. From the two-story foyer with the floating staircase to the marble tiles and accented walls, it looked like they spared no expense. It looked like it belonged in a designer magazine.

"Well, come on in, make yourself at home! I'm Linda, I'm Robert's daughter-in-law. Bo, his son, should be joining us soon. Have you had breakfast? Coffee?"

I was not a nervous eater. "I'm fine, but thank you," I declined politely.

"Straight to business, I like it!" A man's deep voice boomed from atop the stairs. A man, probably in his late 60s, early 70s squinted down at me. He was wearing a robe over some pajamas, his balding head was clinging on to a few strands of gray-white hair. He had a neatly trimmed, thick, pearly white mustache. He was built like a tank, with a short, thick neck and broad shoulders. He had a gut, but over all, seemed to carry his weight well. I was never into older men, although this one looked like he used to be a jock when he was in high school.

He came down the stairs with the authority of an alpha male. His presence changed the complexion of the scene as his wife fell silent as she too, gazed upon her husband, though I sensed it was not out of admiration.

He stuck out a big, hairy, beefy hand, "Bo. Nice to meet you, son." I simply gave him my hand as I let out a gulp. He was gigantic. 6'4" at least, a solid 300 pounds of pure alpha, silverback masculinity stood in front of my petite, girly frame.

"Y-yes, sir...nice to meet you as well," my voice cracked ever so slightly at the end. His grip lingered as he kept his deep-set eyes intensely focused on me before releasing.

"My father is nearing the end of his days. He owned a trucking company before selling it and using the money to start his own consulting firm, which I used to run until I gifted it to my daughter. I'm mostly retired now, though." He paused briefly to make eye contact with me, before continuing," I need someone to take care of all of his needs, which is why you're here," he motioned towards a man sitting in a wheelchair in the living room.

"24/7 care means, 24/7 care. By you, no one else," his nostrils flared as he glared at me while driving that last point straight into my nerves. The catch was revealed. I suppose I was going to serve as more of a nurse nanny as opposed to a nurse.

"Ash, we did quite a bit of research," Linda eased the mood with her softer tone. "This was not our first rodeo. We have been left at the altar one too many times and we wanted someone who was truly invested in taking care of Robert."

"Your company said you were a new grad, wanting to make inroads into a new field and you want to become an RN someday, is that right?" She smiled at me as she spoke.

"Uh-huh, yes...that's the plan!" I answered, still processing what all of this was going to require of me, exactly. Bo kept his eyes on me, studying me as I spoke with Linda before suddenly and silently wandering off, leaving Linda to introduce me to Robert.

"Hi, Daddy! Look who I have here! It's your nurse. His name is Ash!" Linda yelled into Robert's ear. He let out a short grunt, letting us know he had heard enough.

"He's just being moody! Men!" Linda rolled her eyes. She rolled Robert down the hall. "Here's his room," she opened a door that led into an anteroom, before opening another door that led directly into his quarters.

It was a large and well-appointed room. A hospital bed was near a large bay window with a beautiful view of the greenery and the mountains in the distance. A heavy-appearing mahogany desk was up against the wall at the other end of the room and a door leading to the bathroom was right next to the desk. There was a mini-fridge and a kitchenette, complete with an electric stove and microwave that completed the room. "Not too shabby for a man living his last days!" I thought to myself.

"Daddy, I'm going to take Ash to show him his room, ok?!" Linda yelled into his ear one more time.

I gazed upon Linda as I walked behind her. Her midi dress was light and airy, much like her voice, her legs long and toned, hips wide. Her ass jiggled as her heels hit the floor, her dress accentuated the movement. She had the perfect body, if I was into women, she'd be a prime target.

Turning past the living room and down a short hallway, there was bedroom, presumably for me. Compared to Robert's kingly abode, this was quite ordinary. A 12x12 space, one twin bed, one dresser and mirror, one tiny desk against a small 4x6 window overlooking the shed. "At least I get an attached bath!" I thought, almost feeling sorry for myself.

The first couple of months went by without a hitch. I had settled into a routine with Robert, bathing him in the morning, changing out his diaper, and dressing him for breakfast, which had to be hand-fed because of his advanced dementia. The work wasn't challenging, physically nor mentally. It was actually mind-numbing although I did have some time which I used for completing online courses and other activities like running and fitness. I did have the freedom to go back to my apartment or visit my mom, although I had to give a 48 hour notice, unless it was an emergency.

As time went on, I started to understand the dynamics between Linda and Bo. Even early on, it was obvious that they did not get along. It was not unusual at night to hear them arguing upstairs in their bedroom. On some nights, I could hear Bo thundering down the steps and out the door and into his shed where he'd spend the night. They shared a daughter, Misty, whom I had seen perhaps once or twice during my first two months living in their house. She had moved upstate to be closer to their company headquarters and seldom came to visit. "Money isn't everything!" I reminded myself.

One morning I woke up, a bit later than usual, and took a quick shower. Cooler weather started to creep in, the days got a little bit shorter, and this affected my routine somehow. Thankful for the privacy of my attached bathroom, I dried off and tossed my towel on the floor before stepping out, completely naked.

I admired myself in the mirror, but also somewhat disappointed at the lack of hair on my body. Puberty neglected me, it seemed. My long legs were nicely toned, but smooth and shiny, as were my nether regions. My eyes were focused on them when I heard the thundering sound of heavy footsteps. I tiptoed to the window and was immediately startled by the sight of Bo, as his massive frame lumbered past my window.

My face turned a shade of pale I didn't know I had in my color palette as we both made eye contact. He was wearing an unbuttoned thick flannel shirt on some overalls. He squinted at me through the window, lowering his eyes to my penis, studying it along with the rest of my body. He lingered, a faint smirk slowly forming, before he turning away, giving me a wave of his hand.

I dropped to my knees in a panicked frenzy, trying to find my underwear. It was obviously too late. Bo saw me completely naked. "Why did he stare at me for so long? Why did I LET him stare at my naked body?" Angry with myself, I slipped on my boxers and slammed the blinds shut. Just out of curiosity, though...

I cracked them open to sneak a peek, and sure enough, he had turned back to look at me. "Ohhh!" I gasped, nearly tripping over my desk chair. My face blushing from shame and embarrassment, I couldn't decide if this should make me feel good or bad.

Linda was still the one person I was most comfortable being around. Although I wasn't much of a talker, she put me at ease with her friendly, sweet attitude. It was always sad to see that disappear whenever Bo entered the room.

One Friday night, I was feeling particularly adventurous and I felt like grabbing a beer. I was already dressed for bed, so I didn't want to wander around their house as they usually entertained guests on Friday evenings. It was an urge I wanted to kill, therefore a trip to their kitchen was a risk I was willing to take. I was in my silk boxers and a tank top as I tiptoed barefoot into their kitchen and flipped on the lights.

My heart stopped for a second, Bo was sitting at the counter, beer in hand. The sight of the large man scared the daylights out of me.

"Ohh god! I didn't know you were in here! I'm so sorry!" I panicked as I struggled to flip the lights back off.

"Don't mind me, boy!" Bo said in a gruff tone. "You thirsty or somethin'? You can turn 'em back on if you want."

"It's fine...was just gonna grab a beer if you were okay with it?" I asked, my voice still shaky from the startle.

"No need to ask, boy. You're of age, aren't you? Bottom shelf," he responded.

I quickly found a can and shut the fridge, hoping to slink out of the kitchen the other way. "Well, you can join me, y'know? I won't bite!" Bo said, a bit louder this time, loud enough to vibrate my insides.

"Umm..s-sure...yes, sir!" I let out a nervous laugh as I glanced around the dark kitchen. With slow, deliberate steps, I tiptoed over to sit next to him on one of the stools.

"We don't get to talk much. Somehow, I feel like I've had less free time in retirement. Don't know how that works," Bo started. "Anyway, how do you like it here, so far? We treatin' you alright?"

I popped open my can and took a swig, "Yes...it's great. Y'all are really great people, Mr. Robert's a wonderful patient."

"That's good to hear, son, real good to hear. We want you to be happy. We want you here for the long haul. But anyway, about the other morning..." Bo started.

"Oh...that...oh gosh, I'm so sorry-" but Bo silenced me by holding up a hand.

"No need for apologies, boy. I just wanted to say don't worry about it," Bo said, before easing into a wry smile. "That said, you're not into the ladies, are you?"

I blushed. Was it that obvious? This old fart saw right through me.

I laughed nervously, my face beet red as I looked down.

"Hey, it's ok. I was just curious. Wanted to ask you since I had a feeling from the first day I met you," Bo said. His tone warmed up as he set his beer down. He rubbed his hands together as he looked at me. "It's tough, you know, with me and Linda. We haven't slept in the same bed in years. Can't have sex when you don't even sleep together," Bo kept going.

I didn't even know what to say to all of that, nor did I know why he felt compelled to share this with me. "I figured any bird brain could figure out that all's not well in the Thomas household," Bo continued. He looked at me, as I looked at my empty beer can.

"You're still very young, 20 is a beautiful age," Bo said, his eyes gazed off, as if thinking of a distant memory. "You work out or something? You look like you run a lot, I have seen you a few times. Some nice lookin' legs!" He burst into a laugh before grabbing my thigh briefly before releasing it quickly.

"I-I should get back," I started as I slowly pivoted off the stool, "I have to get up earlier tomorrow morning."

"Hey, yeah, man...don't let me keep you," Bo said with a wave goodnight.

I could hardly sleep that night. I tossed and turned. So many questions, so many theories, so many scenarios burned through my head. Was he into me? Why did he talk about Linda like that? Am I supposed to do something, say something?

The next morning, I jumped up out of bed. I darted out of my room. "Shit, shit, shit! It's 11 AM, Robert's probably shit and pissed on himself already!" I didn't have time to change into my scrubs. Shirtless and barefoot, my satin boxers shimmered as I ran into Robert's room.

The fucker was yelling and cursing at the ceiling, the classic "old man yelling at the clouds" saying immediately to mind. "Oh gosh...Robert, I'm so sorry!" I rushed over to pull off his pajamas and diaper, both drenched in urine. I nearly vomited several times as I had to work quickly to clean up the mess. During my efforts, I didn't realize that Robert had stopped yelling and had instead taken keen interest in my legs and topless body.

I was busy cleaning his penis when he started grunting and groaning loudly, clamping his hand down on mine as I tried to put a fresh diaper on him. "Robert! What are you doing?" I asked. He made direct eye contact with me and let out a leery grin. "What? What do you mean? Robert?"

He wouldn't budge. Fucker was strong as an ox, even if he didn't look it. I couldn't take my hand off his penis. Slowly, he began to take my hand and stroke himself. Shockingly, his dick began to harden. "Please, don't. Robert, come on! Don't be naughty!"

"What's going on in here?" A deep voice boomed from the doorway. It was Bo. I was bent over, my ass facing him. Embarrassed, but unable to muscle my hand away from Robert, I could only turn sideways to look at Bo.

Bo was staring at my body once again, his face was turning red. He licked his lips as he kept his focus on me. "What's Dad makin' you do? He bein' a perv?"

"Uh-huhh!" I let out an exasperated reply.

He let out a boisterous laugh. "You strut in here lookin' like that, he's going to be a perv! He's a horny, old fart. Just jerk him a little, few seconds of your time might give him the pleasure of a lifetime. He's fucking 93!" To my utter shock, he turned away and strode off into the distance, slamming the door behind him.

"Fuck...this can't be happening!" I thought to myself. I didn't have much of a choice. Overcome with nausea, I indulged Robert, stroking him until he croaked out an orgasm into the palm of my hand. I avoided eye contact with him while I jerked him. For a wrinkly, frail-looking old man, Robert was packing. If it wasn't for the circumstances, I would have said he had a nice, big dick. I wondered if his son Bo was similarly well-endowed. Curiosity...

Once I washed my hands and cleaned him up, he didn't require my attention for the rest of the day.

The next day, I had to leave early to attend a certification course which involved live classroom time. This gave me a much needed break from servicing Robert. I also got a 2 day vacation from the place, giving me the chance to unwind. When I returned 2 days later, however, Robert wasn't in his room.

"Where's Robert?!" I asked, my voice high-pitched out of fear and apprehension.

"We had to take him to the hospital. He got COVID. You were taking such good care of him, he got sick almost as soon as you left! Poor Daddy!" Linda sounded despondent.

"Ohh no! When will he be back, you think?"

"Doctor said it might be a couple of days if we're optimistic. Daddy is tough as nails, he'll fight through it!" Linda replied, trying to sound upbeat.

"Gosh. Yes, I know he will," I said. At this point, I wasn't really seeing any reason to be here since Robert was in the hospital. It was late, however, I decided to spend the night before heading back in the morning.

That night I heard loud arguing coming from their room, followed by heavy footsteps coming down the stairs. It was Bo. I heard the side door swing open and slam shut as he thundered out the door towards his shed. It was past midnight and my lights were out, but the blinds were still up. I hid underneath my covers as I saw his massive shadow growing bigger and bigger as he approached my window. Through my covers, I could see him leaning against the window, peaking in at me. He was in his robe, shirtless and wearing boxers, as he peered through squinted eyes. He lingered for a while. "Was he hoping I was up?" After a full minute, he slowly lumbered off towards his shed. Stealthily, I jumped up to look through the window as he disappeared into the shed.