Disposable Hero Ch. 05 Pt. 02 - An Angel Joins


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He made a note to himself to let her train Valkirya this would free him to the other pieces of training that he was doing, he knew getting them ready for his world would be a monumental task. He found Zyvin and set about learning more about magic, most of this was to keep his mind off of what was going on around him. After magic lessons he grabbed Zilvra for her karate lesson as they practiced he saw his newest recruit watching awestruck, he guesses martial art don't exist here or at the very least in this part of their world. Henri explained that he can only be understood because of the ring he had been given by Zilvra's family. Henri told Brynhild he was teaching them a common tongue on his world in case he was not around and they need to understand or explain something. Now, he had four people trying to sound like him. Henri knew if his men had been there they would have been dying with laughter and making fun of them as well as him because of his French accent in English.

Later that day Ivan left to return to his people and left his wife with Mikhail, Henri asked if she would escort Mikhail and his family when the time was right, she agreed when Henri explained that Mikhail had been a kind host and to leave him here would be cruel. This was life for his new group of friends. Could he even call them that? Comrades sure, but friends? They really didn't have any say in this just like him, so maybe he was just trying to put a good spin on a bad situation. That evening as they finished their English lessons and were heading back to the farm they saw a woman with white wings standing before them, she was the spitting image of an angel, Henri hung his head and knew why she was there as he walked up to her.

Henri asked feeling pretty sure who she was, "You're the angel I am to work with correct?"

She smiled a million-watt smile that made him feel weak in knees and said, "I am Gabriella and I am here to form the contract with you so that we may do what my parents wish."

Henri asked totally lost he always thought angles didn't have parents, "Your parents? They would be?"

She spoke so softly and in a calming way saying, "My mother is the great creator and my father is the great destroyer, it was they that brought you here and gave you the Katana. Do you wish to do the contract now? We can wait if you wish."

He asked more so out of curiosity than anything else, "What will change once we have this contract? What must be done for the contract?"

She said, "Nothing much, I am already bound to the codex in you, but that means that after this meeting I cannot come to this plane in a physical form. If we make a contract then I could come to this plane and interact if that is what you require, it would also allow others to see me if that is your wish. If you want the contract then I would swear a blood oath and reveal my true name known only by my parents to you."

Henri asked thinking it can't be this simple there must be a catch, "What about me, I just accept that and nothing more, no blood oath of my own?"

Gabriella asked he thinks she was shocked at his question, "Do you wish to swear such an oath to me? I will gain nothing from it, you have no power I would want."

She had a point what do you offer to an angel, after considering carefully he said, "Then let's make this contract, because I may have need of your consul."

With that Gabriella drew some symbols on the ground and had Henri stand on one as she stood on another, next she produced a dagger and cut her hand open as she said the words in a language none had ever heard and the symbols on the ground glowed white and then red, she whispered her true name in Henri's ear and the contract was complete.

The next three weeks passed much the same, with Zilvra and her family getting used to the light, and her father seemed to be the first to adjust to the light out of the others. Zilvra had her weapons disintegrate because of the sunlight, so she used the gifts she was given from Eilistraee and noticed that her eyes hurt less because of the blessing Gabriella had bestowed on her, after two weeks she could see with a little pain and by the end of week three no pain at all, she even found her eyesight to be better than anybody in her family, even her father who had been to the surface many times. The English lessons had shown interesting improvement for some of the members of his group, Brynhild was by far the best at English and said that the people of the Star Isles speak something similar, next was Zyvin who had some problems but not much, Zilvra and Dirzune were having a very hard time with it, but oddly enough Zilvra understood Herni's French a lot better than his English.


It was a slow day at the Engulfed Pub, Lady Firewine, as she was known, had her hands full with book work from last night's take. She was about to leave a serving wench in charge while she went and paid for her delivery, due later that day. When a tall woman taller than any woman she had ever seen walked in, this woman had to duck a little as to avoid hitting the top of her head on the joists that support the private rooms upstairs. This woman was stunning she was thin and had long platinum blond hair tied in a long ponytail that hung down the left side. She was dressed in the finest silk dress that only seemed to draw out all of her curves. This vision of beauty was wearing gold rings with large diamonds a silver necklace with a platinum pendant with various jewels inlaid that looked like a human heart. She took a seat in the open area not far from the stage.

The serving wench came back breathless and told her how beautiful this woman was and that she wanted our finest wine or if we have elven wine to bring her some of our finest if we have more than one and a second glass be brought she is expecting someone. Firewine asked if she had prepaid, the wench said she had and handed her a platinum piece. Firewine looked at and checked to see if it was real when she found out it was, she ordered Inga to bring her private stock of wine for her. Inga in all her years as a barmaid for Firewine had never seen her share her private stock with anybody, well on her birthday Firewine would share her wine with Inga.

When Inga came up with a bottle she had her bring it to the table with two crystal glasses and some meats and cheeses. As Inga got to the table a man just as tall as the woman walked in, he did not look in good spirits. He was stumbling and having trouble walking without help, Firewine came to his side and helped him as he told her who he was looking for. Firewine lead him to the woman and when she got back to the bar she watched this sickly man, he had golden blond hair and the bluest eyes to go with a beautiful bronze tan, and she thought he would be very beautiful if he were healthy. He was dressed in the finest of silks of black and white, had very expensive jewelry including a huge ruby on his ring finger that was surrounded by wonderful gold work and platinum pendant with a large emerald and a silver chain the pendant was shaped to look like a dragon with a hole where its heart would be.

The woman's dress and the man's clothes hadn't gone unnoticed as Firewine saw a pickpocket come in with about a dozen thugs. She looked at her staff and gave them the sign to leave the pub and go to both inns. They nodded and left the pub, knowing to go and get the town guard because trouble was afoot. The pickpocket walked confidently towards the couple knowing he would have back up.

He said calmly trying to reassure the couple, "If give me your money and jewels this can all end without your deaths."

Firewine listened and saw twelve more thugs walk in, she knew if they gave him those things they would be waiting outside for them. The man and woman looked at each other for a second and the woman looked at Firewine. She gave them a sign to keep cool, she was hoping her lover would get there soon.

Firewine said to the pickpocket, "My people have gone for the town guard, leave now and we will forget this ever happened."

The pickpocket looking at all the thugs come to help replied, "At first we just wanted to rob them but a chance to steal from you is a chance I won't pass up."

All the thieves in the guild knew better than to try and rob her many had tried and failed. She smiled at the thought of negotiating with him was funny.

She told him her voice pure honey as it has been with many a man, "I'm sure we can come to some kind of agreement that will make all of us happy."

Her voice thick with sexual innuendo as she leaned forward and showed her wonderful chest. Sure the thought of doing this petty man was repulsive, but the thought of them robbing and even killing clearly wealthy customers could kill her business.

The man laughed and was joined by his friends, as he said, "With what we will take from here, we will be able to buy whores for all of us and not have to share a slut like you. So I think we will pass on such a nice ass for now." His eyes showed a better idea as he continued, "However, we could just take what we want from you and her after we're done robbing them."

The thief stepped back when he saw her hair go from red with blond highlights to a dark blue, this was never a good sign not that they knew or would live to tell about.

Lady Firewine may be a slut, but the thought of being raped by this man was more than she could bear. She pulled her pistols and fired killing the man who had insulted her and closest thug, as the slugs blew the ones face off, the other caught the slug square in the temple and died instantly. As she dropped her pistols she threw a knife pinning one of the thugs to the wall as the knife went through his wrist of his sword hand. She pulled her cutlass and jumped over the bar running towards her customers.

The other thugs drew their short swords and moved in to try and kill her moving around the furniture she had knocked over. One thug did not advance instead he stood near the door and studied what was going on. When she got to the couple she told them not to worry the town guard would be here soon she had an agreement with the captain of the guards. In fact, she was sleeping with him and knew he wouldn't let anything bad happen to her. She drew her main-gauche and started the dire business of cleaning her pub, while she hated killing she was very good at it. One thug swung his short sword and she knew right away that these thugs weren't that good with their weapons as she blocked his weak attack with her main-gauche and slashed his gut open, disemboweling him.

As she stood in front of her customers with her back to them, she saw the rest of the thugs stop and several had pissed themselves those closest to the door ran out screaming the rest ran into the corners throwing their weapons to the ground. She grabbed their weapons and tossed them towards the middle of the pub still lost as to what just happened. They pleaded with her not to kill them, they were all visibly shaken and some tried to claw through the walls, others begged not to be eaten. She looked back at her customers and shook her head wondering just what spell they had cast to scare them that badly.

A moment later the town guard charged in and took them away without any problems, she smiled and thought about how many times they had come in after the problem was solved.

Firewine saw her friend with benefits come in and gave him the "my hero" look like she was some sort of damsel in distress and him her rescuer.

Running to him and giving him a long passionate kiss, grabbed his ass and nodded her head in the direction of her office wanting some fun before he went back to work. As the two patrons sat at their table and started talking very quietly.

Io spoke between coughing fits, "Are you sure about this my child, can't we find one better. This will change many things for us and I am not certain that she is worthy. We have stayed out of the younger races affairs since the Great Creator made me watch over all and direct interference is forbidden."

Bahamut answered, "Father, we both know that the conjunction is going to happen soon. Our kind is slowly fading from the world, she will be our bridge to the humans that are the future. We cannot mate with such creatures, besides you saw how she loves to fight and we both saw how his world is. However, she will be able to and we will have half-dragons threw her. We must go with them and I have told all my children to help protect the gate I am certain that my sister will try something."

He listened carefully before saying, "You would have her go with the guardian, and how will you get her to join. The last conjunction you said we should be the guardians. What has changed?"

She knew her father has a long memory and that forgetting was about as bad as forgiving to her father let alone her kind.

She spoke slowly and well measured in saying, "She has skills for making men do what she wants so she will get him to let her join and in the past, I felt that they were not ready for such a thing. How they have grown in the past five thousand years and from what the great lord Death has shown the guardians people have come even farther. Father this must be, our kind must not disappear. She will give us many children and she is young for our kind. Or we mate a female gold or silver with the guardian he will have your magic to conceive a child with."

Io thought long and hard saying, "We shall do both, I will not put all our eggs in one basket. You can have your pet, but let me make this clear. I will not accept them as a replacement for our kind have two, one young gold and silver dragon go with her and by default him. They will travel with your pet, my child, you will choose them they must be old enough to have a child. They will also teach your pet to be one of our kind, to handle the power we are about to give her. I will give you the amulet as it was researched please assemble it and remember it must be worn while she sleeps or it will not happen. I hope your wisdom is proven or you will have given your sister a hole to come back to this plane. I must go the drain from the weave weighs heavy on me, I did not expect this to begin so soon."

With that, he handed the medallion to her got up and with her aid walked away from the table and down the street vanishing in a small side street. She assembled the two medallions making it the amulet of dragonkin, a relic from the great migration when dragons used the amulet to breed with pseudo-dragons to boost their numbers, they had made one change the heart of the amulet was reshaped by the Nine into a human heart. Pseudo-dragons, where the original dragons of Alirota and after the conjunction the more traditional dragon all of the mortal races knew to fear, came to the world leaving only a few behind on Earth. She walked over to the bar where Firewine was cleaning up and asked to speak with her in private, Firewine took a key to a private room and lead her upstairs. As the entered the room Firewine saw that this woman was nearly a full head taller than she was, for a human woman she was considered very tall for her time at six foot even.

Bahamut used the pretext of saving them to cover giving her the medallion and said that she wanted to thank her for saving their lives. She presented the amulet and explained that the two medallions made a powerful amulet that would protect the wearer from many types of magic. Firewine wanted to refuse but the amulet broken back into two medallions would give her enough money to buy both inns, which she now works with and still be very wealthy. Bahamut explained that she must wear it for the rest of this day plus one full day and the following morning after that to gain even a slight benefit. Firewine accepted and as Bahamut put the amulet on she said the incantation to activate it, Firewine was going to wear it as she said such protection couldn't hurt. She hid the amulet from sight not wanting it to be stolen by fast hands or draw another attack as she had just prevented.

That evening Firewine had a dream she was standing atop a mountain when a dragon with golden scales, silver wings and eyes, the odd thing about the dragon was it also had blue hair, swooped down towards her. She tried to run and was caught in the claws of the mighty creature as it opened its mouth to eat her, she awoke screaming. She looked down and her amulet was gone, she looked around for any signs that somebody had broken in and stolen it, the only person she saw was her lover, the captain of the town guard. She looked all over and had no idea where the amulet had gone, she had worn it to bed and if it was taken by a thief then they were very good to take from a sleeping body and not wake her.

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SensitiveHandsSensitiveHandsabout 5 years ago
Apologies. Nearly 3 years.

Apologies. Nearly 3 years. I was mistaken in my timeline.

SensitiveHandsSensitiveHandsabout 5 years ago
Please keep posting!

I had given up on this story. As I am sur many others havs as well. Nearly 4 years between posts is a very long time. I do very much enjoy reading this one and hope you continue. Thank you for taking the time to share your writings.


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