Divorce Lawyer Pt. 02

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The adventures of a divorce lawyer - Part 2
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Part 2 of the 17 part series

Updated 06/02/2024
Created 05/17/2024
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"We've got two new clients," Grant informed her.

"Great!" Penny said, smiling. "What can you tell me about them?" she asked.

"One is Bubba and Aileen Akers," Grant replied. "They live in Montana. He's a rancher and owns several hundred thousand acres of land. She comes from money, San Francisco. Her father is a surgeon, fairly well-known. She's suing him for divorce, saying that he's been having sex with her mother."

"Oh, my!" Penny laughed. "That is so crazy. Is it true?" she asked.

"Bubba says that it's entirely true, but that he's been having sex with both of them at the same time since before they got married just over five years ago," Grant replied. "He refuses to give her a dime, insisting that it was their idea to begin with, that he was just being a good sport and going along with them."

"If that's true, she doesn't have much of a case," Penny said.

"We'll see," Grant said. "The devil is always in the details. The other new client is far more interesting. We're representing Mai Li Wang, 38. According to her, her husband, Jimmy Wang, 44, a member of the Singapore government, has embezzled money from her family trust. She comes from old Singaporean money. She's conservatively worth some $20 billion. His background is far murkier. Apparently, according to what she told me when we talked on the phone, he's connected with one of the Hong Kong triads, a kind of mafia, who have been behind his rise in government where he has influence, which probably explains his need for money. She's willing to pay $20 million for the divorce, with a bonus of $30 million if we can expose his corruption and he goes to jail."

"That sounds dangerous and she sounds really pissed off," Penny said.

"It very well could be," Grant agreed. "Hard to blame her if it's true."

"Do you have a plan?" Penny asked.

"Yes, but first we need to go to Texas to meet with Senator Caruthers. We'll probably be there for a day or two. Then we'll fly to Montana, probably be there for 2-3 days, then we'll fly to Singapore," Grant replied. "Once we know more, then we can make some decisions about how to proceed."

"We'll be busy," Penny observed.

"Yes, but we'll be making a shitload of money in the process," Grant said, smiling.

"Is that so important to you?" Penny asked.

"Not as such, no," Grant replied. "What I enjoy is playing the game, and winning, winning big. I've got more money now than I could possibly spend, which is one of the reasons I can afford to be generous with my staff. Nothing would make me happier than to know that I'd enabled every single one of them to retire rich."

Settling into their first-class seats the next morning for their flight to Houston, Penny sighed deeply.

"Something wrong?" Grant asked.

"No, I was just thinking of my new car," Penny replied, smiling.

"It'll still be there when we get back," Grant said, laughing, "but I understand. When I bought my Bacalar, the only thing I wanted to do was drive it. I figured that if I'd paid $2 million for the damned thing, that I should be driving it."

"You could buy 10 of my Mercedes for that," Penny gasped.

"Other than the house and the car, I don't really spend money on things," Grant said. "I don't feel the need. Some people need to feed their egos by constantly buying things. I have what I want and need, there's no sense to just buying things for the sake of it."

"Then what's the point of having all that money?" Penny asked.

"That's just it, there is no real point to it, it's just an indicator of how much of the game I'm winning," Grant replied. "Maybe I'll give it away, or leave it to you. It doesn't really matter."

"Well, I have to say that being able to buy my car with a credit card and knowing that I won't have a problem paying the bill felt great," Penny said. "I've never really had to think about money. I was always in school and you made sure that I had everything that I needed."

"Which pleased me to no end," Grant said, smiling. "I can't begin to tell you how proud you've always made me."

"Maybe you wouldn't think that if you really knew me," Penny said.

"As long as you haven't murdered anyone or hurt anyone deliberately, there's no way that you could ever disappoint me," Grant said.

"What are we going to do in Texas?" Penny asked.

"Try to get them to settle in some fashion," Grant replied. "I don't foresee any real difficulties. The evidence is undeniable, so it's just a matter of finding a way for everyone to save face so that they can move on with their lives. I should warn you about Senator Caruthers, though. She's not what you'd expect. She knows what she wants and she's used to getting her way. For the money that she's going to be paying us, I'll do anything that she asks as long as it's legal. That's one of the things that we're going to find out, what their joint worth is."

"But if she doesn't have any money, how will we get paid?" Penny asked.

"That would be part of the settlement," Grant explained. "Their joint estate has to pay us."

"Why would her husband agree to that?" Penny asked.

"Because I'd expose him to the world if he doesn't," Grant replied, steel in his voice. "I can assure you that the cost of that would be far more than whatever they're going to have to pay me. In essence, they're going to be buying my silence."

"Is that legal?" Penny asked.

"As long as I don't violate attorney-client privilege, yes," Grant replied. "Since I'm not his attorney, there's no privilege to violate with regards to exposing him."

"That is just so crazy," Penny said, shaking her head.

"Isn't it though," Grant agreed, laughing.

Arriving at George Bush Intercontinental Airport in Houston, they saw a liveried gentleman holding up a sign with Studder on it.

"I'm Grant Studder," he said.

"Right this way, sir," the man said, leading them out of the airport to a limousine.

It was a 30-minute ride to the Caruthers' estate and they were shown to adjoining guest rooms, each with an en suite bathroom.

"Senator Caruthers asks that you join her in the sauna," the servant said.

"Sauna?" Penny asked as they followed him.

"Same as the last time I was here," Grant said, sighing. "She says it's for reasons of security. Try not to be too shocked."

"Shocked? Why would I be shocked?" Penny asked.

"You'll see," Grant replied. "You might want to reconsider working with me."

Her curiosity piqued, Penny followed.

"If you'll change, the Senator is waiting for you," the servant said when they got to a large, cedar-paneled room with lockers along one wall and comfortable seating, handing them each a large towel.

"Change?" Penny asked, when he had gone, looking around. "Into what?"

"She's paranoid about being bugged, listening devices," Grant explained as he unbuttoned his shirt. "Every time I've met with her, it's been au natural. Feel free to go back to the room. I'd understand."

"I wouldn't miss this for the world," Penny said, laughing, smiling to herself when Grant turned his back as he continued to undress.

Quickly following suit, Penny wrapped the towel around herself, then turned to see that her father had his towel wrapped around his waist.

"Here we go," Grant said, pulling the door to the sauna open and leading the way in.

The first thing that Penny noticed was how hot it was, a dry heat, to be sure, but hot. The next thing that she noticed was an older woman with curly brunette hair sitting on a towel on one of the benches, her feet up on the edge, her pussy totally exposed, her large breasts with large dark nipples hanging down on her chest, runnels of sweat between her breasts.

"Hello, Grant," she greeted him.

"Senator," Grant said.

"Where's the cute little blonde?" she asked, eyeing Penny. "Cindy was her name, if I recall. She had such a talented tongue."

"Cindy is my secretary," Grant replied. "This is Penny Lane, my new right hand and co-counsel. It's more appropriate that she be here. Cindy's back in Florida."

"Penny Lane!" Senator Caruthers laughed. "From the Beatles?" she asked.

"I'm afraid so, Senator," Penny replied, stunned by what she had heard about Cindy, trying not to stare at her spread pussy, her inner lips thick and dark-tinged, pouting apart beneath a fat clit.

"Can you sing the song?" Senator Caruthers asked.

"Badly, but yes," Penny replied, smiling. "Singing isn't one of my talents."

"Go ahead, sing it for me," Senator Caruthers requested, smiling. "Take a seat, Grant. And lose the towel, Penny Lane. We're all friends here."

Penny felt her face flushing as she removed the towel, her ruby nipples knurling into hard knots on the ends of her breasts.

"Are you shy about your body?" Senator Caruthers asked as she eyed her up and down. "That's hard to imagine for someone working for Grant."

"No, but I'm embarrassed to sing," Penny replied.

"Don't be," Senator Caruthers said, smiling. "You're quite beautiful. Is that a tattoo?" she asked, peering closer.

"Y-yes," Penny replied, feeling her pussy flooding.

"What exactly is it?" Senator Caruthers asked. "I can't quite make it out."

"It's a rooster, Senator," Penny replied, her face flaming as she thought of her father behind her.

"A black cock?!" Senator Caruthers asked, laughing. "Oh, my, aren't you the brave one. You like black cock, do you?" she asked.

"Yes, ma'am," Penny replied, flushing and hearing the sudden inhalation of breath from her father behind her.

"We're going to get along just fine, then," Senator Caruthers said. "I've got a thing for black cock myself. Go ahead, sing for me."

Trying to control the shaking of her legs, Penny began to sing.

"Penny Lane, there is a barber showing photographs

Of every head he's had the pleasure to know

And all the people that come and go

Stop and say Hello"

"You don't sing half badly at all," Senator Caruthers said, smiling. "Have a seat."

Turning, Penny saw that her father was sitting on his towel, her eyes widening when she saw his cock. Placing her towel next to him, she clambered up onto it, flushing when she saw the smile on Senator Caruther's face as she blatantly stared at her pussy.

"Well, Grant, what do you have for me?" Senator Caruthers asked, making no effort to close her legs, her pussy spread open in front of them.

"I think that we're ready to finish this," Grant said, clearing his throat, Penny's eyes widening when she saw his cock hardening out of the corner of her eye. "It's all a matter of if you're willing to go thermonuclear."

"What exactly will that entail?" Senator Caruthers asked, her smile broadening as she watched his cock continue to harden, shocking Penny when she reached down and began drawing lazy circles around her fat clit.

"He either meets our demands, $1 billion settlement for you and a no-contest divorce, or we'll make sure that the photos saturate the internet," Grant replied.

"I'll contact him and tell him to be here with his lawyer tomorrow, prepared to end this, or we'll act unilaterally," Senator Caruthers said. "If this goes to court, I'll get the money, or most of it, anyway. I can handle the heat I'll get because of his indiscretion, but I doubt that he can or will."

"That sounds fine," Grant said. "Will there be anything else?" he asked.

"It would be a shame for that to go to waste," Senator Caruthers said, blatantly staring at his cock standing up in front of him, nine thick inches of it, sliding her fingers down through her thick inner lips and dipping them into herself. "Don't you agree?" she asked, smiling as she softly sucked on her fingers. "I remember how good it felt the last time."

"Wha...what about Penny?" Grant asked, his face flushing. "She...she's new to the firm. She's not aware of how things can be."

"It's not like I'm asking you to fuck her, is it?" Senator Caruthers asked, smiling broadly, "though that would be something to see. Do you have any objections, Penny Lane, or would you rather leave?" she asked.

"I-I don't mind," Penny replied, her face flushed as she turned to look at her father's cock, hardly daring to believe how big it was.

"Come, Grant, make an old lady happy," Senator Caruthers urged.

Penny realized that she was trembling with excitement as her father got down off the bench to stand in front of the Senator, his big cock standing out in front of him.

"Don't you want to watch?" Senator Caruthers asked, smiling at a flushed Penny. "You won't be able to see anything from there."

Getting down off the bench, Penny moved to stand next to her father, afraid to look him in the face as he began rubbing the head of his cock up and down between Senator Caruther's thick inner lips. She was only slightly surprised when he easily slid his entire cock into her, then began fucking her.

"God, that feels so damned good," Senator Caruthers sighed as she watched his cock sliding in and out of her pussy, reaching down to rub her fat clit as he fucked her. "No matter what anyone says, size matters," she said. "Don't you agree?" she asked, smiling at Penny.

"Yes," Penny replied.

"Is that why you like black cock?" Senator Caruthers asked.

"They come in all sizes, too," Penny replied. "I just think the color is sexy."

As she watched, Penny could see that Senator Caruthers was very wet, her father's cock gleaming with her juices which were dripping down onto the towel that she was sitting on.

"My god, you are a stud," Senator Caruthers said, laughing as Grant really pounded her pussy.

Penny had completely lost track of the time when her father warned that he was going to cum.

"Not in me and don't make a mess of my sauna," Senator Caruthers warned.

Without thinking, Penny leaned over and took her father's cock into her mouth when he pulled it from Senator Caruthers pussy and reached back for his towel. She heard him groan as his cock exploded in her mouth, blasting cum. As fast as she gulped it down, her mouth continued to fill with the thick sticky stuff, not believing how much there was. She had never sucked a cock that came so much. When she had finally sucked him dry, she took his entire cock into her mouth and down her throat, milking it before finally letting it fall from her mouth as she stood up licking her lips.

"Now, that was impressive," Senator Caruthers said, smiling at Penny. "You've obviously done that before."

"Not...not with him," Penny replied, still swallowing.

"You like eating cum?" Senator Caruthers asked.

"Yes," Penny replied, flushing.

"How about pussy?" Senator Caruthers asked. "I'm a mess now and could use some cleaning up."

"I don't mind," Penny said, leaning over and sliding her tongue into her gooey pussy, slurping on the spicy juices that were flowing from her.

"My god," Senator Caruthers gasped, her whole body spasming as she came, Penny eagerly drinking it up. "She's even better than Cindy, Grant," she said, moaning as Penny sucked and gently chewed on her thick inner lips, then moved up to her fat clit, sucking on it and teasing it with the tip of her tongue, the Senator moaning as she came yet again, Penny gluing her mouth to her as she drank up the tasty juices.

Finally standing up, licking her lips, she flushed when she met her father's gaze, his mouth hanging open as he stared at her.

"That was extraordinary," Senator Caruthers gasped, sliding from the bench to stand on shaking legs. "Maybe you'll let me return the favor later," she said, reaching out to cup Penny's sopping pussy, one finger sliding into her.

"I-I'd like that," Penny said, smiling.

"I think that we're done here," Senator Caruthers said, smiling. "We'll meet again for dinner, then we'll see, okay?"

"What on earth were you thinking?" Grant asked when Senator Caruthers had gone as they dressed.

"She didn't want a mess in the sauna," Penny replied.

"But I'm your father," Grant said.

"So what?" Penny replied.

"So what?!" Grant gasped. "For one, it's illegal, and it...it's just not right that you'd do such a thing."

"What nonsense," Penny said, exasperation in her voice. "Who's going to tell, the Senator, you? Nothing is more ridiculous than someone trying to make laws that restrict consensual interactions between adults, especially when it comes to sex. Didn't you enjoy it?" she asked, smiling. "I sure did. You've got an amazing cock and I've never sucked anyone that cums so much."

"Jesus Christ, Penny," Grant gasped. "Where is this coming from?" he asked.

"I told you that you didn't know me as well as you thought, that you might be disappointed if you really knew what I was like," Penny replied. "I worked my ass off in school. The only way I found to effectively blow off steam and relax was sex, which I happen to really like. And I'm not particular about whether it's with a man or a woman, in case you didn't notice. It's just sex. And what about you fucking the Senator? God, that was hot to watch! What would Mom say? Or does she know?"

"Your mother was my right hand for 10 years," Grant replied. "She knows what this job is like, what it can entail."

"She doesn't mind?" Penny asked, staring wide-eyed at him. "All the grief she gives me about how I dress...wait, did Mom also...have sex with clients?" she asked, gasping.

"Your mother and I understand each other," Grant replied after a long pause. "We both know what it takes in order to be successful in this field and we accept it. Neither of us has a problem with it."

"Oh, my god!" Penny gasped, then laughed. "It never occurred to me that either of you was that...that...that cool. No wonder I'm the way I am if I have both of your genes. Have you seen each other having sex with other people?" she asked, smiling broadly.

"Now you understand why she was so against you working for me," Grant replied, sighing. "She can never know about this. I've never kept anything from her, lied to her or tried to shield her from what I do, but I don't think that she'd react very well if she knew what you did or that we're having this conversation."

"I have no problem with that," Penny said, "but I do have questions. And you didn't have to let me suck you off, you could have stopped me if you'd wanted to."

"It has to stay between us," Grant said.

"Do I still have a job?" Penny asked.

"Do you still want to work with me, knowing how it can be, how it will be?" Grant asked.

"Hell, yes," Penny laughed. "Now more than ever. This is a dream job for me."

"What do you want to know?" Grant asked as they entered his room, taking a seat on one of the comfortable chairs that sat in front of a large bay window looking out over the sere landscape.

"You've seen each other having sex with other people?" Penny asked.

"Yes, more times than I can count," Grant replied.

"Wow!" Penny gasped, smiling broadly. "What is it like for you, watching Mom with some other guy? Does she like women, too?"

"When it comes to sex, your mother is rather like you, omnivorous," Grant replied, shaking his head and smiling. "Watching her is nothing short of amazing. She's at her best when she's having sex and she's still the best sex I've ever had. I never tire of watching her, no matter who she's with."

"How does she feel about you fucking other women?" Penny asked.

"She's told me that it gives her a sense of pride that other women realize that I'm hers and that she gets me all the time," Grant replied. "She's never shown any sign of resenting it."

"Amazing," Penny said, shaking her head. "But she's such a hypocrite, giving me grief."

"You're her daughter," Grant said. "It's a hard thing for a parent to realize that their children, especially daughters, are sexually active. It's only trying to protect you. I'm still in shock about it, to tell the truth."

"Do you think less of me now that you know how I am?" Penny asked.

"No," Grant replied, shaking his head. "It's a bit much right now, but you're an adult, 24 years old. I actually told your mother the other day when she was complaining about you working with me that I'd be a lot more worried about you if you were a virgin."