Divorce Lawyer Pt. 07

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The adventures of a divorce lawyer - Part 7.
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Part 7 of the 17 part series

Updated 06/02/2024
Created 05/17/2024
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"Back to the rat race," Amy said, stretching as she disentangled herself from Penny the next morning, her mouth and chin glistening with Penny's pussy juices. "Good timing, too. I saw that Grant posted a new client on the bulletin board."

"We can't just fuck our lives away," Penny said, reaching between Amy's legs to rub her pussy before getting out of bed.

"I could," Amy said with a laugh.

"Nice tan!" Cindy said when Penny entered the office, a big smile on her face.

"How was your time off, Cindy?" Penny asked.

"I got laid, a lot," Cindy replied, laughing. "How about you?"

"Pretty much the same," Penny replied, smiling.

"I'll bring you some coffee," Cindy said as Penny entered the inner office to find Grant sitting behind his desk, a cup of coffee in hand as he perused some papers.

"It looks like you enjoyed yourself," Grant said when he saw her, smiling. "You like the house?"

"I loved the house," Penny replied. "It's beyond wonderful. And Frank and Ella are great. Did you realize that she's a Cordon Bleu trained chef?" she asked.

"I do," Grant replied. "She made your mother and I a few fantastic meals. You should see her resumé, and Frank's," he said, finding a folder on his desk and handing it to her.

"Navy SEAL!?" Penny gasped, looking up. "Frank? I'd never have guessed."

"Not a man to mess with lightly," Grant said.

"What's the new case about?" she asked as Cindy arrived with her coffee. "Thanks, Cindy," she said.

"This might be the craziest case I've ever had," Grant replied, laughing. "You'd better have a seat," he suggested, joining her in the sitting area around the coffee table.

"Our client is one Gloria Hayes, 44. She's a licensed psychologist practicing as a sex therapist," Grant began.

"Oh, my!" Penny laughed. "What exactly is a sex therapist?" she asked.

"In this case, it would seem that she instructs women on how to be submissives to dominant men and men on how to be cuckolds to dominant women," Grant replied.

"You're not serious!" Penny laughed.

"It gets even better," Grant said, smiling. "Her husband, Rutherford 'Rudy' Hayes, 47, the great-great-grandson of the same named former president, is the mayor of Franklin, Tennessee, a town about 20 miles south of Nashville. He's been the mayor for the past 15 years. He is also an employee of his wife's with an actual employment contract and has been working with her for more than a dozen years."

"Where on earth do you find these people?" Penny laughed.

"He is apparently one of our client's stable of men who train the would-be submissive women," Grant continued. "They have a pre-nup which has one of the oddest conditions that I've ever seen. 'In the event of loss of consortium due to non-medical reasons', Grant read from a page in his hand, our client is entitled to sue for divorce and receive a settlement of $100 million, which is exactly what she is doing."

"That is just too weird," Penny laughed.

"You haven't heard anything yet," Grant said, laughing. "According to our client, Mr. Hayes has no problem servicing or teaching her clients, or herself, in the course of his employment with her - she apparently teaches by example - but is apparently impotent with her outside of his duties as her employee, hence triggering the loss of consortium due to non-medical reasons clause of the pre-nup."

"Wait a minute," Penny said. "He has no trouble fucking his wife in the course of his employment with her, but he can't get it up for her outside of that?"

"So she says," Grant agreed, nodding.

"What else?" Penny asked.

"Mayor Hayes is currently involved in an election to retain his mayorship," Grant continued. "His only opponent is one Cathy Granger, 45, who has been a client of our client's for the past 6 years. The real complicating factor is that her husband, apparently a cuckold, is a Federal judge. Frederick Granger is his name."

"Oh, my god, no!" Penny laughed. "So the mayor is fucking his opponent while her Federal judge husband watches?"

"Apparently the relationship is not spilling over into either of their campaigns, yet," Grant said. "Neither one would benefit from it being made public. Another complicating factor is that our client's list of clientele reads like a who's who of the local political elite. The so-called therapy sessions are video-taped so that the clients can watch them at home. Our client maintains backups of all of the taped sessions as a security measure, according to her, which she is perfectly willing to use as evidence of her husband's ability to sexually interact with her and others if her husband doesn't grant her a divorce and give her the $100 million. To make it totally insane, she refuses to release him from his employment contract with her, insisting that it has nothing to do with their personal relationship, and it has an exclusive 20-year term."

"Isn't what she's doing illegal?" Penny asked.

"Apparently not," Grant replied. "There is no such thing as an official or legal sexual therapist, it's just her way of describing her psychology practice. She's not threatening or blackmailing any of her clients, only her husband/employee, and then only under the cover of violation of the pre-nup condition. She's charging for therapy, not the sex per se."

"Why on earth did you accept the case?" Penny asked. "It's like a nuclear bomb waiting to explode. She could destroy the lives and reputations of a lot of apparently important people."

"For the money, what else?" Grant replied. "She sent us a $10 million retainer already and we stand to get 10% of any settlement, which would be another $10 million. Our job isn't to judge, our job is to represent our client's interests."

"Déjà vu," Penny sighed. "I told someone that very thing just yesterday."

"It's a win-win for our client," Grant said. "She gets a divorce, yet retains her husband's sexual services and $100 million. She knows that he can't afford to not settle without destroying his own reputation, and any publicity will only serve to enhance her reputation as a sex therapist."

"But her husband could win the case by demonstrating that he is capable of fucking her outside of the scope of his employment," Penny pointed out.

"Which he apparently cannot or will not do," Grant said. "He just has to fuck her once in their own marital bed in front of witnesses to save himself $100 million, which our client fully realizes. She says that she's perfectly willing to lay there and let him prove that he can fuck her in front of whatever witnesses are necessary, but she's not willing to actively help him. She's clearly decided to cash out."

"What's she like?" Penny asked.

"See for yourself," Grant replied, handing her a memory stick. "She sent me one of the videos of a therapy session with his mayoral opponent and her Federal judge husband. She's offered to make her entire archive available to us to prove that her husband is not impotent. She's very smart, too. If this example is typical of the way her sessions go, she always has her husband fuck her first, then her client. Then the rest of her stable of studs do the same. The video is more than two hours long."

"Wow, big cocks," Penny said as she watched the video on her computer. "Her husband is huge. I can see why she doesn't want to lose the use of his cock. The black guys aren't small, either. I like her setup, too," she said after a time. "No bed, just sitting in chairs with their legs hanging over the arms. No pretending that it is anything but what it is, a good fucking. They're really enjoying it, too, though I think the judge - I guess that's him on his knees next to our client's client - he seems to be enjoying himself, too, sucking the cocks after they fuck his wife, then eating her full of cum."

"I don't see why this even got to lawyers," Penny said. "Our client's husband had to have realized that he was going to have to lose her and pay her off and stay her employee, unless he's willing to endure the humiliation or move to another state. Is that possible?"

"Anything is possible," Grant replied. "We won't know until we have a sit-down with all of the concerned parties and spell it out in black and white. I have to assume that his attorney isn't a total idiot and has told him that he has zero case."

"The other woman, what's her name, Cathy Granger, she's really getting off," Penny said.

"How can you tell?" Grant asked, coming around behind her to look at her monitor.

"Look," Penny said, scrubbing back through the video, then letting it play before hitting the pause button, freezing the screen on a shot of a thick black cock sticking out of a clamshell pussy beneath a tiny pink clit, delicate inner lips caressing the shaft.

"What am I missing?" Grant asked.

"Look at her feet," Penny said, pointing at the monitor. "See how her toes are all spread apart? I'll bet anything that she's cumming."

"I'd never have noticed that," Grant said.

"Amy's toes do that when I'm eating her and she's cumming," Penny said, turning to smile up at him. "You should see it. She cums with her whole body."

"Just what I needed to know," Grant said, shaking his head.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Is everything all right?" Amy asked when they finished eating dinner, having ordered a couple of salads from Renato's. "You seem preoccupied. Last night, too."

"I've started this course and I keep thinking about it," Penny replied. "It's nothing for you to worry about."

"What course?" Amy asked.

"For now, it's a secret," Penny replied, smiling.

"Fair enough," Amy said, shrugging.

"I'm going to study for a bit, then I'll come to your room, okay?" Penny asked.

"Of course," Amy replied, smiling.

It was after midnight before Penny decided that any further studying was going to be counter-productive, her head spinning from the mathematics of flight, math never having been her best subject. Going to Amy's bedroom, she crawled into the bed, sinking her tongue into her pussy as she woke up.

"Mmm, nice," Amy sighed, reaching down to caress her head as she ate her.

"You check out the new case?" Penny asked a couple of minutes later as she crawled up Amy's body and kissed her, letting her taste herself on her mouth and tongue.

"Yeah," Amy replied. "Beyond crazy. And stupid. The guy doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell."

"That's what I said," Penny agreed. "Did you see the video?"

"What video?" Amy asked, and Penny explained. "Nice," she laughed. "I'm in the wrong job. I should have been a sex therapist."

"I thought the same thing," Penny laughed. "People paying to learn how to be sex slaves. Wouldn't that be fun?"

"It wouldn't suck," Amy agreed, both of them laughing at the double entendre.

"You're going to need to find your own way home from work for the next couple of weeks," Penny informed Amy the next day as they drove into town.

"Okay," Amy agreed. "Any special reason?"

"I'm going to take the afternoons off for the course that I'm taking," Penny replied.

"Still a secret?" Amy asked.

"Just for now," Penny replied, smiling. "It's nothing to worry about, it's just something that I want to do without anyone knowing about it."

"So mysterious," Amy laughed.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Well, this is a surprise," Bill Cochrane said when Penny knocked on his office door and entered.

"Hi, Bill," Penny said, taking a seat.

"Questions, problems?" Bill asked.

"I think I'm ready to take the ground school test," Penny replied.

"Seriously?" Bill asked, his eyes opening wider. "It's only been three days."

"I told you that I was a quick study," Penny reminded him. "Can I take it?"

"Of course," Bill replied. "Let me get the paperwork and you can do it now."

He left the office, returning a few minutes later.

"Come with me," he said. "I've got an empty office for you to work in," leading the way. "There's no time limit, so take your time. No need to rush," he explained as she sat at the desk. "I'll be in my office when you're finished."

"Okay, thanks," Penny said.

"Problem?" Bill asked when Penny came into his office just short of an hour later.

"No," Penny replied, handing him the papers. "I finished."

"Already?" Bill asked, looking at the clock. "You should have taken your time."

"I did," Penny said. "When will I know whether I passed or not?" she asked.

"I'll grade it now," Bill said. "Have a seat."

Penny's heart was pounding as she watched him grading her test.

"Well, I'll be damned," Bill finally said, sitting back and looking at her. "You only missed one."

"Which one?" Penny asked. "Shit, I had the right answer but changed it at the last minute," she said when he showed her and explained. "I should know better. My father always told me to go with the first choice, that I should trust my instincts."

"There's no shame in missing a question," Bill said, laughing. "I can count on one hand the number of students who have done as well in the past year or so. Congratulations."

"What now?" Penny asked.

"How'd you like to go flying?" Bill asked in reply, smiling when he saw her face light up.

"I didn't even realize that there was an airport here," Penny said as they turned into the North Palm Beach County Airport just a 10-minute ride from the school.

"It's used as overflow from PBIA," Bill explained as he parked his car. "Mostly used by private planes and jets."

Penny followed him to a small, single-engine plane where Bill shook hands with the young man that she had previously met, Craig.

"Hi, Miss," Craig said when he saw her. "I hear you passed your ground school test. Nice. And now you're ready to fly."

"I hope so," Penny replied, smiling.

"This is a Cessna 150," Bill explained, leading her around the plane and pointing out various parts, pushing and pulling on various pieces and explaining how it was important that she always do a visual inspection of any aircraft that she intended to fly, paying special attention to where the pieces attached to make sure that nothing was loose or broken.

Entering the aircraft and getting her seat belt firmly fastened, he then spent a few minutes pointing out and explaining the various instruments on the panel in front of her, pointing out the altimeter, directional gyro or heading indicator, attitude indicator, vertical speed indicator, turn coordinator, and airspeed indicator. He then taxied out onto the runway.

"Oh, wow!" Penny gasped as the plane left the ground.

"Okay, take the wheel," Bill said when he had leveled off. "Just hold it steady. Keep your eyes on the altimeter and the attitude indicator for now. Try to keep them steady."

"This is amazing," Penny said, her smile ear-to-ear. "I'm actually flying."

"Okay, turn the wheel to the right a bit and make a turn," Bill said. "Try to keep the altitude the same. You'll see the attitude indicator move to show the change in the plane's position with respect to the ground. That's good. Now do it to the left."

"It turns so slow," Penny said.

"That's because you haven't used the rudder pedals yet," Bill explained. "Do it again, but this time press the rudder pedal on the side that you're turning towards."

"Oh!" Penny gasped when the airplane reacted more abruptly.

"Now to the other side," Bill instructed. "Keep doing that, making full turns each way. Get used to the feeling, how much rudder pressure increases the reaction. Don't forget to keep your eyes on the attitude indicator and the altimeter. It's very easy to lose altitude when you're turning."

Penny did as he instructed for another 10 minutes, finally feeling as though she understood and felt as though she could control the aircraft.

"Okay, see the airport over there?" Bill asked, pointing in the distance off to the left.

"Yes," Penny replied.

"Take us there," Bill instructed. "Try to approach as though you were going to land."

"You're not going to make me land it, are you?" Penny asked, a note of panic in her voice.

"Of course not," Bill replied, laughing. "Even you aren't ready for that, though I grant that you're a quick study. Now, slowly start bleeding off altitude, not too much, just a gradual decline. That's perfect. Now I'll take it," he said, putting his hands on the steering yoke and taking control. "Don't worry about the instruments. I want you to pay attention to the angle of the plane with respect to the ground. Notice how we come in with the nose a bit up, letting the air slow us down. Now I'm dropping power," he explained, backing off the throttle. "And very slowly we let gravity do the work," he said, the plane floating down, then gently kissing the ground, the front of the plane then rolling over until the nose wheel touched the ground. "Congratulations on your first flight," he said as he taxied back towards the hangar where he parked the plane, shutting down the engine.

"That was great!" Penny said, her face filled with excitement. "When can we do it again?" she asked. "I've arranged to take the afternoons off work."

"Why don't you come to the school and spend a few hours on the simulator each day, then we'll go up for an hour or so and let you practice what you learn on the simulator?" Bill suggested.

"Okay," Penny agreed. "And I have my weekends totally free."

"We can probably finish your flight hours requirements in a couple of weeks that way," Bill said as they drove back to the school. "Then you'd only need to do your check-out flight and you'll have your license."

"Oh, this is a lot more fun than I realized," Penny said, bursting with excitement. "Thank you so much. You really make it easy."

"You're a good student," Bill said. "That makes it easy on me, too."

"See you tomorrow," Penny said as she jumped into her car, waving as she drove away.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Wow!" Amy gasped as she rolled away from Penny that evening. "What got into you?" she asked.

"I'm just happy," Penny replied, panting for breath, her pussy still tingling from being fisted.

"Well, whatever it is, don't stop," Amy laughed.

Penny spent the next few afternoons on the flight simulator for a few hours, then an hour or so in the air applying what she had learned, Bill letting her take off and land on her own on Thursday, gently and calmly talking her through it, though she had already done it dozens of times on the simulator.

"The only difference is that the simulator is a lot smoother," Penny said, practically walking on air after landing the plane.

"That's why you can't only learn on the simulator," Bill said. "You have to learn to adjust to the variations in the air, the pockets, the sudden little gusts. But you're doing great. It seems to come naturally to you."

"That's because of you," Penny said. "You make it so easy for me."

"I can't do it all for you," Bill said. "You're the one flying the plane. You've got a good feel for it."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"There's a party tonight," Amy said as they drove to work Friday morning. "You want to come with me?"

"What kind of a party?" Penny asked.

"A sex party," Amy replied.

"Really?!" Penny gasped, glancing at her.

"It's basically an orgy," Amy explained. "Mostly older people, rich, bored older people. They have these parties once a month or so, each time in a different private home."

"And you go to them?" Penny asked.

"For the past few years," Amy replied, smiling. "They're a lot of fun. My guess is that you'll take to it like a duck to water."

"I can't wait," Penny said, trembling with excitement.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"You seem distracted," Bill said as they flew that afternoon.