Does She Dare?


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Sure enough, morning found them another tangle of limbs. Cade was at least grateful that he wasn't groping her this time, and he gently wrestled out of her grip.

He left before she could stir, and headed to the kitchen to whip up a breakfast to revitalize even the most hung-over of souls.

The pancakes, scrambled eggs and veggies, and strong, fresh coffee went over well. Alex had even joked about recruiting his brother as another housemate. Lucy mumbled her appreciation through mouthfuls of food. Mika was naked again, but apparently this was commonplace; the girl wore clothes only when necessary.

The day was bright and clear. As he was clearing plate, Cade asked the whole group who'd like to go hiking for the day. A half dozen of them nodded yeah, but Lucy gathered that, if they felt anything like she did, they would not be mobilized for some time.

Astute as always, they did not get going until noon. Most of them piled into Alex's old conversion van, while Lucy and Cade rode in his truck. "So, do you miss home yet?" he asked on their way to the forest.

"Ha! I haven't even thought about home since we left." It was true, as if her subconscious gladly supported the notion of forgetting entirely her first nineteen years of life. A split second later, she swore loudly, "Shit! I haven't called my parents yet! They've got to be freaking out, probably called the police…" she kept on rambling about how much trouble she was going to be in, and how badly she felt to cause them so much anguish.

Cade hushed her gently. "We'll stop at the next gas station so you can call them. They'll be more glad to hear that you're well than they'll be angry, right?"

Lucy nodded absently, but not so sure of that, her mind running hysterical circles. She barely waited until the truck had stopped moving to dash out the door and towards the pay phone. Her hands shook as she dropped coins into the slot.

She whispered silent thanks as she heard her mother's voice on the other end of the line. "Hello?" Lucy could hear the hope and the worry in the first syllable.

"Mom! It's Lucy. Don't worry, I'm alright."

This was followed by hysterical, joyful release, and later, after the core of the story was relayed, even more hysterical ranting. She did not lie about what had happened, though she left out several facts she knew they could not handle. The conversation ended by her father's demands that she come home immediately, and Lucy's adamant refusal to do so. When he started berating her for being, "the stupid, ridiculous girl I always knew you were," Lucy slammed the receiver down in tears.

Cade had wandered into the shop, which was just as well, because she didn't want him to see her cry. She heard her father's words over and over in her head, along with the myriad of other mean and condescending things he had said to her throughout her upbringing.

When Cade emerged with several plastic sacks of supplies, he found Lucy sitting on the concrete parking block, her knees curled up to her chest, her head bent down. Stopping to put the bags in the truck, he sat next to her. She did not look up.

"Wanna talk?" he asked.

She took a few deep breaths, but when she opened her mouth to speak all that came out was a blubbering noise.

He reached around her and softly rubbed her back. When she started crying harder, he pulled her towards him. He cooed in her ear, "you don't have to say anything, it's okay. They'll forgive you in time."

Lucy didn't say anything, she just buried her head in his chest, holding on to him as if he were the last sane thing on this earth. It occurred to her that he really did have her life in his hands. How easily she'd handed it over to him surprised her, but she knew she was right to trust him. He had watched over her, rescued her from a would-be rapist, and comforted her.

It was a long time before Lucy felt ready to let go of his embrace, and Cade did not try to rush it. As he breathed in her ginger-peach scent, he realized how Lucy was now, in a sense, his responsibility, at least for the time being. Oddly, this thought did not frighten him, it felt natural and right looking after the girl. How small and fragile she was, but tough and daring at the same time. Where, two days ago, she was simply a living version of a character in his novel, now she was like…a sister. And she was constantly surprising him.

Lucy thanked him softly as she ended the embrace. Wiping her cheeks with the sleeves of her new coat, she said, "I can't go home now. But I don't want to burden you, and I can take care of myself, so whenever you're ready to leave, don't let me stop you."

Cade nodded solemnly, quietly admiring the girl once again. "I'm not ready to go just yet. And I promise I won't leave in you a bad situation," he said, and kissed the top her forehead.

Back in the truck, Cade admitted that he'd been following Alex's van, and didn't know exactly where the group was headed. "But I know a great spot not far away," he said. "I think we should spend a few days in the woods, hike around a little. That way you can clear your head and think about what you want to do next. But if you'd prefer, we can turn back to the city right now, okay?"

Lucy nodded and appeared to think about it briefly. "Let's go camping," she said quietly.


He took her to a beautiful clearing tucked off a dirt road. They promptly decided to hike along the river, taking in the beauty of the woods and the water. They spoke little during this time, each trying to sort out feelings and thoughts. Strangely, Lucy did not feel too worried, for she knew she was smart and getting stronger everyday. She had saved up a nice little sum from working the past eight months, more than enough to set herself up in Asheville, California or Australia, even. The more she thought about her possibilities, the more limitless they seemed. She breathed in the fresh mountain air. For the first time ever, she felt truly free.

After several hours of following the trail following a small, quick river, they heard the sound of rushing water ahead. Turning around a bend, Lucy gasped as she saw her first ever natural waterfall.

It was huge, about a fifty food drop and wide, too, cascading down a series of rocks and spraying Lucy with mist as she approached it with a skip in her step. She laughed in delight, wishing the water was warm enough to dive in the pool at the bottom of the falls.

Cade stood behind her, enjoying the simple joy of her reaction. She would be fine he knew without a doubt. Her resemblance to the girl he followed at the Art Institute was purely physical, now.

Wanting to see her confidence and knowledge grow further, Cade pointed out the names of the plants they passed along the way, telling her which were edible, and which held medicinal properties. He told her how to purify water using charcoal from a fire, and when they got back to camp later that evening, he let her build the fire, under his instructions.

As they sat around with dinner, they discussed some of Lucy's options. After dinner, they smoked a joint, and the ideas turned from the plain and obvious to the slightly daring, to a series of wild, insane dreams involving international espionage and the takeover of first the CIA, then the entire country. This turned more absurd as they described together the kind of superhero costume that would be required of Lucy for such a task.

They stayed up late, lying on their backs side by side, watching the moon and stars twinkle, dreaming up so many ideas they could have filled ten lifetimes with their plans. One notable thing was absent in all of their ideas: Cade's continued presence in Lucy's life. They both noticed this, which is why Lucy's heart soared when Cade said, "I know! We can be a bank robbing team, and stockpile our riches until we have enough to, say, buy a sizable chunk of media. And then, we can fill the airwaves with quality, mind-expanding, life enriching material. We can make peace and revolution a real possibility. And we can expose all the greedy, lying bastards currently in power for what they really are, a pile of spaghetti, no?"

"Yes!" Lucy agreed, "And we could still wear the superhero costumes, no?"

Cade smiled. There was a warmth in his heart that he hadn't felt for years, and he knew it was Lucy's fault. He wanted to curse her, but instead, he found her hand in the dark, held it and squeezed it, and didn't let it go. They fell silent. Each felt the energy of the other's longing in sparks traveling through their fingers and palms, and neither knew what to do with it.

A long while later, Cade whispered, "Lucy?"


"Are you sleepy?"


He waited outside the camper as she changed into the same sleeping clothes he had lent her back in Chicago. He stepped out of his shoes and his jeans and hoodie, leaving on his boxers and t-shirt. She was already in bed when he entered.

He said nothing as he climbed the ladder, knowing she wanted him there as much as he wanted to be there. Some cold, fearful part of his brain was trying to tell him firmly that he should do nothing to encourage this, but the rest of him refused to listen.

The moon spilled in through the windows, highlighting Lucy, who was curled up in a ball, trying to keep herself warm under the chilled blankets. Cade lay in bed facing her, and opened his arms to her, and held her to share his body heat. She gladly accepted his offer, and he briskly rubbed her back to help her warm up.

He warmed her in this way for a few minutes, then his motions changed into a soft kneading of her muscles, soothing and sensual. When his touch lightened further to a gentle caress, slowly down her spine, then gently up her sides, her heart was thumping so loudly in her chest she felt he must have been able to hear it. She was so nervous she could not look at him.

"Lucy." he whispered so softly she could hear the sound of his lips pressing together.

Shyly, she looked up at him. He questioned her with his eyes, and found no resistance, only warmth and longing and the kind of delicate beauty that poems were made of. The corners of her mouth were upturned in a soft, hopeful smile.

His heart pounded just as loudly. Before he could lose his nerve, Cade leaned in close, and gave her a soft, chaste yet lingering kiss on the corner of her mouth. He could feel her smile deepen under his lips, but, to balance things out, he gave her the same kiss on the other side. When he pulled back, her eyes were on his, smiling, urging him on.

A wicked thought sparked Cade's mind, and he could not resist. He flashed her a large, mischievous grin and said, in everyday tones, "Well, Goodnight!" and proceeded to roll over on his side, away from her.

Lucy lay their, her mouth aghast, for a half a heartbroken second, then half and angry second, and then responded with a solid punch to his arm. "You…you…" she stammered, but before she could finish the sentence, her rolled back over and on top of her. He straddled her legs and held himself above her by the force of his arms with a devilish grin.

"…me?" he asked in a husky voice.

She just nodded, slowly, once, not sure whether to curse or to cuddle. That same gorgeous half-smile played on her lips. He breathed in the intoxicating scent of her. She was not afraid. Lowering himself to her mouth, his lips explored hers tenderly, with little nips and suckles. Her lips pressed back into his, and he coaxed them open with his tongue. Lucy let out a low, sultry moan. Her entire body was on fire.

Cade wove his fingers into her hair and lowered his mouth on hers again, kissing her deeply, groaning into her, already very hard. Coming up for air, he forced himself to stop.

"Lucy," he whispered again. She opened her eyes. "I…I don't want to rush you, or hurt you…but if we continue this, I might not be able to stop."

She looked into his eyes, so full of tender concern. That and the puddle in her shorts left no doubt. "I don't want you to stop."

There was nothing that could hold back Cade's grin at that moment. "What if I told you I were an alien space creature?"

Giggling, she shook her head.

"What if I was under the spell of an evil genie that caused me to bark in Morse code when I get excited?"

Still grinning ear to ear, she shook her head again.

He raised and lowered his eyebrows suggestively. "What if I told you I am a vampire?"

Her smile turned serious. "I like vampires."

"Oh, yeah?" He said, and in one swift moment grasped her wrists, pinned her down, and lowered his mouth to her neck, nibbling and suckling with raw hunger. Lucy gasped loudly at the sensation of electricity pulsing through all her veins and nerves. With the hard tip of his tongue, Cade traced a line from her neck down to the base of her throat, where his kisses caused her body to melt underneath him.

He freed her wrists and urged them both onto their sides, facing each other. They wrapped their arms around each other and their mouths met in fierce desire. While one hand stroked her hair, his other hand explored the contours of her back, hips and ass. She pressed her hips into his, rubbing into his hardness.

His hands found their way under her shirt, and he relished in the feel of her warm, smooth skin. Pausing to untangle their limbs, she lifted her hands over her head, and he obliged her by removing the top.

Cade drank in the beauty of her bare, firm, grapefruit sized breasts. Her pink nipples stood stiffly in greeting, and he felt another rush of blood to his already painfully erect cock. He traced the buttery softness of her bosom with his fingertips, drawing nearer the stiff nipple slowly. She was squirming quietly beside him, and when he cupped her full breasts in his hands and brushed over her nipples with his thumbs, she audibly moaned, and he could wait no longer.

He introduced the tip of his tongues with the tip of her nipple first in a light flick, causing her to gasp. He followed with a soft lick forward, a soft lick back, then he grasped her full nipple in his mouth and suckled. It started gentle, but quickly her moans became loud and urgent, and he responded in kind, until they were both bucking and panting and tearing each others pants off.

Usually a slow, careful lover, Cade could not remember the last time he'd been in such a frenzy with a woman. He was ready to go at that instant, but, knowing she was a virgin, he pulled back a little, wanting to make this special. He looked into her eyes, which were bubbling with a new kind of light. He started tracing a line of kisses from her forehead down, when she whispered his name.

"Cade," she said, "I love that you're being all sweet and gentle for me, but… I've been waiting for this for nineteen years. Please, I can't wait anymore."

His smile was priceless. He kissed her deeply, once, while wrestling the boxers free from his ankles. He rolled on top of her, planting his knees between her legs. He could smell her musky arousal, and wanted to taste it, but, he was under strict orders to proceed.

With his rigid member in his hand, he lowered his hips nearer her hidden cove. He buried the head of his cock past the folds of her outer lips, and guided it up and down through the folds, getting moist with her own juice, and brushing her clit so that she gasped, bucked, and held her breath. "Mmmm, Cade, oooh, God, please Cade, please Cade, ooohhhhhhh," she sighed as he let go of his stiff cock and it slid just barely into the entrance.

He lowered himself slowly into her slick, tight little hole. "Baby," he said, when he reached her maiden skin. "I don't want to hurt you," he said in ragged breath.

In one instant, she smiled at him. In the next, she wrapped her arms around his midsection and pulled his chest down onto hers. He used this opportunity to push past her hymen. She gasped audibly.

He held himself still inside her and kissed her mouth. When she responded with full teeth and lips and tongue, he guessed she was alright. He found the sensitive parts of her neck and nibbled until she started urging movement with her hips.

He moved very slowly out of her, and it took a great deal of self control to slowly ease himself back in. He was rewarded with a long, low groan from her throat, so he did it again. And again, until her hips demanded more and his thrusts quickened.

Cade found her nipples again, and timed the motion of his hips with the suckling of his mouth. Easy, steady, Lucy purred like a kitten and explored his skin with her delicate fingers. Her tightness had eased somewhat around his girth, and she was able to take him deeper. He ground his hips into her and she rewarded him with more sultry moans, quickened breath. When she raked her nails against his back the blood surged in his cock again, his heart raced, he buried his mouth into hers and let loose, bringing his penis hard and fast into the depths of her warmth, "oh, God," she cried and he did it again, "OH, God!" she cried, "OOOHHHHHHH, ugh, MMMMMMMMMMMMM, oh, GOD," the heat inside her raged.

Cade was beyond control. He pumped into her with his most primal instincts, and as her climax approached he tried so hard to hold back, sliding and filling her, she bucked and moaned and underneath him. God, she was loud, and he loved that voice of hers moaning uncontrollably, his cock swelling further with each noise, and as her climax peaked he let out a long, animal groan and pumped load after load of seed into her.

Though they were a sticky, sweaty mess, the last thing he wanted was to withdraw from her. It was as if he was suddenly a child again, and, having found a terrific hiding spot, was loath to give it up.

They held each other in silence. They both had a million feelings, ideas and dreams racing through their heads, but they did not need to speak. In fact, though they slept little, they did not speak again until sometime later the next afternoon. And I don't need to tell you what their words were.

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Privates1stClassPrivates1stClassover 10 years ago
What now?

She did dare, and she lost her virginity. Away from home, undoubtedly in big trouble with her parents, what will Lucy do next--follow Cade, return home and go to college, or become a vagabond following her dreams?

This story really needs a second chapter to bring it to a close. We're left hanging, wondering. It's good as far as it goes, though. Thanks for posting.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago

Absolutely perfect.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago
PART 2!!!

there NEEDS to be a part2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago

For one-and-a-half hours, I was in heaven. That was great -- simply great Thank you, flamekitten.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
great story! 5 stars!

first off, amazing dialouge. cade didn't sound like some pussy or some 'fantasy' guy, he sounded like a REAL human being. Lucy was relatable to the reader,everyone has been confused on what to do. the characters were great,and easy to relate to, i loved how easy it was to read it, but it had great words and not elementary school type of story/words. the story was so real and i could feel everything she was feeling. secondly, your story seemed SOOO REAL. it was like watching a movie in my head as i read it. alot of the stories here are so stupid, with perfect people with perfect features and 'it just so happens i am free so we can have sex lol'. yours was so convincing and real, i loved it.the only thing that bothered me was the drugs. sorry but i am not into drugs or anything, and i would have liked it better that she helped him get out of that, or something. but other than that, GREAT STORY. please write more with them!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
great story

The best story i have read here and you have become my favorite author.I loved it coz it was not just lust and more importantly it was more on love.great.hats off to you.cant find words to appreciate this story.thanx

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
Absolutely wonderful

This story was absolutely wonderful. Not only can I relate to Lucy, seeing as how I'm exactly like her in practically every way possible, but your story-telling is superb. You definately have a knack for writing - a career in literature should definately be looked at.

spiralingxmindspiralingxmindabout 17 years ago

I'd love to see a sequel to this story! Where do they go from here?

SimonBrookeSimonBrookealmost 18 years ago
That is one sweet, beautiful story

Very beautiful, very gentle, very well told, very sexy. Gorgeous.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
great story.......

great job! keep it up! been a while since i liked a story so much!


AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago

One of the best written stroies I've read in a long time!

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Real... and really good

What an outstanding story, even though i totally live the life of the background characters ! This could have been my own story at one time.... Thanks for writing this, you are truly gifted

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Well written, well plotted, good characters...

...what else could one ask for? I just chased down one of your other stories, and it was just as satisfying. You're not scared to use the full range of the language and I like that.

I'll put you on my short list, so please don't stop now.

jimbabwejimbabweover 18 years ago
Quite Nice

I enjoyed this story very much and I must say I think you are a very great writer. It was so descriptive you could almost picture yourself in their places. Keep up the good work and I look forward to reading more of your stories in the future.

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