Donna's Ultra-High Heels Bk. 01


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The most intriguing item of her ensemble, however, was the form fitted blouse that she had her seamstress make during the past week. It was made of a heavily starched white opaque cotton material that hugged her upper torso from her neck to her belt. The skin tight, back zippering, sleeveless blouse was form fitted to the extent that Donna's breasts were encased in separate removable cone shaped cups of the same material as the rest of the blouse. They were shaped and sized to her exact breast dimensions except that they were extremely pointed at the breast tips! Her nipple tips pushed the cone cups outward to the extent that they stretched the material enough such that there wasn't any drooping at the base of her nipples, thereby forming the cups into perfect, sharp pointed inverted cones!

Donna did not wear any bra so the blouse cups jiggled with every step she had taken towards Ken in the bar area. The heavily starched cone cups actually did give some support to her breasts. She set the suit jacket over the back of one of the bar stools, clinked glasses, took a drink, and stood in front of Ken for his inspection. He noticed that there were tiny white zippers that circled the base of each breast so the tightly fitted 'blouse cups' could be completely removed! Likewise, there was another zipper, of the same size, that circled each breast tip just above the outer diameter of her areolas. It was obvious to Ken that the cup tips could be removed separately to expose only her areolas and nipples with the rest of the cup still in place! He also observed that her nipples were definitely aroused as they filled out the tips of the 'blouse cups' such that they stained against the material to form the taught perfect cones with the very tips of her nipples forming the material into shapes that resembled rounded number 2 pencil erasers as they attempted to break themselves free of their tight confinement!

"Wow, where did you get that blouse?" Ken gushed.

"I had my seamstress make it for me this week. I thought it would be very practical since you could un-zip and remove the entire cup for milking, but if you were only doing my nipple exercises, the outer tips would only need to be removed! If you like it, I'll have some more made in different colors and maybe wear them to work occasionally. I might even surprise you once in a while and come over to your shop for some noontime nipple manipulation," Donna gleefully giggled.

"You certainly thought of everything and yes I like it very much, but when can I try it out to make sure?" Ken quipped.

"Well I was thinking that after we eat, we could go back to the shop where you could get me into your measuring stand and really give me a good workout. Maybe we could go back to Joe's Steakhouse first, and see what Andre thinks of my 6 inch heels," she happily suggested.

"Do I have to wait that long to at least do a test," he dejectedly inquired.

"Oh, I'll let you do the nipple manipulation test before we go, but I'm thinking that I could be getting close to my milk coming, so if you see any sign of that, we'll wait till we get to the shop after dinner. But first, let me show you how I've modified the suit jacket to wear when we go out or when I go to work," Donna replied as she picked up the jacket from the bar stool.

Donna then showed Ken how she had the matching suit jacket, changed by the same seamstress, by letting out the top and adding some padded radial boning that allowed each blouse cup to rest in it so as not to the flatten her breasts since she wasn't wearing a bra. The internal jacket cups had four radial bones and two circular bones, one circling the base and the other at the areola outer diameter of the cone. A tiny sewn-in strap, Donna had requested, was in place at the top of each breast cage and connected to the inter jacket material in order to keep each breast somewhat supported since the only other support would have to have come from the blouse material itself. Donna also had the jacket padded to smooth her pointed breast tips, while still showing a respectable pointed look. She also had the jacket padded at the waist to minimize her budding hour glass figure. Overall, the jacket padding did increase Donna's bust and waist measurements, but because her hips were not padded, the overall effect did hide her true, put not perfect, hourglass figure from public view.

Ken was truly impressed with Donna's creative design of the jacket and blouse combination. He now realized how much Donna was really getting into the whole ultra-high heel thing, as well as induced lactation, breast re-shaping and nipple lengthening, not to mention her hourglass figure training! She was obviously proceeding on her own since the only encouragement from Ken was by phone since he had been out of town.

"You certainly did a great job over the last couple of weeks of taking control of the situation. Why don't you put on the jacket so I can see how it looks when we go out for dinner? Then, I would like to try out the nipple zippers and check out if you're close to coming into your milk," Ken stated.

Instantly, without question Donna put on the suit jacket and again modeled the outfit for Ken's approval.

She looked terrific in the business suit and Ken gave her an approving nod and said, "You look stunning in that outfit and knowing that you're nipples are rock hard and hidden, turns me on even more."

"It does me too. Do you want to try out my nipple coverings and see if you can figure out how to use them?" she asked while taking off her suit jacket.

Ken didn't bother to answer as he helped her off with the jacket and started the un-zippering process at the right tip of Donna's blouse cup. It only took a few seconds for Ken to remove the covering and repeat the process on the left cup tip and let both her areolas and nipples pop out in a delicious manner! Ken noticed how they had bloated and lengthened considerably in the almost two weeks that he was gone, presumably because of her lactation program.

"I see what you mean about your milk possibly coming if your nipples and areolas are any indication," Ken observed.

"Yes I know; that's the reason I wanted you to be the first to participate if that's going to happen tonight. Like I said, if you see any milk with your nipple massage, let's wait to you have me in the 'rack' to do the full milking," Donna stated emphatically.

"OK, that's a deal. Let's start with your right nipple which is generally the most sensitive," he suggested.

"You wouldn't believe how much more sensitive they have become since I started taking Fenugreek and doing my breast exercises," Donna stated.

"Wow, I guess I'd better be careful," Ken said as he had Donna set down on the bar stool.

"How about your areolas, they seem to be more conical and puffier than normal," Ken questioned.

"Yes they're also much more sensitive, particularly at the outer diameters even though they shrank in diameter and stick out further when their aroused. It's strange that they are more sensitive than the rest of my areolas, but not nearly as sensitive as my nipple tips which are extremely more sensitive since as I started my lactation program!" Donna answered his question in a straight forward manner as both her areolas became even more aroused with the exposure to the cooler room air as well as Ken's ogling of them.

"I see what you mean about your outer areolas. I can even see a ring of tiny goose bumps circling them. I bet that is why they seem more sensitive," Ken stated as he took his right index finger and started lightly tracing around her outer right areola in a deliberate manner.

"Yo...oow," Donna hissed as she jumped at his slightest touch.

She squirmed and tried to muffle a moan he slowly traced around each outer areola ring. They puffed up further in their typical conical fashion such that the outer diameters, once again became smaller, but in turn puffed out to a total of more than a quarter of inch in height and darkened slightly from their bright pinkish color! At the same time, Donna's nipples stiffened and lengthened to almost a full inch while becoming a slightly darker shade of bright red! Only a couple times before had her nipples lengthened to even 7/8's inch. Likewise it appeared that with her lactation program, her fully aroused nipple base diameters had increased about 1/16 inch from a little over 1/4 inch to a 5/16 inch before tapering to 3/16 inch at their slightly rounded points!

"I'm thinking that we should go directly to the store because I'm not sure that you can make it through dinner without lactating or possibly even climaxing," Ken observed as his manhood was protruding against his dress pants.

"I was hoping you would say that, but I think you may be in the same situation," Donna smirked as she looked at his bulging crotch.

Ken called Joe's Steakhouse and made late reservations for 9 o'clock and requested Andre for their waiter while Donna re-attached her blouse nipple covers and put on her jacket. She had been careful to not further arouse her nipples and areolas during the process. It was only a little after 7 o'clock when they arrived at the store and Diane had long since closed and left the store, so they would have almost two hours there to themselves!

Chapter 9

Ken parked in the back of the store before entering through the rear entrance. He, again had left a second back light on indicating to the police that he was in the store after business hours, which was the pre-arrange signal that he used in order for them to disregard, either a parked car or any unusual store lights or activity. After they were in the back of the shop, Ken led Donna to the familiar second back room and they hugged and kissed each other passionately. Ken again noticed as they hugged that her breasts seemed to be much firmer than before he left for California. He suggested that he should do a more detailed inspection of her areolas and nipples after she was strapped into the measuring stand. Donna said that she had been looking forward to that for almost two weeks and that was one reasons that she had designed the unique top so he could remove the breast cups entirely for her possible first milking without having to take off her blouse! Ken then helped her up on the stand and produced another Item from the stand accessories and placed it on the platform. It was a single round bar that he then secured between the two uprights of the stand at Donna's armpit height. He positioned her such that her arms were over and behind that horizontal bar that was resting at the top of her upper armpits. That action dramatically exaggerated the prominence of her forward thrusting breasts!

At that point Ken said, "I got something in Hollywood that I'm sure you will enjoy. It's what they call a single glove that can be fitted on you so that it forces your arms together behind your back so that I can take full advantage of you while I do my inspection and possible milking. I think it will be even better than strapping your arms up over your head."

Donna's nipples instantly stiffened at that statement, but she didn't say anything.

"Should I try it out now?" Ken asked.

"I'm not sure what you're talking about, but show me what you bought," Donna exclaimed as her sexual excitement shot up another notch or two!

From his luggage that he had put back into Donna's car before they drove brought back to the shop, Ken produced two light tan kid leather items. Both pieces had some type up leather lacings. One appeared to be about five inches in length and seven or eight inches in diameter in its un-laced condition. The other was about two and a half feet long and was shaped like a long single, to the shoulder, evening glove with no fingers. Ken explained to Donna that the shorter leather item was a neck collar and the other was the single glove he had mentioned earlier. He further noted that both her arms would be forced into that glove behind her back, from finger tips to shoulders, and tightened to the point that her elbows would touch together! There were straps that fit over her shoulders that would secure it in place and insure that it could not be slipped off! The boned kid leather neck collar would be fit over Donna's head and then tighten around her neck, forcing her head to be held upward. Both these leather items, when fully laced, would force her into a perfect, but helpless, position for milking as well as for breast and nipple manipulation! Ken said along with a corset, she could wear the neck harness around the house while wearing the highest of her ultra-heels in order to 'assist' in her figure and posture training. He continued by saying that he had also bought and assortment of leather straps and one set could be used to fasten her elbows to the sides of her corset, but would leaver hands free to do house work or breast massaging. Ken said all these items would assist and help speed up both her ultra-high heel and figure training programs. He noted that the neck collar would help her to learn the proper balancing techniques for the extremely high heel heights of the ultra-high heel range! It would help her master those heights faster by making the most difficult of street situations even more challenging!

Ken continued and said that he was now going to lace her up in the single glove so that her arms would be behind the horizontal bar which would keep her upper torso immobilized while he performed his areola and nipple inspection, and if needed, for her first milking as well. He also said that the neck collar would also assist in keeping her with the proper posture during the forthcoming inspection. With Ken's explanation of what she was about to experience, Donna nipples almost broke through her blouse cups as they stiffened even further and her juices started flowing down below!

Ken then moved the full length rolling mirror at a 45 degree angle to her so she could see herself during the forthcoming procedure. He then continued and made sure her hands were together, palm-to-palm, with her arms over the horizontal bar which held her firmly at the armpits. It was high enough that it forced her to stand with her 6 inch heels off the platform, in turn vertically arching her insteps! Ken then started to slip the soft leather arm-binder, that he called a single glove, up her arms to the shoulders leaving her elbows about five inches apart. Ken then started tightening the lacings and began the process of forcing her elbows closer together!

Donna was thrilled that he came up with such a unique idea to restrain her for his inspection! Her nipples were now simply out of control as they seemed to be the entire focus of her thoughts as they further hardened against the ever tightening blouse cups! The lacing process took at least ten minutes and left Donna standing with her straining sharp pointed blouse cups forced upward , at an extreme angle, and slightly outward. Ken laced the arm binder tight enough to cause her elbows to be forced together at her back! This caused her some stain on the muscles in arms and shoulders, but not to the point of any real pain. He then fastened the two shoulder straps in place so that there was no way the glove would come off!

"This glove will also help you in your figure training as well. How does it feel?" he commented and questioned at the same time.

"Oh, I feel some muscle strain when you laced it up all the way and caused my elbows to touch, but it's an unbelievable sexy feeling to be in this position and to know that I'm totally helpless. I'm getting hotter by the second knowing that it will keep me from resisting your advances," Donna replied as she purposely struggled in an orchestrated manner for Kens benefit and caused those white cloth clad breasts to jiggle deliciously and to thrust even further forward.

"You're doing a great job of acting out the damsel-in-distress role. I just love the way your breasts can just barley jiggle when you struggle. Now let's improve your posture and then get on with my inspection," Ken commented as her slid the neck collar over her head and started lacing it up below her chin.

By the time he was finished, Donna's head was tipped backwards as far as it would go, forcing it into a position where she could only see directly out and up in front, when he questioned, "Don't you think that collar definitely improves your posture?"

"Oh, I think so; I can just see how I look in the mirror and with a corset it should really improve my posture," Donna breathed as she strained to see herself in the mirror because the collar limited her head movement.

"As I said, you'll being wearing a corset and collar around your apartment most of the time. By the way, I also had made an identical single glove and collar except with zippers rather lacings.

They will be faster to install as well as to remove them!" Ken announced as he started to unzip both blouse cups.

Donna's breasts literally popped out of their confinements and sprang out like rockets ready for blastoff!

Ken felt each breast lightly and said, "I see what you mean about them being firmer, although they still are soft enough to be properly milked."

He then gingerly touched each areola and nipple causing her to suck in her breath with his ministrations and then she exclaimed, "As I said before, they are now so sensitive I didn't touch them for fear I couldn't stop myself from having an orgasm or possibly producing milk. That's the reason I haven't done my nipple stimulation or breast manipulations since yesterday. I was pretty sure I would have an orgasm or spray milk, or both if did!"

Ken again observed in more detail how her nipples and areolas had changed in shape and color as well as texture. As he had just seen at his apartment, each fully aroused tapering nipple was at least and inch long and had grown in diameter at its base and tip! Her areolas were now formed into tapering cones that actually shrunk at their outer diameters, but were puffier in their cone shapes and seemed to almost blend in to becoming a part her nipples! The nipples themselves were also a darker shade of bright red and her areolas were also a darker shade, but still a bright shade of pink. Both also seem much stiffer to his touch, although he didn't want to test them any further because of Donna's warning. Ken wanted to bring down her milk first by massaging her breasts before starting on her nipples. He then started that massaging process, gently but firmly from both of her breast bases out to about two thirds of their length. Ken repeated the process for a few moments before he saw the first drop of milk appear at the tip of Donna's right nipple! He quickly stopped massaging that breast and a few second later a drop of milk appeared at the tip of her left nipple! Again, he stopped massaging her that breast and said to Donna, "Well you were right, there's the first drop of milk from each nipple. Can you see them in the mirror?" he asked as he walked over to the table and picked up one of the small glass bottles that Donna had picked up at the hobby and craft store and that he had brought in from her car when they arrived at the shop.

"Yes I can see them," she almost shouted with glee.

"I'm going to milk you till your dry," he forcefully announced as he approached her with the glass cups and set all but one of them down on the nearby table.

Donna felt as if she could have an orgasm right then and there as she listened to Ken's forceful statement. He then latched onto her right areola and milked it with his thumb and forefinger while holding the glass bottle close to that nipple. A few more drops appeared and dripped of into the cup. This continued for about a minute before Ken firmly milked her right nipple and brought out a full spray of milk which he captured in the bottle as Donna groaned and tried to squirm in her single glove! He continued to milk her right nipple stopping for a few seconds in order to keep here from having an orgasm. When the milk tapered off to an occasional drop
