Donny and Karen's Giant Leap


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With my shoes and socks off, Karen reached up and took off my tee-shirt, admiring my muscle tone and chest. "I just love a hairy chest!" exclaimed Karen, running her fingers through the forest of dark hair that grew on my torso. "Not on me, obviously, it would look bad on a girl. You wouldn't want to take off my dress and find a hairy chest, would you?"

"No," I agreed.

"But you want to take off my dress, don't you?"

"Oh yeah!" My heart seemed to be going at 1000 beats per minute.

"Well go ahead, be my guest."

Karen knelt on her bed, and I took hold of her pretty purple dress and removed it, exposing her perfect slim 18-year-old body clad in a white bra and white bikini brief panties. Karen then removed my jeans, leaving me naked apart from red underpants.

Karen and I writhed on the bed in our underwear, kissing and running our hands over our bodies. Karen ran her bare feet with her perfect soles, arches and toes up and down my legs, stroked my hairy chest, and teased my erection with her fingers. In turn, I fondled Karen's teenage tits through her bra and felt up her panties, feeling her firm bottom cheeks and the outline of her vagina.

"Don't be shy around my panties, Donny," Karen whispered. "Put your hands inside."

No guy would resist an invitation like this, so I put my hand down the front of Karen's teen panties and had a fumble around. Not seeing what I was touching made this feel even hotter, and the first thing I found were the many curls of blonde pubic hair that grew all over Karen's feminine mound. Putting my hand deeper into Karen's undies, my fingers soon got sticky as they got close to her vagina, Karen twitching as I fingered her pussy and touched her clitoris, her bare toes clenching and unclenching.

Putting my hand down the front of Karen's panties was wonderful, but almost as good was putting my hand down the back of her panties. My touch to her firm buttocks with her soft skin seemed to turn Karen on as much as my touch to her pubic hair and genitals, and I again saw the toes of her pretty feet clenching and unclenching again.

Our make-out session coming to an end, Karen reached up and unhooked her bra, me gasping at the sight of her wonderful young B-cup breasts as she removed the garment altogether, me reaching out and touching her bare breasts and feeling how hard her nipples were.

"I think your underpants need to come off before you burst them," said Karen, before removing them with great enthusiasm leaving me naked with my cock close to 90 degrees.

"Now you take off my panties," Karen urged. As I took hold of Karen's panty waistband and pulled down her panties to her ankles, and took them off over her dainty bare feet, leaving her completely naked. I stared at Karen's wonderful triangle of blonde pubic hair, which looked so good when viewed along with her boobs and her flat stomach with a nice naval.

The view of the nude and nubile Karen from behind was just as good, the firm peach-shaped cheeks and pale flesh of her bare bottom as good as I had imagined it.

With a sensual look on her face as I fondled her pubic hair, Karen said, "There's no turning back now." She lay back on the bed, and opened her legs wide. I stared at the moist pink interior of Karen's vagina, and below her pussy I could see somewhere way more private, the tight, star-fish shape of Karen's anus. Finding it hard to believe that I was actually seeing the opening to Karen's bowels despite everything else that had happened so far, I was about to get into position where I would lose my virginity while taking Karen's own virginity at the same time, I suddenly froze as a worrying thought came into my mind.

What if what we were about to do resulted in a big surprise for our parents in a few months' time? And while getting Karen pregnant would have been bad enough in normal circumstances, could Karen's body compromised by her medical problems be able to cope with carrying and giving birth to a baby?

Karen noticed my expression and asked, "What's wrong, Donny?"

"I was just thinking, well, what if ..."

"You're worried you're going to get me pregnant, aren't you?" Karen closed her legs and sat up on the bed.

"I am a little," I admitted.

"I think you can relax," said Karen. "I'll let you into a secret - I finished my period yesterday, I think my chances of falling pregnant are close to zero."

"I um, didn't know, that," I said nervously, glad that chances of pregnancy were unlikely, but a bit uncomfortable about talking about private female things.

Karen laughed. "Well I don't go around wearing a tee-shirt to advertise when it's my time of the month. You look uncomfortable Donny, the word period doesn't scare you?"

"It does a little," I admitted.

Karen giggled. "I knew it, a typical guy." She then smiled and laughed again. "Come on, I promise I won't scare you again by using the P word."

Again, Karen lay back on the bed and opened up her legs wide, me looking at the target, her pretty pink vagina in the middle of her blonde pubic hair.

I climbed on top of Karen and prepared to mount her in the missionary position. We kissed and I leaned forward, the hairs on my chest tickling her bare breasts, before I pushed my erection deep into her pussy.

Karen's vagina was very tight which was to be expected given she was an 18-year-old virgin, but she had plenty of natural lubrication due to her female excitement which allowed me easy entry. It was the first time I had my penis inside a girl's vagina, and the first time Karen had a penis inserted in her vagina, but despite our inexperience we had natural chemistry as we were locked in the missionary position.

It wasn't just people having sex, it was two people making love. Karen's long blonde hair brushed against my face as we kissed, and she had a way of rotating her hips as I pushed deep inside her, making it so much more pleasurable for both of us. Sometimes we went hard and fast, more usually slow and sensual, with me directly on top of her, my hairy chest pressed against her boobs.

Down below, my dark pubic hair intertwined with Karen's blonde pubic hair, and her distinct female odor of arousal was apparent in her bedroom the longer we had sex. I could feel how hot Karen's pussy was as I pushed my penis harder and harder inside her.

I wasn't sure how long we were making love, but it was a time I never wanted to end until Karen's facial expression changed. Her body went rigid, I saw her bare toes curled up, and with a squeal of excitement I felt a rush of sticky wetness soak my groin.

The sight, sounds and smell of Karen's orgasm ensured my own orgasm was just seconds away. My muscles tightened, and my cock released my sticky semen into Karen's vagina, spraying deep up into her uterus.

With both of us shaking and sweating, I pulled out Karen's vulva and we lay together naked on the bed, kissing and caressing each other as we recovered from the excitement of losing our virginities.

"That was amazing," said Karen.

"Well, it is an amazing day," I said.

"And it's not over yet," said Karen. She indicated her alarm clock. "We both need a shower, but we don't have time to shower on our own. But we do have time to shower together ..."

I followed Karen's nubile young figure into the bathroom, admiring her bare bottom on the way there, and we jumped under the shower together. We embraced under the warm water, kissing and washing each other's bodies, especially our more private areas. I especially enjoyed seeing Karen's blonde pubic hair covered in suds and bubbles, and the soap and water running down her slim legs to her bare feet.

Drying off, we got dressed, me holding out Karen's panties so she could step into them and emerged from the bathroom fully dressed and with plenty of time to spare before everyone got home.


When the Chapman family got home from church and my parents returned, I had finished mowing the lawn and Karen emerged from her house, having made an early start on getting the party set up for this afternoon and evening.

Scott, holding hands with his pretty red-haired girlfriend Becky, greeted me warmly. "Hi Donny, looking forward to tonight?"

"I'm counting down the hours," I said, really looking forward to watching this iconic event to be televised tonight.

"Imagine going somewhere where nobody else has ever been before," said Scott.

I thought that if Scott knew that I had been in a place nobody else had ever been before -- inside his younger sister's vagina -- he wouldn't have been so impressed, but obviously I said nothing, and neither did Karen.

Mr. and Mrs. Chapman's attention was on Karen.

"Are you feeling a bit better now honey?" her father asked.

"Much better thanks Dad," smiled Karen. "I had a nice lie down and then a shower, and I feel a hundred percent."

"That's good, you don't want to miss anything tonight," said Mrs. Chapman.

Karen and I exchanged a sneaky glance. If only they knew what their daughter's lie down and shower had actually entailed!

The Chapman family's moon landing party was a huge success, and we all had a great time, watching a speech by President Nixon then the actual landing. It was several hours before Neil Armstrong stepped out onto the lunar surface, announcing that it was 'one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind', Karen and I touching hands gently and discretely at this iconic moment.

As Buzz Aldrin joined him on the moon surface a short time later, Karen and I exchanged a glance. What an amazing day. Not only had we seen man land on the moon, we had lost our virginities with each other. And it was not just sex, it was special, a bond between a young man and woman that could not be manufactured or broken.


The first time both Karen and I had sex it was definitely not the last, and why would it have been? We began dating from the day after the moon landing, engaged a year later and married in 1971. Sex between a husband and wife is obviously the most normal, natural thing in the world, and Karen and I never failed to enjoy it.

Karen and I enjoyed a strong, wonderful and loving marriage, enjoying the good times together and there for each other when things were not so good when Karen got sick and I was still haunted by demons from my tour of Vietnam. We never had kids, but this was a mutual decision and one we were both happy with. A mother with cystic fibrosis and a father affected by Agent Orange is hardly a good combination to produce a healthy baby, and in any case Karen and I enjoyed the role of the cool aunt and uncle who take their nieces and nephews out for fun excursions. Plus, we got to sleep in on cold wet mornings and enjoy vacations together just the two of us, no kids to worry about.

I can always take pride in knowing I was there for Karen every time she struggled with her health problems, and I can never find any suitable words to use to thank Karen for giving me the strength not only to live with my experiences in combat, but also the strength to go on when she was no longer there.

All her life, Karen had lived on borrowed time and defied medical predictions. In early childhood, her parents were told that Karen would probably not live long enough to start school, yet Mrs. Chapman found herself walking her younger daughter to her first day of school, Karen nervous yet excited about starting school. Then doctors predicted she would not make double figures, but even though sadly in hospital and very ill at the time Karen celebrated her tenth birthday.

Going to high school, getting a driver's license, celebrating her sweet 16, going to prom, graduating high school, finding a job, getting engaged, her wedding and her 21st birthday were all milestones that Karen was predicted not to reach, but she did thanks to her determination not to let her illness beat her.

I was always aware that Karen's cystic fibrosis meant a reduced lifespan, but the longer Karen lived and defied her doctors the less likely it seemed to me that she would pass away prematurely. Early in 1981, we looked forward to celebrating two milestones rare for a cystic fibrosis sufferer to attain, her 30th birthday and our tenth wedding anniversary. Sadly, this time Karen's luck had expired and she would fall a few weeks short.

When Karen went into hospital with breathing problems, I was of course worried but had no doubt that she would soon be home after a stay of a few days, a week at worst. I had seen her in a far more dire state on many occasions, bracing myself to say my last goodbyes on several of them and she recovered each time.

During this hospital stay, Karen at first was in good spirits, laughing and joking with everyone as she always did, responding well to treatment and the doctors were talking about her coming home in a day, two at most. Then she suddenly went downhill rapidly, and this time her body could not find the strength to fight back. Her organs began to fail, Karen lapsing into a coma with me holding her hand as she passed away peacefully, leaving me with only photographs, home videos and wonderful memories of my beautiful wife, the first and only woman I ever loved.

Considering the poor prospects for cystic fibrosis patients at the time, Karen had lived a long life, the equivalent of 80 in the terms of healthy people so her doctors said. But regardless, Karen was gone at age 29, and I was widowed at age 31. I always knew deep down that would happen, but this knowledge didn't make her loss any easier.

Karen had left a 'to be opened upon my death' letter addressed to me with an attorney, in which she said how everything we had was so special, to always remember her but that she hoped I would eventually move on and find love and be happy with somebody else in the future.

I lived my life as best I could, but despite my late wife's blessing, I never met anyone else to take her place, not that I tried. I knew I would always compare them to Karen, and that would never be fair or healthy. And while Karen was gone, I sometimes thought I felt her nearby watching out for me, guiding me. It was probably my imagination playing tricks on me or wishful thinking, but it made me feel happy and at peace, despite the passage of so many years.

I am old and sick now, and my time is nearly up. In the bluntest terms, I am dying. I have stage 4 terminal cancer, and am in a hospice that I know I am not coming out of, my do not resuscitate order ensures that. When initially diagnosed the doctors said I could beat it with chemotherapy, radiotherapy and surgery but I refused. Cancer treatments should be for saving the lives of sick children and young people with their lives ahead of them, not widowed men of 70 who have lived their lives.

I have no idea what if anything happens when you die, but I have no fear. Perhaps everything will go blank with nothing else, maybe you get reincarnated as an animal or bird, but I prefer to think that I might be reunited with my friends and loved ones who are no longer alive. My friends from my platoon have steadily declined in numbers over the years, it would be great to see them again. My parents have passed on, and so have my older sister Marcie and her husband. Karen's family would be there too -- Mr. and Mrs. Chapman have since died, as have Liz and her husband and Scott and his wife Becky, so seeing them would be good too.

But most of all, I look forward to seeing my beautiful wife Karen, now gone much longer than she was alive but always alive in my memory. I think back to the morning of the moon landing 50 years ago, and see Karen on her parents' front porch, barefoot and in her short purple dress, a matching purple headband in her long blonde hair, with a smile on her pretty face me not knowing how my life would change forever that day. And as I close my eyes to sleep forever, I know that if in the afterlife Karen and I repeat the events of 20th July 1969 over and over ad infinitum, I could not wish for more.


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M225M225almost 3 years ago

This was so well written. I loved reading about their connection, and that two people who were really perfect for each other got to be together.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

I am a Vietnem vet and yes, some of what you wrote was inaccurate, but in my opinion it did not detract from your story. It was well written. The character development was good and the plot was interesting. 5*

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Vet Speaks

I was a Marine in Nam parts of ‘66 and ‘67. I don’t know the history but I do know that my best friend would damn sure not have been there if he hadn’t been drafted. I advise you not to pay too much attention to nits being picked. You are writing for yourself and others to enjoy, not for your PhD. Keep up the good work.

ReedRichardsReedRichardsover 4 years ago
The more I read, the more problems I had with the history

The MyLai massacre did not become public knowledge until November of 1969, so there just wasn’t as much of the “baby killer” yelling during your story timeline. You’ve put too much 1971 and 1972 stuff in your story, and even then you”ve exaggerated it a bit. I went to a more conservative college, but even in 1971 and 72 we had ROTC students, in uniform, on campus and I never saw a problem.

My particular clique had Nam veterans in it — they were married students, and a touch older — and they didn’t seem to have any problems.

Most readers wouldn’t have noticed the problems, but I’m old enough and lived through those times. You need to do your historical research more.

ReedRichardsReedRichardsover 4 years ago
Still on the first page, but . . .

. . . I have to point out that the birthday draft lottery did not start until 1969. You needed to do some research.

clearedtofuckclearedtofuckover 4 years ago
Stunningly beautiful

That was a great story told from the viewpoint of one character whose life was impacted beyond his imagination by his childhood friend and wife. There were only two characters because it was his reflection on their life together. It takes a hell of a writer to pull that off. Nicely done.

DragosLoveDragosLoveover 4 years ago
Get off the soapbox

If you want to write about history, do so. If you have a view point express it. But don't preach, explore. Having the only two characters in the story both share the same viewpoint makes this feel like the entire story is, "Fuck Hippies. I'm a patriot. Disease is bad. They had sex." This is a really one sided take on an interesting and divisive point in American history. Using this setting poorly is worse than not using it at all.

Captain MidnightCaptain Midnightover 4 years ago
Such a beautiful romantic story

Donny and Karen thrived from each other. They were each other's best friends.

I like reading stories of young live in times past, reminding me that men and women fell in love and had sex before marriage even way back then. And that when they married, it wasn't always "because they had to" (pregnancy), but because they wanted to. I think of teen, unmarried sex as vanishingly rare and shocking way back then, but I bet I was totally wrong. I hope that, even in these times, lots of couple "do it" because they enjoyed it with each other.

The Vietnam War was going on when I as a little boy too, but I had almost no knowledge of the anti-war protests, and certainly never heard a veteran called a "baby killer." I am shocked.

Best wishes to you as you continue to write.

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