Don't Mess with Another Man's Car

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2nd submission. This one is a play on my love for 69 Mustangs. Hope you enjoy.


Don't mess with another man's car

My name is Tom Martin. Born and raised in Omaha, Nebraska. I have been married to my wife Tess for 19 years. Both of us are 38 years old. Tess and I were high school sweethearts and started officially dating in our junior year. We have been together ever since.

Tess and I made a mistake and I had gotten her pregnant just after high school graduation. I did the right thing and asked her to marry me. I knew I needed to get a job and forgo any aspirations of college. That wasn't all that disappointing, but it removed one of my future options. I was able to find a job in construction working for a relatively good company. I started out as a grunt and have worked my way up over the next 19 years. I am now a foreman for one of the crews that we have and work on many projects throughout the area.

We have only the one child, Jake. Jake is 19 and is currently in his second year of college. Tess developed issues during the delivery and can't have any additional children. We pour all of our attention to Jake, who has turned out quite well. Jake was the valedictorian of his class and has a full ride to a local university majoring in business. Jake definitely took after his mom as it relates to grades and studying. I was mostly a "C" student, but that was mostly due to my lack of trying more than having the ability. Tess was the "A" student, but due to the pregnancy she didn't attend college as well. She is currently a manager at a local credit union working with all of the tellers. Good job that she was able to get once Jake started elementary school

Tess is a beautiful person both inside and out. She has an outgoing personality and everyone considers her to be one of the nicest people they have ever met. Tess is 5'4" according to her, but I think she is just under that in reality. Tess weighs in at around 120 pounds. Me, I am 6'2" in height and weigh a muscular 215 lbs. I keep in good shape working on the job as I take a more active role than some of my foreman counterparts. I hate to sit around while on the job. I leave the sitting around to when I relax at home.

There are three things that are most important to me. Tess, Jake and my 1969 Mustang. I have owned that car since I was 15 years old. A neighbor to my parents found the car quite a few years ago with the intention of fixing it up. He never got around to it, but knew I loved the car from the first time I saw it. Bill, my neighbor struck up a deal with me that he would "sell" me the car if I would help him around the place. I would mow and clean up the landscaping and occasionally paint the house, etc. Any chore that Bill asked, I would do. Bill passed away quite a few years ago and gave me the car. I had kept it in my parents garage until a few years ago. As I advanced in my career, I have been able to put some of the extra money towards the car.

I am far from a gear head, so all of the fixing of the car was done by outside individuals. I would take the car to a shop for them to work on and then take it back and store in my garage until I could afford the next item on the list. I had finally finished all of the updates when I had the car painted a midnight blue this past winter. I have been able to drive the car a couple times as the weather finally changed so I could take it out on the road. Tess would join me and we would take it out for a couple of hours.

I have been working out of town for the past few weeks on a construction project. I was able to stay at the house, but I would have to get up earlier and come home later due to the extra driving. I also would work on Saturday to keep the project on track. The project just finished up this past Thursday. We cleaned up the site on Friday and I was just arriving home and looking forward to the weekend. I arrived home and after kissing Tess, I headed for the shower. To my surprise, Tess walked in with me soon after I was under the water. I had remodeled the bathroom a year or so ago and we have a walk in shower with double shower heads and a nice bench that could be used for many great things. I was immediately hard after seeing my gorgeous wife.

Tess has the best tits I have ever seen on a women. She is a large B or small C cup that sit perfectly on her chest. She has nipples that become very extended when she is excited. I could spend days sucking on those things. The other thing I love to do is go down on her. After seeing Tess in all her glory, I grabbed her and lifted her against the wall of the shower. I went down to my knees while holding her above me until my face was buried in her pussy. I started to lap at her juices that were mixed with the water from the shower. Tess is so light, I can hold her there forever. After about 15 minutes and multiple orgasms, I sat down on the bench and lowered Tess onto my very stiff cock.

After a vigorous 10 minutes of pounding, I exploded into Tess' pussy with all I had. We finished showering and headed down to the kitchen for dinner. After a quick meal, we made our way back to the bedroom for a second and third round of love making. I quickly fell off to sleep with very little effort. It had been a long few weeks for me.

I woke up early on Saturday while Tess continued to sleep. Not unusual as I often would wake up early due to my job. I can't remember the last time I slept in. I knew what I wanted to do today, which was to take a drive in my mustang before the day started in earnest. I grabbed the keys and walked into the garage to see my baby. That is when I noticed something strange.

Most people don't notice, but I have this need for certain things to be in order or it will bother me until I set them straight again. My half of the bathroom has to be just right where I place everything I need in the exact order I need them in. This goes for my truck where I clean everything out of my truck each night and only have what is needed in the cab. Other things don't bother me like this. The back of my truck is usually a mess due to throwing in things that I need or will need. I hardly ever sit in the same spot at the kitchen table taking whatever seat is closest. There are just a few things that my OCD takes over.

One of those OCD items is the garage. I have everything in it's place and notice when things aren't quite right. I would walk through after Jake used the mower or where he placed the trash cans to put them in the correct place. Sometimes it was just a few inches, but that mattered to me. I didn't get upset if others didn't place things in the correct location and most didn't even know I had that tendency.

After walking to the driver's side door, I opened the door and felt something was off. With my larger size, I knew the exact place to park the car so that I was able to get into the car without banging the door into the side of the garage. I always park the car in that exact location so that when I get out of the car, it is just as easy so that I don't bang the door on the wall. When I opened the car door, I knew it had been moved as it was too close to the wall for what I needed it to be. That meant someone smaller than me had driven my car. Maybe Tess had driven the car while I was onsite with this last project.

I was able to squeeze into the car door and noticed the second thing that wasn't right. The car seat was moved forward from my usual location. It was too far back for Tess, but she could have tried to put the seat back once she parked it in the garage. I started the engine and noticed the third item that wasn't right with my car. The radio was on the wrong station. I love old metal rock. This was not the station I listened to when in the car. This was some country station. I hate country music and I was sure that Tess didn't like it either. This was a strange one for me. I made a point to ask Tess when I got back from my drive.

I drove around for the next hour and then parked the car in the correct place in the garage. After turning off the engine, out of habit I looked around the cab of the car to see if I had left anything inside before I got out. This was the same habit I had with my truck and just something I did each time. That is when I noticed the last thing that wasn't right with the car. There was a slight stain on the back seat. I walked around to the passenger side of the car and pushed the seat forward. What I found was the last thing I expected.

I walked into the house with the intent on having a conversation with Tess. I smelled the coffee and grabbed a cup before sitting at the table with Tess. I looked at Tess and asked the first of my questions. "Tess, did you drive my car?"

One thing to know about Tess; she can't lie worth a shit. You can see it in her eyes if you know what you are looking for. She should never play poker with me as I would be able to tell if she was bluffing. I'm not sure she knew this about herself, but I sure did.

"I took your car out last weekend."

"That's not like you to drive my car like that Tess. You always tell me you have a hard time seeing over the front of the car. Why take it out while I was gone?"

"I just felt like going for a drive."

That was the first lie. I could see it in her eyes that wasn't the reason for the drive. I couldn't tell if that meant that she drove or not, but I suspected someone else was driving. That would explain the reason to lie. It would also prove what I had seen in the back seat.

"When did you start listening to country music?"

"What? I don't listen to country music."

"Then why was the radio on a country music station?"

Tess' face changed slightly as you could see she was trying to come up with a reason. "I guess I might have bumped it while I was in the car."

Lie number two. Again, not a very good explanation. Since I don't have any country music stations in my saved channels, the ability to "bump it" and land on a station that was pretty far away from my usual setting didn't seem likely. Even hitting the scan button would have landed on any number of stations in between the two. I guess I am going to have to go for it and ask the last question.

"Tess, how did the back seat get stained?"

Tess turned white and there was a long pause. I know that Tess wasn't sure what the stain was so to come up with a valid excuse was going to be near impossible. "What stain" was all she was able to get out.

"There is what appears to be a cum stain on the back seat. I didn't test it, but I'm pretty sure that is what I saw." I was starting to really get pissed. I can keep my temper to a point, but when pushed I quickly lose it. As I started to seethe, it clicked as to who my wife's accomplish could have been. This individual loved my car and had made many comments about taking it for a drive. I always told him no, that it was only going to be driven by the family. Second, the guy was a few inches shorter than me, so it would explain the incorrect seat location. Third, I know he loves to listen to country music since I have been over to his place a few times and the station was on in the garage. Last, I have seen him eyeing Tess whenever he was around her. Time to go for broke.

Tess was still struggling to come up with a response on the stained seat. She was failing pretty miserably the longer this went on. "How long have you been fucking Steve?"

The look on her face said it all. I had hit the mark. Tess bowed her head and started to cry. "HOW LONG TESS?" I was starting to lose my patience.

"Two months" was barely audible, but she had said it. I was too pissed to continue to talk to her. The other thought that went through my head was that we are all creatures of habit. Steve's habit was that he ALWAYS mowed his lawn at 10:00 AM every Saturday. I looked at the clock and it was close to 10:00. One thing you should know is that Steve lives a couple of house down the street from us. I quickly stood up and walked into the garage. I hadn't closed the garage door after my drive and looked down the block to Steve's house. Sure enough, Steve's garage door was just opening. I started to walk down the block towards his house.

"Morning Tim" was the response I received when I saw Steve pulling the lawn mower out of the garage. He was a bit startled when I continued up his driveway. I'm sure he could see my face and would know I was pissed. He started to back up into the garage as I continued to walk him down. I grabbed him by his shirt and pushed him into the wall. "Where is Cindy?" Cindy was Steve's wife.

"She is inside."

"Call her, call her NOW!"

"Cindy, can you come out to the garage?"

Cindy opened the door to the house and looked at Steve and me. "Tim, let go of Steve!"

"Steve, you can either tell her or I will."

Steve paused, so I took the initiative. "Cindy, Steve has been having an affair with Tess for the last two months, as far as I know. I just found out today and before I beat the shit out of him, I wanted you to know why. Isn't that right, Steve?" I didn't wait for a response. I kneed Steve in the groin and dropped him on the floor of his garage. "That's for fucking my wife!" I then stepped on his hand hard enough to break a few fingers. "And that is for driving my car you fuck wad!" I walked back to my house.

Tess was waiting by the door. I walked past her without saying another word. I went to the bedroom and packed a couple of bags with what I thought I would need for the next week or two. I grabbed the keys to my car and pulled out of the driveway. I headed to my parents house to see if my dad could drive me back to get my truck. I would need my truck on Monday, but I wasn't going to leave my car at the house.

I arrived at my parents as my phone started to ring. It was Tess. I guess she found her voice. I answered just to see what she was going to say. "What?"

"Can we talk about this? I love you and I want to try to work through this."

"Tess, there is nothing to talk about. I will not be made a cuckhold. I will not stay married to someone who can't keep her legs closed when I'm not around. I won't do it. Not now, not ever!"

I could hear Tess crying on the other side and it broke my heart. I hung up the phone and walked into my parents house. Both were sitting in the living room. My mom was the first to respond "Tim, what's wrong?"

"Dad, can you take me back to my house to get my truck? I caught Tess cheating on me and I needed to leave before I did something I would regret. Also, do you mind if I stay here a few days as I work out what I am going to do next?"

"Sure, I can drive you back to the house and you know you can always stay with us. Let me get my shoes on and we can go right now."

The drive back to the house was quiet. My dad stared straight ahead. That was the nice thing about my dad. He didn't have the need for unnecessary conversation. Quite rides were okay with him and me. He pulled up to the house and asked "Do you want me to stay just in case?"

"No dad, I'll be right behind you. Thanks for the ride." I stepped out of his truck and walked up the driveway to my truck. Just as I was opening the door, Tess stepped out of the house. She had been crying, but walked to the front of my truck. "Tim, please come inside so we can talk."

I nodded my head and walked into the house. I waved to my dad that it was alright and he drove off. I sat at the kitchen table to see what Tess had to say.

"Tim, I never intended for this to happen. I'm not even sure why it happened. Steve came over a couple of months ago when I needed someone to lift a new stand I had bought for the back yard. It was too heavy for me and you were out town. I saw Steve outside and asked for his help. Steve unloaded the stand and brought it to the patio. As we headed inside, I gave him a quick hug as a thank you and without even thinking we were kissing. I still struggle with how it happened, but we were soon naked and going at it. A couple of weeks went by and we had sex again. The last time was last week when he asked to drive your car. I didn't want to let him, but he said that it would be a shame for you to find out. I let him and we ended up parking like we were in high school. I am so sorry!"

I let each word hit me and cycle through my conscience. There wasn't anything helpful to say at this point, so I just shook my head. I was no longer pissed off, but the pain was starting to show itself. I'm not sure I could say anything without crying. The longer we sat there the harder it was to start to talk again.

"Tim, can we work through this? I love you and I don't want to lose you. I know this was a stupid thing for me to do and I promise for as long as I live it will never happen again. You are the love of my life."

I tried to gain my composure and looked into her eyes. "Tess you are the love of my life too. That's what makes this so hard to understand. I have never even thought of betraying you with someone else. I would never have disrespected you like you did to me. I need to think some things through. I need to leave."

With that I stood up and left. I went to our company headquarters to speak to my boss. I know he works most Saturdays and found him in his office. I knocked and was soon seated in a chair spilling the beans on my issues. I asked for a few days off and since we had just finished the project, he didn't think it was an issue. Jim also mentioned that he was getting really close to retiring and had put my name in for the General Manger position. I thanked him for the days off and I thanked him for thinking of me for the additional responsibility. I left to think about my next steps.

On Monday, I went to the bank and split our checking and savings accounts. I cancelled our joint credit cards and called a buddy of mine who had gone through a divorce to see if he would share his lawyer's information. I made a call to the lawyer's office and made an appointment for Tuesday. I met with the lawyer on Tuesday and had him draw up the documents for a divorce. I just couldn't stay married to Tess was my only conclusion. I had Tess served at the house to prevent any embarrassment by doing this at her work. I didn't want revenge. I still loved her dearly. I asked for a 50/50 split of our assets with the exception of my car. That was mine and I wasn't going to give that up. I don't think Tess could afford the house payment and I wasn't going to stay there, so I recommended we sell the house and split the profits.

I called Jake to let him know what was happening so he at least heard it from me first. I didn't go into any details, but told him to ask his mother if he wanted those answers. I also told him to look after her as things were going to be hard for a while. Jake's a good kid and I know he will look in on her.

The papers were served and Tess asked for a meeting with me before agreeing to anything. I accepted her meeting knowing it was the fastest way to get this behind us. I met her at the house and it was more of the same type of discussion that we had previously. She was sorry, she didn't want a divorce and it would never happen again. I had heard this all before so there wasn't anything new that we really needed to discuss. As Tess started to realize nothing was changing, I think she was beginning to accept that the divorce was going to happen.

I stood to leave and looked at Tess one last time. "How do you look at the woman you love and know it is time to walk away?" That statement hit both of us pretty hard and I knew I needed to leave before I completely broke down.

Within the next 6 months we were divorced. We sold the house and Tess moved into an apartment. I was able to find a small place just outside of town. The house was shit, but it had a separate garage that was perfect for me. It would hold my mustang, my truck and a couple more cars if I needed to space. I had plans on finding a Camero and possibly an older Nova to add to my collection. I had the muscle car itch that I planned on scratching.