D'Orgasmic Chronicles Ch. 15


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There was stunned silence in the room. How could this be? There was two of Linda on that stage. Everyone was looking and everyone was stunned. There was only one other woman alive that they all knew looked exactly like Linda but surely, that could not be her, or could it?

Linda looked out at all of Jeremy's employees. "I know what you're thinking but I have to tell you that a lot has happened in the last year. I discovered that I had a cousin I didn't know I had. I brought her along to meet all of you. She brought a couple of her friends with her. I know what you're all thinking. How could two women look so much like Beyoncé? Well, let me tell you, I am, to my knowledge, the only woman alive who looks this much like Beyoncé. You see, it turns out, that cousin I told you about, is the one and only Beyoncé. Please say hello and treat her as sweetly as you have all treated me."

The room went wild. Everyone was on their feet, cheering and yelling. Jeremy waved them back into their seats and then he totally blew their minds again. Gary and Mark walked to the stage with Carmen and Courtney on their arms. As they walked through the crowd, people started to recognize the two women. A buzz started to build and when Jeremy introduced them to the audience, the place went crazy. He knew what they were thinking. He agreed with what they were thinking. Hell, last night, he did what they were thinking.

Debbie, Wendy, and Rose walked up to the stage with a man and a woman none of them knew. Jeremy looked out at the crowd and he asked a very simple question. "How many of you have read any of Gary's stories on Literotica?" It was unanimous; everyone had read every story. "If I was to say to you the name Hydro Bob, would you know who I was taking about?" A roar went up. It was obvious that they knew that name. "Now, if I say the names Red and Nancy, I know you know them personally, right?" Again, the room went wild.

"I have to tell you that those adventures of Gary and Connie that you have all read about were the start of everything we have built. Mark, Gary, Jill, and I started this and the first person we ever welcomed into our family was the sweetest, sexiest, and most insatiable woman we have ever met. Well, if I said the name Connie, what do you think she would look like?" There was a hush of anticipation running through the room. "Personally," he smiled, "I'd think she'd look exactly like this gorgeous woman standing right beside me. Please everyone, say hello to the one and only, Connie and her husband Arne. I know this may sound strange considering that she was the very first one to join this family but they need to be 'certified' as well."

This time people were on their feet for a full ten minutes. Everyone was in awe of how beautiful she was. Connie looked at Jeremy and then out to the massive room filled with every pornstar who worked for him. She also saw everyone on the American contingent as well. She leaned over to him and whispered, "Are you fucking kidding me? We get to do everyone in this room?"

"Yes dear, everyone, orally, vaginally and anally? You two will love it. Before we start this, we would like

to have a conversation with you. We need an hour or so to discuss something important. Connie, that includes you too."

They sat down with everyone and Gary laid out the plan. Arne listened intently and asked very important questions. He learned that the island had a commercial dock and an airstrip capable of handling large jets. The island had been in the hands of a real estate group who had big plans but their money had run out and the island was abandoned.

"I would want to have my geologists look at this very closely. Where it is located, it could be prone to earthquakes. I am certain it will be volcanic in nature. Most islands in this region are. That doesn't mean it won't work but I would definitely want to know. I also want to know what the status is on fresh water. Without it, you would be looking at a large expense building a desalination plant. If that is the case, the good news is that, while it is still expensive, it is about half of what it was just five years ago. The upside is you would have an unlimited supply of fresh water. I would like to go and see this place if that is possible," Arne told them.

"I just talked to my pilots this morning," Jeremy told them. "They have made arrangements to borrow a rather tricked out cargo jet from a friend. The island is seven miles long and we would need transportation. Apparently, we have access to golf carts, which we could load up and use on the island. I hear the jet is comfortable but I know it is not what we are used to flying around in. We can go tomorrow if you'd like."

"That would work for me. I wonder one more thing, what kind of timeline are you looking at to get this project completed?"

"Yesterday would be fine," Gary, laughed. "Seriously we want this done right but we also want this done as soon as possible."

The rest of the afternoon and evening Connie and Arne were in Jim's capable hands. After he had 'certified' the two of them, he got them all set up to complete the process. When they met for dinner, they were both smiling broadly.

"Holy fuck, no one else on earth would conceive of something like this," Connie smirked. "I've seen you do some outrageous things in my life but this is so far over the top it isn't funny. I fully understand why you put this in place. I had it explained to me many times today. One person in particular, I think her name is Tammy, adorable black woman, who loves you as much as anyone alive, told me that the only way anyone could be considered a member of this family was if they were 'certified'. She pointed out that there was zero jealousy around you."

"She has a good point. Everyone knows that they can have sex with anyone of us whenever they want. Likewise, we can do whomever we want too. You haven't been to Orlando in a long time. Things have changed back there. Many of these people live in my home with us. It is terrific but, and I laughed when you mentioned Tammy, because she is usually the instigator of this."

"What is it she is the instigator of?"

Wendy chuckled, "The orgies that no one saw coming but happen all the time."

"Hell's bells, can we live there too," Arne laughed. "It sounds like my kind of place. I've read the description of the compound. How accurate is it to the reality?"

"Everything you have read is exactly what is there. The house is beyond gorgeous. The pool, the playhouse, all of it, is exactly what is described," Cherry said. "Same goes for our place in Las Vegas. They both are pure luxury."

"I will say this; I can't remember ever having better sex than I've had in the last 24 hours. I could really get used to this. You're world really has changed since I've been gone," Connie sulked. "I wish we could have been a part of this."

"You're a part of it now. Something tells me, you will be a huge part of this thing of ours for the rest of your life as long as you don't run away and hide from me again," Gary told her. "All you had to do was pick up the phone. You have always known exactly how to get in touch with me. One call to D'Orgasmic and I would have returned that call in a heartbeat. You do know that, don't you?"

"I told you that so many times," Arne, told her. "Gary, I know my wife and I know when she is hurting. I would find a magazine with one of your ads and she would mope around. I can't tell you how many times I told her to pick up the phone and give you a call. Now, I bet she wish she had."

"Damn straight I do now. I figured you'd be jealous and I was afraid of the feelings I would allow to resurface. I didn't want to hurt you and I sure as hell didn't want to get hurt either. In my wildest imagination, I didn't think it would be this wonderful. Now, I talked to Jim just before sitting down to dinner. He has us scheduled for the next three hours. Will we see you guys after that?"

"Absolutely dear," Mark smiled. "I'm sure we can find something to do."

Connie and Arne were laughing wildly as they headed off to find Jim.

They partied again late into the night and the next morning they were on a very unusual jet heading to the island. They spent many hours looking at every part of the island and to say that they were impressed would be an understatement. Having received a map of the island, Mark and Gary had sent initial sketches to Jeremy. He had an initial site plan drawn up to give an idea of what they had in mind. These were the most preliminary drawings imaginable. They were enough to give Arne an idea. He was going to make some immediate phone calls when he landed.

They arrived just in time for dinner. Arne and Connie saw Jim walking up to them. They both told him that they were going to take the night off if that was okay with him. Arne said he was going to be on the phone for several hours and Connie just wanted to relax with her friends. She also knew that she would wind up in bed with Gary before the night was through. There was no question of that in her mind.

With everyone at the dinner table, Gary asked them to come back to his suite for a few minutes. He told them he had some business to discuss. Arne and Connie excused themselves. Gary told Connie to come to his suite in a half hour.

Once they were gone, Gary said there was no need to come to his suite. "I had a thought today on the plane. We were talking to Arne and he told us that life in Holland was as bad as it was in Belgium and throughout Europe. He said that he had many offers to purchase his company and that he was considering it seriously. He told me they had been talking about this for the last year or so."

Jeremy was lost in thought, "The first thing we learned when we ran into them was that they were here to see me, and that I might be able to get them into the adult industry."

"Are you thinking what I think you're thinking," Mark asked.

"Jill, Mark, Jeremy, and I know her background. We know she is an accomplished businessperson. I know Red and Nancy also know this as well. If they want to get out of Europe and into the adult industry, I can't think of a better way to do it. She would be a perfect fit. For starters, I trust her with my life. Of course, she would have a huge responsibility but I know her better than anyone else does. I know she can handle it."

"If Arne completes this project and winds up selling his company, he will be in our league financially. They will never have to work another day in their life. When that day happens, wouldn't it be fantastic to have the builder living on the island taking care of it for us," Mark said. "I'm for at least asking her if she is interested in it."

Everyone agreed and Gary said she was coming to his suite in a little while. He would ask her.

Before everyone got up, Michelle blurted out a question that had been bothering her for so many years. She had watched this man pull off the impossible, do extraordinary things and she just had to know, "Where do you keep the fucking horseshoe I know you have to have up your ass Mr. Edwards?"

Everyone laughed so hard at that. She said it but they all were thinking it.

The girls got up from the table, walked over to Gary, and kissed him. "We will see you in the morning darling. Enjoy yourself; we are going to be with Arne tonight."

"I love you so much," he told them.

Gary grabbed a bottle of Southern Comfort and another one of Amaretto from the bar and headed up to his suite. He knew Connie loved snakebites as much as he did. He figured they would get into these new ones before this night was out.

When she walked into his suite, he just stood and stared. His jaw had dropped and his cock had immediately gotten so damned hard. "Are you trying to turn me on?"

She laughed, "Obviously it is working darling. I wasn't going to wear this at all but when your lovely women arrived and told me they would see us in the morning, I changed immediately. Arne saw this and roared. He knows all about this outfit."

Gary started chuckling and looking at this dazzling creature wearing that paper-thin spaghetti strap top that left absolutely nothing to the imagination. Her heels were elegant and very high, which accentuated her perfect ass. Her ultra-short daisy dukes filled his cock abundantly. The effect of those Daisy Dukes was instantaneous. "Ohmigod, those can't be the same ones, can they?"

"Yes my love, I've had these since before we started travelling in the motorhome and I have never thrown them away. You are the only man I've ever worn them for too. I don't know, for the life of me, why I packed them for this trip. I saw them in my luggage yesterday. The only thing I could think of was that, as usual, you are right. There are no coincidences and that everything happens for a reason."

"Well I sure am glad you have them on. They have just evaporated the last fourteen years. To me, it's like you never left," he said as he handed her the snakebite.

She took the drink, took a sip and her eyes got so wide. "I haven't had one of these since I left. I've missed this. I've missed you more than words can describe."

She walked into his body and held him tight. He lifted her chin, bent down, and the kiss was miraculous. He picked her up and carried her to the sofa. He set her down and never broke that kiss. It seemed that they were never going to come up for air. It was intense. It was passionate and it was lovely. They were in no hurry. They had all night and they were going to enjoy each second fully.

Connie leaned back on the sofa, took a sip of her drink, and the cigarette Gary handed her, smiling ever so sweetly.

"Baby, I want to ask you a serious question," Gary started. "You said that you wanted to get into the adult industry last night."

"We thought about it for a while. I know one thing; neither of us wants to go back to Holland. The situation back there is terrible. I went back to build a life with friends I grew up with. You know that. I had family and friends I missed more than I knew. Things were very good for a long time but things changed and honestly Gary, I don't feel safe there anymore. Most of my friends have moved away. Many of them are in the states. My family is all but gone now. We don't have much to go on other than the business."

"Why did you pick the adult industry," he asked her.

She laughed, "I've only got you to blame for that."

"Me, how on earth could you blame me for that?"

"When we met, I certainly wasn't a virgin but I also didn't know much about sex. You taught me so much. Then, one night, you opened up about Mark, Jeremy, and Jill. Honestly, you shocked me. I didn't really know what to think. The next thing I learned about was Brenda. That blew my mind. Then I met them. We became the closest of the closest friends. Brenda took me under her wing and she taught me so many wonderful things, that...bitch."

Gary burst out laughing at that outburst. "I'm sorry darling, trust me, we've called her worse."

"Anyway, thanks to you, I became pretty good at this thing we call sex and I told Arne that if we were going to re-invent ourselves, I wanted it to have something to do with sex. I am tired of being the prim and proper wife of a successful businessman to most people, and running to underground sex clubs to enjoy what I want to do most. Why do you ask hon?"

"We always do our due diligence, you know that. Michelle had Arne checked out carefully before we offered him the construction job. This will be a multi-billion dollar investment and we just cannot make a mistake. There is far too much at stake. Our conservative estimates is that will take nearly two years to complete but when it is done, it will be earthshaking.

Our plan is to create a playground for the ultra-rich, ultra-famous, most private people on earth. You and I know that these people are just as horny as we are. They have disposable incomes most people can't comprehend. They like their sex hot, sweet, and non-stop."

"Kinda like we do, huh?"

"That is why I had a quick meeting a few minutes ago. You have to know that there are more than Jeremy, Mark, and I as owners of this thing. Jill, Michelle, Holly, Red, and Nancy also own equally. I wanted to run this past them and they all agreed with me completely. It will take time for Arne to get this done. What we need most is to have someone, smart, shrewd, talented, and drop-dead gorgeous who is not only business savvy but also who ranks as one of the most fuckable women on earth to run it. We want you and Arne to run this for us."

"Are you kidding me? Holy shit, you have to be kidding me. Gary Edwards are you offering me the opportunity to live, work, and play in a tropical paradise. I'd be surrounded by so many fucking wild, horny, pussy drenching men and women. My husband would think he had died and gone to heaven. Holy crap, think of all those luscious men, and women, every one of them horny as hell and ready to fuck at a moment's notice."

"Don't forget the guests too. You'll be able to play with all of them as well."

"I was thinking about them baby. Who did you think I was talking about?"

"Oh I don't know, I guess I was thinking about the several thousand employees who will also be working and living on the island. Many of them will be Jeremy's former pornstars. I just know one thing; your pussy will never be dry. Talk to Arne about it tomorrow."

Connie got quiet. Something was upsetting her. "What is the matter?" Gary asked.

"I love this idea more than you will ever know. It isn't what we had in mind. It is so damned much more than we ever could have hoped. Unfortunately, it would mean that I would have to go back to Holland until Arne finishes the job. I know how this works. He gets a job like this and he is gone for 6 - 8 months at a time. I don't want to go back there ever."

"Well, this is my bad. I forgot to tell you that we also know Arne has multi-national companies that want to purchase his company. He told us that he is considering it. I know he has all the resources he needs but if there is anything he needs, Mark is willing to lend his firm as well. In addition, we know you have a very substantial home, which would need to be sold, and your belongings shipped. We will take care of all of this for you."

"Oh wow, you're doing it again. You always did it and you're still doing it. You're blowing my fucking mind." She had tears in her eyes, "I loved you then, I love you now, and I'll love you until the day I die."

"Ah shit, I think this is called Rapid Onset Juvenile Alzheimer's. I forgot to tell you that for starters, you and Arne would have access to one of our executive jets. The other thing and this is important. In order for this to work, effective immediately, you are entering into a training program. There is much to learn and we have to make certain this goes off without a hitch."

"Where would I have to go to get into this training program," she asked.

"When we leave here, you and Arne would be travelling to Orlando for extensive meetings. After we have locked down the purchase Arne will be busy and eventually on the island. You would be in Orlando, Las Vegas, Bangkok, or the island. You will be with me. I am very busy and I travel a lot."

She was jolted into a reality/fantasy she could not grasp. Words were difficult to form. Her eyes were piercing right into his cranium and her mind was racing. "Holy fuck," she stammered. "I don't know if Arne will go along with this. I mean, seriously, you want me to move back to Orlando. What do you think your women are going to say about this?"

Gary started laughing wildly, "For starters, if I know them, they have already told Arne about this and he is definitely okay with it. The girls want this as much as I do. The big question is, are you okay with this?"